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i.ibrary ··Ie ric 'tmil1ster, Vol. 35, No, 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTM::IN:::S:::TE:::R:!_, .::M::A:::RY:::LA:::::ND.::_ ..:~:::la::Y_1::6:!_, ..:1:::95:::8 Dramatic Art Students To Greeks ELect Full Schedule OfActivities Dtiicers For Present Play, The Crucible Coming Year Fills Seniors' Last Week The commencement play, The Cruciote by Arthur Miller, The Greek Letter organizations The schedule of senior activities to climax the year 1957- will be presented by the Dramatic Art Department on Friday on campus have recently elected 1958 will begin on Wednesday, May 28, with the alumni ban- evening, May 30, at 8:15 pm in Alumni Hall. The production officers for the fall semester. quet for the seniors, move through the annual events high- will be directed by Miss Esther Smith, • Delta Sigma Kappa's officers in- This play won the Antoinette Perry award, was the run- clude: Betty Reid, president; lighting the graduation year, and end with the Commencement Reifsnyder, nerup in the New York Drama Critics Circle as the best play Marsha Harriet Whitmore, vice-presi- exercises on Monday, June 2, secre- dent; In the College Dining Hall on Wednesday evening, May of the year, and shared the Donaldson award with Inge's tary; Eva Lallas, treasurer; Nan- 28, the AlumniAssociation will hold a banquet in honor of the Haas, sergeant-at-arms; Picnic. The Crucible is the story of a witch hunt in Salem, cy tricia Smyth, chaplain. Pa- Class of 1958. At this dinner Mrs, William R, Ensminger, '49, Massachusetts, in 1692. Iota Nineteen people had been hanged on charges of witch- Armstrong, Gamma Chi elected Gail chairman of the Committee of Citizenship Awards will pre- sent Alumni Citizenship Awards to both a deserving girl and president; Helen Den- craft. The hysteria which resulted ham, vlce-pr-eaideut ; Marion Man- boy. . from the execution was started by ning, corresponding secretary; a handful of girls who insisted that Aloha Staff Nancy Thorn, recording secretary; Next on the agenda will be the Commencement Play in they had seen visions; the Devil Mary Hendren, treasurer; and Alumni Hall, Friday, May 30, at 8:15 pm. The College Play. was at large in Salem and various Announced By Karol Kalloway, chaplain. ers will enact Arthur Miller's The Crucible with Jack Ander- citizens had. consorted with him. Presiding over Sigma Sigma As terrible as this story may seem Tau will be Karen Helbig as presi- son in the lead role. today, it is founded on fact and New Editor dent. Joanne Trabucco will be Saturday, !'.lay 31, will be a full did happen in America in the sev- vice-preaidcnt ; Ruth Ann Wilson, Blanche Ward To Have and busy day for seniors and enteenth century. . secretary; Virginia Pott, treasur- alumni alike. Through the collec- Author Comments The editorial staff of the Aloha er; Joan Wood, sergeant-at-a rma ; New Dormitory Head tion of dues, the seniors will pro- vide for themselves a picnic at a Mr. Miller says that Salem was was recently announced by Pa- and Dorothy Mathias, chaplain. only part of the whole general tricia Schaefer, editor. This was Phi Alpha Mu lias elected Joan Mrs. Henrietta P. Scott of Lan- place which has not yet been deter. world pictufe; except that the sit- done at a full meeting with Miss Robinson, president; Don n a caster, Pennsylvania will become mined. Alumni Day will begin 'at 9 :30 am when headquarters will uation was worse in Europe. Nancy Winkleman, the adviser, Brown, vice-president; Leanne the House Director of Blanche open in McDaniel Lounge. The Thousands were burned in Europe, present. Manning, secretary; Kay Payne, Ward Hall. She will replace Mrs. while only sixteen persons were Associate editors will be Ellen treasurer; Anne Clemmitt, ser- Nina Veale, who is retiring this fifty-year class, which is being hanged in Salem. Richmond, Joanne Trabucco, Stan- geant-at-arms, and Christine Dav- summer. honored, will stay in the Manage- Special reunions will ment House. -Th.e Crucible is not an answer to ley Howell, and John Waghelstein. is, chaplain. Mrs. Scott is at present house McCarthyism. Mr. Miller says, The assistant editors will be Kath- Alpha Gamma Tau selected Har- director of the senior nureetresi- be held by classes ending in the nu- "It is not anymore an attempt to erine Bond, Joanne Filhey, Vir- old Taylor to serve liS president dence at St. Joseph's Hospital in meral three or eight from 1898 to pm an 4:30 1953 inclusive. At cure witch hunts than Salesman ginia Pott, David Edington, and and Thomas Davies as vice-presi- Lancaster. She is originally from is a plea for the improvement of James Lewis. Patricia Cooper will dent. The other officers include Philadelphia where she was a con- Alumni Reception will be held in conditions for traveling men." be the proof-reading editor. On Donald Dewey, recording secre- cert singer for fifteen years. She the Lounge. Tho Crucible is internally Sales- her staff will be Diane Deland, tary; Ronald Sindy, treasurer; has also had her own ceramic The Reunion Class Procession man's blood brother. It is the con- Jean Leatherwood, Marianne Kenneth Giddes, corresponding studio and has taught the cr~ft. will form at 6:00 pm in McDaniel, flict between man's raw deeds and Shears and Albert Dawkins. secretary; James Lewis, sergeant- She is an active Gray Lady. and the parade will move from the his conception of himself. Heading up girls' sports will be at-arms; and John Weagley, chap- Mrs. Veale is retiring after six- Lounge to the College Dining Hall, "The people of my play have the Betty Reid who will be assisted by lain. where at 6 :30 pm the annual Jehovah approach to God. A sin Norma. Lee Etzler. Boys' sports Delta Pi Alpha chose Allen teen years as house director of Alumni Banquet wiII be served. Hall. was a sin. They were inflexible will be under the direction of Allen Wortz to head the fraternity, as-" Blanche Ward Western She is a Classes will sit together as a graduate Maryland of people. Their way of thought be-- Spicer and Roy Kennedy .. Martha stated by Manfred Joeres as vice-- College, class of 1908, and is cele- group and during the course of the came the bedrock of American Anstedt and Angela Buchal will be president. Others who hold office evening each group will give its morality, upon which later varia- adding the art work, and the typ- are David Clark, recording secre- brating the fiftieth reunion of her class yell. A highlight of the eve- tions warp, made," says Mr'. Miller. istc will he Katherine Mitchell and tarr: Donald HIlI.S, corresponding CIM!, this June. ning wilt hI' the awarding of cite- However, this play is broader Leanne Manning. secretary; Joseph Bender, treasur- lions bo alumni who are being 'rec- than Salem. The play has uni- The photography editors have er; Charles Kimball, sergeant-at- Trumpeters Tap ognized by the college for having versal meaning derived from the already been in action with the in- arms; and James Thomas, chap- performed some outstanding work faith of those who were hanged. dividual senior formal and in. lain. Five Juniors since their graduation. The New York producer, Kermit formal pictures. They are Doro- Gamma Beta Chi elected Stew- Sunday, June 1, at 10:30 am Bloomgarder, says, "It is a heroic thy Mathias and Harold Taylor, art Dorweis as president and in Baker Memorial Chapel, Dr. love story which touches the heart who will be assisted by Ann Hialey Thomas Kaylor as vice-president. Last night five junior girls were Lowell S. Ensor will deliver the and mind. It is an American and Kenneth Giddes. The other officers are Bruce Lee, tapped as Trumpeters, thus receiv- message for the Baccalaureate classic." The staff wiil begin to plan dur- treasurer; Benjamin Bullock, re- ing the highest honor awarded to Service, which serves as a prepa- Anderson Has Lead cording secretary; Robert Otto, a Western Maryland College wom- ration for graduation for the sen- The characters are: Betty Par- ing the summer in order to begin corresponding secretary; James an. The five girls, who were chos- iors. That afternoon at .3 :30 pm ris, Patricia Garcia; Reverend the actual production early in the Cole, sergeant-at-arms; and Rich- en by the present Trumpeters to the College Choir will render Luigi Samuel Pur-r-is, Clarence Kaylor; fall. nrd Apperson, chaplain. succeed them next year, were Jo- Cherubini's Requiem. Ma~J/1 in C Lituba, Claudia Payne; Abigail Pi Alpha Alpha have as their anne- Filbey, Karen Helbig, Sherry Minor. Luter on Sunday lifter- Williams, Nancy Lindsay; Susanna Oilman Captures Award incoming president Samuel Cook noon at 4 :30 pm, a reception will Wallcott, Patricia Krell; Mrs. Ann with Luther Martin as viee-presi- Phelps, Joan Robinson, lind Joanne be field in McDaniel Lounge, for Putnam, Judith Board; Thomas Eileen Ditm:m has been named dent. The remaining officers are Trabucco. the faculty and administration to Putnam, Thomas Miller ; Mercy one of the five major award win- Jay Francis, treasurer; James The senior Trumpeters and their meet and visit with seniors and Lewis, Marsha Reifsnyder; Mary ners in the Reed and Barton Silver worden, corresponding secretary; advisor, Dr. Isabel Isanogle, in- their parents. .- Warren, Jane Roeder; John Proc- Opinion Contest. She is the re- Wayne Crockett, recording secre- vested the junior girls with caps To culminate the seniors' yenrs tor, Jack Anderson; Rebecca cipient of a $100 scholarship on the tary; Ernest Colwell, sergeant-at- and gowns in a ceremony on Presi- on the hill, at 10:00 on Monday Nurse, Shirley Ream; Giles Corey, basis of the essay she wrote con- arms; and Robert Harris, chap- morning, June 2, the seniors will James Gibson; Reverend John cerning the use of silver. ' lain. dent Ensor's lawn. be presented with their degrees at Hale, Robert Christian; Elizabeth the 88th Annual Commencement in Proctor, Jean Lambertson; Fran- From The President's Office - - •• - Alumni Hall. Leon E. Hickman, cis Nurse, Thomas Ward; Ezekial Vice President and General Coun- Cheever, Stephen Callender; John sel of the Aluminum Company of Willard, Robert Harris; A Guard, Chapel Controversy Evokes Response America in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- John Brunk; Judge Hathorne, vania, will give the commencement Allen Wortz; Deputy Governor address. Also at this time honor- Danforth, Luther Martin; and ary degrees will be presented to Sarah Good, Mary Harrison. To the Editor of the GOLDBUG; be no aetivity anywhere in the titioned at the rear of the Assem- deserving graduates and various Behind the Scenes building that might be considered bly Hall for classroom purposes. awards will be made. The settings were designed by Please permit me space to ex- a desecration of the purpose to The remaining part of the Assem- Mrs. Joy Winfrey and executed by press publicly the appreciation which it was dedicated. bly Hall stiIl will be large enough Marlin Roser, assisted qy the jun- which I have expressed to many The sanctuary, with its central to seat approximately 350 people. ior dramatic art students. The privately for the splendid coopera- altar and cross, should be a place Certainly it will not be out of RADIO STATION and faculty tion of both students production managers are Marlin of worship set apart from other keeping to use ail of this area for HERE? Roser and Jack Anderson. The in helping to make the services of activities of the College no matter educational purposes. stage manager is Clarence Kaylor dedication of Bakel" Memorial how legitimate these other activi· Sometimes we use rather loosely It has been found, by a and the assistants are Stephen Chapel and the Whiteford Organ ties may be. For the first time in the words "secular" and "sacred." group of interested students, Callender and Allen Wortz. James the outstanding occasions they many years we now have a place I can hardly agree that worship that there is a possibility of Lightner is the electrician and the proved to be. The choir, the ush- where the entire college community alone is "sacred" and education establishing a dosed circuit assistants are Luther Martin and ers, the Senior Class, the many in- can worship in a setting that does "secular." An education which is radio station on the campus. John Brunk. dividuals charged with responsi- not remind us of the Junior Follies earnestly seeking the truth of God, Naturally, an undertaking of bilities of one kind or another, all of the preceding week or a pep whether' it be through the channels this kind would require much did their part in making these two rally next week. Let's keep the of the sciences, the arts, the hu- student support and help. affairs successful and unforgetable. sanctuary for worship and enter manities or religion, has a very Maurice Arsenault and I11ATH PRIZE We were overwhelmed, of course, it in that spirit, whether our wor- "sacred" aspect. If some of us on others, such who have done work on a before, system on both days with crowds of alumni and staff who are or- by the spoken Results of the Lt. Col. F. and friends fat· beyond our most ship be directed music, or the quiet the faculty ministers did not believe have obtained information dained WQrd, inspiring c. Pyne Mathematical extreme expectations. Never be- of meditation. this to be true, we would hardly be r rom the Intercollegiate Award test, which was an· fore have any college functions at.- In this connection, your cor- devoting our lives to its pursuit. Broadcasting System con_ nounced in the March issue tracted so many people. I sup· respondent of the last issue may be I agree most heartily with the cerning the setting up and of The GOLDBUG, have been pose we should be elated that we interested to learn that originally last paragraph of your Guest Edi- operation of this program. recently made public. The hlive so many friends who were in- the Investiture Service was held in torial and it is so aptly stated that Round table discussio~ on winner of the $100.00 prize terested enough to make the triP' to Baker Chapel, and when it was 1 ask your permission to conclude school affairs, campus news was Ethel Vonderheide who Westminster, but it did create some moved to the larger area of Alum- with the same words: "Let the reports, and variolls - disc scored 100'70 on the test. problems and inconveniences. I ni Hall students protested on the Chapel serve its purpose. Let us jockey shows could be made The second-place winner, deeply regret the fact that some of grounds that it would lose its re- worship God in the reverence of available. If you would be willing to Carol Pettersen, scored 950/0. our students could riot get in.. ligious significance. If you will his temple. Let us use the Chapel support such a program, the The prize will be offered Perhaps this would be an ap- examine the order of service, you with a sense of wisdom and discre· each ~;ear. In the. future, propriate time to say something will find that it is one of worship tion and schedule the a!'-tivities ac- SGA would like you to sign which you will the petition however, the recipient will about the use of the Chapel, espe- directed toward preparing the find on the "Old Main" bul- be selected on the basis of cially since there was a guest edi- Seniors for their forthcoming cordingly." letin board at your earliest the Graduate Record Exam- torial on this subject in your last graduation. Sincerely yours, ination. issue. Certainly we all would During the summer, several ad· Lowell S. Ensor, President convenience. agree, I believe, that there should ditional smaller rooms will be par· Western Maryland College
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