Page 56 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, May 16, 1958 Editorials Now Reflects Then LETTERS Seniors Plan To The For Future ly Past news in WMC history dose- parallels This current news. EDITOR Editor's Message To The After four years of continually article might be termed a then and It seems that now idea. the Hill Class Of 1958 inter-rupted relaxation of the senior was constantly on the road for im- and enjoy- ment, the members May 12, 1958 class now look forward to the next prcvemerrt and progress. To the members of the SGA eabt, These last few weeks have been filled with parties, cere- important step in their lives, De- In the Nov. 23, 1948 issue of the net: • monies, and receptions that pay tribute to the graduating class cisions will have to be made. paper, Dr. Ensor announced a; As you are well aware, students Robert McCormick, president of building program. This time the like to have Science Hall class- and serve to culminate four years of fun and academic en- the Black and White fraternity, is place concerned was a "Rec Room" rooms left open so that they may deavor. Many regret leaving what has been their home for preparing to enter in the fall the to be located under Smith Hall. use them for study rooms." I have_ four years, leaving behind friends and their familiar routine University of Maryland Medical Even then there was talk of the felt that it is wise for college or- of college life. Others are eagerly anticipating the end of one School. removal of Old Main and the build- ficials to co-operate with this wish Dickinson Gardiner will take the ing of a new Baker Chapel. Now so long as the students who used phase of their life and the beginning of another.cRather, it is knowledge gathered from his base- ten years later this plan has been the rooms were considerate and a dynamic process-of change that entangles you, whether you ball activities back to New Jersey realized. desirable guests. I have recently realize it 01'not, in the ebb and flow of its often slow, but ever where he has signed a contract for Another interested event dis- heard several complaints from var- certain, tide. an unreported sum to coach the cussed in the same issue was the ious faculty members who teach in Almonesson "Alley-Cats" entry in SCA bazaar. Only at that time Science Hall, and I myself have The senior class is often referred to by popular publica- the Almonesson Township Little 'the SCA sponsored a Christmas been \'ery -much disappointed in tions as "a generation of nctetakers" or "the silent genera- League, ~ bazaar. They sold stuffed ani- the conditions which I find in room tion". To this you can answer justifiably, "So what?" Silence Ronald Glaeser, one of WMC's mals, Christmas cards, and person- 308 when I go there for classes. does not mean stupidity nor does note-taking indicate acqui- weekend warriors, will take up al photographs. This idea might I have made my feelings known escence. Silence can be and is indicative of thoughtfulness and residence with his wife outside of prove interesting. to my students and have hoped Baltimore previous to his entrance A Pan-Hellenic dance to replace that the word would get· around stability. As for notetaking, is it not one of the best methods to the University of Maryland the May Day dance was announced that it is annoying to find that the of learning? And from this knowledge can we not see the mis- Dental School. in the Mar. 11, 1949, issue: This desk blotter has been used for takes of the past and learn now to avoid them in the future? was-a dance sponsored by the four doodling; that the boards are left H. Ray Stevens, with his knowl- . unerased; that cigarettes and ash- This is not a defense of your generation. You are not infallible edge of English secure, will spend fraternities and four sororities The which had a BIG name band. es are scattered around the front and will make mistakes as previous generations have. The the summer working as a common cost was $4,00 and they had such In the fall he will lab technician, of the room. The teacher's desk point is that you are not blindly egotistic, You know your assume his fellowship at the Llni- musicians as Carmen Cavallero, in that room has been badly limitations and the pitfalls of life. If you make mistakes, as versity of Pennsylvania where he Glen Gray, Shep Fields and Blue burned. Yes, I have tried putting you will, it will be because you are, after all, human, and, not. will work for his Master's degree, Baron. an ash tray on the desk, but that You think the ivy will no longer- has been removed by guests . atomic-age robots as' some seem to want you to be, Graduate School Bound support Old Main, (apologies to - Because of these conditions, I Basically most of you are realistic in your approach to Florence Mehl, former editor of am having the room kept locked the "wide wide world", It is impossible to rectify the world's the GOLD BUG,will spend the sum- junior class). Well, an even just as much as possible. I hope problems in one sweeping gesture. This has been tried and mer doing journalistic work before greater calamity shook the campus that you will discuss this problem traveling to the University of Con- on Mar, 23, 1949. The dining hall and will suggest some solutions be, you have seen it fail. It is equally impossible to erase the blots necticut to take up her position as ceiling collapsed, And we com- fore it becomes necessary for the on the pages of history by carrying a crusader's flag, You instructor in English while work- plain about the food! ... , Administration to adopt a policy of know that. Rather, what you should try to do is to think ing for her Master's degree, The Sept, 24, 1949 Issue an- keeping all classrooms locked in thoroughly and move, perhaps slowly but .surely, toward what David Harper, president of the nounced another building under order to prevent the inconvenience S~udent Christian Association, construction. This was the Thomp- and annoyance which inconsiderate you hope will be a better life and a peaceful world, will spend his summer philosophiz- son Infirmary. students are causing. It is a waste of valuable time to say "look what a world- ing from behind the wheel of a In the Nov. 29, 1949 issue, nine Very sincerely yours, wide mess others have left for us to clean up" or "past genera- Coca-Cola truck. After a summer girls representing WMC were en- Dr. Helen G. Howery, tions have let us down". The thing for you to do is to take of Coke drinking, Harper will at- tering a "talent tussle." They Dean of women and Associate what you have and make the best of it. Do your utmost not tend Drew Theological Seminary were to appear on Dec. 5 on tele- Professor of English to let yourselves down, and above all, not to fail following in Madison, N, J" where he has vision; theirs was a musical ar- Editor's Nota: As a member of generations. With this accomplished, as it must be, the future been awarded a full scholarship to rangement including an octet and solo, A follow up found thatLhe tha cabinet of t1w SGA, / was pres- generations will recall you as the generation that acted rather attain the Bachelor of Theology girls had won. Remember last ent at the· maeting of the 01'- than the generation that preached. degree. year's TV show? ganiztJ,tion 10kan this matter amd Robert Christian will sail from letter tcct-e discussed, At the 8'llg- New York in the latter part of One of the most unusual stories gCBtion of the president, Allen: Gil- June on a European tour that will , to appear in the GOLD BUG consid- affili- ering that this is aMethodist more, the ca,billet decided to stTive mores-to-be, we are not familiar encompass' five countries. After to keep Science Hall open at night with the types of nourishing diets "OUR campus, My question raised he returns in September he will as- ated college and remembering a committee is, to j.he programming for study purpoeee. HOll1Cver, it that have been served in previous "Why were members of OUR sume a position as 'instructor in certain faculty member's aversion is the one concerning the cigarette 1v-i1l be necessary for the stlldent years, But we are certain that if campus excluded! from the organ English at the University of Oon- body to cooperate wholeheartedly conditions in the dining hall do not dedication servtcest'' necticut where he will work on his contest, According to the Feb, 14, in: remedying this situation •• Let's improve, the students of Wester-n Master's degree. 1950 issue, WMC claimed a prize It is a mar on the school when display the- proper CM'e for Science Maryland College will witness a they close the door to those who To Tour Europe in a cigarette promotion contest, Hall and keep it open! Aftel' aU, period of semi-starvation. There call Western Maryland College George Trotter and "Lefty" Le- Coach Charlie Havens was award- some of liS like to study there! l_f is a lack of quantity as well as their home, And I, as one member ed $100,00 as college program men- you feel that Science Hall should vine will also visit Europe this ager. And the "Preacher" frat remain open and are willillg to quality in essential foods which- we of this family, consider this grave summer, They plan to travel was judged best in the promotion are served, help solve this problem, please ex- There have been a few attempts mistake a personal insult, through France, Spain and Italy, of Philip Morris cigarettes, I can only hope that never again press this desire in a short letter made to look into the incapabilities will 1VE close the door to those we taking advantage of the more eco- "Them were the days," to the editor. TlIese letters1vill be of the dining hall to meet the stu- call our own. nomical means of travel. Follow- Even the floats in 1950 were presented to tlle Administrat:i01l, ing the vacation period, Trotter dents' satisfaction, but they have An irate and sympathetic will enter Boston Theological Sem- different. There was one that was been halted with little or no suc- senior, inary, decorated by the Green Terror and cess. As is a choice saying of Barbara A, Lawrence Many of the male students have five lion cubs. The cubs were se- We're Hungry Western Maryland College---"May- Editor's note: I would like to included in their plans vacations cured from Mr, Watson~ director May 10, 1958 be next year," thank all the students who wrote ranging from six months to two of the Baltimore Zoo, Now we no To the editor of the GOLD BUG: Respectfully yours, letters to me cOJ!cel'lling this situa- years at their uncle's summer and longer bother the zoo, w'e just usc We're not only mad but hungry! William F, Ashcroft tion. However, there was unly winter rCSOI'ts, Many young la- the animals at hand, After the frustrating experiences William H, Kerbin 1'OOmto prillt one. lVe have 1!sed dies, the result of four years of of the past three weeks when our wtutem B. Yates tne one 1Qhich. ilt onr opinion ex- college work, will march down that Some things change and some table was cut at least eight times, pI'cssed the pl'oble1ll in the most all too long aisle eSCQrted by a things don't, Take heart-WMC we have reached a point of uncer- concise mannC1 .. fjpecial thanks go father who may be thinking, "Only hasn't been and isn't as dull as tainty of where w~ are going to eat Still Hungry to Janc McKelvy and Gail Arm- one more bill to go." you may sometimes think. our'next meal. 'Ve were pleasant- strong for their well-writtC1. let- ly surprised, however, if not May 11, 1958 /1J1'8, astounded, whcn we received un- To the editor of the GOLDBUG: CHIT CHAT FROM KIT KAT broken service for "one complete I think that the administrators week"! Being as these cuts were of the dining hall must be congrat- Juniors Score Hit You say you can't sleep, you hear bells ringing in your ears, and it during the week and not on the' ulated, for too long a period they distUl'bs your powers of concentration, Don't bother seeing your doctor; weekend, we-feel that w(l have just have been criticized for supplying Saturd;y, May 3, 1958 cause for our argument. inadequate amounts of even the 6:42 am you aren't crazy, (Not from this symptom at least!) It's just the new In the previous paragraph, we most basic foods, For some years The 'members of the Junior Class: chapel bells chiming the quarter hour, We're not sure whether the mentioned the word "meal"; we I have read about the Korean chil- You have made it absolutely diffi- Dean's electric bells or the chapel bells are off schedule, but somebody has do'n't consider a course of three dren and the way they have to go cult for me to concentrate on the got to synchronize the two~ Th.ose s'!ven ~inutes can make a difference, salads as constituting a healthful, to bed with empty and growling scholarship thesis on Shelley's The'l'e ought to be a law passed olttiawing teachet's who assign tcr-m filling mcal. Since we are sopho-' stomachs. Like most other people Apostleship of lhe Absolute, I r didn't realize what this meant; keep thinking of lines and scenes paPC'J'S 01le week before the SetJ!este)' etuls and which are due before the aU the picnics With and receptions, ?'esched-uled but now thanks to our dining hall of last evening's superb perform- end of the semester. and pre-exam ten$1.on, it is next 'to impossible to do ?-ained-ollt activities, GOLD BUG administration, United Nations and ance and trying not to sound like the 1'esea)'ch and to write a dccei.t paper dltrillg this time, r can fully appre- thosc ciate CARE advertiseme~ts, Some peo~ Kitty as I laugh! to all (jf Spea,king of tcachel'/f, good luc~' tq_all of YOlt-On your finais-,'and d-Olt't Again congratulations pie regard a job as just that, but you, May I make some notes from spend too much time sunbathing. Hope to see m08t of YOlt next fall, b!!-t our dining hall staff is to be ap- the script so that your lines will for those of yOlt 1011,0dOIL't ?zakc ~, goo:bye zmd good IIlCk, plauded for instilling in the West_ continue to amuse me. ern Maryland student body an Sincerely, At a baseball game last week, during a heated coach-umpire debate, awareness of an international sit- the opposing team's second baseman proceeded to sit down on the base :Member uation, Helen Howery and make mud pies, The tensions of college life do lead one to find a release, I see. Associated Collegiate Press Sincerely yours, Jack Fossett Subscription Price $2.00 a Year May3,1958 Cougra,tlliations to J1!dy Co-rby and her cohorts who so ably piekeil spi1-its and dreatns to adapt is'IlOt This note: Albert T. Dawkins, Jr, Editol"s as a derogatoTY letter complaint To the editor of the GOLDBUG: the up theil' da1npened of Alumni Hall, The cere-mony the May Day festitJities lost nonc of its beauty to Iha confines meant This letter is to congratulate Editor-in_Chief Robert Fothergill towa1'd any olle ind'ividual, It 1s Class of 1959 on its exceptionally and regality, the ellt6'ftaineTS could be heard and were 1llQl'e app)'eciated, Business Manager merely a statement of a fact which fine Follies. It had many good and the whole prog)'aTl~ went off as 8I7WOtllly as if it had been planned lIas 1'ecentlu be.en realized by most qualities-adroit staging, polished that way for weeks. EDITORIAL STAFF MBnaQ'ing Editor _, __ Katherine Bond of us, Raise OU1' board expenses performances, and a plot that gave The freshmen al'e-to be comllllmded aleo fo)" an outstanding float. NewsEditors Ellen Richmond alid give us morc food or at least continuity, which is very often completed far before Ihe -USlUl-UlItoo qldck deadline. We C11joyed seeing Aas't,_ Ne..·~ Editor ,____!_°B~~bar~a~~~~ givc us the food we a?'e pl'CS6'f~tly lacking. in the revue_type show, it adorn the campu-s and hope that YOI~ will continue your energy, en- Fealure Ed,to.-. ~ Joyce Cook 1XLyi1lg for. A special bouquet should go to tlle thusiasm, and success in ~utul'e. a.cti!ities,,., Robert Bn.den News Featu .... Editors __ Patrie!a Schaefe" clever script-writers who turned _ Charles Pugh out a production of charm and gen- A brief tour of the soccer field after supper or on some sunnier after- AsgiBtBnt News Fea\:t';."ry E~i!~r McCormick Closed Doors eral good taste. In lampooning noons revealed a motley-attired conglomeration of individuals playing a Sports Editora ,CBrlu.n White traditions and people, discretion is fieJ:;cebrand of softball. The intramural softball league has had a spir- Tom Alberts"n May 4, 1958 often ignored. It was gratifying ited and successful season which has promoted sportsmanship, fellow- to see that such was not the case ~:rn~~%~~~~:-;:k:~n~i';"":: _ TOAi~~o~~~~ ~~ t~es~~~~ ~~~ :'vas with this year's Follies, ship, and a keen sense of competition among the various factions of the side of the campus, male (and their female admirers) Advertising Manager __ Ronald lJarman able to attend the organ dedication, My thanks to everyone who con- Some of the more colorful personalities have had an opportunity to tributed to an evening of solid en- ~~il~~~h~==-_.'~~~t3~t~~~nfe;~~~~y !~t:e:~i~;iS:h:Yi~'~~~~ joyment, display their wit and skill to say the right thing at the cleverest moment as well as to make that timely hit or shoestring catch, Every participant Advisor - Dr, Eve!!." Wen~er quate' consideration given to both STnCERESly yours, has had the invaluable privilege of devoting his "all" to a group which faculty and student members of Dr, Jean Kerschner can demand no more, , Western Maryland has not lost its school spirit!
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