Page 8 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug. Oct. 11. 1957 CoachCoynerNames Another G-Burg Grabs Ten To Rifle Team Terrors, R-M SIDELINE \ Decisive Win The WAre rifle team closed last In 20-20 Tie impressive win With AI Spicer season with a very It was one of the and loss record. The Western Maryland Green 'I'er- v beet years the team has had. They Western Maryland's Green Terrors Tomorrow the Green Terrors will play Pennsylvania Military College. The rors playing Gettysburg for the last ~had a busy schedule last year, but and Randolph Macon's Yellow Jackets Green and Gold look better this year than they have in the past few seasons. time went down to a 38·18 defeat. this season's schedule is not as large. waged a nip and tuck 20-20 deadlock Randolph-Macon was stronger than usual and the Terrors did very well to tie The Terrors and Bullets played their Eight of the team's old members on Hoffa Field September 28th. last game in a series which extends them. The team showed th-at they really have spirit when they fought back way back to the 1890's at York, Penn- return plus many promising fresh- The Yellow Jackets kicked off to after being behind. sylvania on October 4. man tryouts. Wayne Holter will be the Terrors to open the game but the I~ the Gettysburg game the Terrors continued to fight even though the~ the captain and Larry Cain, the busi- Terrors were unable to move and were were hopelessly behind, showing that this year's team has a great deal of Earl. Yost hulled across from the ness manager for the coming season. forced to punt. courage. The passes of Warren Schwartz were very good and very effective. two yard line with only three minutes Sgt. Coyner is hopeful for a great The visitors took over the ball on Most Western Maryland fans do not even remember a team that could play gone and the Bullets were on their season, because of freshman) tryout the Terror 39 and took but four plays as good an aerlal game as this particular team. Both of our touchdowns last way. Earlier the Terrors had stop- results. New members of tHe ,team to move all the way to the 12. At Frlday night were by passes; both passes were thrown by Schwartz, one to ped G.Burg's first attempt for a are Ropert Gosnell, Phillip Stansfield, this point the freshman quarterback Dick Holbruner for 25 yards- and the other to Carroll Giese, a freshman, for a score. Frederick Masenheimer, Raymond Sig Howerton unleashed a pass to total of 52 yards. Frank Capitani sped fourteen yards Buckingham, Ronald Poore, Charles end Bunkie Keeton came for the first TD. with through Then Hcwertqn minutes two paydirt COACH WALDORF PLEASED BY SUPPORT to bit Ilater Neil Hickoff passed later. eleven A Mitchell, Birge Reichard, David the conversion and the score stood Clark, Paul Hughes, and Robert Otto. Coach Waldorf seems to be very pleased with the support the student body_ yards to Dlek Ford shortly after Herb The first scheduled match will be R-M 7, WltIC O. has been giving the team. It is hoped that this enthusiasm will continue Payne blocked a Terror punt and the held at the WMC range on October Soon after this the Terrors were throughout the season. Let's all get out to Hoffa Field for the game tomorrow! Bullets coached by Gene Haas led 16 against the 302nd Signal Battalion. on the march after rrosb Don Rem- The P.M.C. team is undefeated in-!wo games thus far this season. They 18-0. The team's" confidence is high con- bert recovered a R=M fumble on the defeated Wagner 14-12 two weeks ago and Bridgeport 13-6 last week. The In the third quarter Gettysburg eerning this match and those follow- visitors' 48. With Warren Schwartz team supports a total of 17 lettermen. Last year P.M.C. beat Western Mary- scored twice on an eight yard run by ing. directing the split-T, the Terrors took land by a score of 19-0. With tbe increased enthusiasm of this year, your Hailey and a six yard dash by Yost. only three plays to move the ball to sports editor believes that it is quite possible that the Green 'Ter-rors. wlll have The final quarter brought another the 14. From there fullback Gerry victory number one after tomorrow. Come on out and give the fellows the Bullet score when Dick Stravolo WEST. MD. BOOTERS Miller raced through the center of support they need for the game. sneaked for one yard. However, the the line for the marker. However, Statistically speaking, the Terrors have gained 292 yards on the ground Terrors got hot after this and scored BOW TO MT. ST. MARYS Dick Holbruner's conversion attempt and 230 yards in tbe air. Gerry Miller is the leading ground gainer with 152 two quick touchdowns before the final The Western Maryland Green Ter- was blocked and the score stood R-M yards, and Warren Schwartz leads the passers with a total of 230 yards to gun. sounded. Both Terror scores rors were downed for the second time 7, WMC 6. place fifth in the E.C:A.C. for the week.. Dick Holbrunar is the 'leading pass were thrown by Warren Schwartz, Wednesday, as Mount St. Mary's won The first quarter came to a conclu- receiver and punter; he also has scored the most points. - one to Dick Holbruner for 25 yards a 3-2 soccer contest. sion as Gerry Miller raced from his 30. In- Giese on BOOTERS EXPECTED TO IMPROVE and the final one to Cerrull Holbruner start Western Maryland got off to a fast a own 35 to the Yellow Jackets a net total Miller gained cidentally, Gene Michaels 52 yard play. scored when a beautiful The soccer team dropped their first game with Eoyola but looked better proved that he has a good toe by con- goal in the early minutes of the first of 130 yarda during the contest. than most observers had hoped. The team is now rebuilding after graduating verting on his only attempt of the quarter. Mount St. Mary's bounced Soon after this Schwartz uncorked a a nucleus of last year's team. It is expected that the Terror bootera will con- game. back with a point in the second quar- pass to end Jim Lewis for the Terrors tinue to improve week by week. , - ter and two points in the third, all second score. Holbruner split the The GOLDBUG Sports Staff this year includes four neWfaces. Helping 111M Soccer Squad uprights and the score read WMC 13, your sports editor as a general assistant will be Charles Pugh. Betty Reid will :~~~~rb;vi~~a~o:~~iS~!~~:I~;:-:: R-M 7. write girls' sports, Bill Kerbin will cover the soccer team and Chester Giberson As the first half neared a close will keep us informed on the proceedings with the rifle team. Bows To Loyola D~~:!:al:ael~:e;:r~:~~:~~ Mary's Randolph Macon moved deep into Ter- ror territory. Halfback Jack Vaughn J.V. Football Schedule In Season Opener ~:~eh~:I~oC:!::~t~~r:~;~ ~~eV~~:i~~ carried the ball eleven yards around Friday, October 11 Baltimore Jr. College .__ . . HOME ~he Greyhounds from Loyola Col- back of th~ goal. The referees first right end for the Yellow Jackets' sec. Thursday, October 24 Shippensburg . .__. ._._ ..Away lege broke a five year jinx by down. qualified it, as a point, reversed their ond score. As the second half opened Friday, November 1 Bainbridge Prep -- . .__ . .HOME ing the Western Maryland soccer decision, tben finaily reversed it again the Terrors were on the move. Six Thursday, November 14 Johns Hopkins ----_. .Away team 3 to 1. The game played on and called it a point. plays after the kickoff, the Terrors All games - 3 p.m. October 4 at Loyola was the first win The outstanding play of the after, hit paydirt. The touchdown play was for the Greyhounds against the 'rer- ncpn was that of the goalies. Lloyd a six yard pass from Schwartz to rei-a since 1951. Holbruner. Holbruner then added made Always insist on the finest in meats and meat products The first quarter was evenly Musselman Maryland, many saves for the conversion and the score was while Mount St. Western Ask for matched but the home team then Mary's O'Conner assisted his team WMC 20, R-M 13. in the third Later MYERS' coasted until shot midway in the final equally well. dolph Macon forged its quarter down kicked in Lou Hofferbert way a penalty A complete line of fresh and smoked meats period. the field and quarterback Howerton culminated the drive with a two yard Frankfurters, and cold cuts The season opener for both teams LAUNDROMAT plunge into paydirt. The score was saw Ray Rossi begin the scoring with Made only from the finest meats an assist from Charles DiPino. Tom knotted when Howerton tossed a PAT 5 Locust Street WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. Keys followed 'a little later with the Opposite Parking Lot pass to 'halfback Keeton. Pork Packers best shot of the afternoon, a ten yard Western Maryland now leads tbe Westminster, Md. Phone TI Jden 8-8710 kick wide to the right of the posts DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 series 4-3-1. which hooked into the corner of the goal. FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Bob Cole scored the only Terror Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon NOW OPEN goal. TIlden 8·8677 As is typical of opening games, the Guys are Sharp, Gals are Neat FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE passing of each team was not pol- FREE DRLTVF.RY SERVICE Benny's is the place to eat TO COLLEGE ished, and several scoring attempts Ralph's Crown Service bounded wide of-the posts. PENNA. & HERSH AVES. TOM MlLLER Westminster, Md. Heagy's Sport Shop CAMPUS AGENT PH. TI 8·8352 16~. Main for the WE PICK UP AND DELIVER TIlden 8-5515 \ Modern G. I. Laundry A Complete Sports Line and Cleaners' Tilden 8·7830 223 E. Green St. Our New Addition capers All Laundry and Dry Cleaning The Colonial Dining Room TIlden 8·667{) call for Coke Work Guaranteed There's bedlam in the stands when the team is on a march to the goal. Keep things goingl Refresh now and then with a frosty bottle of delicious Coca-Cola. Handout, finely tailored shirts, featuring the Ivy Button-down and Tab Collars in fine combed oxford cloth. Made by skilled craftsmen in aile of America's oldest shirt factories. Sold exclusiwly "on campus'; by collegiate agents. GEORGE BECKER, C·32, MacLEA DORM.
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