Page 11 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1957 Academic Robes And Colors High On The Hill Alumnus Relates ~ .. . C S . . College Experiences .Are Historically Significant Seniors Sumboliee W.M. . 'pirii By Joy" Cook . By Jannes Lightner By Leanne IIfa.nning By ManfL71!1W Shears • Classes come and go, the years roll Have you ever wondered, as you stood and waited for the long procession Meet Norma-Trumpeter, Dean's Winifred Roberta Walsh is an im- past, but life on "The Hill" proceeds to file into Alumni Hall for Convocation, Investiture, or Graduation, just what Lister, member of the Argonauts, pressive moniker for the girl we all with few major changes. Miss Nancy all the regalia, robes and colors meant and if they had any meaning? There is and a dozen and one other thjngs. know as Winnie or just plain wi». Winkleman,. assistant director of quite a long history to academic costumes, and to trace this history and all She's that gal with the friendly, sort- Her smile and. magnetic manner Public Relations, told us of her days the regulations governing their designs and use, we must go back to the spoken manner whom you might en- speak louder than words for a girl at W.M.C. from '47 until '51, when twelfth century when institutions of learning were first organized. counter in any phase of our college who is both a leader and an academic- rivalry between schools was the red- Everyday dress for both men and life. Meet her-that is, if you can ally distinguished student. blooded competition which now is women of this time was a long robe costume. The velvet band around the catch up with her, for she is constant- Winnie was a "day hop" during her mostly memories. One well remem- worn with a hooded cloak and cap. Of neck which falls on down the back and lyon the go. freshman and sophomore years, but bered incident was the time that forms the hood itself denotes the sub.,. course, both the students and teachers ject~of the degree. Several usual col- she decided to join the campus life in G-burg invaded the campus and of these early universities, at Paris, ors are: Philosophy-dark blue; Edu- her junior- year. Since then, her tal- painted big black letters on every Oxford, and Cambridge for example, cation-light blue; Art-white; Mu- ent and personality have certainly building which had to be sandblasted wore the same garb. But these in- sic-pink; Medicine-green; and 'I'he., sparked many activitPes, including off. They also had raids. Once' a boy stitutions set up certain codes to dis- quite a few parties in Blanche Ward. from Hopkins---our "friendly" rival- tinguisl;t between professor and stu- ology or Divinity-scarlet. The velvet Now that she has organized her dorm was kidnapped and presented at half- (lent, between degrees of learning and trimming on the doctoral gown may friends, she fmds time for her other time looking like some forgotten relic between different schools. also be in the color of the degree. if interests. These include the French of an Indi~n massacre. the wearer chooses, but usually dhia is When fashions changed, the scbol, black with the exception of the dark Club, music and Sigma Sigma Tau There were a few "firsts" for this ars kept their original styles to dis; blue trim for the Ph.D. Sorority. class. They were the first class under tinguish them from other professional ( The lining inside the hood is of satin As president of the French Club, President Ensor. They originated the people and to show academic- rank and and denotes the colors of the school Winnie has often demonstrated her Junior Follies which "Miss Winkleman achievement. NaturaUy, as schools in from which the degree was conferred. dramatic talents in this a-omance helped write. They had p reviousl y the United States had a deep English For more than one color a chevron or language. Another of her favorite been the Sophomore Follies. Every- background, the academic costume bar o~ one color crosses a field or pastimes is music and particularly thing about their follies' was original. carried over to the colonies, but with background of the other. The hood for the symphonies and operas. She 'Often Their theme was Tradition. These no more system cif design, materials western Maryland has a gold chevron stops for a few minutes in her busy are a few of the traditions they plan- and colors than England had pre- over a green field, showing that the ned and if you read closely, we think scribed. degree was awarded from this school. day to enjoy a movement or aria from you'll find that life is still this way. addition to her record col- the "latest was Code Established A Bachelor's hood is three feet long lections. There Sunday the dinner "Sunday Line-up" when the boys after In 1895, however, as ~ore institu- and the colored band is two inches line-up in front of the Rec Hall to tiona of higher learning were estab- wide. The Master's hood is three and inspect the parade of passing girls. lished, it was felt that a standard, one-half feet long and the band is There was a scene on the receiving simple and adaptable system 'should three inches wide. The'Doctoral hood be set up to apply to most American is four feet long and the band is five She hails from Hyattsville, Mary- of a frat pin. .. as we said life colleges and universities. Such a code inches wide. This hood also has black land, where she attended Northwest- is pretty much the same. The Pit was waa" established and today ninety-five panels on each side and is rounded at ern High' School. Her majors are much in evidence as the locale for percent of all schools adhere to its the bottom. The other two lack the English and Sociology, and she plans their Homecoming in Hell scene. An- other first was the big Mayday week, rules. panels and are pointed at the bottom. to do social W'OTkupon graduation. end beginning with the Follies on Pri, This code expfains the difference in The piping around the rounded edge Major tntereerr Music, but she has day night, a game or sports event on difficulty in finding time for it. i~;s r~:e:u;V~:~ b:cat:eem~:c;~?ce:~:~ ~!h!~~ c~~crt:.ral hood is also in the It was this busy little Miss who Saturday climaxed by the dance on The gown of the Bachelor's Degree Dr. Ensor's Hood was heard to exclaim that she "simp- Saturday night. has long pointed sleeves and is made The next time Dr. Ensor wears his ly had to get in some new activities" In extra-curricular activities, Miss of cotton poplin. The Master's De- hood of the Doctor of Divinity, the at the beginning of the year. Be- Winkleman was the editor 'Of the gree garb is of similar material but honorary degree conferred upon him sides serving in the aforementioned GOLD BUG, associate editor of the with longer, closed sleeves and with by WMC, ~u can see what a hood activities, she may be seen with the Aloha, member of W.A.A. and S.C.A. a slit for the arm, above the elbow. from our own school looks like. It has Porn-Porn girls, or in a Tri-Beta and 'selected for 'W1w's WhQ. A person holding a doctorate is en- a red velvet band on the outside of mooting, or on the Freshman Advis- Then the GOLD BUG sponsored a titled to wear a gown with bell- Uie hood which also goes around the ory Council, or perhaps serving in ~~~~ E~:;y:~: c~~~ i~a~:di~,n H~,e~ shaped, open sleeves, made of rayon neck, and this denotes the area of the the capacity of Secretary and 'Preas- kins costumes complete with a cor- or silk and trimmed in velvet, on the award, Divinity. The colors lining the urer of McDaniel Dorm Council. sage 'Of vegetables. A race between long front panels and with three hood are green and gold. It is round- Three years ago, Norman "bowed crossbars on the sleeves. The other ed at the bottom showing the degree to the purple cow." Now she serves Winnie Walsh the men and women was held follow- two have no trimmings. is a doctorate. His gown has velvet Phi Alpha Mu as- their most able In the musical field, somewhat re- ing tradition in Al Capp's comic - The cap worn is similar for all de- trimming and three velvet bands, and president. moved from Tasca. and Beetlwven's strip. After graduation in '51, Miss Win- .Her leader-ship and service o.n the 5th, is her impromtu performances ~::itc:~h t~~e u:!~~P~~;:;b:::d d~~~ ~~s,;~~~a:~so::~o~sa ad!;:~r:::s~:ir:!~ hill have won for her th.e highest .of popular "classics" which are usual- kleman set out to use her major in with a gold tassel fastened to the left The academic costume is the same honor \V1I1C bestows o.n Its ...semor ly reneered in a strong, vihrant alto English and French. She went into front of the cap to denote the degree. 'for an earned degree or an honorary women-that of becommg a trum- with overtones of something non- newspaper work on the Frederick . Some modifications are aUowed such degree. Post for two years where she was the as the soft, IQose cap worn by some The wearing of academic regalia pe~;;haps you have missed .s~eing ~~s~:;!~:ntj:x:;;:~a~f t~~:i~~IO::~ first and only woman on the staff. persons holding degrees from Euro- lends an air of formality to any occa- She covered the President's campaign - pean universities. \ sion. Jt is part of our academic heri- ~~~~: y~nU~~~wQ~e!h;~;y ::p:c~;~:~ ~:fi::~ance in last year'; Junior in that area, and she secured an inter- The hood is probably the most eye- tage just as books, learning and de- Could you then doubht that she IS ••. . •~ view with Mrs. ~isenhower-one of catching and interesting part of the grees have t.heir part. considered "High on the Hill?" The esteem WIth which Wmme IS the first interviews Mrs. Eisenhower viewed by her classmates was amply gave. shown by her being tapped as a Then she went 0 Loch Port, N. Y., You've tried the rest Trumpeter. Her sorority too has as wire-editor of the Union Sun and It Pay. To LOOk Well Now try the best. Rasinsky's Pharmacy hono_red her by electing her to its Journal. There she wrote a front presidency and by recently naming page column-Arouml Town.-which Delicious , her the Ideal Sigma. was somewhat like Mr: Peep's Diary. The "Reliable Prescriptions" From there she went to Europe for Foods Drugs and Everyday Needs a year. Her traveling companions Avenue B.rber Shop were an English librarian and a AT 30 W. Main St. THE COLONIAL friend connected with the Girl Scouts, Where The Students Go Westminster, Md. JEWELRY CO. both 'Of whom she met through her newspaper work. This 8' Pennayivania Avenue Griffin's TIlden 8·7100 "Quality and Service returned September Miss Winkleman to the Hill to fill the vacancy Since 1922" , left hy Mrs. Lucille Norman. She also returned to the Aloha-this time as sponsor. 32 West Main Street Campus capers call for Coke China - Crystal - Silver overheard, "That was a strange ex- Leaving the office this comment was perience. I've never been interviewed before." FR4-6531 Hampstead R1ding Club HONEY LOCUST FARM It depends on the point HORSES of view, of course, but Riding Instructions everyone enjoys these Saddle Horses for Hire antics. And when there's a quick nc~d for refreshment Miles of dirt road for enjoyable riding . hay) a Coke 1 Beautiful tr~il rides to Pretty Boy Dam Baugher's_ Restaurant JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshake. BOTTLED UNDER ....UTHORITY OF THE cOC ....·COLA COMP ....NY BY WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTILING CO.• INC. OPEN EVERY DAY '·Coke'·is g .egistereotraoe·mark. © 1953. THECOCA·COL....COMPANY
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