Page 48 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 48
" The Gold Bug, Apr. 18, 1958 Oldtimers Return To Hill Soviet Expert To Speak Staff Changes To Hold Fiftieth Reunion As of next issue, replacing On Russian Foreign Policy Allen Spicer as editor of the This spring Mrs. Nina Veale's to compare the freedom oi the stu- Sports' page will be Carlton "Marxist basis of Soviet foreign ed by the faculty to lunch and chat Class of 1908 will celebrate its dents here today with the re- White. Robert Borden will policy prior to World War II," is with the young scholar. fiftieth anniversary. Her class- stricted campus life of her college become co-feature page edi- expected to be the topic of Dr. At 2 :30 in the afternoon of mates will be guests at the college days. Then, she said, seniors wore tor. There are several other Alexander Dallin, on Monday, April 28, Dr. Dallin will conduct during the commencement week their caps and gowns even on the staff changes to be announced April 28, in an Alumni Hall lec- a discussion period on the Soviet and will find themselves quite in streets downtown. There were later. At the date of publi- ture. It is also expected that Dr. Union for interested students. the swing of events. practically no extra-curricular ac- cation, these changes Dallin will connect his recent visit, Following this discussion, he will One of the high points will be tivities, and there was a "lights- not yet definite. which was during the summer of travel to Hood College in Fred- the Alumni Dinner at which the out" at 9:30 pm- Mrs. Veale has 1957, to the Soviet Union with a erick, Maryland, to deliver a sec- Class of 1908 will be the guests of been here at Wl'IIC as housemother discussion on the propects of ond lecture on the USSR. honor. After the dinner, each now for seventeen years. Thus changes in modern Russia. class will in tum rise and give she has had a good chance to note Caleudar of Eveuts Dr. Dallin, who was just recent- their class yell, many of which the contrast. But at the reunion Pro- S~A ELECTIONS are in German, Pennsylvania Mrs. Veale will be sure to say as April 19 ly promoted to an Associate Rela- of International fessorship Dutch, or modern slang. This cua- she did to this reporter, "If I Square Dance sponsored by c
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