Page 7 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 11, 1957 English People" Music, High On The Hill. Sororities Pledge A nd Drama ~Charm Dean Harper And Whitfield Lead Sixty-One Members bidding began immediate- Sorority Campus Religious Activities ly with the advent of the new school . By Patricia Schneier . year. Bids were given out in the D~an Howery took a sabbatical leave second semester of last year that By Willa Benson dorms on Thursday night, September she might learn more about the England of today and also the England of 26, and were accepted on Friday eve- ~hakespeare. E~c~ episode of her trip was aimed at her fitting into the Eng- "Margy, I've got a problem. Could ning. Hel~ Week commencing Sep- lish patte~n of living- and learning, and not journeying fast and furiously as yon help me out?" Such are the tember 30, was brought to a close most .tOUrlsts do. There was time for making friends and for becoming inlti., words of the steady swarm of girls with the Hell Night activities the fol- ated into the real pattern of England's present and past. who wander in and out of room 19 in lowing Saturday night. Bess IYelta Sigma Kappa pledged: however, Margaret, M;!~"'h,=,=,,'C·d=''''h'=''='=.'='',=,=,n=ft=ic=t,='n="=ud'''',,. t Blanche ward. listens, and then offers Adamska, Pat Blair, Nancy Brown, sits patiently, conveniently near the British Museum ing such subjects as the American a few words of well-chosen advice. Velma Daughaday, Sandy Eastwood, where she was to carryon her re- Revolution. Rose Marie Grabill, Evangeline Grim, search. This museum is the largest Saw Mystery Plays Music & Religion Nancy Haas, :r,rardy Harrison, Nancy library and museum of its kind in the During June, Dean Howery jour- Margy's college career is centered Helwig, Barbara Long, Glenda Lu- world, containing many important neyed to York. Here am~ng the around her music and her religion, trell, Betsy Newell, Virginia Scott, documents of international signifi- ruins of an old abbey she saw a medl- and in both realms she is equally ac- Ellen Snyder, Eleanor Taylor, Bev- cance. In order to use it, you must eval mystery play. The sky was tive. Those who' frequent the doors erly Weiss, Harriet Whitmore, and prove first that you cannot locate the overcast, and the surrounding bills of Levine Hall can hear her practic- Kit Zeller. material anywhere else in thevworld ; provided a perfect backdrop for the ing away on some new music for the Accepting Iota Gamma Chi bids second, you must be recommended by climactic crucifixion scene. There college choir for which she has been were: Ann Chaplain and Mary Hend- someone in aut~rity. After she had was no sound but the hammering of the accompanist for three years. If ren. not this, she is busy helping some Phi Alpha Mu rec~ived; Barbara ~~~~~~ ;~:~~as!~a~fi;:;.itan:l~ ~y~; !;;s;.ail~e:Sn c;:!~!r;~~;~i;:~e~Ot~~~ poor, confused freshman with his or Beall, Sharon Board, Jill Brown, writer and asked permisaion to use it this moment was the most inspira- her Music Theory or else practicing Phyllis Cassetta, Sue Cossabone, Bev in the library. However the rna- tional of any she has ever expert- Dave Harper for a recital she will soon give. Her Cox, Carol Dixon, Mary Lou Eaton, terial she wanted to copy was so val- enced. interests also extend to orchestra, or- Judy ElliS, Helen George, Bea Gill, uable that it couldn't be taken from Having already attended lectures By Bob Christian and Bruce Lee Dot Glotfelty, Bev Hill, Pat Hill, Sue the quiet room to a typing room. As at Cambridge University, she took a Dave Harper hails from Trenton, Hunter, Joy Keller, Elma Koons, course at Oxford called "Art, Politics, a result, bundled in sweaters and a and Literautre in Seventeenth Oen- New Jersey - the son of one of Carol Luekemeier, Mary Kay McCor- coat she sat in the chilly library and tury England." There were lectures Trenton's well-known organists (his mick, Jeanette Price, Jackie Sapp, copied everything by han~. six days a week. Also following the. da~) an~ of that cit~'s b7st' .cake Bev Schott, Sue Warren, Pat Walk. Attended Theatre policy of the university she attended baker {his mom). Elaine, his stater, Barbara Willis, and Bev Winters. Sigma Sigma Tau's new pledges in- Often found at the theatre, Dean a tutorial group of four (three stu- is the spe:diest re~-headed typist at clude the following girls: Norma Howery saw approximately 011ethird dents and a tutor) where she chose Central High! During his high school of Shakespeare's plays as well as Milton as her subject for study. The years, Dave was active in the M.Y.F. Bell, Phyllis Blaine, Adrian English, many concerts and other dramatic course lasted six weeks and consisted and DcMolay groups. Beverly Garcia, Helen Hultberg, Jean productions. Once at the Royal Fes- of an international group of students. The "Bear" Donna King, Caroline Lewis, Beverly Murray, Ruth Ann Runkles, tival Hall she heard Handel's Messiah Interestingly OXford has not only After a year at Lehigh, the chem- in a version as if Handel himself closing hours buf high stone walls and ical engineering "Turk," as he was Schillaci, Ginny Traver, Ethel Von- were directing it. Both the instru- iron gates to enforce them. Once then called, left his baths and headed derheide, Carolyn Whitfield, and Joan ments and the orchestration were Dean Howery narrowly missed being for the hills of Western Maryland. Wood. planned to give just the right effect. locked out. Also it is a rule at both His name, before long, changed to She acclaimed that the beauty of the Oxford and Cambridge that the stu- "Bear" --cage: Blanche Ward. Be- Compliments of music and also the hall were not to be surpassed even in the United dents wear academic gowns to classes. ing a "Bear" isn't an everyday mat- J. R. EVERHART States. As most of them ride bikes to and "ter of protocol, and this one's ecttvt- COLLEGE BARBER Early in April she-headed for Can- from class, tHey seem both curious ties are as diverse as his distinction At the Forks terbury, the historic site of the great and hazardous. is unique. held a special Music has always Roamed "Junkertes" cathedral. Fortunately with so few Margaret 'Whitfield tourists at this time she said that she As a tourist she loved to roam in place in Dave's life. Here on campus felt much like a pilgrim. In the quiet the antique open air markets which he has done advanced work in organ gan and the girls' glee
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