Page 47 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Apr. 18, 1958 3 Stripes Great -ROTC Reviews, Competitions, Men's Fashions Have Forward Look And Parades Under Way For '58 A program of competition, re- The winner of the 1958 squad Whether backstraps should stay there is always room for something sailcloth. Pants, as well as shirts views and parades is now under' competition was the second squad, ... or go . continues to be a big different. Why not try a blazer? . have been created from this fab- way in the ROTC·{)rganization. second platoon, "B" company, topic of discussion in the world of There are many types in warm ric. Red, three-quarter sleeve, The annual squad competition of James Hayes, company command- men's fashions. However, the ivy weather weight and styled for button-down, back-buttoned col- the ROTC unit was held Thursday, er, Robert Otto, squad leader. look is here for the spring, sum- comfort. It is impossible to say lared shirts with white polished April 10. Squads from each pla- Members of the winning squad are mer, and fall anyway. Tweeds what the color should be, for this cotton slacks or bermudas are a toon of each company and the band 'Yard, Bowen, Haines, Shure, and stripes are making their de- year's color range travels from must. Husky bright colors and competed in all phases of squad Stewart, Forthman and Borden. but in the spring fabrics and col- multi-shades to solid colors. Per- stripes will also be popular with drill with the following results. Holder of second place in this ors. Long a favorite fabric for haps the only characteristic thing skippers and crew members this year's competition was first squad, the college man is tweed. It is about spring blazers is that they year. being World Traveler first platoon, "B" company, James available in new lightweight mod- all have eit~er brass or silver but- Heed wear- headlines are Hayes, company commander, wn. els for spring. One of the most made by the fashion-first casuals liam Achenbach, squad lender. flecks To Continue Tour interesting fabrics is the Stroock; in felt with multi-colored Member" of the second place squad which contains 70% wool, 15% and rope bands. The hats .are are Hemphill, Francis, Myers, Gill, silk, and 15% rabbtt hair, woven featherweight, some with a silk Without a home, without pos- Silex and Mahan. .Third place into tweed and plaid patterns. finish, colored woven bands, and sessions, without family, even was taken by first squad, first pla- All sorts of combinations of dacron brush ornaments. Another fashion without a name, n silver-haired toon, "C" company, \Villiam Spaur, and cotton, 65-35 per cent ratio first this spring is the hat known woman dressed in navy blue slacks company commander, Cleveland Members Bateman, squad leader. and shirt walks through towns and preferred, wash and wear suits, as the Gamebird; it has a ribbed will be popular items this spring upper brim and is crowned with a along the highways with only one of the third place squad are Ash- devotion to else. There are all sorts of fishing rod decoration. In gloves, possession - her a croft, 'Ward, Tyeryar, Katz, Vin- weaves, blends, and yes, even the diamond stitch is the motif, or cause. cent, Reynolds. cords; available in this type of white ones with black sbitchingv-ci- She has walked more than At the review held Tuesday, fabr-ic. Colors range from the gloves with a brass buckle. Slip- 11,000 miles, but she continues her April 15, awards for the month of traditional blue or gray, through on and buckle shoes have created a pilgrimage, for her vow is: "I March to the outstanding basic the numerous shades of grays and new category of casual dress foot- shall remain a wanderer until man- ROTC Cadet from each company, browns, to the relatively new olive wear. kind has learned the way of peace, the band, and the honor guard drab. Raincoats or all-weather coats walking until J am given shelter were presented. Cadet Pfc. Ed- ward J. Gross received the award end fasting until I am given food." Tiring of solid grey flannels, are becoming increasingly popular. last year men began to look for These coats make excellent outer ;~~t~~:l~nt;:ol~!t aa~l~~iet,~~~ ~~",~~~Pa~~(;r~~~~nt ~~l'C~d::?;~: some pattern in their suits. Neat, garments for the spring or sum- slimming stripes seemed the natu- mer. There are numerous styles, an organization. She walks as a David W. Pippin. The award for ral .....complement to the narrower some with plain linings, some with prayer and as a chance to inspire outstanding cadet in Company "C" was given to Cadet Sergeant Cleve- others to pray and work with her shoulders and lapels preferred to- plaid tones, and some with striped day. At first stripes were timid interiors. The one featured in the for peace.. She speaks to indi- land W. Bateman. Cadet Pfc. and unobtrusive. But this spring, picture is the original London Fog.- viduala along the way, to groups Robert A. Gosnell took the award men will find that the theme of It is a wash and wear made of 65% in cities through the medium of for the Band. In the Honor stripes has acquired pleasing vari- deer-on and 35% cotton. It fea- the' news services. She points out Guard, Cadet Cpl. Powell A. An- __ the best. The derson was judged that this is a crisis period in hu- ations. The subtle group stripes tures the atand-up London collar in lightweight worsted suits are with tab, nylon-lined sleeves, slash man history, and that we who live award to the outstanding basic for obtaining a rich appeal. Wiggle through pockets, powdered horn in the world today must choose be- cadet in the ROTC Battalion was month March also of the tween a nuclear war of destruction stripes bring a new twist to the buttons, and an inside ticket pock- patternings of suits. In a more et. Available in natural tan, char- and a golden age of peace. awarded to Cadet Cpl. Powell R. classical mode, yet tastefully dif- coal grey, black, and ivory, it is a Peace Pilgrim was born in the Anderson. ferent, shadow stripes and diago- necessity for the well-dressed man. United States and concentrates her The culmination of a year's drill nals are high fashion favorites for New Formals Appear efforts in this continent. Although practice will be effected Tuesday, she found inner peace before be- April 22 when the XXI CORPS In- spring elegance. Finally, the so- called hairline stripe is bound to Summer formal wear is taking ginning the pilgrimage, she set out spect.ion takes place. Two drill 'become a popular item this spring. advantage of all the recent develop- from Los Angeles in January, 1953, periods later, the platoons of the on foot through- ments in spring and summer cloth- and has traveled Companies will compete for three Increase In Shipes ing and is appearing with an out Mexico, Canada, and the the honor of being named best pla- William J. Ullman, Associate amazing broad assortment of styles United States. Peace Pilgrim toon of the Battalion. Another Editor of Mfm's Wear, a fashion and colors. Wash and wear fab- feels that peace is always. the wish contest that will be held is the magazine, has this to say, about tons. It has been hinted that an rics are also making their appear- of every human heart but spiritual Manual of Arms competition. spring suits: "There will be a defi- old-fashioned outfit is coming back ances in this phase of fashions immaturity has smothered this de-' The last four drill periods in the nite increase in stripes as far as -that being, a solid blue blazer this year. In addition to the us- sire. month of May are reviews. suits are concerned with red, gar- with brass buttons, white Ivy ual white, blue, and black formal Here is an individual who has Awards for the month of April will nets, and maroons worked in black, slacks, and a traditional straw hat. jackets, colors such as gold lame sacrificed all worldly possessions be given. Competition awards will deep grays, and black-blues. A Knitted shirts and sweaters are and bold red will be seen at the to do her small part in motivating be presented. The major awards beginning of a trend may be dis- continuing to' rise in popularity. formal summer festivities. Of many to take an interest in a uni- of the year 1957-58 will be pre- cerned in tho use of fabrics not Again tl1is year, the Italian look course, the normal or standard ac- veraal desire of the people - sented at the President's Review usuaUy associated with Ivy leads in the importation and de- cessories are to be worn with these peace. Peace Pilgrim approaches to be held on Tuesday, May 13. clothes. Many of these are im- sign of this line of sportswear. new shades also. the spiritual hope within every in- The final drill period, long await- ports colored and pntaemed much The cotton knit shirt with elbow The editor wishes to make the dividual she meets. She not only ed by all concerned, will be the in the manner of those usually length sleeves, t.he bulky sweater, following acknowledgements for comes in contact with the leaders Seniors' Review, May 115,conduct- found in custom tailors' shops. the pullover and crew-neck, and assistance rendered in securing in- of nations but reaches the people ed by the third-year students. Worsted basket weaves and hop- the cardigan will don the tennis formation for this article: Mr. Is- as she walks from town to town sacking effects have a fresh look courts and golf courses. An ideal rael Myers, President, London- with her message. The Peace Pil- and some distinctive shades have outfit for the sports spectator is a town Manufacturing Cc., Balti- grim's magic formula for resolving Compliments of been created by blending olive and bulky knit pullover with a cross- more; American Institute of Men's conflicts - "Have as your objec- blue. Brown is slipping as a suit- over shawl collar and herringbone and Boys' \Vear, New York; issues tive the resolving of the conflict J. R. EVERHART ing shade for spring, but deep navy slacks. Spring, 1958, is to be knit- of Mtllt's Wea1',' issues of Apprt-'rel - not the gaining of advantage," COLLEGE BARBER blue, a flop in other categories, wear's big season. Arts Gentlem.en's Quarterly; and for avoiding conflicts - "Be con- will sell well in Ivy." For the waterrncn, the newest Mr. Frederic Birmingham, Fashion cerned that you do not offend -not At the Forks Beyond the basic wardrobe, thing this year is a fabric made of Director of Playboy. that you are not offended." .... VARI ETY .•. A variety of reasons why ... The Lord Baltimore Press is a recognized leader in the printing and packaging industry today. VAR I ETY ... A variety of products-ranging from prize-winning folding cartons, wraps, labels and books to pamphlets and displays. VARIETY ... 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