Page 36 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 28: 1958 Junior ,Varsity Team Halts All-Stars In 67-66 Benefit .J. V. Team Ends Winning Season Jones, Sullivan ~Posting Impresslve 11-4 Log Are Top Scorers Dick Pugh's junior varsity team 'The Junior ~ Varsity basketball hails from Ridley Park High in Rid- edged out the Intramural All-Stars, team, coached by Dick Pugh, clcsed ley Park, Pa. Showing much im- coached by Jim Boyer, by a score of out' their 1957-58 playing season with provement over the past season, he 67-66 in a game played last night. a record of eleven wins and four fared exceptionally well in rebound- Leroy Jones, picked as the league's -losses. The transfer of players from ing. In the finale of this season, he most valuable player, led the scoring the J.V. to the varsity, and vice-versa hit for five field goals and five for parade with twenty-three points. may have slightly hampered the ef- five on the foul line for a total of fif- The first half of the game was dom- fectiveness .of team work for had teen points. inated by the sparkling play of the Coach Pugh been able to keep -the Frosh Irwin Stewart was sent junior varsity team. At half-time the same unit all season, the record would down from the varsity squad so that Pughmen had a commanding 12-point probably have been even better. he could pick up more regular play- lead at 42-30. However, during the • During the early part of the season, ing experience during the latter part second halI, the All-Stars came bnck freshman John Holter was one of the of the season. Coming to us from with a bang led by George Becker and better players on the J.V. team. In Lafayette High School in Brooklyn, Leroy Jones. the second semester, he was promoted N. Y., "Oe" has improved a great deal Dave Sullivan, Bill Moore, and to the varsity to add his hustle and this season. Coach Pugh points out "Oz" Stewart led the impressive jun- accuracy. Coach Clowe~ was pleased that Stewart scored twenty points in ior varsity team. Sullivan collected with John's work. Holter also played the final game with BJC. seven field goals and eight for eleven football during the fall. He came to Dave Sullivan, a freshman from November, 1948--Five thousand on the foul line, for a total of twenty- us from Wakefield High School in North Carroll High,' was one of fans gathered at Western Maryland's May, 1954-A cancelled contest two points. Moore and Stewart were Arlington, Va. Pugh's bigger men. Standing 6' 2" Hoffa field to see the Bluejays of Hop- prevented the Terror baseball squad close behind with nineteen and fifteen Mike Bird, also a freshman, was and weighing in at 180, Dave also kins defeat the Terrors for the 1I1a- from clinching a tie for first place in points, respectively. M-D consistently in the high scoring ('01- played for the varsity from time to son-Dixone-diadem, 7-6. the Northern Division of the Close behind Jones in the scoring umn. In the Washington College time. January, 195()"""'Coach Richard conference. attack fQl: the All-Stars was George contest, he talIied fourteen points in Ken Gill was another of the regular Harlow, who introduced boxing into Novembcr, 1954-Soccer team end- Becker with twenty-one points. Bob the first half alone. Mike is a 155 Pugh men. Gill, a 6' 1" 'fr~sh from the colleges, took- over the coaching ed in a three-way tie for first place Cole also scored in double figures pounder from Mont.gomery Blair Montgomery Blair High School, is ex- reigns of the WAiC boxing team. in the Southern Division of the Mid- with eleven. High School in Silver Spring, Md. pected to be a big help to the varsity March, 1951-Western Maryland's dle Atlantic league. • picture) Don Hale, from North Carroll High in the near future. Art Press dunked his one thousandth February, 1955-(note basketball 1891 Basketeers School here in Carroll County, was Rounding out the J. V. squad for point of his college career against Annual Student-Faculty "Bouncing In' Gym Contest another of the Pugh stalwarts in the this year are Wayne Conrad from. Johns Hopkins. game featured such stalwarts as past season. Hale's best night was Upper Darby, Pa., Chuck Kimball January, 1952-Mitch Tulai, de- "Goose" Holthaus, and probably against Loyola when he was from Appalachian St. Teachers Col- fense backfield man for the Green Benny" Hurt. Coach was the At half-time of the Western Mary. good for twenty points. He averaged lege, Walt Manss, a transfer from Terrors, .represented the college in the "S~alped Warrio(' from Philadel- land-Gallaudet College game Monday, thirteen or fourteen points consistent- Wesley Jr. College, Bob Cuthrell, Annual Blue-Gray Bowl at Montgom, phia, Lowell Ensor. February 21:1, the Delta Pi Alpha fra- ly in most of the games. from U. of Delaware, and Dan Shan- ery, Alabama. September, 1957-Robert Waldorf Bill Moore, the lanky 6' 3" center, kle, a newcomer to the campus. May, 1953-The issue of the GOLD succeeded Charley Havens as head ternity presented a basketball game Donations as it was played in 1891. BUG carried the item that the Green football coach, collected at this game are to be sent \ Terrors were once ranked seventh in February, 1958--The GOLDBUGse- to the National Basketball Hall of Another the nation and had compiled a win- lected the first Intramural basketball Fame Building Fund. The two teams, the Reds and the SIDELINE ning streak of twenty-seven consecu- squad and engineered a contest with '<, each who wore authentic uniforms Blues, were composed of ~ine players the Junior Varsity. tive games. With AI ~picer Green Terrors Stop Gallaudet 91-61 and played according to the rules of that period. To Conclude Season On Winning Note The Blue tealll was the victor in Last night the Intramural All-Stars and the junior varsity had quite a this contest by sinking the Reds 1•..9. tussle in Gill Gym. We wish to thank all persons-who attended this special Playing. the Jest game of the 1957- plays by Warren Schwartz, the re- Jack Fringer proved to be the hero benefit game. The Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity and the GOLDBUGeo-sponsored 58 season last Monday evening, the bounding of Bill Spaar and the strong of the game as he dropped the de-, this event. Thirty dollars and fifty cents was. turned over to the Fisch- Varsity cagers tripped up Gallaudet team defense, proved to be too torrid etsrve basket late in the final period. bach Scholarship Fund! We hope more of these concerted efforts will be made of Washington by a 91-61 score. a pace for the visitors to equal. Players in the cage court donned in the future. . This contest gives the Terrors a final ..., Scoring honors for the evening uniforms of tight-fitting trousers three and eight record at home. were shared by Sloan Stewart and with a black stripe running down the - Hughes Wins Contest The Terrors started slow, oot scor- Warren Schwartz with eighteen sides, with a turtle-neck sweater type ing in the first six and half minutes points each. Runner-up with sixteen jersey. Naturally, the contestants The GOLDBUGsports staff is happy to announce that Paul Hughes, a soph- Meanwhile, Bill Spaur. of play. Gallaudet omore biology major from Baltimore, Maryland, submitted the winning sug- moved to an early 8-0 Jead. had points was seventeen rebounds. Spaar also would not be complete without the handled gestion in the recent column contest. His suggestion was "Spinning the Sports "Werner and Gun were the point vogue of the day, handle-bar mus- Globe," which topped the small number of suggestions submitted. Bill Spaar, scoring the first basket makers for Gallaudet with twenty- taches and side burns. Beginning with the next issue--watch for the new column. from under the boards, started the Baskets used were half-bushel team rolling. Three minutes later three and qfteen points, respectively. peach baskets supported on poles with Masou-Dixon Basketball the score was knotted 8-8, as Sloan Last week the Terrors were on the no backboards. Also the rules used contributed the tying score. Stewart American University was crowned champion of the Masoh-Dixon Confer- A relatively foul-free first half road and it seems that the weather were quite primitive and the jump- balls, dribbling, that not the and fouls of today was only thing was ence last Mo~ay night. The red, white, and blue team from Washington, D. C. ended with the Terrors on the long against them. During the road jaunt, were unheard of. Referees, Joe Ben- won eleven of thirteen games in conference play. Second place went to Hamp- end of a 33-20 score. the Terrors were out-run by the Loy- del', Brooks Euler, and Lou Schatt, den-Sydney with ten .wina and two losses. The eight top teams in thecconfer-, Second-half play continued action ola Grey~unds 89-59. dressed in stripped shirts, bow tics, ence are participating in a post season play-off this weekend at Loyola College. at a rapid pace, but it was slowed Stewart 'led the losing cause with a and black derbys, kept the game un- Wrestlers Prepare for Tournament down' as both squads began to foul total of twenty-one points. der control as much as possible. second Midway in the frequently. - The Green and Gold wrestlers are now in preparation for the Mason, half, the seven-man squad from Gal- Next, Washington College proved You've tried the rest Dixon tournament to be staged at Towson State Teachers College next week, landet had their third man foul out. an ungracious host by serving the end. Bill Kunkle, Charlie Cock, Lou Price, Brooks Euler, and Norris Tingle This left them with only four players Varsity with an 83~64 set-back. Bill Now try the best. Spaar are expected to participate in the event. I eligible to continue. twenty-six was the big man there, with Delicious points and twenty-five re- Last weekend the Terrors dropped a match at the hands of Gallaudet. At this point, Coach Dick Clower bounds. The only Western Marylanders to win were Captain Brooks E-qler and frosh let the visitors continue using cagers Foods Lou Price. Charlie Cock was injured during his match and was forced to for- who had already committed the maxi- Winding up a three day tour on feit. Saturday, Dickinson sank Western mum of five personal fouls. Maryland 76-59. Earlier in the AT A well-coordinated Thank You dominated the second Terror team month, the cagers dropped a 79-58 play. half Thanks to Bill Kerbin, Carlton White, John Weagley, and Bob Hyde for Sloan ~tewart's outside shooting, the contest to Hampden_Sydney and a Griffin's assisting the sports staff in tKis issue. close one to arch-rival Hopkins, 78-69. Westminster Laundry Compliments of Rasinsky's Pharmacy It Pays To Loo,\ Well and COME TO Dry Cleaning J- R. EVERHART "ReJiable Prescriptions" Visit The JOHN ST. COLLEGE BARBER DUTTERER'S Westmi.nster, Md. Drugs and Everyday Needs Avenue Barber Shop PHONE TI 8-8740 At the Forks 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 30 W. Main St. DON HAAS TIlden 8-9350 Westminster, Md. Where The Students Go Will S
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