Page 38 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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.. The Gold Bug. Mar. 14. 1958 Editorials . , Two Reviews Feature LEITERS To The Love And Mystery EDITOR Make' Sure You Vote; . BY LOVE POSSESSED of the It's Your Future, Too ers. But the very nature of the I prove the stature attacks March 8, 1958 by D·/".John D. MakosWy book (You do not compare Cozzens To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: On the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth of March, students here By Love Posseeeed, by James to Sophocles unless you concede As it has probably already come at Western Maryland College' will place a mark on the ballot for their Gould Cozzens, has led best-seller Cozzens some claim to greatness). to your attention, a Judicial Board new Student Government president and vice-president. Although the lists for nearly half a year. Ex- By Love Possessed has more has been formed at Western Mary- ballot contains a few personal names, actually you, as the s..tudents, are ceptional popularity is no proof of depth and power than the work, of land College. In view of its im- voting for something fl\Uch more vital-your own contentment and hap- exceptional merit; Go-ne With the Marquand, which it resembles. portance to everyone, it is the pur- pineas here at WMC next year. Wind and Peyton PlacffJ are works It is clearly the best American' pose of this letter to clarify its Speaking about one's duties In-a community is thrown at us so fre- of fragile fame, whereas GTapes of novel since The Old Ma)~ and the structure, function, and aim. quently that it becomes monotonous. Call voting what you may-a Wrath and For Whom the Bell Sea, and for a book of equal im- It has long been the desire of duty, a privilege, an obligation that takes you out of your way-but it is TollB, also top sellers, have-a per- portance dealing with average so- many students and faculty. mem- a part of the way we live. No one can force us to vote, but the results manent p I ace. Mr. Cozzens' ciety one must go back to Dretser, Des Passos, and the early Lewis. -, ~;~:e!O ~~~ti~t~:t~e;~i~fc~~:a~;io~ ~~e~~c~~ns~~~o~~gl ~g~cilY affect all of us for the next year. First ;~~:~ !:o~ i:a~~ ~~~t~~~~t~r:~: It is a massive book, a true one, which might eventually lead to the Few people realize the tremendous Job of the Soo. ptesldent and rather than with the merely pop- and it may prove to be a great one. formation_ of an "honor system," vice-president They are the negotiators between the student body, the ular. :din\:~;~~e~%l t;: :~~~~~~ ~~~~!~'~:c;::~~ea~11 ~~~~d:t;~!::t~;~up~.he~l~;~;n~s;:~!h::~la~:e~~s~~~~~ we~~:n~o~~1 ate~~n~~;IV~~:? t~~n~ 4-50 FROM PADDINGTON morale and' responsibility in mat- coming and May Days, weekend activities, campug improvements, and a but before the reader finishes he tera of academic student self-gov- host of other jobs requires much time and effort. They must have the knows tl1e story of the community by Ma?·sM Reifmydel:' ernment, honesty, and fairness. a~ility to apply themselves to these strenuous tasks or the student body for thirty years back and he senses 4-50 From Padd·ington is the While general attitudes and school I will s~ffer. imminent social changes which the newest mystery novel by Agatha traditions make it unwise at pres- Cliques, clubs, and other organizations are supposed to be open- next years will bring. Chief -char- Christie, one of the most famous ent to consider a complete change- minded to the extent that the individual voter should be given the liberty actere of the book are the three crime writers of today. It is not over to an "honor system," this is to support and vote for the candidate who seems best-suited for the job, partners of a law firm, one an old an earthshaking book but if you an ideal towards which a mature regardless of friendship's sake, fraternity and sorority bonds, old school man, the other two middle-aged. are looking for one or two hours and-progressive student body must ties, or what-have-you. In the opinion of the editor, the student body Other important actors are the of refreshing, relaxing entertain- constantly strive. The foundation has thus far shown common sense in their choices. Let's continue to do families of the two younger men, ment which does not require you for a long-range, joint student-rae, this in the co~ing. perennial SGA elections. two judges, other Iawyera, a doc- to overtax your probably already ulty effort in that direction has The qualifications that should be taken into consideration are: the tor, the secretary of the law firm, weary brain cells, I highly recom- been laid in the newly-formed Ju- - individual's leadership capabilities, his or her ability in personnel-re- her delinquent brother and his as- mend it. Although it has no deep dicial Board. iationship situations, and the candidate's scholarship qualities. Also sociates, the town's new Anglican message it holds your interest from The board consists of eight mem- not to be neglected in your selection of leaders is his or her desire for minister and his wife, and a pcr- the first page and may even cause bers, having equal student and reo- the job, in SGA affairs, and to some extent, the individual's past fectly appalling lady of religious a few chills to run up your back. ulty representation. The student experience In student government work. . pretensions. The story if viewed critically may members, who are elected by the In essence, the editor wishes to ask you, the student body of Western The complicated interaction of seem a little unrealistic but then, SGA, must include one member of Maryland College to THINK very carefully about your selection and these lives with the complete rev- what mystery isn't? The strong the SGA cabinet, while the faculty then ~o wo.rk for ~hat person's el~ction. Let us each exercise his right to elation of motives and meanings point of the book is the character- appointments are made by the vote m this election, and make It one that will be remembered by all. presents the thcme of the book. izaticn. Miss Christie has drawn president of the college. Theoret- The time for decision is NOW. / Each character proves vulnerable even the most insignificant person ically the board is thus almost com- and is finally fully revealed by rea- in the novel with striking clarity. pletely independent from any other since it is impossible to enjoy the D? You Have Mercy? son of a- devastating emotional in- From Lucy, the professional house- ~:;nasni::!i~~bOo~d~~~~u:nl;tstod~~~ primary purpose due to the multi, Oh, ye of little faith, why do you ;~~:::!~~,:ae:tM~~~o~Sze~~Ycl!~:~ ~e:ihe:m~;:~~ t~ t~~I~!:lt~~:r::re~ final jurisdiction of the president tude of potential dancers who are scorn them? Do they not feed you? ly implies that this is man's nature pathetic Alice Crakenthrope, each ofi~:~~~:j~~~:eec~:c~~:S;~~ith ~~~:t~~!IYfl~~i:~~s~e:~do;li~~:a~~ ~~.t~:y f=~ta;a;~e~P~~/;~ie~u;:~I; ~:~/ ~v:r;,O~~e~:h::r;h r::I~sual in some such matters as: (1) cases of a dancing from spot to spot. It is every desire? Day after day they business ethics, religious zeal, loy- Having done her Christmas ~:~~~:~ ~~t~~; ~:ti~r: l:~:h~~e~~~ ~:~fta~~~I:x:Pde::!~n!t t~ ~~!c~~e- ~~~:o e~~~~:~tm::/~ei~~e~ l~:i; :~~e;i~t;,ee~li~~ie~~~t~~~::ti:~:u!~ ~!~::i~~PP~I[;s.inM~G~!:i~~dYTh~~ !:~e:a:;~u~~e~~e~a~pt~:. :~;d(~r in:h:;e ~=sa~:p~~~e~ani~ert~! ~~~~ ~~~~·toH::eem~ercy upon them. Be ~~:~~op~:~icti;l t~~e~~pric~:~:i~:~_ ~~~~~~n,tr~~~w;~~nb~e~~tt~~:a:~ cases of academic misdemeanors and could continue to happen in Three times each day, long be_ against the reasoned logic and the some minutes the two trains pro- brought to the attention of the the future unless something is done fore your inner man has even be_ careful justice of the law is only ceed side by side. That has hap- ?r~E~~~~:;0di:.:\~~~::t:~~::Fo:~~!!;~:!;;;,!~;~~'~:t;!:~:;;~:?;'f!~:~:&n:::;ff:::£'1:'~:;Hi::;;:::~::;~~i;:~::d~E:;~i~:~l:t~:::.:~~::;~:r;: insure efficient and prompt action, partments? Will the student body setting up tables .. Bravely they the obligation to suffer. ror, a man strangling a woman. :~~ a'~~ii!~~e~corti:i:ns~~Ut~e~~~=~~~~v~~;i~a~Ui~eO;\;+;~ItU:eeh~~~~~~ ~:eh~~f:'~~;::I::~I~:~::~~~~~:r:~ ~o;t~~ve~;~ p~~~lya:~~~~e hoe;~~~ ;p~:~ at!l; v:~~~~~s i~:~nth:~~~~t ~~CeuI~~~;rt~~~s::~~:,\t;r~::t~~i~~~ ~~sS:el~ ~l~~~:r;~r which is ex- :~ar::e ar~;~~~~:'i~~~~::r th;:s~p(~: !~~e'p~~~~~:;~i~~tc~i:~~YP~:~:~~~ ~~~sn;: C:~bi~~etio~g!~n~~!nt~f i~ ing the case up .....The proceedings I feel that a large number of poured. Fort.y times the heavy of the theme. The novel has been which a couple of very ordinary of all trials and the names of those students share my opinion on t.his pitcher dips over_sparkling glasses, attacked as sensual and obscene, as elderly ladies find themselves in- concerned will be kept in strict con- matter, and I sincerely hope that filling them with refreshing liquid unfair to Catholics and Jews (the volved. The plot has several yery fidence. ~o~~thing ca~-zand ~vill-b~ d~~e j~1y,C~!~:~, ~~~n~:;fa;::; t~:;a:i satire O!l Protestants is more per- clever twists and the final solution \tsT~::lu~~C;;~!~~~t;e~~z~:/v~~~ u ure reme y e desserts must be carried out. Be- ~~~:: ~:~::t~:~~u:: ~~er~;;e~ is :~~~n~U~~~i~~e~sure and enter- the col1~ge on one hand and of John C. Karrer ~::i~:r~u a~~te:~·~~e~~~~n~::~1:I~~~iences of the characters are less tainment seems to be going out of working in the best interests of the March 12, ]958 ded many times from the kitchen ~~:t~~~~!"~te~~~y t~~e d:~~~e~~~ ;~:~e~ ~~:i:sa~~a~u~u~:ssc~:~~:: :~~7fi~tan~~d~fo:hi!h~n~!~:;~nZ:; To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: ~~tc~:~,rt~a:~~r ~.:~Ie,b:~~ ~:ckt~: has become drunken and bitter 00- wracking than arguing with some- 'v~~.v;hd~sn°tnh~Yp",op~,ndp,:,',tpo~,t,wv,h,onf\ an~n t.~:hal~i::h:;:h J.~~i:~la~~~~ps the kitchen again, serving you cause he can no longer shut J)im- one about which channel to watch .",... " .. '" ". faithfully. self from the pain and death of his on T.V. So if you decide to curl ;~~eac~~e:t~~~~!n~i!~~~~;rnc~=n~ ~~:n~~~I~h:·:~: ~~:e~~~h~~~ 'Soon the doors of the dining hall ~:t~~net\oorh~s c~:I~:~1s~~!!:~~~~ ~:er:i~~ ~ob~~t!~ ~~~:~ ~ ~~;;~ tion. By rational and consistent sports. st~ for th~ fine Job whIch open and in stampedes a herd of by some critics, defeatist by oth- than 4-50 F1;om Pa.ddington. effort and cooperation this goal they did III sponsonng the All Star hungry people. Having shoved and can undoubtedly be reaJized. vs. Junior Varsity basketball Jlushed their way 'to the table, they Should any questions arise con- game. Your effort was well worth seat themselves noisily and wait, cerning any phase of the Judicial the attendance of the student body, like birds of prey, ready to pounce A KAT'S EYE VIEW Board, please do not hesitate to di- and ~any studen~s took advantage upon the food as soon as it is rect them to any of its members. of thls ?pportumty to sup~ort a r~:C~~w~:f~~~ ~~seh:~a~~k:m~:i!~~ The WM barnyard has enlarged t~ include the most modern animals Manfred JOe:~:irman :~o:;t~W!l~:t ~~~~e s~~e t~~:'y a Simultaneously cries arise from ta- -the new addition being a metal cow. This unique milk_producing de- I hORe that .a similar program ble to table. "Is there any more vice, installed to meet the demands of .-he Health department, has can be 'worked out during other meat?" "Could we have some more aroused the curiosity of many, and the disdain of waiters and,waitresses. March io, 1958 New trays, sparkling glasses, and additional confusion are now high_ To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: intramural s:~:r~~~ons. ;i~~~;?'~~~W~~;s t!ii~ks!~~If,~~~:::;~ lights of the twelve minute, chow eating free-for-all. Why must a good dance be ruin. Allen ·R. Gilmore "More!" "More!" Back and forth ed by excessive waxing of the gym Chairman, Fischbach g? the cries. 'Back and forth goes It seems two young ladies we\-e chided for 1mbecmning behavior floor after all the hard work that WMC coed in fro]}t of the library. The lady of the, seeing· tho a is Ift!cessary to stage such an af- Scholarship Fund ;:~ ;;'~it~the~o~;: k~;~ :~Ut~~--;~ girls smoking cigarettes on tke steps during a.. psychological break, told fair? .l\-fust everyone's efforts be The meal must go on! them they were not to smoke there because "it wa.s bad advertising." in vain? There is certainly no March 3,1958 As the herd becomes calm, the point in having such an affair, To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: waiters and waitresses "W ate h Who's advertising and what are they selling? 1. I wish to commend the ROTC plates. Such Rifle Team for its fine performance alertly for empty No wait, no fuss, Cornelia Otis Skinner made many new friends here last Friday prompt service! 'GOLD BUG in Shoulder match witli the Universi- no bother! All you have to do is to night. Her original and all too true sketches hit right at home for all three way the Shoul..der-to_ ty of Maryland and Pennsylvania put down your fork and~ remove of us. In spite of the invasion of two busloads of high school boys mis- taking Alumni Hall for a basketball game in Gill Gym, the evening was As if by your fingers therefrom. State College last Saturday, 1 remote control your plate is whisk_ a complete success. It really is fun to laug~, and it's good for you, too! March 1958. 2. Considering the fact that ;:u~wda:ss:~~ y;~l~~;:a:!u t~e::! each of the opponent schools has the table without a caTe in the Spring sports are very much in evidence since war-mer weather is an enrollment of several thousand world and proceed on your merry trying to find its way here. Candida.tes for baseball, golf, tenniIJ, and are busily getting Member students from which to recruit po- way, leaving dirty dishes, crumbs, track (alphabeticaJly!) Just think of the 8unburn into IJhape. Cmne out and support the can get, and it's safer yOlt Associated Collegiate Press tential marksmen, I consider it an half-lilled ·cups and glasses, and an than a sunlamp, believe -mel \ outstanding accomplishment that altogether sloppy-looking me s s. Subscripti6n Price $2.00 a Year you defeated University of Mary- That ~is, most of you leave. Of land and came within five POillts We have a celebrity in our midst. Bess Adamska is now playing Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. of a tie with Pennsylvania State. course. there are always a few who flute for the newly-formed Gettysburg Symphony Orchestra. The group Editor-in-Chief must linger over a cup of eoffee, is holding rehearsals on Sunday afternoons. Congratulations to a very Robert Fothergill 3. It has been most gratifying pausing between each sip to solve Business Manager to observe the accomplishments of the labor problem or expound the talented girl, EDITORIAL STAFF your team and the steady expan- gory details of last night's date. Managing Editor . . Katherine Bond sion of its capabilities. Since any A buddiJng ?nodernistie artist has crept from his (or their) New. Editors Ellen Riohmond team is only as strong as its mem- Finally, all have gone except the cocoon(s) to display promising tale1lt. F}·om all indications, Lrunster .1oBnneTrabueeo waiter who Quickly and efficiently Poe has developed a ,·eal novelty style which he calls Neo-Nothingism . bers make it, I wish to congr:ltu- ~~-:';~';e~t.:~r EdiU)r-=-':::='P:tO~":h;:e~~ cleans up the dirty tables. There is Example8 of his work have appeared in mAJbik form in the dming Iwll late each of you on your individual ~~~tsE~it,t:T"":='::'=:'-=~'::--v1r!!i~i!,1>t~~ efforts which have contributed' to no grumbling, no Quarreling, no and in the exhibition room. I1t the ·latter Bite, hill piece called "Q!wth Typing Editor _ ...__ .... Ann Kinney pro~uce a team which has a capa- complaining. And so, we leav.e tJw Raven" bore a tag "Bargain Pdce - $1.~8." A11ybody interested? BUSINESS STAFF bility greatly out of proportion to them as we found them, serving Ad,· Manager .__ E"ehang" . .__ the size of your school. you faithfully. The next time you Did you enjoy the free movies in the Grille Monday? Several rows Circulation ._. _ Dayton E. Bennett Phol.ography_ .._._ .._ ask your waiter for something, stop of interested viewers were noticed "eye-balling" the feature attradion Advi9<>r .. Dr Lt. Colonel, Infantry a minute and ask yourself, "Is this during the luncheon recess period. Join the Navy and see the world. PMST trip neeessary?" Go to Western Maryland and ~ee the movies!
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