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Vol. 35, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 18, 1958 Bishop Oxnam' Will Speak At Chapel Dedication Deans Announce Dorms.Classes Choir To Give Senior Advisors Special Music Effective early this week, twen- Elect Officers ty-six members of the Class of Joan Robinson and Carmela De- At Dedication 1959 were selected to serve on the Flora, better known as "Butch", Freshman Advisory Council. The will preside over Blanche Ward appointments were made by .the Hail and McDaniel Hall, next year. The dedication of the new Baker Deans of Men and 'Vomen after Assisting Joan, who is from Memorial Chapel will take place considerable evaluation of the }HO- Bridgeton, New Jersey, will be her Sunday, April 20, at 3:00 pm with spective seniors. roommate, Joan Schaeffer, from Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, resi- The Council has been divided Baltimore, Maryland, serving - as dent Bishop of Washington, deliv- into two groups, men and women, fire marshal in Blanche Ward. ering the sermon. for the early planning of its func- Katherine Bond will represent the Chairman of the Board of Trus- tions. To date, only the men hove senior girls on the House Council, tees, C. Murray Benson, will pre- chosen their co-chairman. James while Sharon Board and Joan sent the building for dedication in Lewis was elected by the male Lawyer were selected by the sopho- an impressive ceremony which in- members at a meeting held at the mores and freshmen. cludes a procession of trustees, home of Dean William David on In McDaniel Hall, Anne Hi sley, faculty members and the senior Wednesday evening, April 9, 1958. from Baltimore, Maryland, and class. Dr. Fred G. Holloway, for- James Cole, Samuel Cook, AI· Diane Deland from Towson, Mary- merly president of Western Mllry- bert Dawkins, Donald Dewey; Al- land, will serve as fire marshals. land College and now serving as len Gilmore, Larry Hyatt, Manfred Elected to the House Council were president of Drew University, has Joeres, Thomas Kaylor, Walter Joanne Filbey, Mary Jo Smith, and also been invited to the dedication. Manss, Harold Taylor, George The choir, under the direction of . Thomas, and Allan Wortz will Geraldine ,...DeFlora, representing Professor Alfred deLong, is plan- Lawyer was selected by the sopho- serve as male freshman advisors classes for next year. ning some special music such as next 'year. The various classes have elected How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place, The girls 'who have been chosen cabinets for next year. Presiding Brahms; Hallelujah! Lewardaw- to serve on the Council are: Kath- over the class of 1959 wil~ be Wil- ski; and appropriate responses. erine Bond, Beverly Bosworth, Pa- liam Achenbach. His cabinet in- J)avid Harper as president of the tricia Cooper, Joanne Filbey, Kar- cludes Karen Helbig, vice-presi- Student Christian Association will en Helbig, Ann Hisley, Jean dent; Beverly Bosworth, secretary; take part in the service also. Leatherwood, Ann Palmer, Vir- Stewart Dorweis, treasurer; and The choir will be accompanied ginia Pott, Ruth Ann Runkles, Katherine Bond, historian. Rep- Baker Memorial Ch.apel by Professor Oliver Spangler, who Joan Schaefer, Joanne 'I'rubucco, resenting the senior class on the will be playing the organ given to Margaret Van Dyke, and Joyce SGA will be Albert Dawkins and Cook as the alternate. Joanne Filbey. Senior Class the college by Joseph S. Whiteford and Roger J. Whiteford, alumni ot The male advisors have held two re-elected Juniors To Launch Davis Norma was meetings at the home of the Dean president of his class. Assisting WMC. secretary, May Weekend In Investiture of Men. The discussions have in- him are: Donna King, vice-presi- Many representatives from oth- cluded the various problems of dent; Phyllis Cassetta, er Maryland colleges and Method- general consultation, advising of and Theodore Farrow as treasurer. ist colleges in surrounding states, academic problems, dormitory Beatrice Gill and Donald Lowe Annual Follies In New Chapel along with alumni, parents, and problems, financial problems, etc. will be SGA representatives for members of the Baltimore confer- A considerable amount of time was the class. The Junior Class has launched Senior Investiture ceremonies ence have been invited to attend also spent in talking over the de- Serving as' president of next extensive work on the Junior Fol- Lhe ceremony. velopment of the individual's re- year's sophomore class will be lies. The Making of P'l"Udence will mark the end of this year's serv- sponsibility to the school and the Maurice Arsenault, assisted by Gn~nion or A Once-Told Myth will senior class as the traditional assembly Fulbright Awarded ice will be held during processes involved in aiding the Rhea Ireland as vice-president. be given on May 2, 1958, at 8: 15 21, in the maturity of the incoming fresh- Lorena Stone will be secretary, pm in Alumni Hall. period Monday, April John Gunder- To Winifred Walsh new Baker Chapel. men. and Albert Brown treasurer. On Each year the Junior Class son, senior class president, will be At the suggestion of Dean the SGA cabinet will be Dianne writes, directs, and produces the A Fulbright Scholarship has David, the Council is attempting to Bell and Wayne Conrad. Follies. The theme is kept secret presented with his cap and gown been awarded to Winifred R. which is by Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, have Dr. Michael Finn talk to until the night of the production. Walsh, a student at Western them on psychological counseling. Mrs. Ridington There will be an admission charge symbolic of the robing of the entire Maryland College. This scholar- The Council also plans to seek of 75 cents. class. The graduating class will ship will enable her to study mod- information on the available finan- Is Attendant At The script was written by Janet continue to wear caps and gowns ern French literature-Maupas- at the cial aid for incoming students. Ship Launching Sutherland, Thomas Davies, and this year. remaining chapel services sent-at the University of Caen in The male members are having an- Patricia Schaefer. Music was France. The Western Maryland other meeting next Wednesday, Mrs. William R. Ridington, wife written and selected by Patricia An air of mystery will surround Public Relations Office just re- April 23, at 8:30 to continue the of Dr. William R. Ridington, was Garcia and Karen Helbig. Marsha the identity of the speaker as it ceived this notice yesterday. establishment of ideas to improve Matron of Honor for Mrs. William Reifsnyder will help direct the has in previous years until Dr. Approximately nine hundred the Freshman Advisory Council. P. Rogers, sponsor of the S. S. production, and the business man- Ensor announces him after the in- grants for graduate study abroad They hope to be able to broaden Am.erican Explorer, at a launching ager is Katherine Bond. The pro- vocation service. The speaker is in the academic year 1958-59 are the methods of advising in order ceremony at Pascagoula, Missis- grams will be written by Marianne typically a member of the college being awarded under the Interna- that the Council will become more sippi, on Friday, April 11. Mrs. Shears and the art work will be faculty. Last year Dr. Reuben tional Educational" Exchange pro- effective and be of definite aid to Rogers is the wife of the Attorney done by Martha Anstedt and Ang- Holthaus delivered the message. gram of the Department of State. the new students General of the United States. ela Buchal. Carol Petterson will This service officially recognizes As provided by-the Fulbright Act, ....The S. S. American Explorer is handle tickets and Newell Fossett the graduation of this year's senior all students are selected by the a 22,500 deadweight tanker; 615 heads the publicity committee. class with each of the other classes Board for Foreign, Scholarships, JUDICIAL BOARD feet long with a cargo capacity of Properties will be managed by moving up one notch in rank. the members of which are recom- The evening preceding this cere- The,Judicial Board has re- 180,000 barrels. Her designed sea Joyce Cook and costumes will be by mony, the senior girls in both mended by the campus Fulbright committees and by the Institute ot Leatherwood and Katherine Jean speed of 20 knots wil l make her cently found a student guilty the fastest tanker afloat. The Mitchel!. Sets will be designed by dorms will file through the halls of International Education. of academic dishonesty in Atomic Energy Commission is pre- Don Dewey, and Patricia Cooper their respective dorms carrying English 202. The penalty paring plans for the possible con- will take charge of make-up. candles and singing "A Mighty Active in Clubs was an administrative warn- version of ths vessel for nuclear Lighting. will be under the super- Fortress." In past years this has Winnie is a French-education mg. propulsion. The decision on the vision of Luther Martin and James been a very impressive procession. major and her activities include conversion will rest with Congress. Lightner. part The seniors will take an active being a member of the the Future the in the chapel dedication of America, Teachers Fresh- (Preferred Formal" Evokes Images day before investiture. man Advisory in being her tapped as year. a Council, the Argo- nauts, and junior Trumpeter Of Breechcloth A nd Turbans Spicer To Head She was chosen to represent Universi- West- Who's ern Maryland Who in in SCA Cabinet Colleges and American Perhaps the last few days you have seen three gentlemen staring at you from various bulletin boards ties and served as president ot around campi-a knight in armor, a masked desperado and a turban-topped lad who plays a mean horn. The Election of SCA officers tor Sigma Sigma Tau sorority and question has been asked "What does Preferred Formal mean to these gentlemen 1" 1958-59 was held on April 11 in was also selected by them as the To the knight, formal attire would mean encasing himself in forty pounds of low quality steel, being the SCA room. Heading the or- Ideal Sigma. hoisted upon his charger, and sallying forth to trip the light fantastic with a group of dragons. ganization for the coming year Trips Financed by Debts To the desperado, the mere mention of necktie in the same breath as party or dance would bring all will be Allen Spicer and assisting kinds of horrible connotations. him as vice-pr-esident will be Melba Funds used to finance these ex- To the turban-topped lad and his shy dancing partner, Preferred Formal would mean ft rinse job in the Lou Nelms. The office of seere- changes are part of the foreign Ganges for the breechcloth and turban, while the shy dancing partner would obviously need a new skin for tary will be filled by Esther Upper- currencies by or credits owed to or the Treasury owned the of the occasion. co and Tom Albertson will serve The important question that we are concerned with is, "What does Preferred Formal mean for you 1" as treasurer. United States. Under executive with the foreign Naturally you will not have to encase yourself in forty pounds of armor, hang from the nearest cottonwood, Allen Spicer, the new president, agreements exchange programs gov- of- ernments, or take a dip in the Ganges. However, a shower will be appreciated. is from Westminster, Maryland, - Preferred Formal, which. will be printed on the tickets of this year's May Dance, means simply that it is and is majoring in history. Since fe.ring opportunities for American preferred that you wear a white summer formal jacket and dark trousers. coming to the Hill as a freshman, students are being carried out for "Oadzooka," said the knight. Al has been very.jactive. Besides the academic year 1958-59 with "Well, I'll be hanged," said Black Bandit. SCA work, he is a member of the the following twenty-five coun- tries: Australia, Aus- Argentina, "If it were any easier, it would be Nirvana," said the Cool One. Classics Club and IRC. Al also There is no reported comment from the snake. belongs to the Canterbury Club. tria, Belgium, Burma, Chile, Den- For those gentlemen among you who do not have formal wear of your own and even after your expo- That he has managed to maintain mark, Ecuador, Finland, France, sure to college life still have moral compulsions against theft and that sort of thing, Gamma Beta Chi, the a high scholastic average is at- Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, sponsor of the May Dance, has arranged with a Baltimore firm to enable you to rent imported formal wear, tested to by his membership in the Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Zealand. imported that is, from Baltimore. Measurements will be taken in the GBX clubroom, Monday, April 21, 1958, Argonauts. For the past two the Netherlands, the New Philipp.ines, Norway, Peru, from 2:30 until 6:00. years Al has lent his journalistic The price for a white summer formal jacket, tie and cummerbund will be $5.00. Trousers will be $1.00 talents to the GOLDBUG and now Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Students wishing to go abroad extra, but almost any dark trousers are suitable. A deposit of one dollar must be made at that time. serves it in ·the capacity of sports for the 1959-60 academic year A lot could be said ebcut such things as school traditions, the correct attire according to E. Post, the editor. He is a member ot Gamma between fact that the cost of living has gone up to $6.29 a quart, but these are incidentals when compared to the look Beta Chi fraternity. should apply 1, 1958. May 1 and November in the young lady's eyes as you formally escort her to the 1958 May Dance. conm"ltu.ed 0'"It p. 4, col. 5.
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