Page 46 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 46
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 18. 1958 Editorials ... TIME RUNS OUT; Have You Noticed WORK REMAINS IIPoet's Corner Spring Is Here? Attire Reflects Your Campus is never plentiful enough. Some. RIVERS AND TWIGS Spring MS sprung, Time is''-the one commodity that thing that your friends can always How does one -aoice the knowledge The grass has riz, Who sets the standards for dress on our campus? Not the adminie., take away but never can replace-- How of feeling? of beauty? No pen 1 wonder when speak tration! Not the faculty! You're right-it is you! Despite the various that's time. can do justiCil. The next snow is. regulations concerning campus attire, the student body of any educe- Way back in the dim past (Sep- Words ere too brittle, they crack Even the most confirmed peesi- bional institution is primarily responsible for establishing their own tember) it seemed like there was ae the dry tw-igs. mist must agree that spring has criteria for dress. an excess of time and nothing to No tongue has expression--aueh finally come to the campus. Let's How does dress on our campus compare with dress on other earn- fill the void. Oh, there were the effol'tsto()feeble hope that it stays here, at least un- pusea ? WeU, for the average college or university, our student body is usual scheduled events; the dances. Its statementil !-ike bits of wood on til summer comes. at a par. However, we should be above par. Not only does poor dressing the plays, the concerts, exam the water. Just in case you haven't noticed, reflect on the entire college population but it reflects on the individual dates, vacation recess, and one How describe rivers by twigs? it's that time of the year when concerned as well as friends and associates. Each of us should strive to other important Iunctlon-c-classes. everyone has the most to do and at least weal' the appropriate outfit to the proper function. To be well Now, most of the dances are How MeS one 8peak joy, a feeling feels the least like doing it. You dressed or smartly dressed, one doesn't have to spend a fortune on a new over, and the concerts and vaca- of gladne88, don't even have time to complain wardrobe. Simply, select from what you have and be sure you are wear, tions have faded. Time is no Of music divine with touches of of being busy. Ha, ha, to you who ing the correct attire at the right time and place. longer plentiful. There are at least sadness? thought you'd come back to catch There are specific instances on our campus where certain modes of a million things to do and many Our ecrece are fingers, gard8nias up on your rest after a hectic ve- dress should be realized and accepted. Certainly, tee shirts should be events to attend. There are only to t01Wh., cation. You sure got fooled. outlawed in the dining hall-especially at the evening meal-perhaps two more plays to be presented; To brown ?'outui the edges, their What are some signs of spring? even to classes. The same applies to slacks and shorts. On the other the Junior Follies and the ecm- beauty to rllat. , Jealous students display a goose- , hand, the editor cannot understand what the objection is to bermudas or mencement play. These involve re- How talk of e?notion~ What use pimpled anatomy as they vainly slacks out on the campus during the afternoon-especially through the hearsals which in turn. demand ia the poet? try to match the Florida tans of spring months. After all, following "appropriateness" should be com- time. Suddenly this has vanished How desC1ibe rioere by twigs? some of their more fortunate fort. But yet if this were permissable, undoubtedly some would carry and only a few precious weeks reo RALPH MEYER neighbors. They even improvise with sun lamps at night or on the their freedom to extremes. main. CEASELESS CIRCLE rainy days. What would be the serious objection to. shirts and ties for at least It didn't seem possible that the o Life, 8truggling minds q1WS" The bookstore reorders packs of the evening meal and possibly for Classes? Most preparatory schools, months could have rolled past so for peace index cards, and the librarians are military schools, and ivy colleges willingly follow this suggestion. Where quickly, did it? But seeing the Bta to be replaced swamped with research questions does the difference in attitude lie between the students at these schools freshmen scurrying in and out of By sucking 1'nfants close to posed by students who have never and students on our campus? the seniors' rooms asking to walk mothe-r8'breaJlts: ventured inside the library before. At least one formal dance per year is in order at Western Maryland with them in Lantern Chain makes The birth. of each bringing [orth. Typewriters get their annual ex- time has Rown. that us realize College. There are very few colleges or universities existing today that the bud anew. ercise during the wee hours, as do not have at least one formal affair during the year. Yet, we have Soon it will be time for the sen- o prolific Life __ Why this cease- page after page of term paper fi- none! Well, apparently our students are of the type which do not appre- ior girls to go through the dorms less circle? nally reveals itself in black and ciate this kind of occasion. If this is true, the situation is probably here singing the traditional "A Mighty What is your end? Wh.ere do YOlt white. to stay. However, the fraternity sponsoring the annual May Dance is Fortress Is Our God." Caps and lead? Elections are a sure sign of the endeavoring to make it a formal function. Let's try to make their ef- gowns wUl become a prominent Ala8! you give no a1!8Wer spring season as officers and lead- forts successful. They are even offering a rental plan for those who de- feature in the future. Senior In, Fa)' st1'UggUmg mi11ds still quest ers are selected for the coming sire to wear a dinner jacket but don't own one. The girls will be 'formal vesttture brings them ~ a notch for peace. year. A timely stroll through Sci- closer to alumni status. so the men certainly should be! CHARLESPUGH ence Hall corridors after dinner How can we actually improve our current campus dress? The editor Another important occasion is will reveal nervous candidates pac- wishes to propose the following suggestion. The Student Government the Rose Cup ceremony. Each Checks And Balances ing and making stilted converse- Association should set up a committee of students called Committee on [unlor girl imitates a particular tion as their fate is determined in Campus Apparel. This committee should concern itself with establishing senior girl. A word to the wise-- April is a month that harbors the adjoining classroom. standards for dress for various functions such as: concerts, receptions, you can hide your familiar dorm many events -- the showers that Coeds armed with tennis rac- dances, chapel, etc. They could suggest opinions on dining hall dress, garb, aenlors, but yuu can't hide bring May flowers, rush parties, quets invade the male side of the etc. This has been tried at several colleges and apparently has been your characteristic phrases. dedications, and Investiture, etc. campus to wear the fuzz off the quite successful. After all, to make a change or establish a standard, This is an eagerly awaited me- It is also a month for mail enthu- defenseless tennis balls. Much someone or some group must take the-lnittative. . ment for the juniors. However, the eiasta here on the Hill -- a time exercise is gotten both in chasing seniors look wit.h mixed emotions for federal income tax returns. the balls, or for the boys, in watch. they SPOTLlGHT ON on this ceremony as 'through see This eagerly awaited check means ing the shorts -- er, girls, go by. of themselves people. revealed is a center many things to different The golf course an- Golf enthusi- LEITERS THE LIBRARY other's eyes. ' projects money in the bank, but most of us increased activity. to shout "Fore" For this money means a few are careful asts MOl'e fime-eonsuming teeing To The that frequently crop up (like the have the money spent before we before endanger off on a shot that a those for might out this are period when Have you ever wondered EDITOR and how the library got its new weeds) short during reports-twenty min- even get it in our pudgy hands. leisurely parade of the grounds or For others this check means a few those books? Every month the library ute va1'iety--and the research pa- more bills paid, new clothes a relaxing nap on the green. receives new books. Some are pers. Oh, yes, six hundred pages bought, vacations paid for in ad- Mr. Foutz can be heard pleading April 14, 1958 purchased on the reeommendatlpn of collateral and a few BRIEF vance, or poker debts canceled. with sun worshippers to return the To Whom It May Concern: of a professor, some are individual papers must be done in two weeks. that If you'r-e one of the lucky few chairs they borrowed from the haven't spent the returns, ,This letter is written in the gifts, and occasionally a publishing Strangely enough it is not only here are a few things that will Grille. A few of the dedicated interests of greater art. It is my company gives the libr-ary a few students that time has eluded. help you to get rid of that "excess" brave the breezes to play cards firm belief that the art exhibited books. This becomes apparent when six money. Buy a new muffler before while others lounge around on the steps of Old Main. in the Art Room during the past Such is the case . with the Abb- weeks' work is scanned in one. you are forced to invest in a hear- several days is by far a world's ington Press located in New York Though the time is running out ing aid, donate a few light bulbs "Cool cats" don their "shades" wonder. and Nashville. They have been the work still remains and must be to Old Main, or else invest in a and travel incognito, or so they Let us take, for example, the presenting the library with a large completed. Perhaps a thirty-hour palr of hip boots in preparation think. But without the padding painting entitled "Sparrows Point number of 'books. Many of the day will be invented. for the next deep freeze. from overcoats, mufflers, and hip Night." Now that's a "gem" if books are concerned with religion boots, who could mistake that I've ever seen one. There is no --such as Jones' Christian Matur· shape for anyone else? doubt in my'mind that that paint- ity and Hodges' 50 Ch-ildren'a Ser- The Rec Hall is deserted except ing is daJ'k, as a matter of fact it CHIT CHAT FROM KIT KAT for a few staunch pool players is so dark it is bleak. Howevcr, there are variations who are oblivious to even the win- However, if the observant art and one is Erma Paul Ferrari's ter crowd anyhow. Groups roam critic will notice that there is a Tce'fU1..gers'Gltide To Personal Sue· The dining hall is in the limelight it seems. What happened to the around visiting other groups be· "highlight" in the current exhibit. cess. This book is not an etiquet.te Sunday night chocolate milk? It was one of the traditions here that we fore Follies rehearsals, class meet· Evidently this "mistress of the book or the advice-to-the-Iovelorn do miss. Guess we'll have to get a chocolate cow for our pasture ... ings, or softball games. brush" is aware of the recession in type. It is simple and concise, What did we have for lunch the first day after vacation? Some said it Spring attire is appropriate to which the United States is now en- containing sections on clothes, t.:a- was ham salad. The effort for variety is appreciated but ... It's been the season. Surely you have seen trenched. reel'S, etc. At the beginning of the s?,id spring has sprung, but where is the iced tea that usually appears the white blazer crew. The guys This exhibit has three concep- chapters there is an illustration tight after vacation? Fussy? .. No, ~ust ~hirsty. sport khaki, cord, or white duck in tiOns of the nude, which are all done by Leonard Redding. lengths starting above the knee. priced at the exorbitant fee of Dean Howery has given some One of our "alumni" has joined forces with Uncle Sam's Army in The main comment seems to be $20.00. You bargain hunters books in memory of her mother. Texas. In a letter received recently by one of our coeds, we found that that you can rejoice that "those would, in this case, be quite pru· Freddy has earned a unique honor-that of being stationed in the com- sacks" appeal' on the scene only on dent if you would purchase the You're right, sophomores, they do pany adjacent to Elvis Presley, the colonel's idol! Maybe he'll send us Sunday. literature and to English pertain print with you in mind--"Three pictures, all autographed of co.urse. Yes, sprillg is here in the flow- Nudes." Select this, if you must her favorite character--Shake- ers nodding through the ground, speare. t~fo~~~~gl~~~::~,edI:'~ ~:~~ ;~:n~;!~~~:~~:~~e~!~ make a purchase, over the master· The choir rehearsed in the new chapel the other night and was quite the hints of green on the trees, pieces entitled "One Nude," and Another interesting book I'd like the winter food we get all year "Two Nudes." After all, it is the to mention is Robert Paul Smith's ;~~~:::~in:~\~:~rd -round, and the laziness and the purpose of the American buyer to "iVhere did YOll go?" "Out" "Wha! tion of the sexes may be a thing of the past in regards to seating. At restlessness we all feel. You get as much for his money as did yon do?" "Notkblg." It is an least the deans are considerin! it. ~ive ~odern, go to chapel! can't miss it-look around! possible. extremely short and cleverly illus- I believe there is no further need trated book. With the heavy em- Several sports enthusiasts were noticed at the lacrosse games in to comment on the "educated phasis that is put on sharing ex· Baltimore. Baltimore is the lacrosse center of the world rind it's good strokes" of this genius. periences with your children today, to see the interest extend as far as Westminster. Perhaps this is another GOLD BUG Sincerely yours, Robert Paul Smith comes up with reason for the weekend exodus. and somewhat refresh- a startling Dalvadore Sali ing point of view. It was surprising to see that so few students came to chapel on Editor's 1WtC: This is jllst an cpin· His argument is that with all Sunday. Not onJy was there an interesting speaker, but it was the last ion of one pe/'son who didn't wish this sharing, "kids" no longer have chapel service to be held in Alumni Hall. Not too many of you came to his published. Actually, the a private world of their own. Even celebrate the fact, and it's possible that the poor turnout may dampen editor feell1 that Miss Shackelford's the athletic games are no longcr the incentive to bring in outsi~e spe.akers; exhibit is one of the most interest_ played for the fun of playing, but . Member ing of Ma college C(l.reer. this has been turned into a techni- You fresh·air fiends really got a noseful when they fertilized the cal game complete with national .lawn-to-be around the chapel. Nothing like the odors of the country air Associated Collegiate Press rules. He feels that today there to make you glad you're a city slicker. By the way, keep off the seeded Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Orville and Wilbur are too many adults in the child's area or you'll be caught knee.deep in mud; that is if you wade through Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. An event destined to live in the world teaching them an adult's McJ\:instry parking lot to get ;hat f:r. Editor·in·Chief and methods and leaving standards annals of aeronautical history took the child little time to figure out Blanche Ward coeds were disturbed by a snow-plow-like noise Robert Fothergill place recently on the cold, wind· things for himself. Sunday night. When they opened their windows, they saw a truck driv- Business Manage: swept dunes of the soccer field. I have the feeling that Mr. ing up the path through the arch, with a searchlight, spraying the trees. EDITORIAL STAFF . Katherine Bond Editor Orville nnd WHbur carried the Smith would like everyone to Now think, how many of you have even had the urge to drive up that Managing EditorS ~. ._._ Ellen Richmond New. fragile bit of destiny onto the field. throwaway a few of those psy. path? These guys did it! Joanne Tl'abucco Cook As Orville stood holding the con· chology books and rules and just Feature Editor __ . Pat Joyce Schaefer New" Featu .... Editor trol lines, 'Wilbur spun the "prop." give the "kids" time to be "kids." Get well wishes to the gang of "measly" creatures in the infirmary. With engine running 100%, \Vil- To quote one of his closing state. You've heard how the leopard ~ot H!S sp~ts. How did you get YOURS? ~~~;toE~i~~~r_-=-=--==--vt~~~i~P~~~I Kinney TypinG' Ed,tor Ann bur gave the signal that the take· ments: "Let them moon, let them BUSINESS STAFF off could be made. Wilbur re- babble, let them be scared. I While workmen were putting the finishing touches on the new organ leased the plane and it fairly guess what I am saying is that in Baker Memorial Chapel, a complaint was issued by the future organ· ~~;h!~i~~n~M_~~-=:_-== Powell Anderoon ~a",.~ldH~t~hki:.~ leaped into the air BACKWARDS, people who don't have nightmares ists to the effect that the covering hood was difficult to pull down. One Circulation Henrietta E.oom Photolrraphy and crashed to the earth approxi· don't have dreams." workman suggested soaping the moving parts. Another added that we Advisor Dr. Evel!... Wenner mately two feet from the spot of The librarians arc there to help should use Lifebuoy soap, only to be reprimanded by one of his cohorts. take-off, where it attempted to dig you, so feci free to interrupt thcm. "No, use Ivory. It's ninety-nine and forty·four one hundredths per cent merer. Ruth Ann Runk! .... Douglas Smith. Dionne Bell. Barbara Hor.t. Carol Kam_ a hole In the ground. Orville did They appreciate your questions, pure, and this is a holy place." . ~~~r!..RB~~'~~{.,i~ohnWeagly, Bill Kerbin, the same. and welcomc your interest. Let's keep it clean now, boys!
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