Page 39 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold,Bug. Mar. 14, 1958 Again Music Will .Oscars WMC Notable Figures Grace Assembly Awarded To? In "Spice Of Life" Who Is She?? Next Monday during assembly Nominations for this year's can- period the students. of W.MC will thorship 'of a book on math and in- didate for Glamour'8 fashion con- hear a program of secular music . If "movies aJie better than ever," vestment. Also since 1937 he has test were made Wednesday, March presented by the Men's and Wom- it must be a gigantic task to pick been treasurer and vestryman of 5, at an open meeting in the Grille. en's Glee Clubs of the college. the 'best. This year the Academy the Episcopal Church. Ten girls were selected on the Both of the clubs and their direc- Award winners will be announced basis of the standards set up by tors have been practicing hard in on March 26th. Sponsored by the You need only hear this gentle- GlatnOur magazine. The candidates order to present a very enjoyable Academy, no commercials will run man talk, and your suspicions as are as follows: program for the students. it. Such stars as Bing Crosby, to his identity would be confirmed. Naomi Bourdon Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, Sophia Gardening is one of his hobbies, Donna Brown women Begin Program Loren, and even Yul Brynner have and, like most men, beefsteak is. Carol Burton The Women's Glee Club, directed offered their services for this ex- his favorite food. He is doubly Barbara Horst by Professor Alfred deLong arfd citing eve-nt: We of the GoLD BUG loyal to WMC since his son is at Jean Jeffrey accompanied by Karen Helbig, will predict that the following will be present a junior and a history Carol Karcher render such favorites as Brahms' among the nominees. major. Marie Quintana "The Trysting Place," Schubert's First is the award of the Best Concerning the ~ standards of Shirley Ream "Hark! Hark! The Lark," Gilbert Motion Picture of 1957. (These WMC thirty years ago he said, , Jan Roberts and Sullivan's "List and Learn" are not named in any particular "Football held that day. Subject Brenda Stevens and "welte" from Faust. Pa- order.) matter holds this day." Especial- The date for voting is Tuesday, tricia Garcia wiII sing the solo Lee Girls ly does math hold the day in the March 18th. Be sure and vote part in one of the numbers. Bridge on the River Kwai classroom of Doctor Clyde A. any time that day in the Grille! ...................................... Twelve Angry Men ~ Spicer. Men Will Sing SaYlYnara . Under the direction of Professor Peyton Place . Oliver Spangler the Men's Glee Farewell to Arms - Club, accompanied by Dorothy Ma- Bachelor Party thias, has among its selections For the Best Actor the following In those days he "was a golden- - HO IS SHE 1111 Moller's "The Happy Wanderer" have been chosen: James Cagney haired cherub, but at present he is with a solo part by James Me- in Man 0/ a Thousand Faces; Don numbered among our own dis- GLAMOUR magazine wants to Mahan, a camp meeting song "Oh, Murray in Hatlul 01 Rain; Sidney Won't You Sit Down", and Bul , Potter in Something of Vallte; Curt ~~!~~s~~~ 7fac~lty. Do y~u r-ec- know. Cast your vote for the lard's "Winter Song." Jurgens in The Enemy Below; This promises to be. 'a very Frank Sinatra in Pal Joey. He was born m Hanover County, best dressed girl on campus. worthwhile program as the De- Our nominees for Best Actress Virginia, and attended the Rich- mond Academy, a small school of partment of Music once again con- are: Joanne Woodward in Three not more than one hundred-fifty She could be one of the tributes to our student program Faces 0/ Eve; Deborah Ker-r in students. As he grew, he devel- here on the hill. Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison; Eliza- oped many loves. One of his earll- beth Taylor in Raintree County; est interests was baseball; indeed !~·~~o:~::.e_g_e~G_ir_I._I_n_A_m_er_lc_al Disa And Data Kay Kendell in Lee G1rls~ his team at the Richmond Acade- in Speculation for the Best Direc- Later my was city champion. Fred following: the Circum De Campi tor includes for Hatfv.l of Rain; his baseball career he even partici- ~(_ _ __ ~ature, _ Zimmerman pated on a semi-professional team. :' Dick .Po\vell for The Enemy Be- . Return this benct tc ...L _ . seA. . Communion - every low; Josh Logan for Sayona1"fl.. School was always' a great part Wednesday morning. . March 26 Songs that may capture awards of this man's activities. Upon re- - Easter play are: "April Love" from the picture ceiving his AB (majoring in hie- Events Given Green Light tory and math) from the Universi- FT A . . . Spring Convention _ of the same name; "All the Way" ty of Richmond.ihe was immediate- April 19 ... Nominees fOr"MAFTA from The Joker 1'8 Wild; and the ly made principal of Caroline Friday, March 14 er, Lounge----9:00 a. m. officers - Bev Bosworth - Presi- title song from Sayonara. '" County High School. In 1927 he 6:45-8:00 p.m. Wesleyans ROTC Trip (ROA)-1*6 p. m. dent, Ruth Ann Runkles - Mem- received his MA and in 1929 his Saturday, March 15 Bachelor-Preacher Party-Agri- bar-at-large, Marcia Wilson - Sec- Prize Offered For Doctor's Degree from Hopkins South of the Border-Music De- , cultural Ccnter-7 :30 p. m. retary . Will sponsor movie University. partment Dance Monday, March 24 " Math Proficiency It was then that he came -to Monday, March 17 SGA Assembly-Alumni Hall- I' French Club. . March 10- WMC to be the first and only Assembly 11:30 a.m.-Alumni Nomination of Candidates for French program presented by: first cant./romp. 1,001.1 teacher in Science Hall no. 206. Hall-Glee Clubs office yearo-F'rench students ... -Play - but he points out, "It is the basis At first he spent his summers as wednesday, March 19 Wednesday, March 26 "A La Chambree" starred M. Al_ for any real further progress in assistant cashier at a bank in Vir- Iota Gamma Chi Tea 4:15 p.m. Sigma Sigma Tau Tea- bert Ward and M. Jaime Parr-era science or engineering. Without ginia. He now spends several eve- Canterbury Club 6:45-8:00 p.m. 4:15 p. m. Another play - "Lea Pauvres such a base of fundamental think- nings a week teaching differential ·(Lounge) Bishop Powell SCA Easter Program-Baker Gens" had M. William Moore, and ing, the average youngster would equations at MeC9y College. Thursday, March 20 ChapeJ--6:45 p. m. Mlle. Joyce Turner as stars . . . be hopelessly lost when he got to Among his many notable achieve- IRC-Lounge 7:00 p. m. Thursday, March 27 Soloists before program were Mlle. such subjects as mechanics, ther- ments are the part authorship of Faculty Club 8:00 p. rn. SGA Elections Christine Reichenbecker, M. David modynamics or engineering in gen- a book on algebrlj- and the full au. Friday, March 21 Friday, March 28 Schwartz and M. Carey Wimmer Junior Plays- SGA Elections . Poems were given by M. Rob- era!." Midsemester Grades Military Ball-Missiles and ert Harris and Mlle. Barbar-a+Hef; Therefore, he wrote to Dr. Spic- May Queen Elections Music lin er, "In order to stimulate interest Why doesn't Sing Sing organize Saturday, March 22 Saturday, March 29 and thought at Western Maryland a team ro pla:y the Army . . . to AI! day meeting: Maryland Spring Recess begins- Home Economics Club Last College, I would be pleased to offer 'Prove that the pen is mightier than Health Association, Mr. Clow- week's fashion show was quite suc- a pri,:e of a $100 government bond the sword! 11:5.0 a. m. cessful with th'e commentary by Helen Twining and an added ori_ .The first year Lt. Col. ,Pyne is ental attraction of fashions by Ka- going to make up and mark the zuko Kobayashi. . Dresses were test himself. After this he thinks Ralph's modeled by sophomores and suits. the Graduate Record Examina- Crown Service and coats by seniors - even a tions would be an appropriate chemise to point up the "sack look" means of selecting the rectpient. Penna. & Hersh Aves. . . . March 22nd, convention of The following is a sample ques- Westminster, Md. Maryland Home Economics Asso_ tion of the type to be included on I Phone TI 8·8352 ciation at Friendship Airport ... the test: ~ Cookbooks soon to be on sale, $2.50. If the roots of the equation ax2+2bx+c=0 nre equal, prove that a, band c are in geometric Rasinsky's. Pharmacy Question: What is a skunk! progression and that" log a, lqg b, Answer: A two-tone kitty with a nnd log c are in arithmetic pro- fluid drive! gression., "Reliable Prescriptions" Drugs and Everyday Needs 30 W. Main 8t. Westminster. Md. TIlden 8..7100 Westminster Laundry and Dry Cleaning COLLEGE SPECIAL Skirt & Sweater Slacks & Sweater I S1.00 DON HAAS Will See That Your Clothes Are Clean BMOC*" "Hwven't 1 seen you someplace be/ore?" man! He "'Big Man On Campus-yea the HELEN'S RESTAURANT You've try tried the best. rest treats the gals to Coke. Who Can ccmpete Now EACH DAY 60c SPECIAL PLATTERS Delicious with charm' like thj!t. So if you're 5'Ow , - and a little underweight. remember-you SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS FROM 15 TO 50 CENTS Foods don't have to be a football hero to be _PIZZAS and MILK SH1KES popular. Just rely on the good taste of AT Coke. Put in a big supply today! Just off Campus on Penna. Ave. SIGN Of GOOD TASTE (Formerly Spaghetti House) Griffin's Bottled under authority of The Coxa·Colo Company by WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, INC.
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