Page 33 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Vol. 35, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND February 28, 1958 Cornelia Otis Skinner To Commissions Dr.Whitfield and Committee Received By Presenf''One W omanxhow" Three Seniors Announce New Regulations Western Maryland's ROTC Depart- Miss Cornelia Otis Skinner will appear in Alumni Hall on March ment has recently released the news To any of the students on the Hill who have been absent from 7,1958, at 8:15 P.M. with her world-famous "One Woman Show." of the appointments of three senior classes on days immediately preceding and/or following Thanksgiv- Miss Skinner says that one of her most difficult problems is finding cadet officers as Second Lieutenants ing, Christmas, and other college vacations, the workings of the an appropriate title for her unique form of theatre. Monologue in the Regular United States Army. Absence Committee are undoubtedly well-known. The committee, sounds too academic; monodrama is a highbrow term which sends The men receiving these commissions however, wishes to point out its most recently developed policies: her screaming from the room; character sketches is nearer the upon graduation are John Hort, Rog- sending cards before the committee meeting to students who missed mark. ' er B'chelm and Robert Dickover. classes, and excusing first semester freshmen who have a two-point Miss Skinner, the daughter of famed star Otis Skinner, re- To qualify for this Regular Army average at mid-semester. , ceived her initial dramatic schooling in Paris. She studied classical Commission, each of these men had At present, the committee, composed of its chairman, Dr. Theo- acting at COlnidie Francaise under to be destgneted as Distinguished dore M. Whitfield, Mr. Eugene M. Nuss, Mr. Dean W. Hendrickson, the tutorship of Dehelly and Jean Military Students by the school ROTC and Mr. Alfred W. deLong, meets at regularly announced times to Hevre, arrd modern acting at Jacques Department. They also were required review cases of student absences before issuing the administrative Copeau'e Thcatrl) du Vid~x Colombier. FLASH! to apply to the Department of the warning to those without excuses. Excusable are those absences Upon returning to the states Miss ) In a junior class meeting held Army and be-accepted. Each must due to illness, (either infirmary card \ Skinner found there were few jobs February 27, Patricia Schaefer serve three years of active duty. Fashion Contest or doctor's certificate), certain indi- open for" inexperienced act~esses. was elected editor of the 1959 John Hurt, a physical education vidual reasons of a personal nature, and absences of students with a two- Appeared On Broadway / ALOHA with George Thomas as major, is currently battalion com- Announced By point average. However, no student After completing a very successful business manager .. mander and holds the rank of Cadet is eXC"U8edunle88 he submits a recuson tour which established her in the Pat 'was editor of Western Lieutenant Colonel. He has applied Glamour to the committee, either pfYT'sonally or theatre world, she returned to Broad- High School's literary magazine, and has been accepted in the Infantry in writing. way as a star. Some of her most- is news feature editor of the Branch of the Army. - Once again Western Maryland Col- Students with two-point averages famous appearances were in the Guy GOLD BUG and a' member of Roger Schelm, Cadet Gaptain and lege hae been invited to submit an may submit their excuses in advance Bolton dramatization of Somerset Sigma Sigma Tau. Battalion S-4, has been detailed to the entry in the "Ten Best-Dressed Col- of their absences. Also, when neces- Maugham's novel Theatre, Lillian As ~usines,s manager, George Military Police Corps; preceding this lege Girls of America" contest epon- sary in rare cases, Dr. Whitfield, the, Hellman's The Sl)arching Wind, Oscar comes well prepared, having held he must serve two years in the Infan- sored each year by Giasnour maga- chairman, can excuse other students Wilde's Lady Windemere's Fan and -t.his position on his high school try. Sehelm is apolitical science ma- zine. Joy Keller, the Western Mary- in advance. yearbook. lie is a Gamma Bete George Bernard Shaw's Major Barb- and in Trt-Beta. jor. land sophomore who was the winner ara. She also starred in a successful Robert Dickover has r-eceived his of the 1957 contest, went on to be- Must Submit Reason '}.adio series "William and Mary" with assignment to the Adjutant General come one of the ten national winners. Most important is the fact that the Roland Young. Corps and is to report for duty March Nominations for this year's candi- student does submit to the committee presen- sex To Stress The unseen cast of supporting 6, 1958. Dlckover was Company dates will be ""accepted at an open a reason for absence. Interesting to characters in Miss Skinner's Commander for A Company and held meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, note is the fact that of the fifteen tations may range from one to twen- the rank of Cad'et Captain during the March 5 at a place which will be an- girTs who were absent from classes ty. Miss Skinner observes, "Becau~e Programming first semester. He will be required nounced. Ballots of the finalists will before and after Christmas, all but they are invisible to the audience in a to serve two years in Artillery prior be printed in the March 14 issue of two were excused. Neither of these corporal sense doesn't mean that tl'\ey Dr. Crain and representatives from to joining the Adjutant General the Gow BUG. two appeared before the committee aren't real flesh and blood men and the Catholic, Methodist, and Episco- Corps. He was doing graduate work" The criteria for judging the Best- nor offered any explanation for the women to me. I 'see' them and know pal groups on campus met with Dr. here at WMC. I Dressed Girl as set up by Glalnou1' absence. them every bit as well as I do my per- Lowell S. Ensor February 25 to pre- magazine are listed below For other details and functioniugs sonal friends in private life." sent the decision of the SCA concern- 1. Good figure-good posture. of the absence 'committee, consult the She knows the complete biography ing the proposed structural changes scmNCE AWARDS 2. Clean, shining, well-kept hair. Student Handbook, or Dr. Thoodore of all the characters-how they look in the organization. 3. Carefully used make-up (not Whitfield. and dress lind how they react. She Every year the Chemical Rub- overdone). ' Plans suggested by the committee bel' Publishing Company pre- !~el:oi:e d~:!na r~:s~:e f~:c~eths:tcc;~~ were rejected by the SCA because sents an award to the two West- 4. Good grooming-c-not just neat Dance Features audience likes to use its imagination. they did 110tmeet with certain quali- ern Maryland College students but impeccable. . ]\fiss Sk!nne~ feels that her chil~- '~~:;iOt~S;S~Aw:: ~tC~!~:i~yb:~e:i:~ ~ving the highest average in 5. Imagination in managing a Aquatic Theme hood fascinat.ion for ,her father s " more attention to be placed on errec- chemistry or physics. clothes budget. Thls award comprises a copy -.,l good over-all wardrobe plan. 6. :ii~!~ a:a~:e:~ as:r~;i~:r:llf~~ ~~: tive programming. of THE HANDBOOK OF 7. Appropriately dressed accord- With "Four Winds and Seven Seas" sketches she uses in her' appearances. Dr. Ensor said that flexibility in CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS ing to the customs of he~ campus. as the theme for the Sweetheart Ball, each year's program is essential to engraved with the name of the tomorrow evening, couples will dance Also An Authoress meet with the changing community of recipient. This year Elizabeth 8. Appropriately d r e s e ed off- to the music of Bob Kersey's six- She has also written a la:g~ num- a college campus, rather than any Parker received the award for campu~s. piece band in an underwater paradise. ber of humorous books, T$llY Gar- structural changes in the SCA itself. chemistry, while Marjorie Lock- 9. Unmistakable individuality in Under the direction of Robert Cole, m.ents, Excuse it Plecuse, Dithers and lIe said he would be sympathetic to wood captured top honors in the color, accessories, looks. the members of Delta Pi Alpha fra- Jitters, Soap Behind the Ears, That's any programs and plans that were physics department. 10. A real understanding of her ternity, sponsors of the ball, will Me All Over, Nuts in May, and Bot- logical and well thought out. .... fashion type. transform Gilt Gym into an aquatic toms Up. Fonnily Circle is about her splendor with the use of marine life, childhood and family. With Emily sea foliage, and mermaids. ,...High- a European trip taken by the authors. And Even The Anti-Freeze Froze lighting the decorations will be a spe- Our Hearts she wrote Kimbrough Were Young u,nd Ga.y which describes cial sea scene_arranged at the door- Miss Skinner is also a frequent con- Students heading homeward on. the building Jue to the fJ'igid tl)1npenl- lege dining haIL was unaffected. A way. As general chairman Brooks Euler tributor to The New Yorker and m.orning of February 15th were hap- snowbound snow plow on the college Sllid, "We'd like to see everybody other leading magazines. pily unaware that for mamy the week- Two tradition-smashing proclama- come. There's going to be a lot of The French Government decorated 1'oad was another indication of man's time and work put ih to make this most of the Miss Skinner and made her an officier 6?ld would week. last through ,mow flurries tions gavl) indication of the unusual st'T'uggle with the environment. dance a good one." A few coming naturl) of hl)avy mows in this area- d'Academie (Officer of the French gave indication that the weather inan Chapel was caUed off, and slOAJksbe- Stragglers wl)re stW driftimg bOAJk Tickets at $2.50 per couple are be- Academy). This is an academic hon- to school on the following Thursday, or which was conferred on her be- was correct in his p'l'Cdiction of three came a legal part of .femalc aUi1'e ma1!y havit!g spent three or four ing handled by Charles Cock and can were Two homl) bcusketbalt game8 cause of the many things she has done to five ineM8 of snow. By nightfall, postponed, al!d even the mail failed to times their normal travel time in the be purchased from any Preacher. Dick Gardiner's commit- refreshment that he had hOWlWer, it was apparent in the intellectual field, which have gr§atly underestimated tnatw'e's de- get through on Monday. Milk and attempt. By this timl) activities on tee has prepared a full course meal- aided good Franco-American rela- sions. When the student lIody came bread were scarce commodities in the the hill had resuml)d at a normal pace,_ ham and cheese sandwiches, barbe- tions. This honor is very seldom con- to life on Sunday morning, it wcus to However, The SIlOW will stand out as thO'! to ferred on a foreigner and almost discover that eighteen inches of snow town of lVestntil!ster, on hand, the co[.. one of THE events of the school year. cues, potato ale. chips, cokes, lemonade, or ginger job Fringer's John Sttfficil)nt supplies never a woman foreigner. blo_nketed the Wl)stern Maryland Col- will start later in'-the evening in the 'lege campw;. This wcus the most capacity of clean-up. Selection Of snow to be 'seen in West1ninster since Also dancing to the strains of Bob Junior Plays 1942. Kersey, Pier who has appeared on the For many the snow was a lark, bitt in Atlantic Steel City, will be Is Announced for othl)rs, who found it n.ecessary Traf- to the sponsors for the evening, Mr. and be driving, it was a headflche. Dr. Clower, Mrs. Reuben Richard fic moved at a. snail's pace. After Holthaus, Dr. and Mrs. J ames Earp, The Junior Plays, a series of three spending hours digging their cars out and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Warren. one-act plays, will be presented by from under a five 01' six foot snow The tide will come in at 9 :00 P.M. the Dramatic Art department Friday drift, many car oumer8 found that and go out at 12 :00 midnight. evening, March 21, 1958 at 8:15, un- they still were 'Mt destinl)d to d-rivl), der the direction of Miss Esther due to frozen radiators. Anti-freeze Smith. set for minus threl) degrees did not ELECfIONS PREVIEW The plays chosen this year include prove adequate as the tmnperaturl) Nominations for Student Govern- The Opera Matinee! a social satire by continued to fall. .. ment president and vice-president will Alice Gerstenberg; Hello Out There Though -Westen!. Mu,ryland was 0111) be made in an assembly on Ma~ch 17. by William Saroyan; and William of the two colleges thrOl.lg/wut the The slate of candidates will be chosen, Seiler's Good Night, Caroline. state of Maryland which officially and appropriate speeches made. Vot- Mrs. Joy 'Vinfrey, a former mem- held clcusses on Monday, many pro- ing follows on Thursday and Friday ber of the college faculty, will design fe880r8 were unable to attend. Even. of the same week. the sets. Marlin Roser of the art de- Dr. Griswold abandoned his hor8e May Court elections must also be partment will execute the scenic plans and tractor. Those professor8 who completed before spring vacation. with the aid of Jack Anderson, con- were undaunted by the elements Court nominations will be made by struction manager. J~mes Lightner found themselVl)s lecj.!fring to half- the respective classes, with the queen will supervise the lighting. There empty clas8rooms. Many classes had being chosen by the whole student will be no admission charge. to bl) moved to oth-er part8 of the Wind-blown Presidl)nt Lowell Ensor vi~s S1WW..oound.snowplow. _ body.
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