Page 57 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug. May 16, 1958 Prof. Key Called Three Times C.ade~~Recogni~ed Successful WMC Professor By Spring Concert Audience. In Military Review Builds Westminster Life On Tuesday, May 13, 1958, the On May 9, 1958, the Spring Con- due Mr. Key, the conductor. This Annual Presidential Review took Linton, North Dakota. , . Mon- "Classics of Christian Thought." cert of the Western Maryland Col- was his last concert, as he is leav- place on Hoffa Field. Numerous tana , .. Minneapolis, Minnesota Only one individual- can fit his lege Concert Band was held under ing WMC. The editors wish him awards were presented to out- Kentucky . . . Madison, New life into this pattern. He is Dr. the able direction of Mr. Donald R. much luck in whatever paths he standing cadets during this parade. Jersey ... Westminster, Maryland Charles Edward Crain, Associate Key. The program was well pursues. Dr. Lowell S. Ensor presented . , all these make up the geo- Professor of Religion. planned with both contrast and Cadet Battalion Commander John graphical life-line of a friendly capability being considered, a WM Artists Enter Hor-t the Baltimore Sunpapers' WMC "prof." Being born in Lin- First on the program was Medal, designating him as the most ton, our personality, at the age of Sonata JOI"Two T'I"1.tmpets mnd Two outstanding cadet in the battalion. two, moved to Montana. Minne- Fulbright News! ' Four Outdoor Festival Trombones by John Klein. The recipients of the Superior apolis saw his high school days, clarinets then blended in another Cadet Ribbons, an academic and in Kentuoky he attended As- Students who might be in. special arrangement by Fern Car- Entering for the first time as a achievement award, were cadets bury College. tarested in applying for Ful- 10n, entitled Petite Piilce, Quatuo1' group, the College Art Department 'Vray Mowbray, James Lewis, At Drew Seminary he changed bright Awards for study will exhibit its work at the Sixth pOlt1' 4- Clul'inettes. Next the full Baltimore Outdoor Art Festival. Cleveland Bateman, !l!ld John Hol- his vocational ideas from mission- abroad should talk with Dr. William R. Ridington; the band played .the Second Suite in F This event will take place at Druid ter. The most outstanding cadet ary work to teaching. There he Fulbright for Military Band, Op, 28, No.3, Hill Park on Sunday, May 18, from in the senior class, Richard Plas- received both his B.D, and Ph.D. campus leaving the adviser, before campus by Gustav Holst. The blending Jl:OO am-6:00 pm. ket, received the United States degrees, For a while, he had the.. for the summer. The appli- and the full and solid music of the Among those exhibiting will 'be Army Medal. The RDA medals circuit charge of four Methodist band has never sounded better. Claudia Payne, Gail Mercev, Judy for outatanding- students of the Churches in the Newark' Confer- cation forms require consid- erable thought and attention, This was also true ill Vieux Carre Corby, Allen FeJlows, and Marlin military science classes were also ence, At one of these he met his and it is desirable to plan for by John J. Morrissey. A festive Roser, Renting two sections of presented. Cadet Donald Dewey present wife who was the daughter them during the summer. Spanish March, Amparito Roca by space, the college artists will have received the Gold Medal, Cadet of a minister whom he was assist- . They must be completed Jaime Texidor added the final a complete unit including oil paint- Larry Cain the Silver Medal, and ing After a year on a traveling about a month after the burst of color which, too soon, ings, casein, water colors, and silk William Moore the Bronze Medal. fellowship and another as minister, opening of college in the fall, ended the concert. The small but screen prints, Many of the artists The Daughters of American Rev- he came to WMC in 1949. The awards are sufficient enthusiastic audience applauded who have displayed their work olution Medal honored cadets Jack Here he serves on the Admis- until Mr. Key had appeared for here on campus will also exhibit in Anderson and Manfred Joeres on sions Committee, the Curriculum to cover all expenses, includ- ing travel, for an academic ~hree curtain calls. Those who the festival. their proficient leadership capabili- Evaluation Committee, is the Di- year abroad. Approximate- were unable to attend this concert At least ten cash prizes will be ties and good citizenship qualities. rector of Religious Activities, and ly 900 awards were made for of the local is also the president mtssed'
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