Page 6 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 11, 1957 CmCLING THE HILL Rodent Pests Early one morning while going to 8:00 classes, students were detoured as Invade Campus they approached McKinstry Parking Area. The Roads Commission of W.M.C. Yes, sir, the summer is over and had undertaken the project of laying a single-lane highway from McKinstry lot to join the single-lane highway coming from ANW hall ... and out of the gone and winter is approaching. same rnaterial-crushed Rumanian seashells of the white variety. Under foot it How can one tell? Simply by look- MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLL[GIATE FRESS felt like stony snow-until the rains came. The student approaches this wet, ing at all of the animals that return to college. However, let's be specific. Subscription Price $2.00 Per Annum slimy alabaster mass, quick to note that the path has grown-c-by expansion, During the first week of class, one can perhaps. The rains continued, and it became apparent that the autlJ.orities had a two-fold purpose in mind. 1) To provide It slushy path so one wouldn't hear a loud shrill voice shouting over FLORENCE A. MEHL, Editor-in-Chjef bruise his foot on the hard stones. 2) To stripe the football field on the ground the campus, "Hey, Rat! Where's RAYIlIONP WRIGHT, Business Manager below the hill. How can this second purpose be accomplished? Simple! As your dink 1" This question is asked in anticipation can of an answer-but ~i~h:rrP~:,;~~ Katherine Bond the rains come down, the pebbles slither down the hill into pre-set troughs Copy Edito.r ~eaa~~n~d~;;;:O~ Typing Edltor . Jean Kuhlman rats talk1 If one looks in the diction- Sports Editor ~_~_AI1Q" Sni ... r Photo«raphy-,-.~_Henrietta C. E""om every I) yards apart, except in the end zone-that's 10 yards. In this way, they News·Feature Editor .foyce Cook Exchanll'e _~ Mary Hotchkiss can save from marking the field for games-by putting in a new path every ary, he can find rat listed. -Where? Patricia SchUlTer Circulation. .._ Virp:-inin Pott NewB Editon Alboort Dllwkln. Advertising Mllna.ger._Rohert Fothergill game. The student will note that Daniel MacLea Hall is also plagued-with one -Stop! Under RAT naturally, and EIl~1l Richmond of these classics of road-building--only this time the road is blue. The blue he can see that a Rat is any of certain stone is from lower Sakhalin, obtainable only by requisition. It appears as rodents (genus Rattus) and are dis- though the roadbuilders intended to make a replica in blue stone of the Grand tinguished from mice by larger teeth. The Old Look Spirit: Who Says? Canyon. All these paths need now to complete this presumed effect is water We see this and look back at the rat, is standing or not, who, believe it and we have that when it rai~s. Ol~ pat~s never die, they just wash away. ... The GOLDBUG is once again being The GOLDBUGhas been an avid pro- Foreign students on American campuses are supposed to be broadened there with knocking knees, and we than a find that his teeth are larger printed in the traditional newsprint. ponent in the. past in the cause of culturally by assimilation of local mores, but the situation is often debatable. mouse's teeth. Hmm, maybe rats can The reason is obvious, even to non- school spirit. It has always been "Casco", an attractive Japanese girl soaking up culture of the WMC variety, talk. economics majors. If total cost of generally felt that the spirit was is the case in point. After an intricate explanation of the merits of advanta- But we must go on. Then we production exceeds income, a solution there ... dormant. All that was geous "Room arrangement" by a member of the opposite sex, "Casco" smiled realize that a rodent is a gnawing or must be found to make the two fig- needed was a spark to ignite the fire. sweetly and said, "I understand the words, but not the sentences.'! Someone biting animal. Ah! We look more ures roughly synonymous. One solu- This year, the fire-lighter seems to should explain to her that this is not an uncommon feeling, especially in some closely now, and - yep! sure enough, tion would be to cut frequency of have been found. His name is Rob- of the classrooms hereabout. he's ready to gnaw or bite. He must publication. Another would be to at- ert Waldorf. be - his teeth are rattling. Mr. Waldorf is to be congratulated. At 11:15 p.m. every now and then, music can be heard seeping through So now we must find out what kind \te~~~i~~s~~t t~:t~:s~r ~;:~t~~n is no He did what had been generally as- the air across Campus. This time just happens to coincide with the curfew or species of rat that we are staring solution at all. A college paper on a sumed to be in the realm of the near- time for the inhabitants of the Southern KingdoJ;;" of WMC. Robert Shaw in the eye. This can't be a Norway monthly basis soon loses what student impossible. The opening game of the Chorale on tour, perhaps? No, just some local color emanating from McDaniel rat for they are brown and have no interest and support it may have football schedule was well-attended, Hall in the form of music extolling the virtues of a famous national beverage. tail. Need I say more? It could be had. There is then only the other and what is perhaps more important, Are they closing a meeting with *t~eir* favo!ite song? a species. of black rat, even though it alternative left. Newsprint is con- well-cheered. For once, the cheer- is white, for they have larger ears siderably cheaper than the semi- leaders couldn't hear themselves yell. Freshmen Girls: We realize that the new sorority songs arc catching, but and longer tails. I have seen long glossy ~aper. The alternative,is no The enthusiastic support was well res, even Jerry Lee Lewis doesn't appeal at 1:30 a.m. tails, even though I saw them only alternative. The glossy look must calved by the team as evidenced by one day. Some were dragging the go, and the old look reigns supreme. the fact that they tied a team favored Ah, autumn on the Hill-a time for new friends and old pals, a time for ground. So it could be a roof rat Actually, the news isn't entirely pes- to win. sorority and fraternity initiations, football games, colds and - guinea pigs in which is that varihy of the black rat, simistic. The New York Times and The Saturday afternoon experience junior physiology class. except I haven't seen any on the roof. several other papers of comparable would have been remarkable enough, Of course I don't travel by roof my- merit to the GOLDBUGseem to be do- but there was more to come. Given: . Is it possible that some Gettysburg nogoodniks removed all the directional self - except by night and then it's ing remarkably well without the ad- a game 40 miles distant; an opposing signs between here and York, Pa., last Friday night, so the WMC goodniks too dark. vantage of the glossy sheen. team greatly favored to win; and a couldn't root for the team. Gettysburg's chief SS agent, Yodar Gritch, proh, It could be a white rat but the dic- A subscription campaign is being cold, damp night. From previous ex- ably had a hand in this. tionary tells us that it is a vile sneak instituted to eliminate the sizable hole perience, one could safely predict that and a thieving feJlow _ so that let's in the GOLDBUG budget. A mimeo- there would be at most thirty-five Freehsnen : Congrats on your great pep-rally. Who paid for the Free that out. So we decide that it is a graphed letter will be sent to parents Western Maryland students present, ticket? _ crossbreed - a very rare and special of the student body asking if they and these would be in uniform. The type - at least special to us. would be interested in receiving the predictions would have been wrong. Fre8hmen-: Dr. Griswold asks you to retain your present enthusiasm So we look at this little rat with GOLDBUGby mail at the quoted sub- Western Maryland students lined the throughout your years here on the Hill. Such enthusiasm is refreshing; never teeth rattling, knees knocking, watch- let anything destroy it. stands and cheered the team on to ing his watch - it's five after - with ~~r:!e~:nha:r~~:~ be~n d7s~~aking make two touchdowns in the last four a sad look in his eye, and we say Someone deserves credit for arous- adVICE ... All this may seem like a lot of minutes of the game. WELCOME FRESHMAN! (next trouble without compensatton. The by Myrtle Mirzendorf time rat, wear your beanie.} members of the staff, however, are a ing the students to such whole-heart- escorting dedicated lot. By hook or by crook, ed support of the team. Surely a Popularity" by continuously games, or to football yo!mg maidens via subscription or sponsored-movie, coach who is respected not only by the GOLDBUGwill come out. every the team he coaches but by the-enure .-Try football again to relieve vour Dear Myrtle, two weeks. student body deserves at least this fn.($tatif>1!s. Knowingly yours, I am a confused coed. Within the recognition. Hats off, Coach Wal- Myrtle MirzenMrf past 3 weeks my life has-become com- "Sharing In Christ" dorf. We know you don't believe in to Dear Myrtle pletely reorganized. I was song to singing "battlefield" in the choir-a but we're not afraid predictions, It has two months been twenty By Dave Harper risk one. Ycu're just what this col- since I have seen my one and only. be exact--when a fella named Jo lege has needed. We're with you all came' and sat beside me. We hit it In believing tbat college is a place the way. He is in Korea and I am in college. right off, and my heart was spinning where a student must grow not only Several of the college men have ad- like a "little red top" J 0 had last intellectually and socially but also by a lady especially interested in col- mired my long curls and I know I year. We are now engagcd and I am spiritually, the Student Christian As- lege religious activities. would have no trouble getting a date. wondering if it all hasn't happened a sociation has planned a program for Various speakers throughout the Should I date other men or should I bit too quickly. How can I be surer this school year that we feel will as- year will bring us messages on such Is this MyrtIe'! continue playing the piano and The Lion-hearted. sist the student in his quest for spir- topics as personal fait]), Christian dreaming of my man? itual development. friendship and love, the work of the Dear ltlyrtle, Frustratedly yours, Door Lion-hearted, The S.C.A. has focused its empha- Church of South India, and Christmas I am a Senior in College and py Furry W. Florida Could yon perhaps be trying to hide from, your detect I sis on the theme of "Sha.ring in in 1957. now I should know what I want, but Dear Miss Florida., 1/01.11' identity? yO!t arc not the girl in letter that Christ" in an attempt to bring the' Informal fellowship hours and fire- somehow I feel that I am unsettled. For some womm it is best to have students closer together in a fellow- sides dot the. S.C.A.'s calendar of I was happily engaged, at least I only one and you seem to be of this this duo, but actually the boy who is ship of Christian friendship and events also. And to keep you posted tbought I was, until I met a certain kind. Why don't you go out and play afraid to admit a possible error. My S!lggestion is that you try to palm 'er brotherhood. We seek to make Christ on the area of interest for the month, young man who stole my heart away the piano under a "T'Villew" tree, a?!d off on somebody else. However, if central in our lives, and to live more there will be a display table for your (and also my engagement ring). weep along 10ith it. After all Ivory positively and creatively. convenience as you enter Baker Chap- Now I find that this new love is is much less ezpcnsive than Korean this seems a bit harsh, perhaps you'd In accordance with our theme, we ,I. nothing but a "Horne-Wrecker." "Bills." better wait and see how things de- will begin a series of five meetings on The S.C.A. - sponsors other groups 'What should I do? Sincerely yours, velop. Since yOlt are both in the choir, perhaps you can 1IULkebeautiful churchmanship on October 9. This on campus with which you are prob- Bewilderedly yours, Myrtle Mirzendorf music together? Imidmtally, how's program is geared to bring us into ably familiar, and we have numerous "Recently Dethroned" Dear Myrtle, your mether? _ greater unity in our Christian faith other ideas that can become very Dear Recently, My prablem may appear to some yours, as we learn more about our own de- worthwhile and enriching realities. My advice to you is to stay on few less fortunates to be trivial and Helpfully Mirzendorf Myrtle nominations but emphasize the nu- Your ideas and support are needed, Ridge Road and rid yourself of this self-centered, however, I am in a con- merous similarities that exist in these and we believe that together we can m!lnace. From what you say he is stant state of emotional turmoil. So denominations. With the assistance advance the work of Christ here at obviously "Bad News," and should ba many girls ask for pictures of me of various clergymen ip Westminster, W.M.C. Remember, Wednesday night penned up in a locker. No doubt that I carry in my wallet, that I just we hope that a more interested and is S.C.A. Nightr • smnedall hc will find himself being can't decide which ones to part with. meaningful church affiliation will be "chucked" to the dog/J; if he isn't My brother is better looking than I, obtained by the students here on the "Shot" fir/Jt. and had the same problem, but he hill. Sincerely yours, won't tell me how he solved it. He Christmas Communion Service will Myrtle !lfirZf'xndwf says I must learn to decide these be a highligh).-of the year as always. Now Dear Myrtle, things myself. Please help me. During the Lenten season, Holy Com- As a disturbed college Freshman Signed, munion will be served each Wednes· illy's over now, my only source of advice can come Desperate Adonis day morning. Something new is up It's memorie/J have fled. from you. Before leaving home for Dear Adm!is, the sleeve for the pre-Easter season The laughter and the tears are far college I took the liberty of asking a lJJe only thing I can suggest is that in the presentation of a religious one- behind. fair young maiden to become my yOlt go to Florida for the winter. act play. TOJnorrow's notllet come, bride. Since I have been ,here I find You could lie on the beach and would For Religion in Life Week which is My /?dure's 1mknofCn, that girls throng around me, making no doubt be much better looking with February 9-U, we are very pleased to But this is NOW, me "Tingle" all over. I don't know a sun tan. J.:on would then be a.b{e have acquired as our main speaker, And now I am alone. where to turn! Should I remain en- to give away all the pictures in your Dr. Albert P. Shirkey from Mt. Vern· In time the loneliness lnay leave, gaged to my first love at home, or wallet without qualm,s, and have. a on Place Methodist Church in Wash- Awd thel'e'll bc peace once more, should I continue dating on campus1 new and more ezciting set made for ington, D. C~ This can be a time of And tim~,.at l~t, may heal the scars Collegiately yours, yourself. Who knows? The sun may new insight into religion and every- of pam. Ham Bone even bleach your hair 3I)mewhat and day life as Pl'. Shirkey will attempt BItt time can never, with all it magic Dear ilfr. Bono, inc'rea/Je the waves. Oh yes! If the "I'm sad, I'm not Myrtle!" to guide your thinkin.!ol:on any prob- powers, Let', face it, your "number" is up, waves begin to drown you-jllst call lems or questions that might be Erase the emptiness that calls your YO!t should throw in the towel. I for a hfe guard. bothering you. Dr. Shirkey will be suggest that you do one )of two Efficiently yours, WHO IS MYRTLE? assisted with the duties of the week -Jean Shadraeh, '61 things; either increase your' Bond of Myrtl!! Mirzendorf
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