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Library ':esteI'il Maryland a_~YIm>".te" ,;". "Traveler" Page Page 2 3 Vol. 35, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND· October 11, 1957 \ Miss Wilma' Robertson To Reign Over Homecoming PMS&T Announces Six As Honorable Awards Burton, Ream, Sterling, Distinguished Military Students Received By Six Cassabone Are Attendants WMC Students Miss Wilma Robertson was elected as the 1957 Homecoming Six Distinguished Military Students have been designated by Queen in a student assembly last: Monday. Her court: 'will consist the ROTC Department at Western Maryland. The students are Six Western Marylanders received of Carol Burton, senior; Shirley Ream, junior; Sue Cassabone, Cadet Major John Hort, battalion commander, Cadet Captain Jack honorable awards during the ninety- sophomore; and Lynne Sterling, freshman. Anderson, Cadet 1st Lieutenant Robert Dfckover, Cadet 2nd Lieu- first annual fall convocation held on Miss Robertson is a home economics major from Rockville, tenant Richard Plasket, Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Roger Schelm, and Tuesday, September 24 in Alumni Maryland .. She appeared on the Home- Cadet 1st Lieutenant Peter Urquhart. Hall. coming court in her sophomore year, In order to qualify for designation, Math Award and was ROTC sponsor in her eopho, i~~u~hc:~iP~~ Kerschner And Thc Achievement Award for Fresh- more and junior years. Last year, she ~~~fc:;d~~:t~la~:s~m~: man Mathematics, presented by The I was queen of the Military Ball. The Rubber Chemical· was Company, ~~~::n~~l:;u~:~~~o~n~;;. R~h~~ ~~:~ Makosky Are awarded to Mina Virginia Kirby, '6.,0. Queen has been active in many extra, She has been a curricular activities. have the essential qualities. ~f a good I WBAL Choices Established through a bequest of member of the Home Economics Club u. S. Army officer. In addition, these the late H. Peyton Gorsuch for stu- I for the past three years. She has par- men must be recommended by their Dr. Jean Kerschner, assistant pro- dents excelling in U. S. History, The ticipated in intramural sports since summer camp officer. fessor of biology, and Dr. John D. United States History Award was her freshman year and has been a Three Went RA Makosky, Dean of Faculty and pro- given to Mrs. Janet Bone Cooksey member of the WAA for the same By being a DMS the student may fessor of 'English have been selected and Lloyd Keith Musselman, '60. length of time, serving a,s treasurer apply for a commission in the Regu- to appear as Western Maryland's Erich Henry Willen, '58, a physics and secretary in her sophomore and lar Army instead of the Reserve. Ap- representatives on WBAL-TV's fall major, was the recipient of The senior years respectively. Wilma proximately one-third of all applica- and winter television series. The Harry Clary Jones Scholarship, which served on the Freshmen Advisory tions and recommendations fol RA choices were made by a committee of may be awarded to one or two stu- Council in her sophomore and senior commissions submitted are accepted. students outstanding _in their major dents at the beginning of their senior t years. She is 21 years old, and is a Last year three students from west, fields. The entire group was com- year in recognition of proficiency in ~ member of Sigma Sigma Tau sorority. ern Maryland applied and all were posed of seniors as it was felt that, the phyeica or chemistry department. t Her future plans include home demon- accepted. they had had longer to acquaint stration work and later, marriage. I. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Robert themselves with !fte faculty members Morley Duplicated Morley Me- L.-_. ~~.-. ~_:.; Senior Attendant I Butler accepted a 2nd Lieutenant tban underclassmen. The Felix Woodbridge The senior attendant, l\:Iiss Carol commission. He is now at the infantry Dr. Kerschner began her higher rnor-ial Award is made annually to - Miss Wilma. Robertson Burton, is an English-education major. school in Fort Benning, Georgia, from learning at Hood College where she that member of the freshman class She is 21 years old, and comes from "The Hill" has most happily justified Earp Appointed To which he will go to Airborne School received her A.B. degree with a major who by his or her development on Dundalk, Maryland. In her freshman in preparation for bis assignment to in zoology. She continued her educa- year, she was a May Court attendant, in 1952 Montrose Board the 101st "Screaming Eagle" Divi- tion by attending graduate school at admission to the college community. and she served as Duchess on this sion. the University of Pennsylvania where This award was established court last year. Miss Burton is a by Mr. and Mrs. Felix Morley, with By Governor Sergeant Joins Staff she received a Ph.D. in genetics. member 'Of Phi Alpha Mu sorority and The personnel of the ROTC Depart, During this graduate workDr. Kens- supplementary gift", by other friends, is currently secretary of this crgani, ment has one new member, Sergeant chner was awarded fellowships from in memory of their son who w"as a Dr. James P. Earp, Professor of zation. She is also secretary of the 1st Class William J. Suehowicz, whose both the Atomic Energy Commission freshman at the college during the sociology at Western Maryland Col- senior class. Future plans for Carol official capacity is supply sergeant. and the Public Health Service. academic year, 19'11-1952 and was lege, was appointed to the Board of center around the teaching profession. ~;;t. Sl!ehowic:: came here .fl"'lm Fort Former Histologist presented this 'Jc~·.'"~ Powell Robins Managers of Montrose School for Miss Ream, the junior class repre- Holabird. He is married, bas two chil- Before coming to Western Mary- Anderson, '60 and William Ronald Girls during the past summer. The sentative, hails from Oakland, Mary- dren and lives in New Windsor now, land in September, 1952, Dr. Kers- Harman, '60. appointment, made by Gov. Theodore land. She is an English-education although originally from Pennsyl, chner was employed as an histologist McKeldin of Maryland, will be in et- major and is a member of Sigma Sig- vania. fect until 1961. ma Tau sorority. Shirley is the holder at the Army Chemical Center in Monday's Assembly Dr. Earp has announced expansion of a senatorial scholarship', and con- on teaching plana for a ca- Local Club'Seeks Edgewood, Maryland. She had been in the course, Social Work, which was sequently She hopes to teach in the ele- employed as Do chemist by To Be Highlighted previously effective at the beginning of the 1957- reer. College Graduate the Dupont Company in New Jersey. to the fact that The expansion is due mentary school system. 58 school year. Dr. Jobn D. ~Ia.kosky is a graduate By Dr. Isanogle many new contacts Sophomore Attendant For Study Abroad of attended Columbia University where He Dr. Isabel T. Isanoglc, associate have Girls, Rosewood Montrose Training The sophomore attendant, Miss Cas- College. Western Maryland made. School been State for New Jersey. The Rotary Club of Westminster is he received both his Master of Arts professor of biology, will deliver a School, and Springfield Stato Hos- sabone, is a resident of Woodbury, She is 19 years old and seeking an outstanding college grad- and Dr. of Education degrees. speech on Monday, during the assem- pital are going to permit student~ to is a history major. Sue appeared on uate to nominate for a Rotary Foun- Math Professor' bly period, concerning her recent eab- carry out assignments and projects in tbe Military Court last year. Her ac- dation Fellowship covering a year's In addition to his regular English batical leave. Dr. Isancgle talked at the actual institutions. Students en- tivities include Glee Club, FAC, Rat .post-graduate study in a foreign col- classes, Dr. Makosky has temporarily the faculty banquet on September 17, rolled in the course will have work Rules Committee, and cheerleading . lege or university. The announce- added the instruction of mathematics 11:157,on similar subjects. Her text assignments at at least one of the in- She is a member of Phi Alpha Mu ment was made by Daniel B. St'oDer, to his teaching load during the ab- at thc banquct was "Differences in stitutions. The work and studies will sorority, and plans to teach school president of the local club. The Fel- sence of Dr. Mahlon Peck. He has Teaching, Here and There." Her ex- include an actual case study and each upon graduation. the assembly act, text for is not lowship covers all expenses of a year's previously taught in eight different study will involve a.t least one client Miss Lynn Sterling, an English-edu- study abroad. Rotarr Clubs in for- fields including mathmatics, history, known. or patient. cation major from Crisfield, Maryland, eign countries take an interest in see~ public speaking, surveying, parlia- Enrollment, 3500 The social work class will be di- is no stranger to beauty courts. She ing that Rotary Foundation Fellows ~entary law, music, and English. Dr. Isanogle taught for a full year vided into three groups. Each group has previously held the titles of "Miss gain a comprchensive knowledge of Dr. Makosky first came to Western at the Protestant Syrian College in will be given individual a.ssignments Crisfield High School" and "Miss Cris- the country where they are studying. Maryland as a professor in 1934. Syria. The student body of this in- in one of the three institutions~ field". Miss Sterling is a member of The Rotary Fellow in return will be Neither the topics upon which stitution numbers 3,500, representing There also will be some duplication the SCA and the glee club. She plans an ambassador of goodwill. He will these professors will speak nor the 50 nationalities and 20 religious where the student shows the desire to to go into the field of public scbool be given an ample expense account to date of the presentations llave been groups. About 50% of the students do work in more than one type of in- teaching after graduation in 1961. Moslems. were non-christia:n-mostly travel aroijnd the country learning determined, but further notice will be stitution. There are twenty-eight en- more about the customs of the people. given in a future issue of the Gow Of these 3,500, about 300 are women. rolled in the course for the first se- Three New Faculty One F~llowship will be awarded BUG. This is a very high percentage for mester. Montrose, Rosewood, and of the world. About 20% part that from the Maryland District this year, of the faculty were either American Springfield employ an appreciable Sponsors Selected as well as from 125 other Applicants Four Girls Added number of Western Maryland College districts throughout the world. or British. Dr. Isanogle was one of graduate,S at the present time. Delta Sigma Kappa, Gamma Beta must be college graduates or candi- To Cheering Squad the comparatively few women mem- Chi and Delta Pi Alpha have each se-- dates for June graduation and must bers of the faculty. Pat Welk Wins lected a new faculty sponsor. The speak the language of the country On Monday, September 30, after International Character three new spoAsors will be Mrs. Kay where they propose to study. Selec- many checring practices, two fresh- "The international character of the Beauty Judging Clower, Mr. Philip E. Uhrig and Mr. tions will be made on the ba.sis of man and two sophomore girls were University was not limited to its stu- Richard A. Clower. scholarship and character. Interest- chosen to join the Western Maryland dents and faculty and visiting prrr- Miss Pat Welk, a Western Maryland Delta Sigma Kappa has chosen ed young men or women should con- College cheering squad. The two fessors and lectures-it evcn extcnded sophomore, has been selccted "Miss Mrs. Kay Clower, wife of Mr. Ricb~ tact Mr. Stoner or Robert A. Scott, sophomores arli! Sue Cossabone and to its finances. The tuition is kept Fire Prevention of Carroll County, ard A. Clower, as co-sponsor of the (Tilden 8-8460), chairman of the R0- Jill Brown. low-$275 a year for Arts and Sci- 1957-1958." sorority. Mrs. Marcia' Hovey, who tary Foundation Committee no later Sue, who is majoring in History ences, and $450 a year for Medicine The contest was sponsored by the will be unable to attend thetmeetings tban October 15. Education, was a cheerleader at and Engineering. The dorms run as Fire Chiefs' Association, and tbe win- t.his semester, will remain with the Woodbury High School, Woodbury, low as $40 a semester and board as ner was selected at the Firemen's Ball sorority in the capacity of a co-spon- MELODY HOP New Jersey. She is a member of low as $115 a semester. This is sup- held October 4, at the American Le- sor. Dela Pi Alpha will be sponsored by plemented by the income from Phi Alpha lIfu sorority. the gion Home here in Westminster. Jill, also a member of Phi Alpha $6,000,000 endowment which was Pat was cllOsen "from a field of Mr. Richard A. Clower, the assistant The first Melody Hop of the Mu, was a cheerleader at Sea Clift raised from contributions from all twelve contestants, each representing professor of physical education and 1957-58 college year will be held High School, Sea Clift, New York. over the world as well as donations a Carroll County Fire Company. basket.ball coach. Mr. Clower is re- on Saturday evening, October She is a sociology major. from Ford and Rockefeller. The Sponsored by the Pleasant Valley placing Mr. - Robert Adkins, former 12 from 8 to 11, in Blanche The two freshman girls are Nancy United States, under the Foreign Fire Company, she received an 18" professor of psychology. Ward Gymnasium. The music Smith and Gail Drake. Nancy, who Operation Administration provides trophy, a check for $120.00, a crown Gamma Beta Chi has chosen Mr. will be rendered by Don D'An- has never been a cheerleader before, full tuition, room and board scholar- and corsage, and a radio interview. Philip E. Uhrig, the director of Pub-- gelo and his Melody Men. The went to Wheaton High School in Sil- ships for students from Edpt, Ethi- The four judges, from Walters' lic Relations and soccer coach. He admission price is t\venty-five ver Spring, Maryland. She is ma- Academy, Bard Avon School, and the will take the place of Dl:: William A. cents (25c). Refresbments will joring in Music. opia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Firemen's Association of Maryland, MacDonald, who has recently re- especially in the Libya, and Pakistan, be served. students may come Gail, who is a math major, was on fields of Public Administration, En- made their decision on the basis of si_gned from the faculty to become as- stag or drag. the cheerleading squad at Williams- gineering, Agriculture, and Public poise, personality, inteI\igence, and a sistant director of the Baltimore Mu· port High School for five years. Health." series of questions. seum of Art.