Page 49 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Tlte Gold Bug, Apr. 1B, 195B 5 Abstract Art To Be Veep Comes Nuts, Bolts, Pipes Make Music Dr. Bailer Chosen Shown In Gallery Well Qualified As English Judge For Three Weeks Dr. Joseph R. Bailer, Professor of Education at Western Maryland A one-man show by Miss Sh~lby- ce~~I~te~:C~~ar§~ae~~y C;l~:f;s r~~ College, will be a member of the Shackelford, which opened in the the vice-presidency of the Student Maryland judging team for the college art gallery on April 9, will Government Association for the newly-adopted high school English continue for three weeks. Work- school year of 1958-59. She is an Achievement Awards program, ing under her maiden name, this experienced, versatile leader whose sponsored by the National Council Baltimore artist is in private life pleasing personality has brought of Teachers of English. The aim of this program is to grant recog- !~e t~V:f~o~n~~:p~ii~~a~dni;~r~i~~ her strong support. nition to the nation's outstanding and the mother of two children, a Sherry began her student gov- high school seniors for excellence son and a daughter. emment work at Western High in English. Professor Bailer, one of eight pa~~h~~, ;~~:: S~:;ke~~~rdb:~~~~ed~ ~c~~~d~~tBaci~:~~~ ;~::s:~~a~~~: judges, will evaluate the nominees' writing and special tests to deter- ~;hi~~ini \~a~~r~~ ~i:~e a vf:i~;;~ ~ ~:e:~;i~ee ye;~~~~n~nser;::. °s~n~~: mine outstanding students in Eng- This stimulus most frequently ?,eur-. She continued her ~nterest lish in Maryland's secondary schools. The NCTE, a profession- ~~~:~ f'~~~dth:r~~~~i,d~eto~i~~: ~~et~~llfie~~ \::~m~~~ ~~~~.~~.e.Z~ al organization of teachers of Eng- most of her canvasses have a be- dent of her sophomore and junior- lish, is sponsoring this program in all states. There will be seven r~n~~fi~ an~~~~~je~~r::ie;~~~~r~ ~~:s~: ~~!asen:~~~e~h~;tr~:pT~~ award winners throughout each Within the last five years, she feels secretary and executive m~m?er of state who will be recommended for ~:;~ '~~~tr~~i,nt:!reha~on~:~~~~ ~~1.IarYland State Association of college scholarships. NCTE Executive Secretary, J. with the fact of the flat surface of Sherry is-active in other orgnnt- N. Hook, said, "No one becomes a ~~ ~:~;t~~" and the consistency of ~~!i~l~eS~~~b~St~~g~~~iin: ;ro~~ good scientist, engineer, doctor, or and read he can unless teacher Her earliest studies in art were Pom girls, and serves as chairman write ... and increasing the er- at the Maryland Institute, after of the Big-Little Sister program fectiveneas of reading and writing which she attended schools in and the Lee Fischbach Memorial is the job of every teacher of Eng- Switzerland . and France. She Scholarship Fund. A 1IJOrkman looks over the console 0/ the Whiteford organ. lish. Also, from the study of lit- worked with Marguerite and Wil~ The scope of Sherry's activities erature comes new insights into Iinm Zorach in New York and in extends far beyond the realm of Listening to the sound of music ing size depending upon which of life." Paris with Othon Friesz and Fer- administrative work. She enjoys swelling from the pipes of an or- the many instruments they are. nand Leger. camp work and singing and par- gan can be an exhilarating exper-i- Several of the pipes are all tin and In addition to illustrating her ticipatea in numerous sports. As ence. But arter seeing the organ were given by Mr. Whiteford from husband's book, Time, Space and a History-education major she piece by piece - each nut, bolt, his organ to be inserted in this in- and appealing combinations to add The bench is special sound. that Atom.8, she has written and illus- hopes to teach upon graduation screw, pipe, and panel separately strument. trated two books of her own, Now from WMC. wrapped and packed in boxes, it The console cabinet of the organ recessed so that the organist can for Crcatl~re8 and Electric Eel In referring to the SGA, Sherry is even more thrilling to think that is an antique originally housed in not be easily seen from the nave. Calling. Dr. Cox, who is widely said in her campaign speech, "The music could ever come from such the historic Bruton Parish Church However, the organ is more than known as print maker with three Student Government does have a dissembled array. in Williamsburg, Va. To insure a console. Pipes are installed in different awards in "Fifty Best power! What you want this pow- The new organ in Baker Memo- harmony of design, the architect back of the curtains behind the al~ Prints of the Year," uses a wax er to accomplish is up to you, the rial Chapel is being presented by copied the Colonial panelling of the tar. On the sides, there are black shutters by hidden drapes tan print process developed by his student body. It is you whose two Western Maryland alumni, case in doing the chancel panels. wife. duty it is to give the SGA its bust- Roger J. Whiteford, '06, a promin- One interesting feature of the which give an over-all gray effect Miss Shackelford's first one-man ness!" One suggestion in her ent Washington attorney, and his Whiteford organ is the carillon to match the drapes in the win- show was held in Baltimore, and speech was an intercollegiate pro- son, Joseph S. Whiteford, '43, pres- which was just installed this week. dows. There are no shutters over was followed by other exhibitions gram. ident of the Aeolian-Skinner- Or- It may be played from the organ the grate, or the part directly be- hind the altar. Ladders have been and can be heard on the outside. gan Company in Boston, Mass. ~heW~:~inh~n ~~rtt~~:;~d~~w~ ========= It took three men over a month inside, or both. placed behind some of the larger pipes so they may be accessible. group exhibits in numerous Ameri- eluded in this museum's collection, to assemble the instrument, for it The console contains three key- There are even rooms in the base- can cities, and twice she has won as well IlS those of the New York is one of the largest in this area. boards and an especially competent purchase prizes at the Baltimore Public Library and other public There are 2,310 pipes to be at- pedal system. There are a great ment which contain nothing but an extra supply of air for pressure. Museum of Art. Her work is in- and private collections. tached. These pipes are of vary- many stops including some new TOM MILLER HELEN'S RESTAURANT CAMPUS AGENT REMEMBER! Rasinsky' s Pharmacy May Day Is Just EACH DAY 60. SPECIAL PLATTERS for the Around The Corner "Reliable Prescriptions" Get That Corsage Modem G. I. Laundry For Your Special Gal SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS FROM 15 TO 50 CENTS Drugs and PIZZAS and MILK SHAKES and Cleaners AT Everyday Needs 223 E. Green St. DUTTERER 'S 30 W. Main St. Just oft' Campus on Penna. Ave. TIlden 8·6670 Westminster, l\ld. (Formerly Spaghetti House) All Laundry and Dry SEE Dave Harper t.o place 'I'Ilden B·7100 Cleaning Work Guaranteed your order The Air Force pilot or navigator is a man of an important career in the new Age of Space. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY many talents. He is, first of all, a master of As a college graduate, you will be given Aviation Cadet Information, Dept. C-21 the. air-and no finer exists. 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