Page 35 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Feb. 28. 1958 An Oxford Dean Visits Our Dean Brain And Brawn Combined Visiting Dean Howery this week is kindnesses shown to me by teenagers In Success Of Campus VIP's a distinguished English lady who is and other Americans directions." She in traveling~ luggage and with Dean of Residence and Dean of Ad- ministration at St. Hilda's College, also felt that politeness was wide- Oxford University. The purpose of spread in the United States. Miss McCormick's trip is a holiday of Miss McCormick and Dean Howery meeting people and seeing many east are spending this ,yeekend traveling" coast colleges. PreviOus to her visit south to v\sit schools aad 19 see more Flere at WMC she has visited Rutgers, of the country. Driving an Ameri- Douglass, Brearly "School in' New can car may prove exciting to an York City, Qor-nell. University, and English driver. Their trip is certain but for the recent snow storm, would to be enjoyable. Students wishing to ' have. visited the University of Roches- meet and talk with Miss McCormick ter. will have 'he chance on Monday af- Concerning Americans she said, "I'v~ been appreciative of the great ternoon in McDaniel Lounge. Mysterious Fever Afflicts Students Dream along with me. 'No doubt you'll have ~o trouble dreaming as the snows begin to melt from off our own proud hill. As those first beams of sun- I light trickle down to warm the earth, they'll also warm the hearts and minds \ of many a seemingly lethargic eskimo. What are the signs of spring at WMC? Spring arrives ~ere in aU her regalia long before the Vernal Equinox on SP,RING SPORT.5 SARIANIS by Icon Weiland by Manfred Joeree by Dick Palmer "Company Commanders, "Just plain Bill' is about as far Hailing from Salisbury, Maryla~d, your Companies" are words dismiss that from the truth as you can get. "Lit- Tony Sarbanes, or the "Greek" as he tle" Willie (little!) came to WMC is sometimes referred to by his sound forth every Tuesday and Thurs- on the drill field. The day afternoon in 1954 as an athlete from the blos- friends, has built himself a fine repu- strains of Cadet Cohmel John Henry soming metropolis of St. Clairsville, tatlon-ut Western Maryland. Known Hort's voice can be heard echoing far Ohio. While in high school, "Shorty" not only for his pleasing personality back campus, for John, now in his played three years of football and but also for his driving energy in get- senior year at Wehern Maryland, is basketball and was captain of both ting things accomplished, he minors the' Battalion Commander of the teams in his senior year. in history and majors in extracurricu- ROTC. The ROA, ot which he has Here at WMC, Bill has been lar activities. Most ROTC students nothing but an asset to the athletic know him as the voice that called ~:~l:dao:~7~e:hi:o~~~:: ~:~~~ ~:: I' l!ASIOBAj..j..) TRACK, ' Tf'llNIS, department besides carrying more cadets to attention on the drill field only slightly less abominable. Dorm- than his share of positions in various with a resounding "B_A_T_T_A_L_ pr~,~~~ntJort," as he is sometimes March 21st. As early as February, itory rooms becomes stllffy shoeboxes campus organizations. Those of I-O-N" last semester. when blue skies prevail. Noone us who like to play sports occasional- A devoted Preacher, Tony has spent called, is probably more well-known ~:~~o~~tira:eppd::~:~~:~ ~~t:~:Z~:~ ly, take heed. Bill has played foot- much of his spare time serving his ~:s~:n a~~~:~~ana:i~~·Di~~O~gahr~o!:.'come even more scanty in March as hustles to the "rec" hall, and the pool ball four years (captain senior year) fraternity as treasurer, vice-presi- table loses its intrigue. Winds lift of billowing, cotton skirts to heights and basketball ipur years (captain dent twice, and IFC representative. ;~~sS!~;~e t~::;r~:s~o:a:~YT::~~r~! :~? ;~~~~::o~r~~l~\~~:::~ senior year). In both sports he has Being just as' enthusiastic about the disaster. There's only one thing to Advice? played center and no wonder at six activities of his class, he accepted the has sparked the Green Terrors for the . va~~:;t:n!l~:idt~e t~~;~z~~ n~;hli;::~ feet, four inches and 210 pounds. responsibility of co-chairman of the fsas~:;:iJe:~s, z: :~:.ea~;,:~~::: nis, golf, baseball, track and love. do. Look forward to the termination Then, as if his arms weren't long Junior-Senior Prom and was elected pushing cinders isn't enough for the Hiking also becomes popular along of another semester of school leth- enough, he threw the disc on the to represent his classmates on the ~~:;e~i~~~Cki~~e an!os~riv!~~n T~::= argy. Remember he who studies can 1 track team for four years. Acting SGA cabinet. ~~~m~:~t,s: ~~~th ~a::ii:a~u~~~~ only pass courses. as the "Dean-bug's" assistant, Bill Varsity and intramural sports oc- has been the BIGGEST help the Dean cupy a good part of his time, and dur- dO~::~V: :;o:~al~d~~;n:~ ~~:IY::~~r ~;Pl:~:s :e:~~~i~~W:~:nr:;~ has had in many a year. ing~ basketball season he can usually around campus, John pledged Delta settle into that mysterious sleepiness Heagy's Sport Shop Just to fill in his spare time Bill be found in the gym playing varsity 16 W. Main was on the Battalion Staff this year, "B" ball, or refereeing. Recent Pi Alpha in his sophomore year and called "spring fever." TIlden 8-5515 president of the Carroll Club on cam- records show Tony dunking 45% of ~,~o:oop;.~ine~O\:he thi:ick;::e t~! .: ;::n~:s?~~::gr:;sec::~:::iO~~~ A Complete Sports Line pus and Sergeant-at-Arms in his fra- his shots from the floor coupled with "Preachers" have a snoopy chaplain. Saturday classes become abominable, ter njty;' Delta Pi Alpha. With these. over 70% proficiency from the foul "Baldy", called so for his thinning with Monday through Friday classes accomplishments and a wonderful per- line. Currently Tony has led the, sonality Bill rwas destined, and right- Western Maryland victory surge com- hair, has added to his intellectual ly eo, tu be s~lected to Who's Who in piling over 100 points in conference ability by actively participating in the French Club for three years. American Univfi1'sitielf and Colleges. competition. Recently picked for Who's Who, Bill will also be remembered as the Among his hobbies is sleeping late. guy who wore the balloon around his. Another is girls, with the philosophy, and no wonder after all of this, John neck in footbalI, carried a pair of "you have to be aggressive." will long be remembered for his smil- ing face and willingness to say hello. elevens down the basketball court and Appropriately enough, Tony was The Freshman Council will Ad....riacry flipped a disc like a smashed marsh- selected for Who'8 Who in American surely miss his guiding lU,lilitiesnext mallow. Colleges ami Universities, a reward well-deserved for his. consistent record year and the freshmen themselves Qf service to his school. will miss the warmth and kindness that so many have received for the past four years. Because of all this PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS we feel confident that John is not only ....- "High On The Hillv-c-but will always be high on any hill. Weekday' Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. Ralph's Crown Service Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Saturday and Holidays Penna. & Hersh Aves. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Westminster, Md. Thur., Fri., 'Sat. Feb. 27-28-March 1 day shows continuous from 2 p. m. "THE TALL STRANGER" Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Phone TI 8-8352 Joel McCrea Virginia Mayo Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Technicolor-CinemaScope continuou9 from 6:45 p. m. TOM ~ilLLER Sun., Mon., Tues. March 2_3_4 Fri.', Sat. Feb. 28-March 1 "THE TARNISHED ANGELS" (Double Feature) CAMPUS AGENT Rock Hudson....... Dorothy Malone "NAKED IN THE SUN" for the CinemaScope -also- Modern G. I. Laundry "SABD AND THE MAGIC RING" Wed:, Thur. March 5-6 and Cleaners "TIME LIMIT" Fri. Sat. March 7-8 Richard Widmark Delores Michaels "BABY-FACE NELSON" 223 E. Green St. n Cartoon - News Mickey Rooney Carolyn Jones TIlden 8-6670 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Degustibus Fri., Sat. March 7-8 Fri., Sat. March 14-15 "THE SAFE CRACKER" "GUNSIGHT RIDGE" Work Guaranteed Ray r.nUand Jeanette St~ke Joel McCrea Joan Welden Cartoon - News non est disputandum" -and. quite Sun., Mon., Tues. March 9_10_11 literally, there's no question about it- "WILD IS THE WIND" Baugher's Restaurant Anna Magnani Anthony Quinn when it comes to taste, Coca-Cola wins , Vista Vision JUST OFF THE CAMPUS hands down. In Latin, Gr~k or Sanskrit. CD Wed., Thur. March 12-13 "Have a Coke" means the same thing- Z "ALb MINE TO GIVE" , FOR A MEAL OR SNACK it's an invitation to the most refreshing Cameron Mitchell Gylnis Johns Technicolor Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes _pause of your life. Shall we? SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Fri., Sat. March 14-15 OPEN EVERY DAY Bottled under Clu,horityof The Coco-Colo Company by "THE GIRL MOST LIKELY" WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Jane powell Kaye Ballard Technicolor
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