Page 40 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 40
4, The Gold Bug, Mar. 14, 1958 Gosnell And Nickoles Lead MatBerthsGained College Women Vary Program Riflemen To Two Victories By Three Terrors A S t S C t' Tho Mason-Dixon ",,",'ling S por season on mues Western Maryland's red hot th~ fact that nine of the twelve tournament was held at Towson rifle team registered win number shooters shot .270 or more" This State Teachers College on March 8 Hockey, the favorite fall sport of The popular-ity of basketball was seven over arch rival Johns Hop- shows the good reserve and the and 9 before an audience of one most girls, began the first week in shown by the number of partici- kins last Friday night by a score keen competition among the team thousand. Western Maryland, hav- October. Intramural games were pants who attended the opening of 1893-1363. Tonight they hope members. Bob Gosnell and Ken ing been hampered all season long scheduled between the class teams, practice. "A" teams chosen in the to stay in the win column when Nickolea were high with 283 each. by excess weight and ineligibility, but because of the flu epidemic, freshman, sophomore, junior and they play host to Morgan State Following them were Wayne was forced to limit their entry to a many of the girls were kept from senior classes. The freshmen class College. Holter andiHck Brawley with 276 quintet. playing the games. The tourna- had enough girls to make up a and Carlton White with 275. When the tournament ended: ment was completed with the Jun- "B," "C," and "D" team. A mixed Te~~o~~f::!i~gr;~~~sr~~~~.inSM!~: Griggs was top man for Hopkins however, three of the WMC mat- ior "A" team emerging as champi- "B" team was composed of girls impressive than the final score was with 278. men had earned medals. Brooks on. from all classes. The tournament Western Maryland is one of the Euler and Lou Price gained second- Towson State Teachers College was completed last week with the ·S P Ii smallest colleges in the nation with place honors in their respective and Notre Dame of Maryland ac- in junior class emerging as champion of the "A" teams. cepted invitations to participate a rifle team. The size did not stop weight classes, while Charles Cock I . ports ersona ty the squad from defeating one of placed third in his class. a. hockey playday. The /westem From the intramural groups a Maryland team tied with Notre first and second team were selected by Diek Pla8kif, !~e '~~:;;~!nc:111;~6;ec~n}~er:~~~ th!~nCeop~~~e:nt:ndinPr~~ee s~~~:~ Dame and defeated State Teach- to par-t.icipate in intercollegiate Last Saturday Western Mary_ same match, Western Maryland round, they were able to advance ers,1-0. Because Notre Dame and games. Playing Mount St. J 0- land College was well represented lost by a small margin of five, to the finals. Charles Cock fin- State Teachers tied, weetem- seph'a of Emmitsburg in Blanche in the Mason-Dixon Wrestling· points to another large school, ished in third place by virtue of Maryland was able to win the Ward Gym on February 13, the tournament at Towson State Penn State. The scores of the tri- two consolation wins.' playday- first team was defeated, 61-52. On 'I'eacber s College. The captain of match were Penn State 1388, Lou Price, wrestling in the 123 To end the season, the Women's February 22, both teams traveled ~ the Green Terror grapplers, WMC 1383, and U. of Md. 1381. pound elass, lost his first match to Athletic Association selected an to Notre Dame, where the first Brooks Euler, came horne with a William SUgiyama of GaUaudet. honorar-y hockey squad. team lost their contest, 46-35, while The WAA 'held the annual fall se~~~:l~~~ ~~~a~uskY, red-head Intramural Cagers ~Z:nd~a~ ~a::i~he s~:~gh~~'~~~ party in Blanche Ward Gym. The the second team was victorious, 38- 29. 'I'he first team played St. Joe ~l~::tlr;::t:~~\::~~~~~~~~i~rS::{! Finish In Upset .r. ~;~:v~~s ~v:~~~~!~~ce medal de- girls attempted to play the season on February 24, at Emmitsburg and lost once again 84-75. sports in miniature. Numerals almost didn't become interested in. Brooks Euler, captain of the and letters were presented to the On February 26, WMC played Back in 1951-52, while Brooks was Precedent was. broken this year Green Terrors, had been seeded girls earning them. Barbara hostess to Villa Julie. After los- a sophomore at Lower Merion High as a non-fratermty team, the New number one in the tournament and Dehler and Dianne Bell were ap- ing three games by very close School (Pa.) he ran into a bit: of Virginians, went through the !n- was undefeated in the 157 pound pointed as the freshman- reprcsen- scores, the fil'st team stopped ViUn hard luck. Being athletic minded, tramural basketball season WIth class. He lost a 3-2 decision to tatives to the WAA. _ Brooks went out for many of the only .one defeat to . top the final' Gallaudct's Pierre Sevigny. Thcre- ~~~~~on64S~;te~~:~h::Se J~~:g::~ ~ major team sports, but because of standlngs ~nd to Wl.n the overall fore for the second year in eucces- '<. Badminton, tournaments were home on March 8. The first team competition and coaches' opinions, champtcnehip. Their only loss sion, Brooks placed second in tour- set up between the various classes proved again their ability defeat- he did not get into as many games W?S dealt them by the ~achelor!i> nament oompetition. . in late November. :r'he champions. ing STC, 32-30 on Anne Voshell's as he would have liked. winners of the fratermty cham- Ken Mohlheririch team coach of the classes were; freshmen, two foul shots in the last 20 sec- One day someone mentioned pionship. ..' and Porky Tingle r~unded out" th~ Judith Tye; sophomore, Joan onds of play. The second team "wrestling" and the light lit up for The most exei ting games of the \Vestern Maryland representatives. WoOd; junior, Anne Voshell; sen- scored a decisive victory in their Brooks. Here was an individual season were perhaps the two Bach- Baltimore University, as a team, ior, Wilma Robertson. By defcat- event, 42-23. With a record of sport where if one could prove" his elor-Preacher games, and the l~st was the tourf\ment victor, followed ing the other three champions, three losses 'and two wins, the first individual merits he was sure of a two contests between th,? New VIr- by Gallaudet, who placcd second. Joan Wood was declared the school team engaged Mt. St. Agnes yes- berth regardless of Ii coach's opin- ginians and the two fraternity riv- champion. -terday. ion. So Bl:ooks started training also Alpha Gamma Tau took the and for the "next three years first meeting 53 to 50, only to be A two-week, practice period in wrestled in the 138 pound class for turned back at second by a 53 to volleyball began Monday, March Lower l\Ierion High School. Dur- 42 score. The New Virginians SPINNING THE 10. The new girls' rules, which ing this high school period Brooks ~ were at this time undefeated, and make the game similar to that of , wrestled twice in the :Middle At- it became clear that for either of the hoys, have been put into effect. Ian tic tournament. the fraternities to capture the SPORTS GLOBE Caryl Jeanne Ensor, tournament Drawn to the "Hill" by another pennant, the New Virginians must manager, will set up the intra- red-head from Narberth, Brooks be defeated. , mural schedule. \ - transferred to WMC from Lin- Delta Pi Alpha received its third The crowd roars, the batter connects-the ball sails into the sjands_ The physical cducation dcpart- coIn (Ill.) Junior College in 1954. loss at the hands of the confident It's baseball season. This familiar situation not only greets our Terror ment has accepted an invitation to In his freshman and ·sophomore Dilkes-men, and this opened the squad with the advent of spring, but more prominently welcomes major participate in a spring playday years at Western Mar"yland, Brooks way to the fratel'nity champion- league activity. , ... which will include tennis, volley- wrestled in the 147 pound "Classfor ship for the Bachclors, as they re- .Locally, the Baltimore Orioles in their Arizona training caJl1p have ball, badminton, and softball. the Green Terrors and for the last mained undefeated through the re- received encouragement even though they have dropped their initial ex_ In May, the '58-'59 board mem- two years has perfol'med in the _IJl.ainderof the season. The blue_ hibition games by close scores. An early season forecast by your sports bers will be instalJed at the annual 157 pound class. shirted Bachelors fought for a 53 writer tabs Paul Richards and the Orioles with a final year of building spring party. Brooks boasts three conference to 50 victory over the strong first_ before moving into the first division. (The n'ext issue will carry a recap medals; a third in 1956 in 147 lb. place team and needed then only of major league activity with a final season standing prediction). . ~~a;s'19~~di~ _;e;~n~. i~0::;~ti~i9o:~ ;:~t~ore victories to win the pen- Mason-Dixon Basketball Guys are Sharp, Gals are Neat This is a record to be proud of. The participation of such teams American UniverSity, basketball champion of the Mason-Dixon Con- ·Vlestern Maryland tips their hat as Coach Warren Schwartz's ference, continued in its winning way capturing the Eastern Re"gional Benny's is t.he place to eat to Brooks .Euler, wrestling cham. "Huggers," playing a brand of ball Small College Basketball Tournament. This is the second straight year pion and this week's sports, person- Imown I!S "Hugger_ball," provided that our Mason-Dixon Conference has been victorious in the tournament. ality. the league with unlimited color. Last year Mt. St. Mary's represented us. This speaks well for the qual. Athletic Director Bob Waldorf ity of basketball played in the conference. Spring Sports was pleased with the league's'suc_ Champs cess and feels that with some im- Intramural OpewMonday provement in the organization, it elors for winning intramural championships ....The league provided much Congratulations are in order for the New Virginians and the Bach. will run even IRore smoothly next year. On Monday many Terror ath- The point system used in evalu_ €lcitement this year and the attendance was high. Thanks to all those TIlden 8-7830 wno refereed, scored, and timed. letes will don their training togs ating the fraternity teams for the 4 points Intramural cup, awards and report for the spring sport in to the first team, 3, 2, & 1 resnec- Here and There which they wish to participate. Our New Addition Athletic Director Bob Waldorf, tively to the next three. The The UniverSity of Maryland came from behind to win the Atlantic The Colonial who will conduct spring football standings for the year are; Coast Conference Basketball Championship. Congraulations to "Bud" practice, is looking forward with Alpha Gamma Tau ...8 Millikan and his Terps. Dining Room some optimism to the approaching Delta Pi Alpha ._... 6 Earl Hersh, the older brother of Dick Hersh, a '57 graduate of this season. Gamma Beta Chi . A institution, is starring for the Milwaukee Braves. Last weekend Earl hit Team Coach Frank Hurt should Pi Alpha Alpha ....__..2 a home run in exh-ibition play. ' ... . find his netters in a position to TOM MILLER equal last year's 15-1 champion_ ship record. With the return of PATRONIZE CAMPUS AGENT , five varsity men, Mowbray, Pas- Baugher's Restaurant OUR for the serello, Anderson, Gunderson and ADVERTISERS, Lee, coupled with newcomers My- Modem G. I. Laundry ers and Worden, the tennis team JUST OFF THE CAMPUS forms a bl'ight _spot in the spring and Cleaners program. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Pitchers and catchers have. al- 223 E. Green St. ready begun training for the base- TIlden 8-6670 ball season, with the remainder of Homemade Ice Cream and Thick l\fiIkshakes All Laundry and Dry the squad to 'report on Monday. Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Cleaning Work Guaranteed Coach Dick Pugh, in his first year Sunday Matinees; 2 and 4 p.m. - at the WM helm, and hampered by OPEN EVERY DAY Evenings 9 p.m. . graduation, will have lettermen Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Stewart, Zimmennan, Gardiner, Saturday and Holidays and Bailey among others, return_ ing. . FOR SALE Fri., Sat. March 14-15 In his initial year as track men- It PaYI To Look Well ''THE GIRL MOST LIKELY" tor, Dick Clower will inherit a Moving from Vetville. Will Jane Powell Cliff Robertson good portion of last year's squad. sell c.ompJete Bedroom, L. R., Continuous 1 p.m. Saturdays. Holi_ Returning will be Hort, Silex, Kitchen furniture. Viait The Sun., Mon., Tues. March 1&-17-18 day shows cont.inuous from 2 p.m. Sunday Matinees: Spaar, Holbruner, and Kennedy. TIlden &-8546 "LEGEND OF THE LOST' Evening show 9 p.m. 2 and 4 p.m. Weekday These stalwarts combined with the Avenu~ Barber S~op John Wayne Sophia Loren shows continuous from 6;45 p.m. freshmen potential of Roo p, Brown, Willen and Phillips, should Wed., Thurs. March 19-20 give the cindermen a strong squad. FOR FLOWERS Where The Students Go "ALL AT BEA" Fri., Sat. March 14-15 Rounding out· the offered sports "GUNSIGHT RIDGE" pros-ram is golf, which is led by Artistically arranged for Alec Guiness Irene Brown Joel McCrea Joal]. Weldon Brawley, Urquhart, and Clark, 8' Pennaylvania Avenue March 21.22 amo~g others. each ~ift'erent personality I Fri., Sat. "THE DEEP SIX" Fri., Sat. - March 21-22 , "OR_EGON PASSAGE" Alan Ladd Dianne Foster John Erickson Lola Albright 'Compliments of DUTTERER'S Heagy's Sport Shop J: R. EVERHART 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 16 W. Main Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. (Double Feature) March 28-29 Thurs., Fri.,,sat. COLLEGE BARBER TIlden 8-9350 TIlden 8-5515 March 23-24-25-26-27_28.29 "THE RESTLESS BREED" • - and- "RAINTREE At the Forks A Complete Sports Line Montgomery Clift COUNTY" "COURAGE OF Elizabeth Taylor BLACK BEAUTY"
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