Page 13 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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\ ~nlb lug County Hospital Page 3 Vol. 35, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND November 8, 1957 Monday's Assembly Local Professors "The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker" To Feature World Plan Programs For Renowned Author "College 'Campus" Features Anderson And Mackubin The November 11 assembly will feature Dr. Percy Hodgson. Dr. Dr. Jean Kerschner and Dr. John The CSIege Players will present family which conforms to "the mores way it received many rave reviews. Hodgson has a Doctor's degree from Donald Makoeky, both of the Western the Thanksgiving Play on Friday of the. age----except for one zealous "The Remarkable },fro Pennypacker three colleges and is the recipient (If Maryland College faculty, have select- evening, November 22 at 8.15 P.M .. iconoclast. The remarkable Mr. is !'-n uproarious show .•. drenched , numerous awards. His topic will De ed their topics fer the new series of in Alumni Hall. The play' will be Pennypacker, the head of the house- with Iaughterl", wrote Brooks At- on international goodwill. WBAL-TV programs entitled "Col- The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker by hold, is the one rebel. I1Ir. Penny- kinson of the New York Times and In recent years he has made seven lege Campus". Dr. Kerschner win ap- Liam O'Brien. packer advocates Darwinism, nudism, Sobol of the Journal American said trips around the world, once as presi- pear on Sunday, November 17, 1957, The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker freeth"inking, Shaw and Ibsen, all to "A' delirious howl from start to dent of Rotary International. Dr. at 1 :30 p. m., on channel 11. Since is the story of a Victorian who rebels the .hcrror of his eminently Victorian finish!" It was described as "Gay Hodgson has been decorated by the she is of the biology department at against the stuffy conventions ef the father, the forbearance of his wife, and wistful with endless, forgettable, following countries: Bolivia, Brazil, the college, her tople will be one of period. This rollicking comedy takes the embarrassment of his children pleasurable laughs!" by Hawkins of Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, biological nature. She will deliver a place around the turn of the century. and the delight of the newspapers. the World Telegraph and Sun and "A France, Lebanon, and Peru. His book, program entitled "Bees and Their The focus of the play is on a large _When the play appeared on Broad- lot of good hearty laughter! A funny Service Is My Busines8, has had Languages." She plans to discuss the comedy!" by Watts of the P08t. world wide acceptance being printed dancing of bees also. The cast includes: Laurie Penny- in nine languages. The English edi- Dr. Makosky, of the English de- packer, Jane Roeder; First pupil, tion is now in 'its sixth printing, and partment, lias selected a subject of Patricia Krell: Second pupil, Pa- several hundred thousand copies have particular interest to students of tricia Garcia: Ben Pennypacker, been sold. English. He is planning to speak Jonathan David; David Pennypacker, Dr. Hodgson has lectured in over about George Bernard Shaw. This John Royer; Edward Pennypacker, ninety countries and through the renown author has been one of his William Jefferson Tyler; Elizabeth Hodgson Foundation has established all-time favorites. He offers a course Pennypacker, Claudia Payne: Aunt several international scholarships. He in the regular college curriculum on Jane Pennypacker, Natalie Warfield: is President of the British Empire Mr. Shaw. Dr. Makosky will appear Wilbur Fifield, Robert Christian: Club in Providence that includes on the same station and at the same Kate Pennypacker, Nancy Lindsay: among its members President Dwight time as Dr. Kerschner, but on Sun- - Ma Pennypacker, Mildred Ma.ckubin: D. Eisenhower, Sir Winston Church- day, November 24, 1957. Henry Pennypacker, Stephan Callen- ill, Brig. General Carlos Romulo and These two professors are pa~tici- der; Teddie Pennypacker, Albert numerous other important persons. pating in a series of programs which Dawkins: Grampa Pennypacker, Don- His other activities and offices are will involve professors from many ald Beckerman; Quinlan, Thomas too numerous to mention. schools at one time or other. There Ward; A Young Man, James Gibson; He is listed in the Interna.ti01lal will be no narrator or panel-just Dr. Fifield, Luther Martin; Sheriff, Yearbook and Statemen's Who's Who, the professor delivering the talk. Clarence Kaylor; Pa Pennypacker, in Who's 1Vho in Oommoree and In- Each one will, however, vary the form Jack Anderson; Policeman, Clarence dustry and several other publications. of presentation by visual aids. Kaylor. Directing the play is Miss Esther Bachelors Foil Arson Smith. The sets are designed by Mrs. and executed by Marlin Joy Winfrey are Roser. The production managers Attempt o« -ou Main" Tyler, Poppe, And His Brood, left to right, Clawlia Poeme, lVilliann leiJerBon Marlin Lightner and is in charge Anderson. Jack Roser Dawkins. Jack Anderson, John David, John Roym', and Albert James of the stage manager LocalTheater Shows Music Fraternity lighting, and the The scenery paint- is Clarence Kaylor. FLASH ... Recent suspicious ac- new body styles and were mostly tivities on the campus of Western black and white. An alert student Cecil,DeMiIleClassic To Be Installed ing is done by the Junior Dramatic Maryland Oollege have caused mem- was able to give the license number -}rt Students under the supervision .bers of the faculty and staff much of one of t~e cars, P;\A 15476. Cecil B. DeMille's Production "The Delta Omicron, National Profes- of Marlin Roser. alarm. One of the most serious in- Authorities are checking this 1I.tpres- Ten Commandments," acclaimed by sional Music Fraternity, will soon The College Players will charge stances was an attempt to burn down ent. have a chapter on the Western Mary- $1.00 per person. This is the only _OldMain after lunch one day. Fortun- Several students have rep-orted the nation's press, advance audiences land campus. The chapter, Omicron time'during the year that en admis- ately the smoke and confusion at- that they are missing their scalps and ministers of all faiths as an over- Eta, will be formaJJy installed on sion charge is made by the group for tracted a fire engine which happened and others seem to have lost their whelming motion picture experience Saturday, November 16, 1957 at 3 :30 a production. to, be near the scene, and a band of heads. Investigations have not dis- and the all-time pinnacle or movie- p.m. in' Levine Hall. Mrs. Milton Pet- firemen rushed in to- put out the closed whether responsibility for the' making, began its local engagement zold, national president, will preside. Plans For Student November 7 at the State Theater. blaze. The same day, a number "Of thefts rests on a group of wandering Delta Omicron came to the atten- slatternly looking individuals from a Sioux Indians, or the Ubangi head- Ten. years in the planning, three tion of the music' majors through Union Building near-by hobo jungle set up camp in hunters who were here as part of the years in research, three years in the Miss Elizabeth Langsdale, a member the street and subjected the student exchange student program last week. writing and more than a year in the from the Sigma Chapter, Blooming- Made By Board body to lewd singing. Key personnel On Thursday morning of that week. actual shooting, the masterwork of ton, Illinois, who is now residing in \ have suggested that the ring leaders a group of innocent young babies the screen's master showman is by Westminster. A Music Club was The Board of Trustees {)f Western might have been a group of suspicious were abandoned on the steps of Old far the biggest production in film formed for the purpose of eventually Maryland College held its fall meet- looking men dressed uniformly in Main. The mother has not been found history. Utiliz~g the talents of a mas- becoming members ef Delta Omicron. ing on Friday, October 25. At this dark tlannel suits and concealing but was reportedly wearing a purple sive cast {)f top stars and the best Ratty Garcia and Carol Dixon will he meeting • the Board approved the their identies with the help of side- and gold dress when she deposited technicians the industry has to offer, installed as president and treasurer recommendation of the Building and burns and mustaches. Others of the her bundle. If the mother cannot be the Paramount picture backgrounds respectively. Miss Langsdale will be Grounds committee to locate the stu- group had on red and blue ribbons located, a. religious organization on an eternally dramatic and meaning- the Chapter Advisor, and Mrs. Ger- dent union building on the hillside which may Ibe the symbol of a fascist campus has agreed to adopt the ful story with spectacle that has been ald Cole will be initiated as a Profes- below existing' Lewis Hall. Plans for movement. babies. called colossal in its scope. sional member and Faculty Advisor. construction are to proceed as soon Earlier in the week an attempt A pertinent fact which investiga- The dramatization of the Book of In the evening at 8:00 p.m. an In- as possible. was-made to tie up the main flow of tors have turned up is that all of the Exodus stars Charlton Heston as stallation Musicale will be presented At the same meeting, Roger J. traffic around the campus. Numerous offenders seem to have been the butt Moses, Yul Brynner as his implacable in Levine Hall. At this time Profes- Whiteford, a prominent Washington conveyances of all makes and models of much persecution. If it can be enemy, Rameses II, Anne Baxter, Ed- sor Gerald Cole, director of the Mu- lawyer was elected vice-chairman of were seen racing back and forth on learned what inside factor has been ward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Carlo, sic Department, will be installed as the Board, replacing the late William the main-road endangering both lives at work egging the aggressors on, Debra Paget and John Derek. Chapter Patron. A reception for all C. Chase of Washington. Dr. Henry and property. The drivers seemed perhaps it,\viil be 'possible to get to Running three hours and thirty- guests will follow. L. Darner, a Washington gynecologist oblivious to their own danger as they the bottom of the matter. nine minutes, the Vist&Vision, Tech- Those to be installed include: Patty and surgeon was also elected to the sped around. Spectators could give .Becent reports from reliable au- nicclor film is the account of the life Garcia, Karen Helbig, Carol Dixon, Board. Dr. Darner is a Western only hazy descriptions of the vehicles thorities state that there is no cause of Moses from the time his mother Kit Zeller, Evangeline Grim, Bess Maryland graduate of the class of but the general conceneus of opinion for alarm. All is under control-until set him afloat, on the Nile, until his Adamska, Evelyn Todd and Mrs. 1916, and received his M.D. degree was that they were not any of the February and another Hell Week. receipt of God's Commandments. Helen Renner. from Johns Hopkins in 1920. • Miss Lynne Sterling Miss Sue Cossabone Miss Wilma Robertlijln Miss Shirley Ream Miss Carol Burton
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