Page 58 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, May 16, 1958 Netters Have Winning Year; Spring Sports Will Be Weakened Stop AU Net Squad, 8-1 By Nineteen Graduating Seniors Western Maryland's tennis team ments due to rain, but they were ended its season on a winning able to dry the COUTts(Iff in time Spring sports will be hard hit by bridge, Wray Mowbray. He has three talented gentlemen. note Tuesday by defeating Ameri- to defeat Mt. St. Mary's 9 to O. the exit of the class of '58. The played in the number one posttlon Four Golfers Graduate can University, 8-1. four squads will lose a total-of on the team for four years, and is Wl\-fC's golf team is one of the The 'win was number eight for eig~een players to the Alumni one of the finest players in the con- most successful squads this spring. the Terrors against two losses. Terror Nine Drops Association. . ference. Although faced with They will lose their two top per- These two "losses shattered the Last Three Games Many of the positions left by the some hard luck this year, Wray formers, Dick Brawley and Pete hopes of the Hurtmen to be the grads-to-be will take a. long time gives style and fine ability to the Urquhart, plus the service of util- Northern Mason-Dixon Champs as Since the last report; the West- to fill. This perennial problem team. ity men, Jack Anderson and Gor- both were at the hands of unde- ern Maryland baseball team has of rebuilding the teams from the Bob Passerellc is perhaps the don Horsburgh. Brawley and Ur- feated Johns Hopkins. engaged in four contests, winning returning lettermen and the incom- best number two man in the con- quhart have been mainstays of the Tuesday's game was the final one and losing three. The lone match in a tough season for the win was an eleven to nothing shut- ing freshmen only to lose them to ference and can handle many of team for four years; through their Capable the number one men also. play, the season's sue- ~ the sheepskin clan must be faced. outstanding Terrors. out with Hopkins on April 30. Tennis Team Loses 3 of superb tennis, Bob has been the ceases have been possible. The Ameri'can University win Bob Schmid, Clark Kirkman, and . most consistent winner on the team Core Is Leaving tennis team, Professor Hurt's gave us second place in the North- Joel Bailey combined to white- the college's most recent champion- this year. John Gunderson, play- The track team will lose Ray ern half of the conference. The wash the Hopkins nine, and WMC ship aggregation, will be hardest ing number four, was picked as Crawford, Brooks Euler, Dick Hol- win was an impressive one as all wallopped thirteen hits to win the hit by graduation, losing Wray captain of the team and has shown bruner, Jim May, Lynn Mayer, Bill but .number four man won his game. Mowbray, Bob Passerello, and he was fully qualified for the post. Spear, Don Stenley, and their match. - On May 2, the Terrors bowed to Captain John Gunderson. It will Steady play is his trademark and- chief point gainer, John Hort. Al- Although the team lost only one Loyola with the score of eight to be difficult to find how to stop talk- victory is- usually the result. The. senior last year, the changes in -nve. Our hurlers grabbed four ing about the "Kid" from Cam- tennis team will indeed miss these though the season has proven to be con- has a disappointment, John positions and the lack of early .hits, while Loyola made fourteen. tinued to give fine performances. practice hurt their game. Once On a return game with Hopkins Consistently leading the team in in the Track Team Halted Twice By getting started the netters didn't on May 10, we lost in extra innings points, John has proven n valuable slow down until sidetracked by the as Hopkins made six runs member of the team. Loss of the Blue Jays. tenth to Jake a ten to four deci- other seniors will greatly weaken Monday the Terror team visited sion. During the regular nine in- Washington And Catholic U the team, for they have formed the the Blue Jay!! in their own roost. nings, WMC gave up only four core of this year's squad. Bob Pesserello, and J-on Myers hits, but the tenth inning produced The Green and Gold trackmen of Becker, verne Johnson, Conrad Four Vets Going won their singles and the number two hits, four walks, and a wild suffered losses at the hands of and Hort captured five more points The baseball team will not lose 1 and 2 doubles teams won their pitch which make the difference in Washington College and Catholic in the losing cause. as many members as the other matches. These wins were not the final score. University to end their season In the last dual meet of the see- teams, for the nucleus of the team quite enough to prevent the Blue On May 13, the baseball nine with a record of one win and six son, the Catholic University Car- was returning sophomores and the Jays from flying home with a five closed out their season with a slop- losses. dinals beat the Terrors by a 74-48 new freshmen. The team will feel to 'four- win. The match was close, py sixteen to nine loss to American At the May 7 meet in Chester- count on May 10 in Washington, the loss of Joel Bailey's right ann, but only Wray Mowbray's loss University. Our pitcher gave up town, the Shoremen won by a Four double winners starred in the power bats of Buzzy Lambert went the full three sets. This was nineteen hits and ten walks. [i,ve 651/3 to 56 2/3 score. They were this meet: Frank Derro 'of CU in and Fred Stoever, and the spark a contrast to the last match in errors in our spotty fielding aided paced by the seventeen points of the 100 and 220 yd. dashes; Mike in the infield provided by Dick which seven sets' went the full 3 American U's scoring. On the Mark Diashyn. Behind him in the Halpin of CU in the one and two Gardiner. count before we lost. brighter side, four hits were picked scoring was 'V. Md.'s John Hort mile races ; Fred Roop of WMC in Western Maryland College will Last week the Terrors had sev- up by Buzzy Lambert, two by who placed first in the 880 and the the high and broad jump; and John certainly miss these eighteen men eral cancellations and postpone- Gerry Padgett and Fred Stoever, 220 low hurdles, second in the 120 Hort in the 120 high and 2M low on the playing fields next year. and one by Chandler, Cofe, Mahan, high hurdles and the high jump. hurdles. Hort was also second in Good luck to you all. WMCGolfersTake Sullivan, and Zimmerman. places in the 880 with Wayne Con- the high jump and third in pole Maryland swept three Western Third In M-D Play Softball Standings rad and Otto Willen tying for" sec- vault. in the field events. strength Western Maryland's Jim appeared Dick Hcl- ond place behind Hort. After winding up a successful-- Each of the four fr ater-ni; bruner, Bill Spnar, and George May tied for first place in the pole season with seven wins and two ties have a team on the field Becker took nine points in the ehot vault, and Dick Holbr uner won the losses, the Terror golfers went on along with the strong Inde, put. shot put. Behind him was Bill to take third place in the annual pendent teams, the New Vir_ In the 440 Bob Vaughn tied for Spaar .in third place and in second Mason-Dixon Conference golf tour- ginians and the Hugger's. first place. The mile relay te:lm place for the discus. nament at Mount Pleasant. The Preachers are in first In a field of ten, the University "place to date with eight wins of Baltimore with 653 and Bridge- and no losses. Coming down water with 693 were hot enough to the homestretch, the stand- It Pay, To LOOk Well Rasiitsky's Pharmacy beat WMC. ings .are: Delta Pi Alpha, Gene Miolen was low man for Gamma Beta Chi, Alpha Visit The "Reliable Prescriptions" the team with a score Of 172. Dick Gamma Tau, Buggers, New Brawley carded 179, Pete Urqu- Virginians, and Pi Alpha Al- Avenue Barber Shop Drugs and hart chipped in with 175, and pha. Everyday Needs Andy Urquhart added 170 to give the Terrors 'i07 and third place. Earlier this week- the Terrors Where The Students Go 30 W. Main St. in the Middle Atlantic Tourna- Westminster, Md. ment .placed ninth in a field of Guys are Sharp, Gals are 8'S Pennsylvania Avenue TUden 8-7100 eighteen with 714. They were Neat right on the heels of the Universi- ty of Delaware who were in eighth Benny's is the place to eat by one point. Pete Urquhart was low man with a score of 172,· Andy Urquhart came in with 180, Dick Brawley had 175, and Gene Mtclen added 187. Last week the golfers played in two matches to finish out the reg- ular season. They won over Bal- timore University by a score of 13-5. Pete Urquhart was medal- TIlden 8-7830 ist with a score of 72. In a pre- vious mateh, Johns Hapkins edged Our New Addition the Terrors with a score of 10·!). The Colonial This match was tied up at the end Dining Room of 18, 9-9, and a playoff had staged to deci?e the victor. Ralph's Heagy's Sport Shop Crown Service 16 W. Main Penna. & Hersh Aves. TIlden 8-5515 COACH PARTY FARES Westminster, Md. love each person in your group Phone TI 8-8352 A Complete Sports Line of 25 or more 28% of regular round-trip fore. Westminster FOR FLOWERS Laundry Artistically arranged and Dry Cleaning for each different personality COLLEGE SPECIAL IA Skirt & Sweater Slacks & Sweater DUTTERER'S $1.00 DON HAAS Will See That Your 114 Pennsylvania Ave, Knowthe answer? Clothes Are Clean TIlden 8-9350 ~ What's an eight-letter word which ~ en~II 'li' Baugher's Restaurant reminds you of good t,&ste, sparkle. of lift? WONDERFUL FUN easy-Coca-Cola EVERYONE FOR The answer's course, No puzzle about why it's so e Hove a "porly" while you JUST OFF THE CAMPUS popular, .. no other sparkling drink trovell Enjoy fine food.,. delightful refreshments". good taste, so FOR A MEAL OR SNACK gives you so much Yes, when you're hoppy talk. Avoid worry obout congestion, highway traffic much satisfaction. looking for refreshment, ho%ords,ond weather condiliom. Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes the answer's always Coke! A.k your local tlck.1 Or !rav.' SIGN OF GOOO TASTE NOW oboullh ... rno .... y_.avJ .. llpla .... OPEN EVERY DAY Bottled under authority of The Coco-Cola Company by EASTERN WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. RAILROADS
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