Page 51 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Vol. 35, No. 13 May ~ 1958 Beverly Bosworth Famed Organist Chosen MAFT A To Give Recital State President At Chapel Service Beverly Bosworth was elected to Virgil Fox, concert organist, will head the Maryland Association of give a recital in Baker Memorial .Future Teachers of America at Chapel, on Sunday, May 4 at 7:30 their Spring Convention held on pm. The concert will be part of April 19, 1958, at South Hager-s- the dedication services for the new town High School. For the third Whiteford Organ. The Co!lege time in foul' years the president of Choir will join My. Fox for the this group is a Western Maryland singing of hymns. College student. For MI'. Fox, the road of musi- In this capacity Bev will bc sent as the MAFTA delegate to the cal fame began in Princeton, Illi- nois, and continued with his studies Student National Education .A£~o- at .the Peabody Conservatory. At elation Convention at Bowling the age of twenty-six, he was ap- Green, Ohio and the National Edu- pointed head of the organ depart- cation Association Convention at ment there. In May, 1946, he was Cleveland, Ohio. Both of these selected to be organist of the Rtv- week-long meetings will be held in erstde Church in New York City. June. At this famous church, Mr. Fox This past. year Bev has served as plays the morning service every first vice-pr-esident of the state or- Sunday and accompanies a com- ganization. As the alternate dele- plete oratorio presented by the gate, Bev represented MAFTA at Riverside Choir each Sunday crter- the NEA Convention in Washing- noon. Du r-ing his concert season, ton and Philadelphia last summer Mr. Fox presents about eighty re- because the president was unable citals. He has toured extensively to attend. in Europe as well as in the United States. sp~~~: ~nO~\:Ot~!~d!d ~~~~tg~~!;:~ Blair High School. A junior at His program for May 4· In, Western Maryland, Bev has ,heen Carol Burton, May Queen, al:d the 1958 i1I(£y Day Court cludes: very active in school affairs. She I-Si'llfonia: Now We Thank All is a membcr of Phi Alpha M~ and Oltr God, J. S. Bach; In Dulci Jn- served as sergeant-at-arms_during year. "May Day-Southern Style" To Be bi/D, 3 verses, J. S. Bach; Came the first semester of this Sweet Death, J. S. Bach; Toccata When the members of the newly or- in F Major, J. S. Bach. ganized Judicial Board were ap- Theme Of Annual Spring Weekend II - Communion, Tournemire; pointed, Bev was chosen as the Suite, Opus 5, Durufle, (Prelude, junior girl representative. She is Siciliene, Toccata). captain of the Pom Porn Girls, a May D2.y weekend, Friday, May queen, since she is a member of a tea will be sponsored by the III-Giga-, Bossi; Pa-vane, El- member of Tri-Beta and the Argo- 2 through Sunday, May i., will be that sorority. At 1:00 the parade Inter sorority Council. As is eus- more; Fanw81J and Fugue on the nauts. highlighted by the Junior Follies, will begin its trek down Main tomary, sorority row, as well as Chorale: "How Brightly SMnes the She is a member of the Fresh- tr-aditional May Day feativifies, Street through Westminster, final- the fraternity rooms and dormi- MOIwi'ltg Star," Reger. man Advisory Council for next and the dedication of the organ in Iy culminating on Hoffa Field. ./ tot-ies, will hold open house to all. The organ is being presented year. Recently she was elected Baker Memor-ial Chapel. In the amphitheater at Harvey In addition to the regal restlvt- the college by Roger J. Whiteford, to secretary of the class of 1959 and Friday evening, May 2, at 8:15 Stone Park the May Queen, Carol tie; of the occasion, athletic events member of the Board of Trustees secretary of Argonauts. Bev is: a pm in Alumni Hall, the Junior Burton, will be crowned. The wiII be progressing for both stu- psychology-Englif;h-education ma- Class will commence the weekend crown bearer fo!: this ceremony dents and visitors who are sports- and graduate of the college in 190G, and his son, Joseph S. White- jor. This summer she plans to at- with the presentation of the Junior will be David Nuss, son of Mr. minded. The .baseball team will tend Columbia University and take Follies, The lIfaki1!g of Prudence Eugene Nuss of the Education De- take on Hampden-Sydney, and ford, '43 graduate and president of the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Compa- a course in experimental psychol- Grunion or A Once-Told Myth. partment, with Donna Pugh, Catholic University will journey to ny of Boston. The organ is said JI-D'. For an admission charge of seven- daughter of Mr. Richard Pugh of the "Hill" to challenge the tennis to be one of the largest and finest As president of MAFTA Bev fol- ty-five cents, everyone can enjoy the Physical Education Depart- team. lows James Lightner who was this production which has been en- ment as the flower girl. Gamma Bets Give Dance in this area. president this year and Ken Smith tirely written and directed by the Composing her court are the To climax the festivities of this who was president during the juniors. four class duchesses, Caryl Jeanne year's May Day, Gamma Beta Chi 1955-56 college year. Her duties Assembly Schedule Ensor, senior; Leanne Manning, fraternity will move into the "ole include presiding over the fall and With the dawn of Saturday, May junior; Sue Warren, sophomore; South" for a "Mississippi Jubilee." spring conventions and the Leader- 3, the "May Day-Southern Style" and Rhea Ireland, freshman. In the land of magnolias and mint ship Conference which will be held theme will convert the campus at- Each of these duchesses wil! have juleps, guests wil! dance to the here at Western Maryland next mosphere into a splendor befitting two attendants. This group is music of Colonel Chester Kellam. January. She will also attend a queen and her royal court. So composed of Jean Lambertson, Accompanying the "Colonel" wil! many state-wide committee meet- that everyone can begin to partici- Nancy Lindsay, Nancy Jones, Ruth be a special vocalist from New ings held in ·various parts of the pete in the activities early in the Ann Wilson, Sue Eossabone, Bcv York, whose identity will be kept state. day, an assembly schedule will be Cox, Nancy Smith, and Lynne secret until the showboat pulls in descending class order. in effect for classes, and lunch will Sterling Frosh To Perform into dock. Queen To Be Crowned May Dance Set be served at 11:30. a Queen will be honored with special those present will dance in an at- Based on a medieval custom, the Stepping from the boat's wharf, At ~~~;ro:~~~;Wa~ll!~:~ue, On Mississippi parade consisting of sorority, fra- entertainment. Twelve freshmen mosphere surrounded by trees and flowers, where at ten o'clock they girls dressed in white with colored class' floats ternity, and individual and cars will begin forming under sashes will braid the May Pole in wil! witness the second coronation Tomorrow evening, May 3, Gill the direction of Lori Jones, pa- a characteristic dance, which will of the May Queen. As the hour of Virgil Fox, ccmcert Ol'gallist, will Gymnasium will be transformed rade_marshal. Comt members begin the program for the royal twelve approaches, couples will appear here in recital on Slwday, includes: group cortege. This into n nosblgic Southern scene as from each class will ride on their Judy Boettger, Beth Butler, Gail climb the porch of an old Southern May ~, 1958, at 7:30 pm. Mansion Missis- the overlooking Gamma Beta Chi presents the respective floats, decorated to cm- Drake, ~Jane Ernsberger, Ingrid sippi and its docked showboat. of the ~,;~'l'~nS~~'~i~::';;':i~:::. ~:~: G "Mississippi Jubilee." Dancing phasize the theme for the day. will be to the music of Ches Kellnm Phi Alpha Mu's float will be deco- G. Freshman Class from 8 :45 pm until 11 :45 pm. rated especially in honor ~:;~:.ow'll,11." St,in,andJoan rant wen Tickets al;e priced at $2.50 for the Sponsors Weekend Chi is Lantern Chain, .preferred formal, corsage affair. John- To.Dr. Wenner This year Gamma Beta Next iI~~h~p;:;.::e:Oh Last weekend the members of College. Rose Cup Slated ettempting to revive an old tradi- tion at Western Maryland ~;~ =~ilc~ing;~~I~~~~~rR~i~~'~e~!= Dr. Evelyn W. Wenner, As~oci- !~~ie~~~s:ctf!iti~;6i~ o~~d~~s:er~is: For many years previous to \Vorld Lantern Chain and Rose Cup, nade Bev Cox, who will join him in ate Professor of English, has been funds to finance their Japanese War II, it was the custom at the two tradition!'!1 ceremonies honor- college to have the big spring dance ing seniior womlm, have been ~e~:.~t ~l~l "';;ug~~~d ~r;i~~t!~~ ~~'~edo~~: ~:e~~~;~-~g~30:_[:~~)r~~ ~:~~~~d ~h$lOc.~~~e~~i~i b;v~!~~ a formal affair. With the advent scheduled early in May. will bE:!reJldered by the Men's Glee the Modern Language Association. to the Japanese school, Kwansei of the war, it was changed to a In the first of these events, the Military Ball and the use of for- freshmen women pay tribute to the ~~~b;r~~~~;~vi~hn~ ~~~:~n e~~~~! ~~tic~enb~~~~~~~s-:~ t~~~P~~~ke~ Ga~~~n, t~re~iS:~~:mi~:, ~:~:~~es mal dress at the May Dance was seniors. routine to t.he strains of "Summer- spearean scholar while on a ~ab- began Friday afternoon with a discontinued. Gamma Beta Chi, The Lantern Chain procession time." Following this display of baticnl leave next year. softball game between the fresh- capitalizing on the groundwork will begin to move from the top of talent, the court will recess. sto~~e o:i~~~:~~:s, ~:i~~kt~~~ ~hr~ men boys and the freshmen girls. laid Jast year by Alpha Gamma the "Hill" to Hoffa Field at 9 :00 Tau, has made arrangements to pm on May 7, 1958, while the stu- eh;~;e s:n~o~{n~~i~!~d~n~yw~~~~ Samuel Johnson on more than six pa~~i,d~~eeVg~~I~n~'P~~s~~:~e;nSt~~~ . enable maJe students to rent for- dent body looks on. Each fresh- editions of Shakespeare. It will mal wear. man, carrying a lighted lantern. also deal witti the independent edi- fashioned box supper. Auctioneer A very impressive highlight of will accompany a senior. Later in tions of Shakespeare by Steevens. Bill Ashcroft sold box lunches, the dance will be the presentation the evening, a reception will be CONTRAST FLASH It vrill be the first separate work packed and decorated by the girls, of the 1958 May Court and the held in McDaniel I.ounge, with the on Steevens which has been writ- to the highest bidders. The sup- crowning by President Lowell S. sophomores serving as hostesses. April 29, 1958 t.en. per was followed by group singing Ensor of ]\fiss Carol Burton as On May 15, 1958, the Rose Cup Dear Mr. Dawkins, All research for this book must and entertainment. The evening Queen. ceremony will be held. At this The following matter is be done through unpublished ended with a dance in Blanche General chairman of the dance time, the junior women pay their now officially settled and may works, letters. public records, etc. Ward Gymnasium. is George Thomas. Responsibility tribute to the graduating class. be released as news in the Dr. Wenner has done research in Saturday morning, "Operation for the conversion of the gym has The seniors will assemble in Rob- next GOLD BUG: Marianne the Folger Shakespeare Library Spring Clean" went into effect, as been given to James May and Lynn inson Garden where a short poem Shears, Class of 1959, will in Washington, D. C. In late sum- forty freshmen girls took on the Mayer, decoration chairmen. The will be read about each senior girl, next year be the editor-in- mer she and Mr. Wenner plan to job of cleaning eighty rooms, lo- task of personalizing each individ- accompanied with an impersona- chief of CONTRAST. go to England where most of her cuted in all four dorms. Dean ual program falls to the ticket and tion by u. member of the junior I speak for Dr. l\Iakosky, unused resources are to be found. Helen G. Howery, armed with program committee, James Cole, class. Dr. Hendren, and myself, the Dr. Wenner also plans to write the bucket and mop, led the big pre- chairman. Publicity for the dance Concluding the ceremony, the faculty committee charged story of the Eoydell Shakespea~e. clean-up parade. The weekend was is being handled by Stewart Dor- senior worpen will form a large with the final approval of Dr. \Venner received her A.B. concluded Sunday night with a' weis. Refrcshments are being at- circle while Sherry Phelps and this editorship. from Blue Ridge College, her A.M. fireside in McDaniel Lounge. The tended to by Thomas Miller and Karen Helbig, representing the Sincerely, from Johns Hopkins and her Ph.D. weekend's activities were planned the clean-up detail is being di- juniors, pass the traditional cup Dr. R. B. Hovey from George Washington Univers· and corordinated by a committee rected by Ron Litto. and give a rose to each senior. ity. headed by Joan Davis.
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