Page 54 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 54
The Gold Bug, May 2, 1958 Baseball, Tennis Featured In M~y Day Sport Light Terror Nine Will WMCGolfersTake Racquetmen Face Oppose H-S In Md. Last Five Matches Catholic U. Squad Conference Tilt The l Western Maryland College WMC netmen are seeking a golf team defeated Lycoming 13 to double win this May Day weekend, Tomorrow's big May Day game 5 to extend their winning streak' the first from Loyola this after- against Hampden-Sydney will get to five st.rnight, Earlier, during noon and the Saturday May Day underway at 3 :00 pm. Rated a the week, the team defeated Wash- eventf'rom the Catholic University toss-up, it will be one of the high- ington College, 13 to 8; Albright, six. In previous events both lights of the May Day festivities. 10lh to 7'-h; and Franklin and schools have been set down 8-1 Sinee the last issue of the GOLD Marshall, 13 to 5. ",and 8-0. BUG, the WMC baseball team has The team, enjoying one of their In the Loyola tilt, all thevwins engaged in five contests, losing best seasons, now has a record of were by comfortable margins, with four and winning one. The losses six wins against only one loss. were at the hands of Ursinus Pete Urquhart, winner of his Wray Mowbray receiving the only (16-3), Rutgers of S. Jersey (7-1), last three matches, led Western loss. \Vl'ay, however, gained re- Loyola (15-4), and Washington Maryland over Lycoming by de- venge by J~olding up his end of the College (11-1). But on Saturday, feating Donaldson 2-1 in their numbe r one doubles which won 6-1 This team of Mowbray and 6-2. April '26, the Terrors ended their match played on April 25 at Wil- four game losing streak with an liamsport Country Club. Western and Paaset-ello have a seven and impressive 6-4 win over Mount St. Maryland's top five positions TVray 1Ilowbray (nul Bob Passeretlo, pictured above, ere a. winning one record for the season. Mary's. brought home wins to overwhelm nmnbm' one donbles team. At the present time the team has Clark Kirkman got the win, his the opposition. Medalist for the but one defeat in Mason-Dixon first of the season, in relief of Bob match was Andy Urquhart with a Conference play, and eight matches Schmid. Schmid pitched well up score of 82. to be played. The defeat was until the fifth frame, when the The Terrors visited Chester SPINNING THE dealt to the Terrors last Saturday "Mounts" got to him for three hits Country Club on April 22 to de- by the Blue Jays from Johns and two walks, which were good feat Washington College 13 to 8. Hopkins. Bob Paasorello, Bob An- for three runs. Up until he The Urquhart brothers were again SPORTS GLOBE derson, and the number one weakened in the fifth, Bob had victorious, as was freshman John doubles were the only wins of the only given up foul' hits and no runs Holter. day for Western l\(al'ylnnd. in the time he worked. Kirkman Gene Miolen also added one point The victory was not easily gain- came on in the fifth to put out the and Western Maryland won the The lacrosse stick is fast becoming as popular as the baseball bat ed, for six of the nine games had fire, and pitched the remainder of best ball in all three groups. Pete on these spring afternoons. The-new way to get a tan and appetite is to to be continued for three s..ts. the game, giving up one Tun and Urquhart, having a fine day, was grab a "stick." If you do this you will have plenty of company. It is Mowbray lost 6-4, 3-6, and 3-6, only two hits over that span. medalist with a score of 83. certainly apparent ~hat there is a great deal of enthusiasm for the sport while Passerello set his man down Al Stewart, Bascombe "Gerry" Playing a larger school, western on this campus. 1 realize that it was voted down by the faculty for this quickly 6-0 and 6-2. Anderson's Padgett, Buzzy Lambert, and E. C. Mar-yland managed to defeat Al- year, but if we are to have a team in the neal' future it should be or- win took three sets-to complete. Chandler continued their fine hit- bright by the score of 10* to 7lf.,. ganized soon. Enthusiasm is certainly a great par-t of any successful Gunder-son was defeated in two ting as each had two hits, while Bill Brenerman of Albright was team. Should we let this enthusiasm go untapped? Let's hope it doesn't. sets, but Lee lost a long hard Walt Mahan chipped in with one. the medalist of the April 21 match. fought battle 6-8, 6-4, and 7-9. WAIC picked up two runs in the Winning play by Pete and Andy ArOlmd the Ilorse-hide Circuit Myers also lost after fighting three very first inning. After Fred Urquhart and Gene Miolen gave The Orioles should buy a big "Welcome" sign whenever- the Senators sets. The number one doubles Stoever had grounded out third to Western Maryland victory number visit Memorial stadium, and possibly a "Yankee Go Home" sign would continued its demonstration of first, Stewart and Padgett singled, three. be a good investment, also. strength by a 6-1 and 6-1 win. and then both rode home on Buzzy On April 17,Western Maryland The Yankee Clippers are on the move again this year and are get, Number two and three doubles lost Lambert's double. The Terrors defeated ,F&M 13 to 5 on the home ting an early start for the pennant. again playing three sets in each held this 2-0 lead until Mt. St. links: Led by medalist John case. Mary's club got three runs in,_!_he Holter'S 73, the team had little If the Cards expect to be a dark horse this year, they had better fifth. trouble defeating their opponent. start their- play soon. What they really need is another Musial, but then, Another conference match with doesn't everyone? But in their half of the fifth, The next match will be at horne American University- had to be WMC came back with three runs with Johns Hopkins on May 7. On the local scene maybe the Terror play would improve ifrscmeone called because of rain. The Wash- of their own to gain a 5-3 ad would remove a few of the trees and level off a few of the bigger dips ington college meeting was also in the outfield. vantage. We picked up our three postponed. defeats Non-conference play Gettysburg brought from in the following manner: Kirkman Fisticuffs Due to Improve both walked, and Al and Stoever safe bunt, plus an error I Sports Personality and Dickinson College. Stewart's It's the popular opinion now that the iron rule of James D. Norris Coach Frank Hurt feels that on the throw scored Kirkman. has collapsed with his retirement as president of the IBC. It is hoped some of the difficulties may be at- Lambert then walked to load the by John Gundc1'son that boxing will improve markedly. Experts feel that the small boxing tributed to the fact that all players bases, and Chandler drove home Possibly unnoticed by many be- clubs will be on the upswing now that Norris has stepped down .. They in the last four positions have had the other two runs with a timely cause of his unusual quietness, al· also feel that there will be fewer wrestling matches and more boxing. to move up this year. This, of single. Each team picked up an course, means that more difficult additional tally in the seventh, and ~~f:g~:;k,~stust;o;~ni~e~~~~:~it~~ Spring Football Ends competition is being placed before Western Maryland finally walked Robert Passerello. He's known as As of last Friday the pigskin is again dormant on WMC's campus. each man. Due to Mowbray's los- off with a 6~4 victory. ing streak, the number one posi- either Bob or "Pass." This twen- ~ For four weeks there were the familiar cries of "Ready! Down!" Watch- lion will be volleyed for dur-ing jElZ!I!l!II--- __ IIIII!!~--------.. ty-two I noticed and heard some year old senior from D.un. ing the boys go through one of their workouts Devils, Jays ellen Jersey, School a in wonderfully sharp contacts. If the boys do as well against the opponents as they did practice. With the extra days prac- Manville, High tice the team should be in condt- New against the dummies and shields, we'l] have a real team. Hit the books, has tion for the schedule of the week- of winning habit tennis Top Trackmen "boring" for coach Frank Hurt's boys. We would like to have a winning season on both fields. end. matches te~~ishf:at~;~ee years of playing in Patronize Our Advertisers CI Dickinson College ran over the rigorous number two position Western Maryland's track team Bob has compiled an envious rec- 87-30 in an away meet on 'I'hurs- ord. His losses over the past day, April 24. The cinderpnth years could easily be counted on On one point connoisseurs agree was slow because of recent rains the fingers of one hand, whereas and most of the times were below his win column is entirely unpro- Benny's suits them to a tee normal. portional to this. John Hor-t was high scorer for Bob's success can be attributed both teams as he took first place in to two factors: he is a natural both the high and low hurdle races athlete with an inborn feeling for and second in the 440. a tennis racket and court strategy, Behind Hort in the scoring was and he has an insatiable desire to Maat and Clair of Dickinson with win. He combines these two fac- ten points each. tors with his many years of experi- One bright spot in the meet was ence, and for those of you who 'k/~,.Md. Brooks Euler, a novice to pole have seen him in a match, the end vaulting a few weeks ago. He result is usually an easy victory. TIlden 8-7830 cleared a height of 9' 6" and shows This year Bob is going abbu t his promise of improving even more business with his usual success. Our New Addition during the remainder of the sea. It is an understatement to say that The Colonial son. next year he will be sadly missed. In a previous meet at Homewood The GOLD BUG proudly salutes Dining Room on Saturday, April 19, Johns Hop- Robert Passerello as deserving the kins outscored the Terrors 78 1/3- honor, Sports Personality. 432/3. Don Stenley won the mile run and Bill Spaar placed first in the TOM MILLER discus. Jim May was in a tie in CAMPUS AGENT It Pay. To Look Well the pole vault at a height of 10' 6". The 440 was won by John Hort in for the Vi.itThe 52.8 with Bob Vaughn a close sec- ond. Hart ran second in both the Modern G. I. Laundry 120-high and 220-low hurdle Avenue Barher Shop events. and Cleaners Cross and Boatman were key 223 E. Green St. men for the Blue Jays in the one- Where The Students Go sided meet. TIlden 8-Gfi70 Western Maryland's record is All Laundry and Dry 85 Pennsylvania Avenue now 1-3 overall, and one and one Cleaning Work Guaranteed BMOC*" in Mason-Dixon competition. l{asin~ky' ~ Pharmacy Baugher's Restaurant "Big Man On Campus-yea man! He Who can ccmpete treats the gals to Coke. e..~"Z "Reliable Prescriptions" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS with charm like that. §o if you're 5'0" and a little underweight. remember-you Drugs and. Everyday Needs FOR A MEAL OR SNACK don't have to be a football hero to be popular. Just rely on the good taste of 30 W. Main 8t. Homemade Ice Creanl and Thick MUkshakes Coke. Put in a big supply today! Westminster, Md. SIGN Of GOOO TASTE TIlden 8-7100 OPEN EVERY DAY Bottled under authority of The Coca·Coia Company by WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC.
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