Page 10 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 10
The Gold Bug, Oct. 25. 1957 Human Element Dominates BEAUTY In Paper, Paste Hodge-Podge The evil thing8 of life shall peas, And in th-eir place 'Will stand A 'richer, fuller wa.y of life, ..... Contrary to popular belief, the GOLD an adjective or two or three as long as That bea.uty brings to man. BUG is not written, edited, and copy- it is for the Cause. The sound of falling rain on a wa7'm read by a commuting group of Sykes- "Flu, Ilu, I don't want the flu" ... night; ville chronic psycopaths. There are but he got it ~nyway, and sports edi- The smell of wet rain on fresh., ver- actually people behind the news. They tor Al Spicer wheezes back into the dant grass; are the "dedicated lot" that sacrifice GOLD BUG hole in the wall bearing Alabaster clouds floating to oblivion Monday and Thursday evenings bi- the usual amount of late and mediu, in a sea of azure; monthly to provide an accurate and crely bad news. This is all a part of A crimson sunset over snow-capped timely lining for the dormitory waste life-along with -thechi-montbly wrlt, mountains; paper baskets. ing of "Sidelinea" gathered while hid- A magnificent rainbow, after a sum- Flo Mehl has a variety of meetings ing in desk drawers-in the athletic 1Mr storm,' to attend and when seen is either com- office (he says he works there) and The !i~~t;of stars, on a clear summer \. t1_ng or going. All appointments must peeking through locker room key holes lb==================o::=d ~:v:a~::d;e:k ~;i;d:t"::Il~:lesS:a~:: ;::i:gdSoe::~e;~:;e t~:r~~j!;s bi~~:i~ A babbling 'brook, wandering its way valley; th?'ot1gh a green A Time To Act? "The deadline is Monday night. And tating faculty members, sleeping, eat. The lau,ghler of children, playing all copy must be in then," says Flo as ing soccer and county refereeing with The possibility of a Student Judiciary Board has been rehashed over the she hurries off to another meeting. games (for this he gets five dollars Perfumed a new toy; on a bed of soft, flowers boards of the SGA for the past three weeks. The Board, composed of both She is currently taktng abnormal plus bruises and aching muscles-and summer grass,' students and faculty, would have the power to try major disciplinary offenses psychology which she intends to put to the flu). An emerald lake in a forest of even and pass judgment on th,e offenders. pract.ical use ... the analysis of her - "I love Paris . . . there's nothing greener trees; Over and over, it has been stressed that a set-up of this kind is not intended schizophrenic stalT. There is never a wrong with me, I never miss key The soft hands of a mother, taking to replace or supersede the men's or women's council or infringe on their dull moment in the GOLD BUG office words ... Allen, ALLEN ... Euro, care of a sick child; powers as now defined. It is instead, intended to promote closer faculty-stu, once she "arrives for her witty com- pean history tomorrow!" this.i.s Char, The sail of a lonely ship winging its dent interaction in the administration and enforcement of the existing college ments (sorry, we can't print them) lie Pugh, official agitator of the GoLO way to sea; rules. It is an attempt to put the enforcement of the college rules where they keep us entcrtained while we work(?) BUG'S sports editor and general agl- The color of trees in Autumn, ffhed- belong: in the students' hands. _ Officially next in line from the edi-' tator, period. Latest on the list of ding their verdant coat,' The technicalities of ahch a system are many, and they have not been tor (though not or the SGA blotter) "life's goals" is to make the sports The singing of robins on a clear, worked out. Indeed, there is much doubt as to whether a separate body apart is the position of managing editor, page "different." This' has, to date, Sp?'ing 'I'lWrning; from the men's and women's council is necessary at all. Why not' examine the currenly well-lined (anyone want to involved running a football story side, Falling snow on a weary world; existing organizations as to effectiveness and make improvements where nee- disagr ee j ) by Nancy V. Willis, more ways, a soccer headline upside down, The glory of a. cathedral, standing in essary? briefly known as "Dirty Nan." Nancy and completely surrounding "Side- a~l of its majesty on a hill, The question, though, is not this simple. A re-organization could and most is official cigarette lender to the edi, lines" with laundry ads. The whole ALONE; likely would make the two councils more effective in doing the job they are tor and has just vacated an unofficial mess didn't get past Editor Florence's The wise words of Plate and Socratee, destined to do. The Judiciary Board has a more far-reaching and idealistic post given her by the preceding editor desk. . who have enriched our lives with view in mind than pure disciplinary action. involving "keeping things clean." Mary Hotchkiss, alias "Hotchie" is beauty and wisdom. It is rooted in student self-government, which in turn is ruled by studen(' Ftom 2:30 a.rn. head-Writing sessions found Monday and Thursdays either The memoriee of these things attitude. It has in it the seeds of the formation of an honor system. Members to 7:30 a.m. below-zero walks to the typing copy, writing stories, mlmeo, Are beauUful to me; of a Student Judiciary Board would necessarily have to be students that put printer's to mystical "orgies" in the graphing letters, tiling GOLD BUGS, And when I die, the good of their college before everything else. They, would have to be sup- office, Nancy always manages - to looking for misplaced GOLD BUGS, They'll dwell with 1M ported by a student body with the same ideal. manage. raiding McKinstry for 'old cartoon Throughout eternity. It is perhaps premature to be discussing any definite plan of action. The Front page is currently complicated cuts, cleaning the office, and ~ther -Jean Shadrach, '61 desire for the action must come first and it must come from the student body. by a refugee from the biology depart- various and nefarious duties included Student self-government, by its very name, cannot be imposed from outside. ment. Skip Dawkins has a phennm- in the pfficial title: "Typist par ex- It must come from within. enal memory for unpronouncible ana- cellence and Exchange Editor." Ques- New Pledges If the desire is there, the mechanics become easy. How about it? Is it a tomical terms and other detailed para- tion of the year: how did a biology (Cont. from P. 1, Col. 3) time to act? phanalia of the medical world, but can major get involved in such an un- Theodore Farrow, David Clark, Rob. mess? An Unused Resource: Freedom of the Press never remember what type captions, in. scientific in line for "most valuable ert ~ole, Ken McCauley, Jack Fringer, or headlines bullets, First are written LeWIS Johnston. Yonr Activities Card (ACP)-Editors of the Southern A willing and eager worker-c-especial., player" is Kitty Bond. Her name ap, Gamma Beta Chi's new pledges tn, Illinois Univeraiby'a EGYPTIAN be- ly since second semester is just.around pears in the mast-head under Copy elude: Tom Albertson, Dick Apperson, Everyone would agree that it is gan the year by stating their view of the corner_Skip can usually be found Editor-but (even more so than most Gene Arbaugh, Larry Cain, Norman foolish to pay for something and not what a newspaper to. by just listening. That roar you hear staff members) she has multiple du- use it. This, however, is precisely is not the collapse of Old Main-it's ties. She is an expert writer of last- Davis, Dave Gamber, Jim Gibson, Ed what is done yearly by many students. What is a newspaper? just "Skipper" letwng off steam. An minute stories, supplier of names (es- Gross, Richard Grubb, Paul Hughes, The activities fee is generally paid in A disseminator, of happenings, an ,cx-member of an Easton high school pecially if they happen to be on the John Karrer, Ted Kinter, John Long, the beginning of the year along' with advertising m e diu m for business paper that hI: swears made "first soccer or track teams); buyer of Lloyd Musselman, Roddy Ryan, Karl Silex, and Carlton White . tuition and room and board. In return ..bouses. class", Skip is always glad to converse cokes, remininscer of the Muhlenfeld The follOwing boys joined Pi Alpha each student receiv,es a card. A newspaper is both of these, plus journalistically-if you'll just tell him regime and fill-in for pages one, two, Alpha Fraternity: Cleveland Bate- This card is rrot just a piece of pa- a number of things. But above all, it what "type,Iface, galleys, cuts ... " - three, four. Kitty has never moved man, Wayne Crockett, Jay Francis, per. It entitles the holder to attend is a free voice. mean anyhow. from her position of copy editor, not Chester Giberson, Robert H a r r i 5, campus events without charge. The People may disagree as to what a "Lehigh, I want to go to Lehigh" is because she isn't proficient in other Richard Hastings, Donald Hester, pre-paid fee covers in part the cost of paper should do, but most will agree a characteristic phrase of this pert fields-but because she does her pres_ Lavern Johnson, Richard Lincoln, the activities. The student who does that a paper must be free. No one de_ blonde often referred to as Winkie ent job too well. Kitty is most char_ Don Lowe, James McMahon, Robert not use his card and attend scheduled nies that freedom can b'e abused. Nev_ Richmond. She is co-conspirator in the acteristically found covering up the Moss, Douglas Smith, Melvh:,iStiffler, events is not only denying to himself ertheless, freedom must be qualified, mass confusion of front page. This mistakes of the above-mentioned tnl- and Thomas Ward. unique opportunities to broaden his if it need be, by truth, decency and jig-saw puzzle experience will solve ented staff-and then bearing the cultural background, he is being down_ high ideals. ' future domestic problems. \Vhile ar- brunt of criticism when she misses a right uneconomical. In the pursuit of our goals, we are dently pasting away, she thinks of few. Who would have ever thought tied perhaps by an invisible Bond. For jnstance, there are several good not infallible. When commenting edi- what to pack for her weekend explora- su~ a talented copy reader cl:lUld And so it goes. Fate is unkind. The musical presentations scheduled an- torially we believe we are right. And tions. emerge from an all.night session with most interesting stories are the stor. nually at Alumni Hall. The student because we were free to voice our Suffering builds character and the Webster's Unabri9ged? The motiva_ ies behind the stories •.. and they attendance is notoriously poor, while opinion, this same"freedom which ap- GO L D BUG endeavors to aid Pat tion is gone, but still she remains- never appear in print. outsiders (who must pay adequately plies to us also applies to our readers Shaeffer in this reSllect. To her fall for the privilege) till the vacant seats. (~~:~iO:S~free to draw their own con_ all the left-overs. She is co-editor in The first of these events will be held this frnit salad and often gives it the CmCLING THE HILL Friday, November 1, as the Eger Journalistic freedom on the campus final toss and an original topping. Players perfonn. aa~~(;t~:i;~ NEWS FROM THE NORTH END She puts an end to the old proverb Let's not let our activities cards lie :~~~:ga n:::~:~:!~h "Beautiful but dumb." Has anyone seen Jim Lewis' new, shiny crutches? They certainly have unused. Remember, - we've paid for few, but a mirror for all, an independ_ that ROTC shine to them: Jim can be seen limping anytime between sunrise Page three is also inhabited by a them. ent voice reaching out to everyone. non-political red-head who adds color and sunset. to an otherwise black and white page. How did Lloyd Musselman get his Varsity limp? Playing socc~r? No! Joyce Cook, a hard worker who would This editor was told that "Muss" fell over a water bucket that was misplaced. like to extend her talents to SGA, i6 Of course, this information was on the sly. found on news-fMture due to late Ted Kinter is also on the "hopping" list. This one has been said to have registration. Joyce is a psychology wrapped some gauze around his leg. On the way to the field, the gauze un_ major whose favorite subjects are her raveled and got caught on a tree stump. Tough luck, Ted! friends and acquaintances. She finds A smoke screen permeated the ,Albert Norman atmosphere last week. A the GOLOBUG office staff a suitable military maneuver, perhaps? No---just Roddy Ryan and Clark Kirkman clean- seminar, and attends classes on Mon- ing their rooms for the tirst time this year. Dust and dirt tumbled out of their day and Thursday nights twice a door as the room really got the once-over. Once a year, that is! And speaking month. of cleaning, there couldn't be any truth to the rumor that Bob Fothergill shook Dick Palmer, one of the latest ad- his blanket for the FIRST time last week. A reliable spy informed the editor ditions to the staff, has as his main that scorpions, candybar wrappers, and coke bottles literally raced from that duties the cheering of the drooping blanket! Oh weU, at least give us a warning the next time, Bob, so we can spirits, taking copy to the printer, get dust masks! • spreading Asian lIu germs, and mak- Marcellus, of Daniel l\iacLea, was heard making the oddest sound: "Beep, ing like Sputnik. When he cJlD.find beep, beep!" When asked what he was doing, he replied, "Oh, I'm just playing an extra minut~ he dashes off a few sputnik." lines for second page, which are, for ~ the most part, censored. However, his Who is Bernie Mud, and what is he doing on the third floor of Blanche dynamic personality continues to as- Ward? Va-va-va·voom! sert itself, and a lew quips find their Ah, Fall is really here, as the footballs go· flying through the campus sky way into print because the powers like .. yes, like wobbly sputniks. ' that be are .9idde·n behind a .cloud of Is the fourth floor of Blanche Ward turning into a jungle? If not, what smoke coming from the Cigarettes are those weird sounds coming from a certain sophomore's room? they bnmmed from him. No, Yodar, the Green Terror is NOT Myrtle; in fact, the Green Terror has asked for a date with Myrtle. An additional touch of color is ad- Whoever put in those white paths makes better swimming pools than ded by "Tingling Norris", of foootball Esther Williams. fame, who takes time off from "Fifth What happened to the McDaniel Chorale which so pleasantly used to String" practice and tears himself serenade parting couples at the steps of Blanche Ward? away from the beloved jersey long enough to act as general soother of ruffled feathers. He may often be TO 1\.LL COLLEGE STUDENTS: Baker Chapel is always open for a moment heard "denoting a connotation" of of brief meditation before classes. Why not try prayer as the answer to your something. or other I or expostulating problems? Th!; soul you save may be your own. I
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