Page 53 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, May 2, 1958 Thoughts On Graduate Of 1895 High On The Hill OldMayDayTwists Are Dusted Off Th (fIT' " Visits Campus For S por s n F t 'ti L d May Day a lu Western Maryland tAd v otce ra ertu tes .I., e e Second Dedication Since the first Music hath charms; so gocs an By Anderson And Gunderson has had a variety of presentations through the years. old adage. The college group. Miss Corinne Adams, class of ] 927 production' held on Hoffa while not always agreeing with the 1895, was among those attending Field, there have been many inter- Music DepariJment as to what is the dedication of Baker ,Memorial esting and colorful presentations charmi'YIg, agrees with this ancient Chapel on April 20, 1958. On the from what seems to be tradition. bit of wisdom. Discussions about 12th of May in 1895 she also helped Never before has the theme of Singers, bands, styles, movemeonts. conduct the opening dedication ex- the old South been used as it is progressive or what have yQU, start ercises of our small Baker Chapel. this year. In the past, themes up at the drop of em LP. Then President of the YWCA, she such as ancient Greece (1930), the We've aekesi one collegian to de- represented the student body in triumph of spring over winter pict that intangible 6SS61jCe of a the dedication. '(1933), an old English May Day singer's personality that gives him Miss Adams is originally from (1934), and an international theme his ~mdeniablll appeal. Ed. Marion Station in Somerset Coun- (1952) have integrated these ty but now resides in Gaithersburg, spring activities. by James Gibson Maryland. That she was quite ac- A twist was added in 1931 which His voice comes blaring out of tive is shown in her class history included the male gender. It was the jukebox with a rollicking ren- from the Western Marylam.d Col- a May Day burlesque where the dition of Chicago or a slushy in- lege Monthly of Juno-July 1895. principals consisted of men. A terpretation of When SO'InfJhody "What the rime gi1)or was to the trio of black-faced comedians led Loves You. Every word shows old poetry in its relation to the the way. These were followed by Frank Sinatra's got it and the col- rime, our classmate Miss Corinne a bevy of "flower girls" headed by lege crowd takes quick notice. Adams is to the class of '95 in its the captain of the previous sea- These are the kids who help make relation to time in music. She de- son's undefeated football team. or break a pop singer. Why? Be- ciphered the accented from the un- The "queen" came next, drawn in cause of the overwhelming- vote of accented notes in the piano by Donold Lotz by l¥?'uy Mowbray a coach consisting of a dilapidated approval for this skinny guy with marches, and boldly stepped to the cocky, lop-sided grin and for the front to meet the attack of empty If you are looking for Jack An- John Gilman Gunderson, hailing ~~~~i:sgean~ec~i~at~:ns~Vi!~dc~~!~:~ \ words he squeezes from his heart. benches in the chapel procession in des-son, it might take awhile be- from Arlington, Virginia, has flaged with every conceivable shade 1 think it's because he strikes a the mornings. She was the first cause he may be any number of proved himself an asset to WMC. of crepe paper streamers. Next in common bond with college fellows called upon to respond with a soph- places. His smile and magnetic personality line were the "Plorndora Girls" and gals. When the big-eyed little omore recitation, junior theme or On Tuesday nights you will find -apeak louder than words for a boy decked out in green bloomers which guy swaggers before a mike or senior essay. It was she who be- him in the Gamma Bet clubroom. who is both a leader on our campus impartially revealed both "athletic onto a motion picture screen, the ing first set the example for those· Jack joined the fraternity in his and a father in Vetville. limbs and skinny shanks." This gals look and the fellows move who followed her; and it is she who sophomore year and has held the A devoted "Preacher," John has feature was held for several years aside-not nearly so grudgingly as was always first in the dining office of treasurer and, at present, spent much of his spare time serv- but then forgotten. with some others-to let him take room, and when the proper author- - is president of the club. ing his fraternity as IFC repre- Often plays were given such as over. Sinatra strikes a common it.ies thought she had eaten enough Around the time a play is going sentative and as fraternity presi- modern versions of Cinderella, or cord in the hearts of people old tapped the little finger bell for her to be presented, you are bound. to dent. He is, however, just as en- the Sleeping Beauty. In some enough to have had their trials of to lead her host of followers out find Juck at Alumni Hall. Not thusiastic about his class, where he years there were picnics after the the heart, too. Then he bounces it again. Corinne entered college only is he a leading thespian of the assumed the responsibilities of festivities. In one leap year, the with the- wise happiness of one who four years ago as a member of the College Players, but he is also the treasurer in his junior year and girls adopted leap year customs has rebounded a few times. He freshman class, somewhat timid production manager. president in his senior year. and did the inviting and arranging doesn't sing from an ivory tower perhaps in appearance, but only in Or, since Jack is the executive "You're a cow" are words famil- for the May Dance. anymore than he lives in one. It so far as timidity in an element of officer of our ROTC battalion and Also concerning the dance; it is knowing and sincere and that's carefulness, earnest and enthusi- president of the Reserve Officers' iar to John and many other sen- wasn't until 1943 that the dance what makes it great. astic when the times demand it, Association, he may be working on iors. John helped direct and was changed from the traditional for- Junior year's last co-writer of uncertain in her ventures, she was some military affairs. Follies. The success of this show mal to semi-formal. In 1944 it Participation in these activities, HomeEcClubNews always true in her professions." C. as well as SCA, FAC, and choir as well as other activities has been was informal. attire. pre- 1958 is again ferring formal In a letter from Miss Nannie Lease, a schoolmate of Miss made Jack a natural to be selected in part due to his pleasing manner In past years WMC has been Officers of the Home Economics Adams, was the following. "She for Who's Who. and ability to work with people. host to some name bands such as Club for next year are: president, thorougply enjoyed the program With all these activities, Jack Occupying a good part of his that of Hal Meclntyre in 1949, Helen Twining; vice-president, last Sunday (April 20) which has maintained a "B" average, for, time are varsity and intramural and Glen Gray and the Case Loma Jeannie Leatherwood; secretary, stirred pleasant memories of the despite what his friends say, he sports. During the spring he can Orchestra in 1950. The price was Melinda Burgess; Phyllis Casseta. days sixty-three years ago and does crack a book once in a while. usually be found on the WMC ten- $4.00 and many alumni were in- The winner of the f(UJhiO'n eon- pride in Western Maryland as she But, you say, you still haven't nis courts. John has played tennis vited. for the college for four years and test, announced in the March 28th stands today." This reminds the found Jack? Well, his golf bag is is currently serving as the team's The announcement of the queen issue, is Julia Seboure, iokoee let- present WMC student of that gone so he must be out on the captain. and her court has always been a ter ie printed: below. phrase, "College ties will ne'er be course playing a round of golf. thrill. Once, in 1945, the Queen broken, formed at WMC." He has been bitten by the golf bug, In his extra time, John partici- and her court weren't known until and, if practice makes perfect, he pates in advanced ROTC, Erench the breakfast of May Day. On: To the Editor of the GOLD BUG: will be another Ben Hogan in no Club, and in hauling our clean that morning they were given cor- An extreme, different style of one season is usually followed by a time. laundry from the laundromat. If sages which they wore all day. less sensational fashion, as too much of a too different thing can become He's not going to have time for by some chance you have not run With customs and traditions al- just as unexciting as no yearly change in styles. Usually, a new concept you when he gets back though. across John in one of these activi- ways changing, even the 1958 May of dress is modified, refined, styled to fit more sizes and ages in the He has to go to Blanche Ward. ties, he can be easily recognized by Day will be different from the cues following seasons, letting a few years pass before another daring tnno, You see he has a friend there and his smiling face and friendly before. Still, like an old photo al- vation in dress is launched by Paris. Therefore, I predict that next she comes before anything' else, greeting which are true indicators bum, they're fun to remember. year's fashions, while following the freedom and simplicity of the che- even golf (usually). They are of his character. Those of us who mise line, will be shaped more closely to the figure, adaptable to the such good friends, in fact, that know John can well understand short, plump, or more mature woman. More extreme styles, such as the they are going to be married in why he is "high on the hill." Heagy's Sport Shop trapeze, will disappear and there will be a return to the ever-popular August. tiny-waisted, bouffant design for after-five wear. After that, Jack looks forward 16 W. Main Actually, next year's fashions will be, as always, versatile, exciting, to the Corps of Engineers, archi- a Scholarships Open TIlden 8·5515 and available to everyone. Women will continue to wear the hemline teeture school, and, no doubt, A Complete Sports Line best suited to their legs, the fashion best adapted to their way of life, very successful life. the style most flattering to their figure. Casual, but not sloppy-inex- pensive, but not looking it-stylish, yet just a little different, the mobile Four fifty dollar scholarships American Look will be the fashion everyone will wear, - for teachers wishing to attend the Julia Seboure Congratulations, Summer Latin Workshop at West- Westminster ROTC! ern Maryland College have been Laundry MANY EVENTS ARE SCHEDULED FOR MAY The Annual Government made available by The Classical and of the Atlantic States. Association Inspectlon of WJI,IC's ROTC The Workshop will be held July Fri., May 2 Sun., May 11 Department took place on 7-25, and has been planned and de- Dry Cleaning Junior Follies 8:15 Voice Recital by Patricia Garcia, Tuesday, April 22, 1958. The veloped with the cooperation of the COLLEGE SPECIAL Sat., May 3 Levine Hall, 3:30 pm visiting officers were Colonel Association. The action establish- Skirt & Sweater May Day 12:45 Mon., May 12 Highins from Washington ing the scholarships was taken at Slacks & Sweater May Dance 8:30 pm Spring Sports Assembly and Jefferson College, lUajor the meetings of the Association $1.00 Sun., May 4 SGA Installation 11:30 am Curry of the Carnegie In. held at Gettysburg College April DON HAAS Will See Organ Dedication 7: 30 pm SCA Picnic 6:00 pm stitute of Technology, and 25 and 26. That "Your Mon., May 5 French Club, 8 pm Captain Elliot from Du- Clothes Are Clean Faculty Meeting Tues., May 13 quesne University. The in- Tues., May 6 Organ recital by William Biehl, specting officers visited vari- You've tried the rest Organ recital by' Margaret Alumni Hall, 4:15 pm ous military in session. cb- Whitfield, Baker Memorial Wed., May 14 served all teaching tech. Now try the best. _Chapel,8 pm Art exhibit at Smith Hall, 8-10 niques, examined the com- Wed., May 7 pm plete facilities of the depar-t- Delicious Lantern Chain on Hoffa Field, Thurs., May 15 ment, and inspected the en- 9 pm Rose Cup in Robinson Garden, tire battalion. Their eonclu- Foods Fri., May 9 4:15pm sive rating was of the high- Tri-Beta Picnic Trumpeter ceremony on the est _ satisfactory with no AT Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Band Concert at Alumni Hall, President's lawn, 6:45 pm deficiencies. The outstanding Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. 8:15 pm Sat., May 17 comments rendered by the Evenings 9 p.m. Sat., May 10 Music Dept. dance in Blanche visitors were: 1) the person- Griffin's Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on and Holidays Saturday Delta Sigma Kappa Rush Party Ward Gym (tentative) al appearance of all cadets was very favorable; 2) the Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. CompJiments of Ralph's key cadet personnel are do- April 30-May 1-2-3 ing respective jobs their TO ARMS" "A FAREWELL J. R. EVERHART Crown Service well. Rock Hudson Jennifer Jones COLLEGE BARBER Penna. & Hersh Aves. CinemaSeope & Technicolor Md. Westminster, At the Forks Phone TI 8·8352 Sun., Mon. May 4-5 Patronize Our Advertisers "GIFT OF LOVE" Continuous 1 p.m. Saturdays. Holi- Lauren day shows continuous from 2 p.m. Robert Stack & Technicolor Bacall CinemaScope Sunday Matinees: HELEN'S RESTAURANT FOR FLOWERS . Evening show 9 p.m. 2 and 4 p.m. Weekday Artistically arranged for shows continuous from 6:45 p.m. 'I'ues., Wed. , May 6-7 EACH DAY 60c SPECIAL PLA TIERS each different Fri., Sat. May 2-3 "SING BOY SING" Lili Gentle SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS FROM 15 TO 50 CENTS personality (Double Feature) Tommy Sands CinemaScope "THE RAWHIDE TRAIL" PIZZAS and MILK SHAKES _ and- DUTTERER'S "IN THE MONEY" Thursday thru Wednesday May 8_9_10_11_12_13_14 Just off Campus on Penna, Ave. "THE BRIDGE OVER 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Fri., Sat. May 9-10 THE RIVER KWAI" "ST. LOUIS BLUES" (Formerly Spaghetti House) TIlden 8-9350 Nat "King" Cole Pearl Bailey William Holden Alec Guinness Vista Vision CinemaScope & Technicolor
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