Page 50 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 50
6 The Gold Bug, Apr. 18, 1958 Al Stewart Leads Varsity Nine Hort And Roop To 18-8Thumping Over G'burg Lead Cinderrnen The Western Maryland Terrors three singles apiece To First Victory' thumped the Towson State Teach- Sloan Stewart had a triple and Western Maryland downed Loy- ers' team by a walloping 18 to 8 a single, and E. C. Chandler had a ola 70-52 in a home track meet on score _on Wednesday. Allril 16. pair of singles. Fred Burgee, Bob Wednesday. This was the first This was the Terrors' first Mason- Schmid and Dave Sullivan each victory for the Terrors in two out- Dixon Conference game, and puts weighed in with a single safety. ings. them at the head of the standings "Pud" Zimmerman started for Versatile John Hort led the home by virtue of their victory. Pre- WMC, but was wild, as he walked team scoring by placing in five vious to this encounter the Green nine men in the 1 2/3 innings he events. He won the 120-high and Gold had been downed by worked. Bob Schmid came to Zim- hurdles and the 220-low hurdles Penn State 26 to 0, and by Gettys- merman's relief in the second with and tied for first in the high jump. burg 10 to 3, in non-league compe- the sacks jammed and five runs al- Hort also took second place in the tition. ready in. Schmid induced the 440 and a third in the pole vault. Chandler Stars Towson batter "Skip" Feldman to Roop Is Second 'I'he only consolation was the ground out, thus ending the threat. Freshman Fred Roop was second two hits picked up by E. C. Chand- Schmid Wins high scorer- for the team winning ler, and one apiece by Gerry Padg- Schmid, who was the winning the broad jump and tying for the ett and Joe Shilling. The G-burg pitcher was masterful during the win in the high jump. He also game was close for five innings as 5 1/3 innings he worked. Not al- placed second in the 100-yd. dash Joel Bailey had the opposition lowing a run, Bob gave up just five behind Hugh McKenna of Loyola, baffled with a various assortment singles during his stint. When Roy Kennedy, who has had to discontinue his partic-ipatwn in track a sparkling dashman. of pitches, until he pulled a muscle Coach Pugh lifted Zimmerman for because of a p!tlled muscle, is pictured above. Other first places were won by in his pitching arm late in the Schmid, he wisely kept him in the Bob Vaughn in the 440 with a cime game. game by placing him in right ficld. of 52.9 seconds, Jim May in the Gettysburg Rallies Lambert Relieves Delaware Tops Hurtmen, '7-2; pole vault, and Bill Spaur in the discus, backed up by Larry Hemp- But G-burg erupted for five This would have enabled him to hill in second place. Schmid and "mop- Upset Is Non-League Contest runs off a reliefer in the eighth in- pitch again if he were needed. As George Becker was second man ning to burst the game wide open, it was, reliefer in the 220 behind McKenna and and finally walked off with a 10-3 up" man Lambert needed no out- third in the 100-yd. dash. Back- victory. side help. "Pud" proved himself A usually keen and flawless as yet to return to the 'acme of last ing up Hort in the. high hurdles But on Wednesday, it was a worthy of Coach Pugh's confidence, Wl\IC tennis squad hit a snag as season's performance, Mowbray was Dick Holbruner in second completely different story, as the as he contributed added hitting they dropped their match to Dela- and Anderson are expected to re- place. He was also third in the Western Maryland team socked punch. war-e in a Wednesday away con- gain their winning form. shot put behind Ray Crawford in out twenty-three hits good for This was a way to start out in test, 7-2. Delaware, who is not a For the first time practically in second. Ralph Heim took third eighteen runs. Al Stewart led the Mason-Dixon Conference p Ia y. participant in the Mason-Dixon the career of senior Wray Mow- place in the 220-low hurdles. brigade as he had three long The next home game will be Tues- conference, was able to capitalize bray, he lost to his opponent, in Billeb Stars doubles, a sharp single to center, day, April 29, when the Tenors on every WMC mistake and turn the initial set, 7-5, after having his In the distance races, Ken Billeb scored four runs, and had two runs take on Dickinson. it into an advantage. The match opponent, Pete Lengermain, down of Loyola took first in both the batted in. "Buzzy" Lambert had Tomorrow the Tcrrors journey marks" the first triumph for Dela- 5-2. Lengermain then completed one and two mile races. Don Sten- a triple and two singles; Bob Cole to South Jersey to play Rutgers. ware over the Terrors in three sea- the match with a second set vic- ley, a returnee to the team, was had a double and two sf ngles ; Next week the team will travel to tory of 6-4. thh-d in the one mile as was Karl while Gerry Padgett and "Pud" Washington College and American Passerello Succeeds Silex in the two mile run. Zimmerman each chipped in with University. In the defeat, Western Mary- Anderson Loses Loyola's Paul Sherman out-paced land scored both a singles and Wayne Conrad and Ted Farrow in doubles victory. Bob Passerello, Powell Anderson, having trouble the 880. Brooks Euler took a run- who is second seeded on the WM reg-aining the fore-arm precision of ner-up spot in the pole vault, while SPINNING THE squad, proved worthy of his rating, his undefeated season of last year, by Verne. Johnson captured a second received his second setback of the in the broad jump. as he netted 6-1 and 6-4 wins over sets in season young three Lose Opener SPORTS GLOBE his opponent, Ray Walker. Team- scores of 9-11, '6-4, and 2-6. was vic- ermen dropped their opening meet John ing up in the doubles, with experi- in the season, the Clow, Earlier Gunderson, team captain, ence their biggest asset, Wray Mowbray and Bob Paescrello were timized G-4, 6-1; Bruce Lee, veter- to Gettysburg College by a 78-39 able to lick their Delaware oppon- an netter, went to defeat by identi- score. Here, too, t.he team was I received a letter from Mike Brill the other day in reference to my ent, 6-2 and 6-1. cal 6-3 counts; while freshman Jon aided by the points of John Hort Myers was halted 6-3 and 6-1. baseball predictions. The following is an excerpt from this letter: " Mowbray Is Upset and Fred Roop. "After reading your baseball predictions, I feel that I must disagree Biggest disappointments in the However, the Delaware contest Hort took the high hurdles in with some of your ideas. I will start by agreeing, as much as I hate to match carne in the singles play of does not affect the college's log in 15.8 seconds and a third in the low with your pick of the Yankees to take the American League pennant: Wray Mowbray, number one seed- Mason-Dixon Conference play of hurdles and the 440. Musser of Then I feel that they will be followed by the Tigers, who will finally find ed on the team, and Powell Ander- 2-0. Western Maryland has gain- Gettysburg won the low hurdles in ed victories over Catholic Univers- themselves, Red Sox, Orioles due to strong pitching and more hitting, son, number' three seeded. Unable 25.4 seconds. Roop tied for fi)'st in State ity and Teachers Towson Cleveland, Chicago due to the lack- of hitting and the loss of Minoso and College in league competition. In the high jump, tied for second in Doby, Kansas City, and Washington, in their accustomed spot. the broad jump and took a third in "In the National League, I agree with your prediction of the Braves Two Wins Scored both contests, the Terrors were the 100-yd. dash which was won by to take the flag and furthermore the series. Then I will disagree with able to decisively stop the opposi- the home team's Apple in ten sec- tion. you by picking St. Louis, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, with Roberts coming By Terror Golfers onds flat. back, Los AngeJes due to age, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and San Francisco." Towson Trounced Conrad Wins May I express my thanks for the interest that he has shown and Western Maryland's golf team In the Tuesday home event with wayne Conrad, a freshman, won maybe in October we can get together and compare notes as you sug-, added another victory on Monday, Towson, the squad pooled their the 880 in 2.14.4 backed up by Otto gested. to make the early season a success. skill to register an 8-1 trouncing. Willen in second place. Willen With the 7-2 triumph over Loyola The match of the day seemed to be also finished second in the one mile Girls' Gym Needs Improvement on April 14, the team brought their the thumping Bob Pnsserello hand- run. Other placers in the distance ecason's mark to two wins as op- ed his rival, two quick sets of 6- races were Karl Silex and Don in the While attending a basketball game in Blanche Ward Gym several posed to only one defeat. Pre- love,6-love. Stanley, second and third of Get- two mile behind Hertzler weeks ago I noted that the walls are unpadded. Since the walls are Io, viously, Western Maryland lost to Earlier, in league play, the team tysburg. cated so close to the playing floor there should be some protection for Gettysburg, 13% to 4'h, and had stopped C. U. in a rain ab- Veteran Bob Vaughn was sec- the players. In my experience I have never seen a situation that was stopped Mount Saint Mary's in breviated match, 8-0. The other ond in the 440. Taking third place worse tfUm this, even in small high schools. I hope that something will their initial contest, 8-1. encounter, game, a non-league event, was a in the 220 was George Becker, and In their most recent be done about this situation before someone receives a serious injury. 7:2 loss to Penn State. the 7-2 victory over Loyola of Bal- in the 120-high hurdles, Dick Hol- Crawford the put bruner. Ray at timore found the team playing Major League Baseball Season Opens Open of PGA circles, Mount Pleas- Phi AJpha Mu shot to earn a second place, while the home of the now famed Eastern Bill Spaar The major league season really opened with a bang on .Monday with ant golf course in Baltimore. discus throw. tied ior second in the the Washington Senators defeating the Boston Red Sox in a 5-2 contest. Medalist Michaels of Loyola with a Takes ISC Cup Western Maryland's next meet was An- for the match The one and only Ted Williams suffered ptomaine poison and was unable drew is at Johns Hopkins on Saturday, to participate. This you might say is the laugh of the week. score of 79. Low scorer for the April 19. Last Tuesday marked the opening of West Coast Major League Green and Gold was freshman Phi Alpha Mu Sorority copped baseball. The San Francisco Giants, led by the shutout pitching of John Holter, who carded an 82. the intersority basketball cham- Ruben Gomez, trounced the' Dodgers from neighboring Los Angeles by Brawley Wins ...pionship by a score of 51-49 in a a score of 8-0. A sellout crowd was in attendance in San Francisco to Richard Brawley, team captain play-off contest against Sigma Sig- I Sports Personality see rookie Orlando Cepeda and veteran Daryl Spencer each club home and veteran shot, downed his op- rna Tau. In this match, prior to runs for. the cheering crowd. A jam-packed crowd of twenty-three thou- ponent Paul Kohlkepp six and four spring vacation, the Sigmas re- Currently undefeated and rapid- sand were on hand. and remained undefeated. John 'Hnquished their title to the Phi ly proving himself to be the most A crowd of over thirty-four thousand saw the Baltimore Orioles Holter in stroking to his low score Alpha. valuable member of the golf team wallop the Washington Senators, thus ending the Senators' brief stay in for the WAiC team, was able to The game seemed to follow a is this week's sports personality, first place, to the tune of 6-1. The Orioles in their opener were led by keep apace with Brawley in the definite pattern, exchanging has- Richard Brightwell Brawley. the potent bat of young Brooks Robinson and "old" Gus Triandos. It win column, as he, too, has yet to ket for basket. A two minute Dick, who is 5 ft. 7 in. tall and was enlightening to see Robinson making a real attempt to replace vet- be defeated. overtime was played with both weighs 140 lbs., who could "lick eran George Kell who retired. The winning pitcher for the Birds was Gene Miolen bested his opponent teams again scoring an equal num- his weight in wildcats," has been Billy O'Dell. Robert Shehan 6 and 5; David her of points. The second over- consistently low in scores during Clark took the measure of Tony time period was then started with the last three years. Hailing Champs Win Again Preis, 3 and 1; Andy Urquhart de- the team making the first two from Stevenson, Md., Dick is a rceted Charles Pngsagno 3 and 1; points winning. Before the final sociology major. The Yankees got off on the right foot by defeating Boston by a score while Pete Urquhart was being time was called, Bev Hill was While a student at Western of 3-0. Old "faithful" Yogi Berra slugged a homer for the Yanks while edged out 3 and 2. fouled while shooting and received Maryland, "the Kid" has made the immortal Don Larsen allowed only four Bosox hits. On Friday, April 11, Western two foul shots---making both. many valuable contributions to the Milwaukee's world champion Braves probably played in the most Maryland was deieated by G-burg Both teams deserve quite a bit sports program. His contributions exciting game of the opening day contests. The Pirates took the meas- 13% to 4 %. As far as WMC sta- of credit for their excellent play- have led to members of the golf ure of the Braves in fourteen innings, 4-3. tistics are concerned, only Richard ing. Although their playing can't squad placing their confidence in The other victors in their seasonal openers were the Tigers and the Brawley was able to gain a victory be measured in terms of baskets, him and clecting him captain for A's in the American League; while the Phillies and Cubs in the National over the opponent. He best.ed special recognition should go to the coming year. Not only exact- League proved to be victors. Richard Betz 2 and 1. Another Mary Tomlinson Bauer and Caryl ing in golf, Dick also is quite pro- International League competition got underway without any vio_ bright spot was evident in JQhn Ensor \llho guarded for opposing ficient in firing the small-here lence. For a while things looked bleak for the Cubans playing out of Holter, who managed to tie his foe, teams. rifle. A member of the rifle tcum Havana. However, the Civil War in Cuba did not interrupt the opening for the past three years, he has day in Havana. Al Mah~~rr~~s ~::~~unt ve;:~loS~g~:~n~~~o~e~et~~/~~il~ been a definite asset to this victor- By the way, Jack Dunn, the assistant general manager of the In an earlier contest, the Ter- ity to hold their own against the ious team. If he follows his past pattern Orioles, picked his club to finish in 4th place. He feels that Woodling rors opened thei!; season by stop- other three teams. They ended the this season, Dick will enjoy a ban- and Harshman will be a big help. ~:~Jal~~~u;otr~~~ntm!~~~r~a~ i~i~~ tournament with a 2-1 record. ner year with his clubs. Just re- Walsh of the Mounts with a score Delta Sigma Kappa provided cently at Gettysburg, he proved his AI Says Goodbye of 83. Pete and Andy Urquhart some real competition this year ability lvith the golf irons by win- tied for low WMC scoring honors with Ann Voshell and Betty ReYI ning the only match captured by This is my last issue due to recent developments in regard to the with scores of 84. The top match spiriting their team on. The 1-2 WMC. SCA. It has been an experience that I shall long remember and cherish. of the day proved to be the battle record hardly expresses their good The GOLD BUG commends Dick Carlton White will succeed me as the next sports editor. I am sure that between the number one contest- playing and sportsmanship. Brawley as the sports personality he will serve you well! I would like to thank all those people who have ants, Pete Urquhart and Mikc Iota Gamma Chi made fourth of the week for a carcer in golf of helped me with the GOLDBUG during the last year and a half. Special Welch who finally was able to "Win, place and their enthusiasm couldn't which even a professional mIght thanks go to Charles Pugh who has worked long and hard. 1 up. be matched. be proud.
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