Page 9 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Librlll'Y '~estern Marylacd "pstmi'1ster, Md , '''tledicuted Soccer Lot" Win Page 4 Page 2 Vol. 35, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND October 25, 1!J57 New Committee "Coronation Ball" Traditional Floats, Activities Highlight Plans Activities Sets Atmosphere As Dance Theme Annual College-Homecoming Celebration The Student 'Government Associa- '" tion of Western Maryland College Homecoming Quee'n, Wilma Robert- A pep rally, on Friday evening, in and enter H'Ofi'aField. mony will be followed by the singing added a new committee to its rostrum son, will reign on November ninth at Alumni Hall will open the activities i The football game will get under- of the Alma Mater. as of the beginning of the 1957-58 the "Coronation Ball" given in her of Homecoming weekend. The pom- way at 1:30 P.M. This will be the During , the- afternoon the dormi- college year. The Activities Commit- honor by Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity. porn girls, the Green Terror, the 3rd time the Terrors and the Drag- tot-ies will be open to visitors. The tee headed by Florence Mehl consists The royal guests will cross a draw- cheer-leading' squad and the Terrors ona have met on the football field in sororities and fraternities will hold of Jane Roeder, Winnifred Walsh, Al- bridge and pass' through the castle will appear at the pep rally. The Homecoming Competition. Western open house in both McDaniel Lounge bert Dawkins and George Trotter. portals into a colonnaded ballroom. traditional march into the streets of Maryland lias played Drexel six times and the clubrooms for alumni and The committee states that its pur- Regal splendor will be the keynote of Westminster will follow the rally. A .. since 1950, wincing three and losing friends. pose is "to make college life more like the decorations, embellished with a bonfire and effigy burning in Hoffa three. The Homecoming dance will climax it should be as far as activities are royal monogrammed seal honoring Field are also planned. . Activities Fill Half the weekend activities. The dance, Queen -wume. band, the colors will During Imperial half-time eoncerned." The committee win try predominate throughout the "palace." Prizes for Displays porn-porn giNS, and the' drill team sponsored by Pi Alpha Alpha will be- in Gill the gin at 8:30 P.M. on Saturday to plan a more varied program of The higi).light of the evening will be Displays sponsored by the various will perform. The band will demon- Gym. As a highlight of the evening, weekend activities. It will also try to 'clubs and q_rganizations win be provide more functions that students the coronation of the queen, with . judged and prizes will be given. etrate some intricate forms of drill- President Ensor will crown the 1957 have enjoye~ in the past. All activi- President Ensor 'performing the tra- The display will be judged on two ing and the pom-pom girls will also Homecoming- Queen, Wilma Robert- ties involving the student body and ditional crowning. The Queen and poins, effectiveness and originality. perform various formations. These son. The queen and her escort and the Student Government Association court will survey the guests -from The first prize is ten dollars. Ribbons groups will be co-ordinated this year the attendants and their escorts will are responsibilities of this newly the heights of her, lofty throne. will be given to the second and third for an 'Over-all effect. The climax of be presented to the guests at the dance. the ceremony will be the presentation An added attraction at any dance, formed co~mittee. refreshments will be served in the prize winners, Identical prizes will be of the Homecoming- Queen and her The first meeting of the committee back of the ballroom. Stan Dermis given to the parade floats. court to President and Mrs. Lowen brought forth the Moonlight Melodies The soccer team will play the alum- S. Ensor. The girls will be escorted ROTC Announces idea which was to be held on Friday, is in charge of seeing that everyolle ni team at 11 A.M. Saturday. Some through a formation of the Honor October 18, in Harvey Stone Park. gets through to eat. of the- returning players are Denny Guard, the band, and the pom-pom Six New Sponsors However, due to inclement weather, Busy in the capacity of general "Harmon, Stan Entwisle and Frank girls by officers who are seniors in it was pmtponed until a future date. chairman of the dance is Don Lota. Robey. the R.O.T.C. Battalions. This cere- H will be rescheduled as soon as time Luther Martin heads the decoration Parade Begins at Armory ROTC units recently elected their permits. ' committee with the Sigmas giving The Homecoming parade will leave sponsors for the 1957-58 school year. Jean They are: Lambertson, Bat- The "Turn-About Harvest Hop", their assist~nce. Joe Glorioso is tack- the Armory shortly after lunch on talion Staff; Lynn Sterling, Band; cancelled because of the large number ing up posters, as head of the publici- Saturday. Features of the parade in- Club Neuis Sue Cossabone, A Company; Ruth of illnesses, will be rescheduled soon. ty committee, and Dick Davidson has clude a float with the Homecoming This party will evoke a somewhat dif- charge of tickets. Programs' are the Queen and her attendants, the band, F.T.A. ' Anderson, B Company; Mary Lou ferent atmosphere since it is similar responsibility of Bob McConnick. the pom-pom girls and the drill team-. The F.T.A. will hold its second Dorsey, C Company; and Sue David- to a Sadie Hawkins affair-girls ask- . Ches Kellam's Band will furnish The clubs and organizations will meeting on November 4 in McDaniel son, Honor -Ouerd. is a senior Lambertson Miss ing boys fpr dates. The price is set the music for the dance, which will enter many floats whose themes will Lounge at 6:45. The speaker for this English-education major from Pitts- at fifty cents per couple and refresh- begin at 8:30 in Gill Gym and last be kept secret until the parade. The meeting will be Mrs. Mary Warren, burgh, Pennsylvania. She is an ac- ments wii1 be served. Entertainment until 11 :30. Tickets can be purchased procession will follow Main Street psychology teachercfn the department tive member of F.T.A. and Phi Alpha . and prizes will add to the conception from any Black and White for ~2.50. here. In keeping with the club's effort Mu sorority. Also interested in dra- of the party. It-is to be held at the to bring to the students information matics, she is a member of the Col- Carroll County Agricultural Center. French Club To that will make them better teachers, lege Players. The Activities Committee expects Asiatic Flu Doubtful Mrs. Warren will speak on "Discipline The Band sponsor, Miss Sterling, no financial gain from any function Sponsor Orphan on the Secondary Level." has musical ability as abe !lings in planned. An endeavor will be made Miss Virginia Stoner, college Western Maryland has been partici- the Glee Club. Hailing from Crisfield, to have various activities on as many Miss Ruth Benson, former house nurse, announced this week pating in F.T.A, both on the state Maryland, Lynn is an English major. Friday and Saturday nights as pos- director for McDaniel Hall, has made that as far as she knew, no and national levels. Three of the state She was also selected as freshman sible. Sin~e this committee works for it possible for the Cercle Francais to Asiatic flu is present on our student N.E.A. officers' are students homecoming attendant. the benefit of the student, any help- again sponsor Claude Pertuy for the campus. However, due to the here. Jim Lightner, president of the Miss Cossabone, a history-educa- ful suggestions will be appreciated. third year. fact that for diagnosis 'Of this W.M.C. chapter is also president of tion major, is from Woodbury, New It meets on \Vednesdpy afternoons Claude, who lives with his grand- flu a blood test is necessary, the state association; Beverly Bos- Jersey. A sophomore, Sue was chosen - and all students are welcome. mother in Vosges in northeastern she couldn't be sure. It is the worth is serving the state as first vice by her class as homecoming attend- France, is a war orphan He is now opinion of Miss Stoner and president, and Sherry Phelps, who is ant for this year. She is a member of fourteen years old, and corresponds local doctors that the large secretary of the campus group, is a the' cheerleaders, the glee club, and regularly with the members of Cercle number of sicknesses on our member-at-Iarge for the state organi- Phi Alpha Mu sorority. ALOHA Praneaia. campus is due to a combination zation. Miss Anderson of Silver Spring, Argonauts Miss Benson has been living gubscriptiona for the 1958 edi- Menton, in the south of France for a in of a variety of viruses. The in- The Argonauts will meet for the in- Maryland, is a freshman music major firmary is crowded. The non- tion of the college yearbook will number of years. It is through her infectious cases are being sent stallation of their new associate mem- anticipating a career in music-educa- go on sale beginning Monday, check that the club is able to under- back to the dorm for bed rest bers ori November 18th, at 7:00 p.m., tion. She was formerly a finalist, in October 28, 1957. The cost'to due to lack of space in the in- in ~cDa~iel Lo~nge. :>ul'ing the the "Miss Washington" contest. the student will be $5.50 per :~~bg~h:'Sa:,:~~:r,s~~ldr:~ F:l:e::~ "- firmary. Some patients have meeting, a talk Will be gwen by Dr. Miss Dorsey is a senior Baltimore- copy payable at the time of sub- tion" of New York City. ' been sent home at their request. Szylagyi, our new Professor of Art. an majoring in home economics. Her scription, in two installments of Besides the food end clothing sent The patients that are being The names of the new members will activities include cheerleaders, Sig- $2.75 each, or applicable to the by "Save the Children Federation," sent back to the dorm are al- be published in a later issue of the' ma Sigma Tau sorority, and Tri-Beta. student's book hill. the members of Cercle F'rancaia-f'rorn .... lowed to attend as many classes GOLDBUG. Honor Guard sponsor Miss David- time to time send presents to Claude. as possible and to attend meals, Tti-Beta son is from Tom's River, New Jersey. but are encouraged to eliminate This Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., She is a senior home-economics ma- all other activities. Nurse at the home of Dr. Sturdivant, new jor, a member of 'I'rf-Beta, and vice president of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. French Horn, Piano, Cello,'Violin Stoner comments that there are members will bc initiated into Tri- ways which may help a person Beta, a national organization for out- To Be Presented In Concert avoid this illness: 1) get plenty standing biology stud~nts. to "Mr. Pennybacker" The following have been'invited of rest, 2) get ample nourish- become full members: ment, 3) avoid crowds, 4) don't Mary Lou Dor- become exposed to situations sey, Ruth Glenn, Charles Hunt, Betty To Be Given By A new experience in fine music will posers. It is eloquent testimony to where a chill m~y be allowed Reid, Ellen Richmond, Wilma Robert- be offered by the Eger Player~ in a Mr. Eger's musicianship that over 110 to arise, and 5) prepare to ob- son, Joan Robinson and George Thorn; ColI.ege Players concert on. Friday, N'Ovember 1, 1957, new manuscripts featuring the horn tain medical attention as soon ". at 8 :15, in Alumni Hall. The only have been submittJI to him, indud- as any symptoms are noticed. Invited to join the society on pro~ The annual Thanksgiving Play will ensemble of its kind in the world, the ing compositions by Castelnuovo-Te- visional membership are: Bill Achen- be presented by the CQllege Players at November 22, evening, Friday Eger Players feature French horn desco, Gruenberg, Korn, and Britten. bach, Beverly Bosworth, Eileen Gal- with piano, violin and cello in a vari- Mr. Eger has further enriched French vin, Duvall Joiner, Tom Kaylor, Elaine 8 :15 in Alumni Hall. Thr; Remark- ety of combinations, playing solo.s, horn literature with his own tran- Fraternities On Lovell, Dick Palmer, Kay Payne, Sal- able Mr. Pennypacker by Fain duets, trios and quartets. scriptions of great masterpieces. ly Thompson, Ann Voshell and Gordon O'Brian is a comedy in three acts Joseph Eger, leader of the en- Last season, the Eger Players pre- Hill Pledge 58 Weiner. termed "uproarious" by the N 610 semble and America's foremost sented premieres of several contempo- York Timelf. French hornist, has appeared as solo- rary compositions in a Town Hall Final bidding was completed by the Directing the play will be Miss ist with major orchestras and en- program of unusual interest. In ad- four frfternities on campus on Tues~ Lowell Nesbitt Esther Smith. The sets will be de- sembles throughout the world. This dition to works by Beethoven and day, October 22. Prospective mem- signed by Mrs. Joy Winfrey and exe- brilliant horn virtuoso is one of the Brahms, the ensemble gave the first. bers received their bids Wednesday Opens Exhibit cuted by Marlin Roser and Jack most able performers before the pub- Ameljican perfonnance of Benjamin morning and were given until noon Anderoon. In charge of lighting is lic today. It is largely through his Britten'~ Canticle Ill, the first New yesterday to make their decisions. Of The first of five scheduled al't James Lightner. unique artistry that the French horn York performance of Haydn's Trio the 58 boys joining frats, an almost shows planned by the Western Mary- The play, which was produced on has found its rightful place in the for horn, vlOlm, and cello, Peter even four way split could be seen land Art Department opened on Wed- Broadway in 1933, starred Burgess family of great solo instruments. Korn's Phantasy (written for the Alpha Gamma Tau received the foI- nesday, October 23, arid will continue Meredith. The College Players are Mr. Eger has been a member of the Eger Players), and world premiered" lowing members: Carson Lankford, through November 13. featuring Jack Anderson in the lead summer ~aculty at Aspen f~r f'Our" several jazz selections composed es- Clark Kirkman, Steve Margolis, Bob Exhibiting is a promising young role. seasons, IS one of the orgamzers ~f pecially for the ensemble. Anderson, Ronald Harman, Dave Wil- artist, Lowell Nesbitt o~ Baltimore. Traditionally, the College Players the Los Angeles Horn Club, and IS "... fine, sensitive, musicianly Iiams, John Weagley, Ronald Sindy, Mr. Nesbitt is a perennial prize win- will charge an admission of $1.00 per also. acti:ve in radio, television and played " warmly cheered by audi- Chuck Myers, Fred Burgee, and Bob ner and has had several one man person for' the Thanksgiving Play. motIOn pictures. Eger's first solo LP ence," comments the New York Times. Johnion. shows. He has exhibited widely in This is the ()nly time throughout the album, "Around the Horn," will be "An extraordinary performance. . . Delta Pi Alpha pledged the follow- Baltimore. . year that the group charges admis- l.released by RCA Victor in the fall of Mr. Eger is a fantastic Technician," ing: George Becker, Eldridge Ward, The artist was present on the open- sion for any of its productions. With 1957. says the New York Herald Tribune. Louis Schatt, Bruce Miller, James ing night of the show from 8:00-10:00. these proceeds the Dr2.matic Art De- The extraordinary talents of this Many favorable comments have been Thomas, Robert Mort, Joseph Bender, The show includes paintings, prints, partment is able to purchase equip- young perfonner have inspired the made by other newspapers from coast Justin Williams, George Wellings, and - drawings, in a combination of ment needed for the remaining pro- - works of many contemporary com- to coast about the Eger Players. (Cant. on P. 2, Col. 5) media. . ductions.
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