Page 37 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Glamour Ballot Page Vol. 35, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND March 14, 1958 Student Union Building Construction Three Plays To Be Featured' Slated To Begin This Spring In Annual Junior Production The Junior Plays. will be pre- Caroline" by Conrad Seiler. There sented on Friday evening, March will be no admission charge. 21, 1958, at 8:15 P.M. in Alumni An intermission during an after- Hall. The three one-act plays noon performance of Puccini's which will be given are "The "Madame Butterfly" is the setting Opera Matinee" by Alice Gersten- for "The Opera Matinee." The berg, "Hello, Out There" by Wil- action of this social satire takes liam Saroyan, and "Goodnight, place, in three opera boxes. We, as part of the opera audience, over- Dr. Wm. Ridington hear what a group of debutantes Is Nationally and society women are saying to each other during the intermission. Honored cilla The cast consists of: Edith, Pris- VonEiff; Patricia Nnrcissa, Dr. William R. Ridington, an Krell; Sheila, Patricia Schaefer; Lou Dorsey; Mary Sydney, Mrs. outstanding member in the Depart- Harrison, Elaine Bartley; Mrs. ment of Classics, is gaining nation- Lysander, Claudia Payne; Mrs. wide recoghltlon as an honored and Murphy, Marsha Reifsnyder; distinguished scholar through his Countess Jerabels, Barbara Whitt- study concerning the "Status of ington; Mrs. Casper, Karen Hel- Latin in Mnrylaud," big; Mrs. Gardiner , Joyce Tharp; This summer Dr. Ridington will Mrs. Kennedy, Charlotte Bayliss; be connected with a Latin Work- Mrs. Vail, Patricia Cooper; Re- shop to be held here at Western porter from the Morning Moon, {Student Union Bldg.)~Architect's fl'awing of activitics buildinq prior to 1'CCcnt mndifications ._ Mar-yland, which evolved from his Shirley Ream; and the ifeporte'i- study of the current trends in Lat- from the lI1ira Star, Jan Roberts. "I think-we will be ready to be- .....would be Inconveniently located, will be attractively and durably in when he gained attention "Hello.. Out There" gin construction on the Student Dr. Ensor pointed out that from furnished. It will contain a fire- throughout the United States. The featured play will be Wil- Union Building sometime in early the nearest door of Lewis Hall it place and reach a happy medium Teachers from all parts of the summer," Dr. Lowell S. Ensor com- will be only sixty feet to the new between the atmosphere of the reo Eastern seaboard will be attending liam Saroyan's "Hello, Out There." been described This play has merited at a recent open meeting. building. hall and the lounge in McDaniel to discuss the status of Latin in mystical realism and shows Saroy- as of the Student Government Asso- The building- will be a two-story Hall. Maryland. an at his best. It ranks with the ciation. brick structure of a contemporary On the other side of this level Classical World, a national mag- The definite location of the build- design, which will fit the Georgian finest plays Saroyan has written as it has the dignity, eloquence and ing will be the site between Lewis colonial surroundings. It will !~e~~t~i~~!:e apf:;;o:;~at~:n::d :i~~~~~~\ ~~:gfi!~i::l;~d t~e s~~~ beauty of "The Time of Your Hall and the road to Hoffa Field, house the student functions now two pool tables. On this same side mation of the work by the profes- instead of the originally-planned located in Old Main and some addi- will be the student government sor. In addition, Thc Maryland Life" and his recent play "The site alongside Science Hall. The de. tional needed facilities. office and a large student meeting Teacher will carry an article con- Cave Dwellers." In a jailhouse in Matador, Texas, . etsion to place 'the building on the A'Stentatively planned, the main room which will be controlled by cerning the various reasons for Saroyan finds an amiable gambler new site was based on the archi- entrance will be on the Lewis Hall the SGA. The GOLDBUG, Aloha, studying Latin and the Classics. teet's advice that the steep grade side of the building, and a half and Contra8t will have offices on The American Classical League, who has been locked up unjustly beside Science Hall would involve flight of stairs will take the stu- and is lonely. He keeps crying a great deal more expense. dent to the upper or lower level. t~e other side, off the lounge. ;os;:t!~n~~i~ aO:ja~::::~~: te~~~~ into the emptiness of the jail. The cry is answered by a dejected girl In answer to the concern of the On the lower level he will find the Also on this level will be a. rae- ei-s of which Dr. Ridington is a student body that the building Grille and snack bar on one side ulty lounge with its own rest room mamber, has asked him to partlct, who drudges in the jail and is lone- and the book store, which on will and kitchen facilities. The faculty pate on a panel at their three-day ly for companionship; Saroyan's of a play is like an orr.hestration be self-service, convention in June at Miami Uni- probably will be able to eutlot-by way of the the Tri-BetaTakes other. The student will be able to ~;~:!:~!~:,~:~.or from a private ;!~S~iYWilinde~~f~~~h t~:i~or~h~~ mood, as Brooks Atkinson says, "It is a superb evocation of love in an get to his post office box from the world." It is planned .that New Members grille side which is planned to be side of the building most of the '<,the joint committee of American angry treacherous The Young ' Gam- The cast is: overlooking open at all times, wh i c h Classical Organization, A large student lounge will' be the back campus will be windows. trains, prepares, and 'places teach- bler, Luther Martin; The Girl, Pa- Monday, March 10th, at 7:00 located on the second level, which Air conditioning is also under con- ers in the field of Latin and Class- tricia Garcia; The Husband, • p.m., Tri-Beta held its spring in- stderatton. I ics. ~ Stephen Callender; Another Man, Thomas Miller; The Wife, Patricia stallation at the home of Dr. Isabel in- Easter Program The present road to Hoffa Field Aside from taking part on a Smyth; and the Third Man, John hanogle. The full members will be brought around past the panel discussion, along another Brunk. stalled were: Joanne Filbey, Man- gym to connect with the main col- line, the Pennsylvania Junior "Goodnight, Caroline" Parker, May Begin New fred Joeres, Elizabeth lege road. This may involve mnk- Classical League has asked the pro- The final presentati()n will be a Carolyn Ritchie, and Donald Weiss. ing II. through one-way road with fessor to prepare and administer bedroom farce in one act. The ac- New provisional members in- College, Tradition diagonal parking along the hill- a test at tlleir: convention on May tion of Conrad Seiler's "Goodnight, clude: Dianne Bell, Carolyn Car- side. - 10, at the Susquehannock High Caroline" takes place at two o'clock ter, James D"ennis, Marvin Gold- Tll,C Student Christian Associa- The estimated cost of construc- .School in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania. in the morning. The cast will be: stein, Alan Katz, Gwen Marek, tion will present as this year's tion will be $225,000. The college The purpose of such an examina- Christine Reichenbeeker, Birge Easter Service, a one-act Lenten has applied for a loan of $200,000 tion will be to award a classical Caroline, Jean Lambertson; Al- husband, her fred, Allen Wortz; Reichard, Alfred Rosenstein, Dave play entitled RclcQ,$c, preceded by from the College Housing Loan prize in mythology. Selma, her servant, Mildred Ma(.'k- Schwartz, Sally Thompson, Marcia a candlelight service in Baker Program of the Federal Govern- ubin; and The Burglar, Clarence Wilson, and C~ey Wimmer. Chapel Wednesday, March 26 at ment and will itself put in the ad- Dr. Hiram Bentley Glass, Pro- (i :45 p.m. ditional $25\000. FLASH!! Kaylor. Smith will direct Miss Esther fessor of Biology at Johns Hopkins Written by Dorothy Clarke WiI~ Until completion of the student the productions. The sets were University, was'also installed. Dr. son, the play concerns Barabbas, union building which it is hoped At a special meeting of the designed by Mrs. Joy Winfrey and Glass! a geneticist who graduated who was released by Pontius Pilate will be in the spring of 1959, it will Argonauts on Thursday, executed by Marlin Roser. The be necessary to retain Old Main. March 13, Roy Kennedy was production managers are Jack An- !~o~y ~~!I~~~~~:~::i~, ::~:!i ~~r~~~n~ri~: jo P~:i~~e~f:~~ As soon as the facilities now elected president: with Jo- derson and Marlin Roser and the member of this chapter. wen~ crucified with Him. housed in the old building-can be anne Filbey, vice president; ~tage manager is Clarence Kaylor. At present Tri-Beta has about The cast, composed entirely of accommodated elsewhere, it will be Beverly Bosworth, secretary; Lighting will be handled by James fifty provisional and full members. freshmen, is as follows: Barabbas, torn down,~openiag the vie,~ of the and Robert Otto, treasurer. Lightner, Luther Martin and John There are 122 chapters of Tri- Maurice Arsenault: the two hilltop. IJ Brunk. Beta in colleges in the United thieves, Dysmas and Sothmes, Tom Heflin; Schaefer, Thomas Head '59 ALOHA States -nnd Hawaii. Reed and Chuck Bernstein; Mara, On the Tri-Beta agenda' is the Barabbas's mother, Ann Pherigo; District Convention which will be his sister, Jamah, Barbara held at Gettysburg College on. Dumal, Ralph Heim; a centurion, March 21st and 22nd. The eon- Albert Brown; a soldier, Wayne At a recent junior class meeting, vention was held here last year Conrad; and Pontius Pilate, Hank Patricia Schaefer and George when Tri-Beta was celebrating its Andrion. Thomas were elected editor and 25th anniversary. business manager of the 1959 This is' a warm, compassionate Aloha. drama which deals with the power Hailing West Point Grad of Christ and with man's desire 'to land, Pat from Catonsville, Mary- is majoring in English Offers Award For be free--free from physical cllains, and minoring in education with as well as from shackles of mind Math Proficiency - and spirit. plans of teaching in high school af- When Pat attend- ter graduation. To Wl\1C Student During the service Patty Garcia ed Western High School in Balti~ will sing the beautiful prayer of more, she was editor of their liter- A prize of a $100 bond is being St. Francis for peace, "Eternal ary mag~.zine "Amaranth." offered students ()n campus this Life," with the Sunday School Has Journalistic Experience year for mathematical proficiency Choir contributing "COO So Loved Since her freshman year here at which is called the Lt. Col. F. C. The World." Cherished portions Western Maryland College, she has Pyne Mathematical Award. Lt. of the Bible scripture will be read worked on ·the GOLDBUG and at Col. Pyne graduated from West during the candlelight service, present is news-feature editor. A Point in 1924 and taught mathe- along with poetry, ranging from member of Sigma Sigma Tau, matics there during World War II. the eighth century to the twentieth FTA, and the Pom Pom girls, Pat The prize was suggested to the century. is also interested in art. She school by Lt. C~l. Pyne.t~rough Bob Christian, coordinator of plans to make art a very important correspondenc~ Wlth Dr. Splcer of the service and direetor of the play part of the Aloha. , , the mathem~tl~s. d.epartment. Lt. commented, "It "is the hope of the Assisting Pat as business man- Col. Pyne saId In hIS letter that he SCA cabinet that last year's G
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