Page 52 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 52
The Gold Bug, May 2, 1958 Editorials ... LETTERS to Survey Of Dorm Cleaning 101; the EDITOR Two Views Remain Dominant Win Like Men; Lose Like Men Dear Editor of the GOLDBUG: I think the class of 1961 deserves by Robert Borden Sportsmanship! What is it? Is it visible and concrete or a lot of credit. I have not in the No doubt feeling quite a bit like cans - right in the middle of the is it an abstraction? Although this word is sometimes used three years that I have been a stu- Hercules after he had completed room for the girls to clean up. loosely, it DOES have a meaning! Webster defines sportsman- dent at Western Maryland College, one of his twelve tasks, a group of There nre also reported in- seen the spirit and drive that has ship as a skill in or devotion to sports, especially conduct be- been exhibited by this freshman tired but triumphant girls of the stances of wrong-thinking on the class of 1961 returned from their part of some of the gentlemen for coming to a sportsman, involving honest rivalry and graceful class. I have attended their af- afternoon "Play Day" in the deep, as one mop-wringer was only too acceptance of results. Though not tangible and easily ex- fairs, all of which have been the dark and dank depths of Daniel happy to relate, "Some of the boys The raffling off of box plained, sportsmanship becomes like courtesy and ethics-a "greatest." was not only a lot of fun McLea and Albert Norman Ward evidently cleaned their rooms be- suppers rest, days visible and admirable trait in an individual or team that stems but it was also a perfect way of Halls. After a few "unused mus- fore we got there." during which their One friendly "individual," ob- from personal conduct but has questionable roots. mixing with students. Also I en- cles" got back into shape, a subtle viously a collector of rare old glass Sportsmanship is character. The easiest way to explain joyed watching the girls clean the survey was made to gather some from distant places, Jeft an ar- character is to borrow from the jargon of the social scientists boys' dormitol'ies, which by the of the comments that the young rangement of 55 coke bottles spell- way, were cleaned like I have never and say that a person's character is a "well-integrated person- seen them cleaned. ladies were expressing concerning ing out "Hi." Not to be outdone, un- ality," Yet even that phrase does not imply all that is meant. I would also like to thank the the conditions under (litter-ly side of the girls, when they left, added a which the masculine der) Incorporated in a person's character concerning sportsmanship faculty for participating in these the campus lives. few more coke bottles and rear- the order of the bottles to ranged must be a sense of fai~' play. This involves justice for your activities. It shows that there The general coneensua of opinion spell "Bye." professors who like being opponents as well as for yourself and the abiding conviction ARE of our activities and are in- seems to be twofold, that the after- One observant girl saw Scotch part noon was a lot of fun, but that it that to lose gracefully is almost the same thing as winning. terested enough to attend them. got to be an awful lot of work; tape on the walls, nails sticking Every game has rules to follow and techniques to master-but The Hoe Down dance sponsored by and, "I don't see how they could out from the woodwork, but no pic- regard for other players is within the individual and not the the MSM was not only fun but an live in such filth." tures. Not so with "Wags," as re- ported by one young broom wield- I forget. regulation book, Every participant in sports must have a feel- experience beauty won't queen won't I'm be Some boys deserted the dorms er; "He has a definite pictorial in- sure the ing and respect for the game, the other participants, and for forgotten either. I think that the when the girls came to clean. terest in the opposite sex." Speak- himself. faculty would see a great improve- However, the girls surprised one ing of pictures, another young lady two unsuspecting At a recent athletic event on campus, it seemed to the men~in campus spirit if a bit more or They were probably caught "fresh"! noticed this paradoxical situation. with editor that the visiting players considered personal advantage guidance not only in social func- text books in their hands. On one wall, a plaque which read, "God saves"; on the opposite wall, tions, but also in academic inquiry ahead of the spirit of the game. The voicing of uncouth re- were offered. The cleaning squads were usual- pictures of women without even so marks and the calling of plays to their favor whenever the I'm very happy to see these ly accompanied by a group of self- much cover as a fig leaf. Her opportunity presented itself did not meet the approval of many types of functions being organized appointed supervisors who were comment: "\Vhat can I say?" only too helpful out in pointing young Certain ladies were per- in the "audience" that afternoon. Most of the spectators left· and supported. These are the each and every atom of dust or turbed to find various masculine the match not just with the acceptance of WMC's defeat but kinds of things a small informal dirt. Some of the non-hecklers "unmentionables" g r ace full y college community can do so well. primarily with uncreditable opinions of the university oppo- To the freshmen, I would like to who thought- that they were no draped over lamp Shades, spilling nent. It is difficult for anyone to comprehend that an institu- say thanks and offer my best match for a group of broom carry- out of bureau drawers, or placed mop-swinging bucket-toters ing, tion supposedly highly ranked in the nation academically wishes. Don't let conformity or deserted, but they conveniently left in some other such genteel position. discourage A comment well worth thinking your could lower itself to use tactics expected of the ignorant. upperclassmen to make WMC a behind lists that described the about was: "Hope to do it again fire and drive Western Maryland has not been successful thus far in little better. It will take work work to be done. But generally, next year." establishing an honor system as have been other colleges and and leadership, but you can do it, the occasion provided a bit of 1t is suggested that "turn-about" universities. An honor system, just as sportsmanship, is de- if you only try. spor-t for a spring afternoon and is fair play! If so, this would give most of the fellows were quick to pendent on the individual's interpretation of proper conduct. Donald V. D'Angelo take advantage of it. the fellows a chance to see if these paragons of virtue, these goddesses However, the university cited has had an honor system in Evidently, the presence of girls practice for a number of years and has supposedly made this Regression Has in the men's dorm completely con- of cleanliness actually live in any better conditions than the gentle- plan successful. Does the honor system end outside of the College Students fused certain individuals; for it men whose rooms they so gracious- classroom? Does proper conduct end outside of your own that they emptied waste ly cleaned. circle of friends? If gamemanship is not integrated with both 5:35, "Quick, change the channel. It's time for the Mickey Mouse an honor system and accepted behavior, then what ideal re- Club. And we've already missed places it? five minutes of it." CHIT CHAT FROM KIT KAT It is amazing to realize how a team representing a college "Yeah, we have to see if the athletes You can always tell the "gung-ho" in the or university can influence strangers' opinions regarding their Hardy boys have solved that mys- spring Sports side ... ailments - the old varsity limp, wrenched shoulders, tery yet." by their school. Any spectator at the recent match would have wit- Joe chimes in, "We have to find pulled muscles, "tired blood", taped hands, ankles and other parts of the nessed this in action. The opposing team certainly marred out who has been feeding the ani, body structure, skinned knees and elbows, and other battle scars. Then their reputation on our campus last weekend, Western Mary. mals-the old lil'oat and donkey. there are always those who show their participation by wearing equip; land accepted the opponent's judgments without a question; And who made -_thebed and locked ment (gray shirts and wool socks splotched with India ink) that they for the season. the members of our team were admirable and honorable losers. the boys out 01 the bouse?" have "borrowed" from the athletic department Gray League. You've This is. the Tattle-tale heard of Ivy League? In other words, even if you can't win, you can take such pleas- Ch~b~:m ar=s' t~~e c~~~e~;~o~~et~= Lawns over campus may parch and get weedy, but the gridiron ure in losing that your opponent's success is made to seem like teet-s" tune in their favorite TV grass will live forever. A gentleman caretaker supervised two sprinklers a piece of vulgar display. In that way you may, at least, program. for one entire afternoon to make sure the vegetation wouldn't get Yes, you read the statement cor- emerge the moral victor. rectly. You're not home and these thirsty. The teams may have injuries, but the turf is healthy. By the football of a much im- way, the last-day scrimmage showed promise characters arc not your little proved team for next season. GUEST EDITORIAL ... brothers and sisters. They are Spring sports schedules are and have been available FREE in the college students. As yet we have bookstore for all those who don't have one. It may be a good idea for Secular Or Sacred - Where Do We Stand? not seen the famous symbol of the the team members to pick up one also. It seems one ball player forgot hat with the there was a game and didn't ~how .up in. time to take the bus. mouseketeers-the Baker Memorial Chapel was informal and advantageous to the black and white ears. dedicated on Sunday, April 20, but speaker. Better trade in that old jalopy T1·avel talk.. Recently the B&O railroad di8eontinued all eer-oice to what? Why was the building Much dissension about holding for a trusty scooter while there're between Baltimore and New York. All of yo" who wscd theBe trains constructed? the Graduate Record exams and still bargain prices. Other things 8erioU8/y regret the change. H(11)eVer, don't forget. to tell the driver The impression was given that the finals in the basement is being do occupy the leisure time of your Pennsylvania Station next time you go home. Alumni-Hall lacked the religious voiced. To those concerned, a fellow classmates. Some even ba- At prcsent, hearing8 are be'ing held in regard to cutting down the atmosphere- conducive to worship. chapel seems a most inappropriate bysit with chickens-to-be. sel"vice on aotne of the Greyhound bU8 lines. Some of the proposale Baker Chapel was too small, so a site (or exams. even though it is Faithfully every night he climbs; under discns8um would mea_n lUI eeroice bet1J)een Baltimore and lVe8t- new chapel was built for the glory more centrally located and should the two flights of stairs leading to minster, thus cutting off the one and only means of public transportation of God, that the sacred and rever, be more conductive to clear think. the third floor of Science Hall. to the collcge. This lnOve could prove quite serious to the htture of ent feeling might prevail on Sun- ing. There he regulates the tempera- Western Maryland, for how many of you have ca1·8 at your disp08al for day evenings at least. What seems to be happening to ture and does whatever it is one weekend traveling? As one cynic replied, "It would cnt down 01~ the does to incubating eggs. But the weekend exodus," b1tt [(it Kat says, "Whel·e there'8 a will, there'8 a w::~~~ti!~;~n~fset:v~c~~n:~ i~l:~: ~~; s~:e~!~ulrae;~~~~~f~~eths:~~t~r; project fails and chickens do not way!" Sometimes, anyhow. materialize; the eggs remain eggs. ;:;:::!~,in~he D~~!~i~C~hed~:~i:!~~~ ~!ar~~y b~rf:sr~ga~~e th:e:~;~re~~~ So the process is started over. How's y'our exam schedule? Perhaps you should start 'studying Twice again it meets with failure. now. It might get rough around May 20, especially if you have five in ~~g:I:~~~~ h~!°':n as::;~a:u:~::~~~ ~ar:~;:I/nW~II~~~ib!I~I~id ~t:c~en~; Only one conclusion is evident _ the first three days. the chickens-to_be had good sense. If in making out your schedule for next semester you found any ~:r: ~::re!~::,re:~d ~~s aaub~:!~:: ' ~~~i~s ~~n~~:;~~s o:r:~m t ~a~~i~:' Guess they didn't want to be Sun- snap courses, please pass the word along. There must be one somewhere. day dinner. Did you notice the augmentation of courses in the Dramatic Art ;:; ~e~~;:C~at~~~.h~/u:~:n~%~:s~~ ~;:e ~~: h:;~~(~~d~n::ct.will not The prize for original genius be- Department? A basic course in speech is required for graduation in longs to a group of senior males many schools and has been a noticeable lack in our curriculum for some- Howel'er, in the Alumni Hall, the Le~e~sth;o~~~r:l ~~~V~nit~h:u;:\;:;~ who have literally incorporated the time. Many other departments changed courses around, if only the name atmosphere would have bee~ more ence of his temple. Let us use the college motto, "I call you from or number. The committee on curriculum revision has some results to chapel with a se';_se of wisdom and darkness into light" into their show for its labors. GOLD BUG discretion and schedule the activi· philosophy. this enthusiastic group Perennial gripe: We still don't have enough food to go around the WMC's main purpose is to edu- ties accordingly. By KATHERINE BOND cate, and is certa.inly cheap enough, and since the1·e werc has taken that purpose seriously. table once. Spaghetti of seats 8et up, they mU8t have been expecting that the right number By gum, they'li have the best-edu- l1umy persons to be present. It seems inexcusable this time. Surely the Flowers By cated guinea pigs on the Hill. waiters couldn't have consum.ed that =h.! vacation one ener. Over spring Bale Twine getic senior contributed his time In the Econ. 202 workbook, in the directions to the appendix for Ch. of a Member Believing that competition is es- and talent in the construction little 30, the word "makes" reads "maees". Is it possible that there are other wire cage to house the furry errors on the answer key sheet 1 Sometimes it causes one typographical Associated Collegiate Press sential to the "American Way of creatures. Everyone in the group to wonder. Life," an enterprising young gen- is delegated to do certain duties Subscription Price $2.00 a Year tleman residing in Albert Norman such as supplying lettuce and other An interesting a1·tiele in the Balti11wre Evening Sun 8tated that the Ward has posted the following sign food (courtesy of the dining hall) Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. directly under one of the procla- supply of men, e8pee-iall.y between the ages of 15-iM, is decreasing too Editor-in-Chief and cleaning the pen. fast. The s1tpply jnst isn't keeping up with the demand. The Nat'ional Robert Fothergill mations extolling the virtues of a Each evening after dinner the Safety Council reported that accidents kill five times as many lnen as Business Manager local flower mart. group gathers round and reads the women in that age bracket, besides the fact that women outlive men "Don't be taken in by these out- newspaper to the pigs. Don't naturally. rageous prices. Come to Room 116 laugh, these pigs probably know They attribute women's longevity to three things: "The ladies ha-ve and place your orders. more about current events and benefited more fr01n medical discoverie8 and innovations, the girls have Featur .. Editors _ 3 dandilons (sic) .30 world affairs than most WMC stu- been more ca1·ebtl in working and playing than men, and the social and 2 dogwood blossoms dents. News F ....tur .. Editor _ .40 I technological changes have made women's work easier and safer." The Sports Editor . _ 5 Pope salad flowers .01 What new kindergarten activi- present United State8 population stands at 84,858,000 men and 86,371,000 C"llY Editor _.~ _ Special Typing Editor _ ~!:s cc:!I~;: ~tl~~1~~ \~~;~~~~, uft women. To think that Western Maryland has more than her share, but Skunk cabbage (just in) hold on, it isn't leap yemr, ga~. BUSINESS STAFF Adverti.inlr Man.ller __ R"nald Harman 10 blossoms We pay you .50 seems doubtful that we'll ever see E"ehange Mary H"tehki ... the short pants rind Buster Brown The chapel procession leaders now have a new play toy. A signal Cirelll.ti"n P"well Anders"n Ph"tograllhy .._ Henrietta Esoom Plus Free collar era revived. But then with system has been rigged up between the vestibule and the organ in the Ad"i""r Dr. Ev ..lyn Wenner 6 inches of bale twine to tie it the feeling running high against new chapel so that communication is possible. There are rumors that a on her arm." the sack, one ca never tell. course in Morse Code 101 is being offered to faculty next year.
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