Page 12 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 12
The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1957 Hampden-Sydney Victorious ,Dollcble Defeat Booters Edge Out Frostburg As Terrors Drop Second Tilf s~~:d~~,~~~~e2 4-2, For First Season Win- On Coach \Valdorf's varsity- eleven While Western Maryland was rors' soccer team was defeated by de- Western Maryland's soccer squad Lee, Hal Taylor, and John Waghel- suffered their second \M~son-Dixon grinding out their six points in the fe~ding n1iddle .At1anti~ Champion- earned its first victory of the season stein were incapi tated with the flu. Conference loss in three outings, as first half, Hampden-Sydney bad ship Dl:e~~l at Philadelphia, 8-1. Drex- in a non-league contest with Frost- Ted Kinter is nursing a broken ankle, the Hampden-Sydney football team scored three times and converted el; exhibiting teamwork, scored three burg State Teachers' College by a and goalie Lloyd Musselman is hobb- rolled up its fourth consecutive vic- twice. goals early in. the first quarter. After 4-2 score on Tuesday. Both teams ling on his sprained foot. Both in- tory, ,34-6. Two .....of these victories Terror scoring was handled by two this, however, Western. Mal'yla~d were hampered by the absence of juries were sustaine'd in the F&M were league games. seniors, Dick Holbruner and Jerry'" played them evenly until the tbird regular players. due to injuries and game last Saturday. Frostburg, too, Miller, who is the squad's leading quarter, DUl'ing the thir.d the flu, and their respective benches was missing players hit by the virus. ground gainer this year. Holbruner Drexel s~ored two more tunes while lacked depth. Two of their starters had been in- WMC Stopped, 41·28 pounced on a lcoseplgskin.m, the sec- Gene MIchaels booted one f-or the opened the scoring with a goal mid- jured seriously in an automobile ac- inside left, Horine, .the Frostburg In \ the cident. game, were players By Penn Military ~~d t~~a:~::n;~;n;iY:~dwi~~e~h;;~ fullback ~e::eor~;o~rc;~;:. last ~~at:s~ntet~: :~~~~~ way through the first quarter. The filling in a t positions completely that coming with point, Miller, quarter, in his less the foreign to them. score remained 1-0 at the hali as in- Pennsylvania Military College ral , position, earned the ball for the re- than a minute to go. This goal was accurate shots feil short of the mark The return of se~iol' Pete Urqu- lied in the last quarter to defeat the maining yardage in two successive scored by Stan Dlugosz, left center for both sides. hart to his right wing position pro- Western Maryland Green Terrors by, attempts. The extra-point try was forward, who booted a total of four Karl Silex wasted no time in knot- vided a note of optimism. His experi- a score of 41-28. In the game played blocked by the on-rushing Hampden- in the game. Drexel proved to be ting the score when, after thirty sec- ence has proved valuable in the midst on Hoffa Field, October 12th, the 'I'er; Sydney squad. much too potent a team for Western onds of the third period, he tallied of a team that is starting from the rors suffered their second straight loss The victors were led by their .f'ull- Maryland. for the home team with the assist- beginning to reorganize and build. to- after an opening tie. The visitors re- back, Jim Giglio, who ran and scored The following week WM journeyed ance of. Pete Urquhart. Myers, for ward the future. mained undefeated for three games. on runs of 2 and 27 yards each. As to Franklin-Marshall, leaving Coach the visitors, booted one through the Tomorrow the team will face a Western Maryland pulled out into the 'half ended, the home team led, Uhrig and John Waghelstein home posts, and Proatbm-g- took the lead Catholic University squad here at sick. The game ior most of the first an early lead mid-way in the first 20-6. half was a defensive game, with the 2-1. 2 :O~ in a Mason-Dixon Conference quarter when, Gen-y Miller romped off However, in the third quarter, the teams cv.enly matched. The main fea- Beiore. the third period whistle game. on a 73-yard swing play, the longest 'I'errors showed some spark in their tures of this half wer-e an F-M goal blew, Silex kicked his second goal; play of the day. Holbruner quickly shoddy defense as they held the ~host booted by Sam Nolt and the injur-y tying the score, and Urquhart put Hockey Playday added the extra point and the score team scoreless, playing the entire early in the period of uurcgqalie Lloyd the Terrors ahead 3-2 with aelean by Gene At Hoo? College was WM-7, PMC-O .. period in the opposition backyard. Musselman. Action picked up in the shut. They never lost this lead. The second quarter was filled with In the final stanza, 'a blocked punt second half, however, WM was not George Varga, assisted scoring plays. Early in the period, and an intercepted pass found their able to boot a goal while F-M scored Michaels, tallied last for the Green Members of the women's hockey Mike Cockill scampered for 12 yards way to the W.M.C. goal line, and two more. Both teams played well and Gold giving them their 4-2 win- 'squad travel to Hood College tomor- and a little later John Edmondson rounded out the afternoon sc-oring for and were evenly, matched although ning sc-ore. row where they will participate in pushed the ball over from the end and Hampden-Sydney with a total of 34 the score, 3-0, did not indicate it. Five regulars were' missing from their first playday this season. the visiting cadets had the lead. Both points. Late in the 'Second half left half- the' W;M.C. starting line-up. Bruce Porwards on the team are Barbara of their conversion attempts in the The winning team completely out- back Ted .Klntcr was also injured. Boggs, Ardie Campbell, Caryl Jeanne second quarter were successfully ex- classed the Terror team in the rush- Special congratulations should be Junior Varsity Ensor, Ann Gorman, Anne Clemmitt, ecuted byPompilii. The score now ing department as they ran for a given to Ted, who played a fine game Diane Deland, Norma Lee Etzler, stood WM-7, P.M.C.-14. However, total of 264 yards as opposed to 171 before being injured, in his first sea- Tops BJC Eleven Joan R-obinson, and Mernette Houck. the Ten-ors did not give up but fought for \V.M.C, Of those 171, Jerry Miller son as a starter; George Varga, who Immediately backing up the fron~ back to knock the count on a 7-yard was responsible for 103 yards. Too, put on an exceptional dribbling ex- line will be Jean Luckabaugh, Billie- pass play from Schwartz to Hol- the rushing figures substantiate the hibition in both games; und Freddy Joe Shilling pulled the play of the Mae Gill, Bev Hill, Be~ty Reid, Anne bruner. Holbruner then converted and fifteen H-S first downs as compared Stoever who filled in ably for Mussel- year as the Western Maryland,Green Voshell, and Bev Schott. Sue David- the half time score stood at 14-14. to the Terrors' ten. Western Mary. Terror Junior Varsity team dropped son and Carol Pettersen al'e full_ In the second_half, the Cadets moved land found the air lanes equally hard man., which is rather inex- Baltimore Junior College by a score backs, Joan Wood and Kay Mitchell, perienced, being co_!nposedi:lrgely of into the lead quickly. A 40-yard swing_ t» penetrate as they completed only freshmen, is gradua-lly pickinf;_ up in of 14-6. Shilling, who went back five goalkeepet·s. 1 yards in the end zone in punt forma- drive was climaxed by a 3-yard scor_ four of sixteen passes good f~r 62 the experience and cvnfidence it needs tion, received a bad pass from center The Woman's Athletic Association ing plunge by Don McCabe. However, yards. to. make it 11. top-'notch unit. here llas invited Notre Dame, Tow: Pompilii's attempted conversion was and was forced to run. With the help son St. Teachers' College, and other missed and tbe Cadets led by only six of a timely block by Don Leneski, he nearby schools to participate in a points. Another traveled the entire distance o.f the playday at W.M.C. on November 16. The Terrors knotted the score early field and scored fOl' the Terrors, a The first fame will begin at 1:30. in the. fourth quarter when play that officially netted 98 yards, Carol Pettersen, hockey manager, is Schwartz and Ted Farrow connected SIDELJNE actually 105. Earlier in the game, responsible for planping the day's Oil a 20-yard scor-ing pass play. Hol_ Fred Roop crashed through the mid- events. bruner quickly added the E. P. and With AI Spicer dle for 13 yards and the first l'e1'ror the Terrors led 21-20. score. The Terrors, however, lost the lead John Weiner scored the only six Compliments of quickly as Miller fumbled on the en- The Terrors have really had some rough going since the last edition of the pointer for the visitors on a two yard J_ R. EVERHART plunge in the fourth quarter. suing kickoff and PMC recovered on GOLDBUG, Coach Waldorf is n?t disc~raged with the way things arc going. ~ o~~ 25. It took ~ut six plays for the He feels that time will be a great henler of many of our woes. The squad COLLEGE BARBER Vlsltors to score. The final play of frankly needs seasoning, is what he explains. This week is 1m off week, a At the Forks the drive was a line plunge by Ed weekend of rest! Next Saturday aftemoon the Green lind Gold travel to Lan- Westminster LaUluh;y Cocco from the 'I-yard line. PMC caster, Penna., for an engagement with Franklin and Mar;;hall. F. and M. is and scored a bit later on an 11-yard run tough this year and the Terrors will have to be tough to get win number one Dry Cleaning by Cockill which was the climax of from them. Let's all stay behind this team win, lose, or draw, and give them JOHN ST. TOM MILLER the 71-yard drive. the support they so justly deserve! Westminster, Md. CAMPUS AGENT The Terrors were able to SCOl'e IIgain on an option play by Schwartz COLTS IMPRESS BALTIMOREANS PHONE TI 8-8740 for the who scor.e~ fron~ the 6. .... The Baltimore Colts may be experieiicing the best year of their history. DORSEY HAWKINS Modern G. I. Laundry The VISItors Iced the game soon They'won the first three games of the year and were not beaten until the final foe after this on a l3-yard sprint by Jack 'seconds,of the fourth game, wh}ch they lost by four poinfs. When they re- Clean Clothes and Cleaners Navotni, turned from their losing venture, the Colts were greeted by 8,000 fans at and Friendship International Airport. This was quite an impressive welcome! I Quick, Dependable Service 223 E, Green St, guess the secret of their success is the good Western Maryland food they had TIlden 8-6670 Heagy's Sport Shop at training camp while at WMC. All Laundry and Dry Cleaning 'Vork Guaranteed 16 W_ Main NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE For Your TIlden 8·5515 The soccer team is rather short of players due to flu and also due to some HOMECOMING A Complete Sports Line untimely injuries. They have but one win, but showed improvement in the -CORSAGE F. and 1\1. game. Keep on working fellows, we are bellind you. Order From Gerry Miller has gained 372 yards for the Terrors for an average of 7.3 DUTTERER'S yards pel' carry. Nice work, Gerry! The flu long has taken its toll on Western LAUNDROMAT Maryland football players. The scheduled J.V. game with Shippensburg was 114 Pennsylvania Ave. cancelled by mutual agreement as both teams were hard pressed for personnel. Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m.' 5 Locust Street The J.V.'s will play Bainbridge here on Friday, November 1st, at 3:00 P.M. Tilden 8·9350 Sunda~' Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Opposite Parking Lot Basketball practice began yesterday under the tutorage of ·Mr. Clower. There SEE Continuous Evenings from 2 p.m. on 9 p.m. Shows DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 are several 'new players trying out for the team. Dave Harper (Campus Rep.) Saturday and Holidays FRIDAY UNTIL 8:0'0 Closed Wed. 12 :00 Noon NOW OPEN Fri., Sat. '"3:10 TO YUMA" Oct. 25-26 TIlden 8-8677 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Glenn Ford Van Heflin FREE DELIVERY SERVICE - TO COLLEGE Ralph's Crown Service Sun., Mon., Tues. Oct. 27-28-2D "NIGHT PASSAGE" PENNA. & HERSH AVES. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- James Stewart Technirama Dianne FO,ster Westminster, Md. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. PH. TI 8-8352 Sunday. Matinees: ...2 and 4 p. m. Wed., Thurs. Oct. 30-31 On one Jloint connoisseurs agree Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Richard Burton Joan Collins WE PICK UP AND DELIVER continuous from 6:45 p. m. . "SEA WIFE" Benny's suits them 102 tee CinemaScope Fri., Sat. Oct. ,25-26 Color By Technicolor "PICK UP ALLEY" Ben""f'iL Always insist on the finest in meats and meat products Victor Mature Anita Ekberg Fri., Sat. Nov. 1-2 "MAN OF A THOUSAND FACES" Ask for Kitchen MYERS' Fri., Sat. CinemaScope Nov. 1-2 James Cagney' CinemaScope Dorothy Malone 'k/~,Md. A complete line of fresh and smpked meats , (Double Feature) Sun., Mon., Tues. Nov. 3-4-5 "I(EA)~ ME GOOD" "RUN OF THE ARROW" -also- TIlden 8-7830 Frankfurters, and cold cuts "MR. ROCK AND ROLL" Rod Steiger Sarita Montiel Made only from the finest meats Hal March Merry Anders Technicolor Our New Addition WM_ F. MYERS' SONS, INC_ The Colonial Dining Room Pork Packers ThUrs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 7-8-!} Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 6-7-8-9 "JET PILOT" "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" Westminster, Md. Phone TIlden 8·8710 All-Star Cast John Wayne Janet Leigh Technicolor Color By Technicolor
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17