Page 14 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 14
The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1957 CmCLING THE HILL WMC Bridge Club This column is devoted to the Homecoming Game this' Saturday, Novem- Reveals Secrets ber 9, 1957. This editor made a special trip to Dragonland to interview some by Pati Krell leading personages of the Drexel Dragons: Q.: What do you think the outcome of the WMC4Drexel game will be? There is, on the p\cturesque cam- Omar Grodovitch, RG: "Duh, well, 'Of course, we don't expect much. Our pus of Western Maryland College, a !!EMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PR~SS coach figures if our defensive game is sufficient, we might hold the Terrors cult known as the Bridge Players. Subscription Price '$2,00 Per Annum down to 40 points a quarter. But this is high expectation." Members congregate between 7 AM Bank Frell, RE: "It seems to me a reasonable possibility that if every- and 11:15 PM in the Grille during thing goes well, we might not be macerated too badly, We certainly do hope which time they play bridge rather FLORENCE A, MEHL, EdiWr-in-Chief to keep the score down as well as casualties," than attend classes and meetings, RAYMONDWRIGHT,Business Manager Scharry Hmidt, LG: "I dorN' want to play-I got a wife and kids and study, sleep and eat. M""aginr ~itor __ Nan~y-V. Willis a German Shepherd," _ They have a peculiar jargon, con- f'eature Editor __ Katherine Bond Sport. Editor .Allen Spioe. " Don von Bleeps, LHB: (Dropped off squad for unknown reasons). sisting of such words as slam, Goren News_Featu .... Editor __ Joyce Cook and rubber and such phrases as "My Patrlei .. Schaeffer News Editc ... __ ~ Albert Dawkins Trample Tech finesse never works," "We have a leg Ellen Richmond Gotta Tapem, Trainer: "Judg:ing from last year's casualties and hospital on," and various other phrases sure bills, our school budget· cetainly went to pot, We were hoping to rent the to be censored by the GOLDBUG.They borrowing cigarettes, to Call to Song-writers- To Each His Own: Eagles to play the Terrors this year, but we cwnnot afford it." are prone up the tables, asking non- marking Auy Glosa, RHB: "Who are we playing? The freshman team, I hope." box: and New Material Needed The Journey Home Pichael Miernock, FB: "If the goal was behind us--duh !-we might members to play the juke when a pro- chairs behind ducking It seems a shame that a college Much has been said on the subject score running backwards. Otherwise , . , ?" ressor enters the room, "Coach, send me .. , back to Conshohocken, Joe Sputnik, LO (Left out): with obvious literary and musical of Homecoming-presently in this Pa, where I belong. The Green Terror himself gives me the willies." The Bridg()._Club has only one kind ability should have no more college issue, and previously in other issues, of bidding, no hazing, few member- songs to its credit than "Win Western now history, It seems unfair, how- D_umpDrexel ship rules, little segregation and no Maryland" and the "Fight Song", officers. The only requirements for The talent of budding song-writers ever, not to comment on it in the Halter Wunter, RHB: "With Banging Bill Spaar, Double-em-up Don belonging are a knowledge of bridge is evident on campus especia'lly dur- editorial column, since Homecoming Dewey, and Flomping Fred BUrgee in that line, I'd definitely run around rules and a brain. However, the most ing sorority and fraternity pledge is and always will be a subject for end, but then there's Dangerous Dick Holbruner, Trampling Ted Furrow, popular rnember s.own at at least one quit!" Rip-em-up "Red Dog" Tye, Crush::em Carrol! Giese-I much comment, weeks. Rousing songs split the air in Homecoming is viewed in many DREXEL'S COACH PREDICTS: "We'll get smeared!" deck of cards and one pack of LlUky tribute to the ideals of this sorority Strikes. The stalwart members, in and that fraternity. ways. The SGA perhaps views it Reoff Miehard, LHB: "If Conkin' Coolahan and Wallop-em Wellings are general, dislike pinochle, kibitzers, with dismay as the thought of flowers playing-eek! And what about Rambling Ray Crawford and Tumble-em Tom Spirit is most easily engendered by to be ordered, parade to be organized, Riggin and Daring Don Rembert-the list is endless. I'm with Halter Wunter." bad splits, Elvis Presley, and Satur- a good song, Pep and enthusiasm banners to be Jmng, half-time routine Grank F'arufolo, RT: "I can't imagine what those backfield glory boys day classes, seem to be multiplied when a group to be established, floats and displays are worried about. I gotta stop those Terrors on the line. How about "USAF" Perhaps the most active member of is united in singing. This year has •to be scheduled, and items on ad in- Warren Schwar-tz and his air arm, Flashing Fred Dllkes, Dashing Dave the Bridge Club is "Dubee" re Tom Edington, Fiery Fred Roop, Giant George Becker-you can't name 'em all. Davies, genus BUJJ.breahtndus, He :;:~Ol asP~;J:w::::.y ;n;oo~s s~~~ :y::::~::'s~~:~~~ ~ab~~n~=::~ ~;dn:;= seldom. draws a winning hand, and Y'Oucan't leave out the fullback, the F-80 wonder, Gerry Miller!" better yet, good songs could make it voua tension as the fateful week- Chomas Tallahan, FE': "I thought we were playing Westminster High when he does, finesses are failures, go a lot further. end approaches and nobody has an for a charity benefit." splits are spasmodic. His understand- The Gold Bug (suffering f Tom idea for a float or display yet, The Henry Gritz, FB: "Tackle easy, fellows, It's only in sport." able reaction is to throw his cards on lack of a phone in the latest economy football team views it as a chance the table, bellow, "*"0/0$*", wipe the drive) is certainly in no position to for the Big Win in the eyes of the Down with the Drago~s ' sweat from his brow, pick up his cards, and play on, offer a monetary rew{lr~ to aspiring admiring alumni, and the alumni. Headline from Waumsawaukee Sun: Crowd of 5,000 Expected To Wit- Rodgers and Rammerstems. The best they are the most biased viewers of ness Terrors Extinguish Dragon Fire, When Tom cannot finagle as a we can offer is the somewhat dubious all. It is..true that all transportation agencies between here and Drexel have partner one of the various pretty honor of publication herein. There will Let's face it. Homecoming is ere- shut down? It seems as though they refuse to act as hearses after the game, freshmen of the Bridge Club, he plays be other rewards if the songs catch ated .for the Alumni. It is the time Did anyone see that "Beat Drexel" sign hanging on City Hall? Don't with Bill Wardlow, genus Goodbreek-: on, What more could t.he t.rue creative for them to come back and reminicse 1tndUS, Bill gets good cards and has .;-enius want. than the entire student. about the Good Ole Days, It is the miss it! excellent success in every play he at- Drexel Dragons have been given two weeks off-after body singing with gusto his song? time for them to compare families cuperation. the game-for re4 tempts. In this manner, the luck of and agree that college students cer- the Goodbreakundi usually balances Publisher Offers _tainly look immature these days. It Alumni On Alert out the misfortunes of the Badbreak- undi. the great is the time to remember Roaming around the soccer field, I have seen various and sundry Alumni Prize For Novel teams of the past; the classes gone scouting for their big game tomorrow. Aside from being twenty pounds heavier Jan Roberts, genus Peekaboutus, is but not forgotten; the friendships and decidedly out of shape, they look quite eager to huff and puff in their at- the member with the best tips for The Thomas Y. Crowell Company dimmed by time. It is a time to look tempt at revenge. One notable commented, "If the monkey suit doesn't stop my sure success in playing bridge. She employs such clever tactics -as sitting is offering a $2500 prize in its novel long at Old Main and wonder if it circulation, you can bet we'll be real threats. Now which way is the field?" on one leg so that. necessary shifts of contest open to college students only. will be there at the next Homecoming, Lots of luck, man. position give access to the vision of The purposes to encourage young' Homecoming is many things, but opponents' hands and talking quietly men and women to write worth-while most of all it is the spirit of a col- to her partner of diamond rings, the lege, It is a symbol of all it is, has book length fiction and help to launch been and will be. The athletic- con- adVICE .... by Myrtle Mirzendorf French Club, heartburn, and daring them on successful writing careers. escapades. Jan is most dangerous Any undergraduate or graduate tests are important, but they are not Dear Myrtle, when teamed with Dave Edington, student, not more than twenty-five all-important. Win or lose on the For the rxut I have been genus, Noivitus. Though he plays years old attending anr American football and soccer fields, Homecom- turning s·fx eggs in an incubator in with an air of disconcern and bewild- college 01" university during the pres- ing 1957 will be the same success it a mu.sty attic. This I did with 'much erment, Dave professionally inter- ent academic year is eligible, Manu- always has been, love, and concern, and I expected prets periodic signals of kicks under scripts must be at least 70,000 words great things from my half rkizen the table from his partners of the long, typed double-spaced on one side paid. A reward of $500 ,viII also be Brown speckled beauties. However, I genus Peekaboutus. of the page only, They may be sub- given to the literary magazine of the am 1WW in deep mourning; last week The most difficult opponents to de- mitted any time up to October 1, 1958. college attended by the winner. the eggs were ItItpposed to hatch.--and feat are of the genus Playarou:ndus, Publication of the prize winning Queries and entries should be sent they didn't, I opened them to find who have been partners for so long novel will take place yithin one year to: Contest Editor, Thomas Y. Cro- only four dead ckick8, I can't figure that every chuckle, damn and sigh is after the award has been made, In well Company, 432 Fourth Avenue, out w!w,t hapP61l£d because I was so a signal. The m'Ost accomplished of addition, standard royalties will- be New York 16, New York. P!~S:Zet;:; this genus are Barbie Lawrence and :;e~~~nwm~o~:l~o~~!i~~ Marge Miller. Instead of the conven4 forr os chicken eggll are concerned. tional bidding of one heart, two clubs, Yours MOST disapointedly, two diam'Onds, etc, the bidding pro- "Former Chicken Midwife" ceeds more like: "Do 'you have a Dear "F.C,M.", • cough-drop?" "No, I left them in my Yours is not a unique problem. room." "Four spades." Actually this happens every day (ask Other rising members of the genus any hen) and you should not take it Playal'OUllders are Lefty Levyne and so seril:msly, After all, what are six. Joyce Lee, Rusty Maryanov and Patti eggs among the Best of Browbeaten Krell. Buddies? Try,again,'no matter what This completes a brief summary of people may say, and I am sure you the beliefs, actions, and 'personalities will be able to come out of mourning Dear MyTt{e, of the Bridge Club. However, they, and raise your chickens to serve six I have a terrible habit of misplaC4 -like alcoholics, dope users, and Tom- sets in the dining hall a fine Sunday ing things. ] never actually forget my Manville, are addicts of a physi- dinner. Sincerely yours, anything-it's fust ·that it takes me cal and/or psychological thing, To Myrtle Mirzendorf a few days w find it. ] lose speeches, understand them better-join ,them. Dear Myrtle, cli.pboards, a,nd everything vaJuable. I nm very sad. This year is my lcuIt This is 01 ?'eal disturbanec to my A Cooed's Complaint year on t.he Hill as a (:l" think- friends. Wha.t can I do? ing student a,nd I wanted to make a Sincerely yours, "Oh my!" the girl said to her roomie, spectacular hit, With. this thOltgkt in "Forgetful Bachelol'" "I don't k1Ww why I sMuld feel so mind, I faithfully and enthusiastical- PS. I also have a physical problem. gloomy. ly employed the "Slimderelk" plan For no apPal'ent reason, my ?wse is "My gj'ades have been high, during the SU1nmer. Upon my return turning brown .. What do you suggest? "itty mind is quite open, to campus my frien..d8 Msured "1lUI tkat F.B, "My health is still good- my Buffering had not been in vain. "However, I'm nwpin:" To pep up spirit I also made an ad- Dear "Forgetful Bachelor", "I know why," said the roommate so dition to my W1lrdrobe---a raccoon We have the perfect solution f'Or tender~ coat. This addition detracts from the your faulty mem'Ory. Trot over to "You. are void of the opposite gewler. subraction I, How can I remedy the bookstore and purchase a book in "You skould forfeit your grU/, and this situaium? Baffled, which to write everything you should go Oltt w dancell, "Slinky" remember. Don't be too upset about "Where you'd have a good Um.e and Dear "Slinky", this deficiency-it's part of your sO'me torrid romances," Continue wearing your raccoon charm for the feminine company, "That's real neat advice," the sad coat-it lends color and creates inter4 Sincerely yours, co-ed then said, est. While :!-""1Our"subtractions" are Myrtle Mirzendorf "But try to get this inside your head: very nice, it's your bright smile and P.S., too! Your problem appears to "AltMugh I'm a. nice girl who's noil friendly manners that will long be be philosophical rather than physical. always good, . and become at One with the universe. men and Hood.'~ remembered. I suggest you get H'Olt of yourself, "The boys around herc prfJfer fresh- Sincerely yours. "Hey, that's Paul Pygmie, Dick, not the ball" Myrtle Mirzendorf M.M. -P.K.
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