Page 4 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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4 The Gold Bug, Sept. 23. 1957 Coach Robert Waldorf Predicts Terrors First l'OW,J. to l-.-Strett, l'Ifgr.; Turner; Rizzo; Hurley : Holter; LeFew; Vanness; Ramscier; Bloomer, Mgr. Second row, I. to r.-Myers, Asst. Coach; Dewey; Haas; Holbruner ; Riggin; Spanr; Crawford; Coolahan; Hart; Hayes.; Miller; Burgee; Pugh, Asst. Coach. Third row, L to r.-Waldorf, Head Coach; Becker; Farrow; Thye; Mahan; Edington; Lewis; Fringer; Schwartz; Shilfing ; \Veilings; Bender' Cartcr; Brown. Fourth row, I. to r.-Schroeder; Stout; Rembert; Kimball; Giese; Rinehar-t ; Gill; Kunkle; Roop ; Leneski; Dllkcs; Tingle; Matousek. ' The Western Maryland Green Ter- history and political science. He was He served with the Air Force in the Spear has played football, basketball history and science major rors opened their fall football prac- a Corporal in the Army and partici- Far East prior to entering college. and track in high school and college. tice sessions on Tuesday, September pated in high school football and He participated in football and FTa.11k Thye is a junior economics from Sparrows Point, Maryland. He will again play ta ....kle. 3rd. The Green Terrors are almost track. He will be playing tackle for wrestling at Poly and is expected to major from "Westminster, Maryland. completely "new" this year with a the Green and Gold. play guard. He played high school football and new coaching staff, a new formation, Don Dewey is a junior from Alex- Charles Le Few is a freshman basketball at Sherwood High School Foothall Schedule and a basically new team. andria, Virginia. He is a returning from Hagerstown, Maryland. He in Silver Springs, Maryland. Thye SEPTEMBER The Terrors scrimmaged Shippins- letterman playing guard. His major played football and baseball at North served in the navy from 1!l51-53. He 2S-Randolph-Macon H burg State Teachers' College on Sat- is economics. Hagerstown High School and will be is a letterman playing in the back- urday, September 14th and demon- F1'ed DUkes is a freshman from an end for the Green and Gold this field. OCTOBER __. .York, Pa. 4-Gettysburg strated considerable depth. Head Woodbury Heights, New Jersey. He year. Norrie Tingle is a freeman tackle Coach Robert Waldorf says that the participated in high school football, Don Leneslci is a freshman guard from City College in Baltimore, S P. M. first two teams are very close, and basketball and track. Fred will be in from McKinley School, Wash- Maryland. He is a pre-ministerial 12-Penna. Military _. ..... . ._ A H 19-Hampden-Sydney High at times it is hard to determine which the Terror backfield. ington, D. C. He played high school student. Tingle wrestled in high is first and which is second. Dave Edington a junior from school. NOVEMBER Tentatively, after two weeks of pre- Washington, D. C., is majoring in track and football. Melvin Tsorner is a freshman his- 2-Franklin & Marshall ....._ A season practice, Coach Waldorf has sociology. He will be in the Terror Jian: Lewis is a junior from Balti- tory or political science major from 9-Drexel (Homecoming) H Warren Schwartz, a junior from Bal- backfield. While at Eastern High more, Mar-yland. He played football Dunkirk, Maryland. While he was at 16---Lafayette . .. A timore, and Fred Roop, a freshman School, he participated in football and track at the Westminster High Southern High School, he partici- 23-J"ohns Hopkins A from Alexandria calling the plays at and track. School. He is a letterman playing at pated in football, baseball, wrestling All Home Games-l ;30 P. M. quarterback, with John Holter, also Ted Farrow is a sophomore end end and is majoring in economics. and track. Turner is expected to play a freshman, from Arlington, provid- from Woodbury, New Jersey. He Walt Mahan is a freshman tackle in the backfield. Soccer Schedule ing able replacement at that position. played high school football and was from Anacost.ia High School in Wash- Don VannesB is a graduate of Mc- The Green Terrors' backfield in- active in track events. He was a ington, District of Columbia. He Lean High School in Falls Church, OCTOBER ..__A eludes veterans Gerry Miller, a senior Corporal in the Army before enter- played football and baseball in high Virginia. Vanness is expected to play 4-Loyola St. Mary's .. _ . . H 9-l\It. from Arbutus, Maryland; John Hort, ing WMC. Furrow is majoring in school and exp~ts to major in buei- guard for the Green and Gold. 12-Drexel . ....__. A a senior from Ft. Bragg, N. C.; Dave economics. ness administration. Ken WattB is a freshman biology 19-Franklin & Marshall Edington, a junior from Washington, Jack Fringer is a sophomore from Jim lIfatousek is a freshman end major from Bladensburg High School. .__A D. C.; Joe Shilling, a local sopho- Westminster. In high school, Jack from Baltimore City College. He ex- He is expected to play quarterback. 22-Fl'ostburg _._. . . 11 A.l\f. H more; and George Becker, a sopho- played football, basketball and track. pects to major in Biology. George IVcllings is a sophomore more from Upper Darby, Pa. Filling He is majoring in Physical educa- Gerry Miller is an army veteran 26--Catholic University __ ....__. H out the backfield is freshman Fred tion, and will be a center on the foot- from Westminster, Maryland. He is NOVEMBER Dilkes from Woodbury, N. J. ball team. a senior political science major. Miller 2-Washington College . A The Waldorf line is also two deep. C. T. Gieee is a freshman from played lacross while at Catonsville Holter Places In 8-Gettysburg College _ ...__. _ A It is made up of three freshman and Catonsville, Maryland. He partici- High School. Last year Gerry was a 9-Alumni . H eleven veterans. pated in football, soccer, basketball, letterman. Rifle Matches 13-Delaware _ .__" 10;30 A. M. .__._"_A PLAYER ROSTER: baseball, and lacrosse while at St. Paul "Ram" Ralll801'er is a fresh- Cadet Wayne Holter, a WMC 15-American University H George Becker is a sophomore from Paul's School. He will be playing in man back fr-om Ridgewood, New Jer- 23-Johns Hopkins ._. .. A Upper Darby, Pa., where he partici- the backfield. sey. He played baseball and football senior, recently won second pated in football, basketball and Kenny Gill is a pre-dentistry stu- in high school. place in the Coast Guard Tro- 11 A. M. P. M. track. Becker is majoring in English dent from Silver Springs, Maryland. Don RCtlwert is a freshman busi- phy Match in ROTC rifle com- Home weekday gumes--3 P. M. games-2 at Camp petition Saturday Ohio. Perry, and has written some feature stories He played basketball and football at ness administration major from Ar- Cadet Holter was among 52 for the GOLD BUG. His position is Montgomery Blair High School. Gill lington, Virginia. Prior to coming to crack riflemen from the Second halfback. is a freshman end. Western Maryland, he was in the Army's full - time, part - time Holbruner, Spaar Joe Bendel' is a sophomore from D01~ Haas is a senior physical edu- Navy. Rembert played football and Grantsville, Maryland. In high school, cation and sociology major from Bal- track at Washington-Lee High School. ROTC elements competing in the Elected Co-Captains Joe participated in basketball, foot- timore. He played football and track T01n Riggin is a veteran from Bal- finals. Going into the finals ball, soccer and baseball. Bender is a at Patterson Park High School and timore, Maryland. He fought with more than 1,540 and competitors Dick Holbruner and Bill Spaar- civilian military from physical education major and plays is a letterman playing end. the marines in Korea and was a re- organizations were on hand to have been elected co-captains of 1957 guard for the Green and Gold. Jim Haye8 is a senior guard letter- cipient of the purple heart. Riggin is engage in more than 50 indi- football team. Both boys are seniors Bill Bloomer is the head manager man from Buffalo, New York. He a senior sociology major. He played vidual and team rifle matches. and veterans of the gridiron wars. for this year's football aggregation. played football at Williamsville High football and basketball at Southern Holbr uner and Spaar both partici- Bloomer is a senior and prior to School. Hayes is majoring in physical High SchooL pate in basketball and track, also. entering WMC was in the Navy. He education. Bill Rinehart is a sophomore from is a sociology major from Munhall, Ralph Hei1n is a freshman pre-med Southern High School in Lothian, Pennsylvania. student from Sommerdale, Pennsyl- Maryland_ He expects to major in Another Malcolm Brown is a freshman from vania. He participatcd in football, physical education and biology. Rine- AJe:-:;andria, Virginia. He was gradu- baseball and track at Enola High hart played football, basketball and SIDELINE' ated from Mount Vernon High School SchooL He will be playing end. baseball in high school. and while there participated in foot- Diek Holbl"1tneT is a letterman end Frank Rizzo is a freshman back With Al Spicer ball, baseball, basketball, track and from Martinsburg, West Vh·ginia. from Clayton High School, Mullier golf. Brown is in the WMC backfield. Holb1'unel' played football, basketball, Hill, New Jersey. He played football, Fred Burgee is a sophomore from baseball and track in high school and basketball and baseball in high school Herc it is time for anothcr school practice started today, there is no Frederick, Maryland. In high school is a senior physical education major. and expects to major in physical edu- year. The football team has been indication as to how the team will he participated in basketball, foot- John "Zoobal' HoltfH' is a fresllman cation here at Western Maryland Col- practicing since the beginning of the look. However, coach Uhrig has been ball and track. Fred is a guard in the pre-med student from Arlington, lege. month and should be ready for their very successful in past years. Last Terrors forward wall. Burgee is a Virginia. Holter wil: be playing in Fred Roop is a freshman quarter- first game on Saturday. The team ycar the soccer team . won 7 of 9 sophomore majoring in physical edu- the backfield. In high school, John back from Mount Vernon High seems to be more enthusiastic than games. cation and mathematics. played football, basketball and golf. School in Alexandria, Virginia. He it has been for several years. Coach School spirit is perhaps the most D'ick- Carter is a freshman from Jolm Hoyt is a senior back from plans to major in business adminis- Waldorf has really been working important aspect of an athletic pro- Alexandria, Virginia. While at Fort Bragg, North Car'Olina. Last tration. In high sehool, Fred partici- hard to round the team into condi- gl·am. If the students in a school are George Washington High School, he year he sel'ved as captain of the WMC pated in football, basketball, track tion. One thing that the team has is not behind their teams, the teams participated in football and track. track team. Ho1't is a psysical edu- and baseball. depth which is something new for the will most probably be unsuccessful. Carter will appear in the Terror cation major. Bob Sehl'oder is a freshman pre- Green and Gold. All the fellows have Western Maryland teams need YOUR backfield. Chuck HU1'ley is a freshman from medical student from Trenton, Mary- been giving it their all and things support! All of you come to the open- John Coolahan is a senior frolll East New Market, Maryland. He par- land. The graduate from Hereford look much better. ing game on Saturday and cheer the Baltimore, Maryland. Prior to enter- ticij)ated in football, basketball and High School is e:-:;pectcd to play end. When Coach Waldorf opened fall Green and Gold to victory. ing Western Maryland, John fought baseball at North Dorchester High. W(llTCn Schwari1i_ is a juniQr quar- ccmp he found that he had twenty- The Gettysburg game will be play- with the U. N. troops in Korea. He Hurley is e:-:;pected to play center. terback from Forest Park High five freshmen on the roster. This has ed on a Friday nic;ht in York, Pa. was a sergeant in the U. S. Marine Charles Kimball is a sophomore end School in Baltimore, Maryland. He really helped to build a large squad. This is the first night game in four Corps, and earned here the Purple from Bethesda, Maryland. He is a participated in high school football, Assisting Coach Waldorf will be years. It is hoped that many students Heart and the U. N. Ribbon. Coolahan veteran of the Korer.n \Var where he baskctball, track and cross-country. Dick Pugh and gr:oduate assistallt will be able to attend this S P. M. is a returning letterman and will be fought with the Marine Corps. Kim_ Schwartz hopes to teach after com- Bob Myers. Jim Boyer has returned game on October 4th. playing tackle. His major is econo- ball played basketball and track at pleting college. to his trainer spot after being out The soccer team has a new oppo- mics. Woodrow Wilson High School. Bill SpWlr is a senior sociology with a heart attack since February. nent this year in Frostburg State Ray C1'awford is also a veteran of Bill Kunkle is a freshman prc- major from St. Clairsville, Ohio. He Phil Uhrig will again coach the Teachers College. This game will be the KOl'ean War and is majoring in ministerial student from Baltimore. is a letterman playing at center. Terror soccer team. Since official October 22nd here at W.M.C.