Page 37 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Feb. 27, 1959 3 ' High On The Hill SAIL AND SEE .... so YOU WANT TO GO TO EUROPE Dawkins And Schafer .... SAIL AND SEE Dominate Literary Scene Editor's Note: The foUowi:ng U1'- Service as one of the several priv- into Finally there I was, sailing a run- out briny the deep as ,siele is it copyrighted rleges of membership feature from (fee: $12 per the Pan Collegiate Pl1blicati07lS. year). This non-profit agency ar- fledged, non- paid, but contented by Manfred Joeres by Winkie Richmond I t is presented in the hopes that a ranges jobs for American students deck hand. J was pleasantly sur.' students on this campus 1n~'ght Skip, as he is commonly known, Though never known to hurry in JfW be intlJ1'ested l'n working tAdr way in all western European countries. prlsed when the ship turned out to Farm work is available in all coun- l,e more like the S. S. United States left his home in Easton, Maryland the total length of her four year to Europe for the summer as Bob tries and there is much to recom- than the Mayflower, and the cap- on the Eastern Shore for the windy career on the "Hill," calm composed .... Brown of the University of ViT- mend it. Though the actual money tain resembled Kankaroo more than hills of Western Maryland College Pat Schaefer has an uncanny way ginia did. wage is not as higl) as some other Nemo. It was fun and color. nearly four years ago to start his of getting things done. A/ong these Sa1nB lines the GOLD jobs, room and board, which would ful .. and free! Early in her freshman year Pat BUG plu"s to feature student arti- otherwise be the major expense, is Now if you think J left on short established a reputation as a con- des in the last th-ree U8'ltes of the included. notice, just listen to how I got back. noisseur of fine fruit. While her paper. We would like students to In Germany, Sweden, and Den- This time I left on two hours not- friends engage in milkshakes, she submit interesting and humorous iee-e-catching a plane from Madrid gnaws industriously away on an !lummer experiences that they have mark resort work offers a unique to Norfolk. J left in such a rush apple, orange, or box of raisins. had. Thc articles should be around experience in that it throws you that I didn't even have time to pick and national a social quite with As a prodigy of the English de- Jive h!tndred words long. The up my suitcase from the Rest- partment, she is often absorbed in most outstmnding ones will be se- cross-section of the people. In dencia. her favorite pastime, that of di- Pr-ance and Germany, there are Now I can hear the skeptics gesting three novels at one time. lected am-d published. by the GOLD child-care jobs available, for girls again labeling the whole affair as BUG. Since returning from practice only, with the family usually dash- an isolated instance of luck. But, or the Riviera ing- off to Biaritz teaching, she has taken IlP quoting SO you want to go to Europe? as I have mentioned before, if you grammar rules, which she has mas- Well don't just sit there in your with you as part of their luggage. take such an attitude your results there In a number of countries te red with great proficiency. armchair dreaming about it. Mus- factory and forestry work, and in is will be consistent with your pessi- Owner of a befr-eckled nose and ter up that Richard Raliburtonlike mism. there West Germany a friendly smile, Patsy is never zest for adventure! Shake off are technical jobs particularly electrical, European bound ships sail out of for caught without an encouraging those premature longings for se- civil, mechanical, and chemical en- practically every major port, in- word, or an understanding ear. curity! Do something about it. cluding those on the Great Lakes. This tranquil though forgetful miss "But the expense!" you say. gineering students. But be forewarned-your only is the victim of much good natured "Hogwash!" I say. I spent two Many' Countries Participate chance for work-a-way passage is joking from her friends who swear 811d a half months in Europe last Many st{zdents participate in on foreign-flag ships. Most Euro- she walks with both feet firmly summer and came back with 80c of student work camps, practically all pean countries maintain consulates planted in mid air. A firm be- the $60 I took with me! Prepos- in major U. S. ports, and of course liever in indirect logic, Pat often teruus ? Just luck! Not at all- of which are sponsored by religious they all have embassies in Wash- For those who are so dis- groups. Skip Dawkins if you don't create your own 'luck' posed, these camps offer a unique ington which you can contact as you'll never have any. - well. career as a pre-med student. Since spiritual experience in internation- from with students ul cooperation the days of a lowly rat this re- Worked in Summer Resort other countries. These camps are Foreign Councils Book Sailings markable young man lias made How? The answer to this will But working your way over is quite a name for himself on the surely shock some of you into stop- ~ponsored by all the major denom- not the only inexpensive way to get "HillvIn various aspects of campus pmg- here--by working! For six ~:ar~\~~~a~~/heb~ni~~~ S::'=~~i~~~ to Europe. The Council on Stu- life. A member of the Fischbach weeks I was a handyman at a Dan- Friends Service Committee and the dent Travel, the Netherlands Office Scholarship Committee and other- ish summer resort hotel on the Ecumenical Voluntary Service. for Foreign Student Relations, and wise active member of the fresh- sandy strand of the Baltic south of Though most of these projects be- the United States National Student man class, Skip joined Alpha Gam- Copenhagen. gin at approximately $600 for the Association all arrange special stu- ma Tau in his sophomore year, It may not have been Miami summer, participants are often dent sailings, and the latter, I un- where he served as corresponding Beach, but I had no complaints. highly subsidized by their home derstand, even offers a limited num- secretary for two years. His jour- Why should I! The only Ameri- churches and national groups. ber of work-a-way passages on nalistic talents found expression in can for miles in a country where these ships. The cost is usually participation in Contrast, the Alo- liking Americans is a national A summer in Europe for only $340 to $360 for round trip from. I:a, and the GOLDBUG, whose edi- characteristic ... Easy work along $60!! The skeptics among you are New York. tor-in-chief he became in his senior side ten other students. . Private probably wondering by now how I And if you prefer to fly, the year. A member of Tri Beta and room facing the sea .. Two hours managed the passage over and back American Student Information of the SGA, Skip has nevertheless for lunch. . Room and board and and still spent only this almost Service arranges round-trip stu- maintained a high scholastic rec- $35 a month. It was paradise! ridiculously low sum. Again that dent flights from New York to crd and was recently admitted to My work itself was far from bor- magic little phrase appears-by Frankfurt/Main, Germany, for the University of Maryland Medi- ing. I did everything from carry- working. only $319-a real bargain. The cal School. Although Skip spends ing bags and sweeping the tennis Last June I dashed off to Nor- obvious advantage in flying is that the majority of l}is afternoons in courts to painting rooms and prun- folk, Virginia, the nearest port, to you have mor-e actual time for laboratories, he may frequently be Pat Schafer iug the roses. investigate, working my way over Europe itself. seen chatting in the Grille or talks in circles, beginning each sen- Saw Danish ~'iode of Living on a freighter. I had written the hurrying to some committee meet- tcncc with" . This "grassroots" approach is Scandanavian Consulate there sev- (C) 1958 Pan Collegiate Features ing. A recipient of the Whiteford Well, actually ... " When she ap- the ideal way for a student to visit eral months before but they had Send 351' to "Guide," Box 1215, Suite in his senior year and mem- proaches with an intent look, one Europe. In this way you see the given me little hope of success. At Charlottesville, Virginia, for 1958 ber of Who's Who, Albert Thomp- may be aassured that she is about Europeans as they see themselves, 5 pm when I walked into the office, Pan Collegiate Features, a compre- son Dawkins, Jr. is a real asset to to tell a joke of her own invention. without the rose-colored-glasses the Consul asked me if I could hensive listing in graphic form of Western Maryland College as a In her sophomore year, Pat tint so often cast by travel posters. leave in twelve hours at 5 am the the major tours, work camps, and friend, student, and leader in our pledged allegiance to the "royal BEsides the contact with the guests, next morning in order to work my student travel and employment college community, and well de- odor of skunks" and also joined the I was invited into a number of way over on a Norwegian coal agencies, showing their costs, itin- serves being "high on the Hill." Porn" team, GOLD BUG Staff, Danish homes, to parties and festi- freighter! J snapped back an un- eraries, dates, special features, stu- Porn dent credits, etc. and College Players. She has vals in the village, and my employ- hesitant "yes!" Karen Helbig To courts, and received the honor of er sent me off on several day-long since appeared on various beauty bus tours of the richly historic and Present Recital ing. This year she assumed the gentle rolling Europeans need to And countryside. being chosen Queen of Homeeom- what's more, added responsibility of heading the meet and associate with more On Friday, March 6, at eight o'clock, Karen Helbig will present Aloha staff. Despite her varied Americans on this "grassroots" her senior music recital in Levine activities, she is a capable scholar level. for me by The job was arranged Music Hall. and member of the Argonauts. an the American Student Information has developed Pat Recently A public school music major and member of Delta Omicron, Karen's interest in the medical profession presentation will include two se- and migrates from the campus with alarming This regularity. Iections by Scarbath, "Pastorale" and "Sonata in G," Parudies' "Toc- along with a sudden domestic in- of Rasinsky's Pharmacy (evidenced by a spurt clination cato in A" and "Sonata, Opus 26" crocheting and knitting) seems to by Beethoven. "Reliable Prescriptions" Also on the program are "Lee indicate a marital career in the Jardins dans la Pluie" and "La So- near future, Drugs and' iree dans Granade" by Debussy, Everyday Needs "Sposolizio" by Liszt, and Chopin's Ralph's "Etude in E Major" and "Etude in 30 W. Main St. G Flat Major." Crown Service Coming from North Haven, Con- Westminster, Md. necticut, in September, 1955, Karen Penna. & Hersh Aves. TDden 8·7100 is presently serving as vice-presi- Westminster,Md. Phone TI 8·8352 dent of the senior class. Last spring Karen was tapped for mem- bership in the senior women's hon- orary society, the Trumpeters, and was elected to the office of presi- What's New in the Bookstore??? dent by her sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau. All purchases must be in cash Rer plans after graduation in- clude marriage and teaching. STARTING MARCH 1st On this date book bills wiJI be closed CompUments of for the balance of the year J. R. EVERHART Postoffice Hours: 9:50 to 10:00 COLLEGE BARBER Bookstore Hours: 11:>15to 12:45 Abracadabra At the Forks Open 8:30 to 4:00 3:30 to >1:00 Foolish boy-the best way to make a bottlE: Baugher's Restaurant It Pay. To LooL:Well "Of Coke disappear is to drink it! Yes, swallow after swallow, that cold crisp taste is JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Vi.itThe so deeply satisfying ... and the lively lift is so bright and cheerful the whole day FOR A MEAL OR SNACK AvenueBarber Shop seems happier, just like magic. So open sesame! Just uncap the bottle and get ready for The Pause That Refreshes! Homemade Ice, Cream and Thick Milkshakes Where The Students Go BE REALLY REFRESHED ... HAVE A COKE! OPEN EVERY DAY 8' PenDlylvania Avenue 60ttled under authority of The Coco·Cola Company b" WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA nOTTLING CO.• INC.
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