Page 34 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 28, 1958 Tidal Wave Hits Book Popularify LETTERS Slogans, Signs Show Ingenuity Books are becoming a "must't for the citizens of America and students on To The • How many of us actually notice the definition for an institution of higher college and university campuses. A bookish TV lecture s~ries that became a interior decorations of our foster learning. . "College: the vehicle for smash hit is the latest link in a chain of evidence that adds up to a "reading EDITOR· homes? Most of us walk or race obtaining a staunch social back- revolution" in America. C. Lester Walker describes the unique situation in through the dorms oblivious to our ground!" an articlevof the March Reader's Digest entitled, "The. Big Boom in Good surroundings. Then of course there are those who Books". February 24, 1958 Occasionally this is a pleasant es- are germ cqnscious . The telecast, Mr. Walker reports, was handicapped by a forbiding title To the Editor of the GOLD'Buq; cape from the piles of dirt swept en- If chlorophyll kills germs, ("Modern Fiction from Stendhal to Hemingway"), a horrible hour of presenta- Florence Kirk Keppel's appearance ergeticapy Into the hall, the flow of Why are you still alive? tion (6:30 a.m.) , and the prospect of an unknown lecturer. Yet it drew an before the studcnt body at a recent "Niagara Falls" created by dripping And we've all had those mornings estimated 150,000 viewers in the New York area. By the Monday following assembly period was not only a per- laundry, the chain of empty cans of we would have loved to follow the the first of this series of lectures which was on Stendhal's The" Red_and the sonal triumph but also did much to various thirst-quenching beverages wisdom of this sign ... "Just stay in Black, not a copy of that novel could be bought in the New York City book- the interest in music here on (tomato juice), and the standard pin- bed this morning." stores. Eager sunrise scholars had cleaned them out. Situations like this the hill. up and calendar "art." Signs dom- For the econ and business-minded are befng realized all over our nation. Tracing the different types of opera inate the scene. They are promin- people here is a recipe for success. Even without benefit of TV exposure, many books once deemed t_Qo"high- from Monteverde to Puccini, Miss ently displayed everywhere--advertis- Keep your eye on the ball, brow" for most citizens are enjoying a tremendous wave of popularity. One Kirk commented on the various opera ing and advocating countless produeta You~ shoulder to the wheel, publishing firm recently announced its 500,000th sale of The Iliad and its composers and sang excerpts from and philosophies. Your ear to the ground, 800,000th sa.le of Tje Odyssey. A North Dakota reader wrote this statement their various operas, ably assisted at Have you seen this one? 'i Your nose to the grindstone. ~ to the publisher concerned: "Just read The OdY8sey. Boy, can that guy the piano by Prof. Spangler. Want to ugly pounds! Now try to work in that position. Homer write!" The warmth and good humor of her Just cut off your~head! A proverb for the procrastinator- Non-fiction, too, is basking in the warmth of popular success. Such books personality completely captivated the Or perhaps you noticed Don't waste time here; as The Great Dialogues of Plata, 'I'oynbee'a Greek HiStorieal Thought and usually apathetic college audience. In this room Make room for others. Alfred North Whitehead's Adventurcs of Ideas have soared to six-figure The students were equally enthralled Progress is our One money-minded individual dis- sales heights. Naked to Mine Enemies, a scholarly, 530 page life of Cardinal by her splendid vocal and 'dramatic Most Important Product plays a little booklet entitled "How Wolsey by Charles Ferguson, made best-seller lists in the second week follow- artistry. When Miss Kirk concluded The prize for originality and in- To Make Money!" Inside it reads ing its publication. her program by a very beautiful in- genuity goes to a little lass who has "Go to Work." What's behind the Itterary tidal wave? C. Lester Walker gives partial terpretation of the .aria "Vissi d' this note tacked on ~her door. This is a theory that many of us credit to an unexpected source-the movies. When such classics as Gone With Art!" from Tasca, the audience gave Today'smotto . would subscribe to during the latter the Wind, .Moby Dick, and War and Peacc are shown on the screen, the effect her a spontaneous and well-deserved Such is life without a wife, part of May. is felt in bookstores. The film version of Jane Eyre, for instance, forced three ovation. And here I stand without a My mind is made up - • book publishers to bring out new editions. l:hank you, Miss Kirk, for the de- Don't confuse me with the facts. But many authorities believe that what really triggered the good-reading light and pleasure your performance "I'm Available" Another. attention-claiming sign is explosion was the appearance of paper-covered books. The success of Pocket brought to us. We suspect that many Another sign which caused us to a black and orange one that .reeds " . Books, Inc. helped prove that good literature would sell if it was made inex- of us will dust off those old opera rec- stop and pause was a plaque above Through these portals pass pensive, attractive, and available. Today, Pocket Books and other .peper- ords and listen to them with renewed the desk "Next week we've got to get The nicest people in the world backs are sold in drugstores, cigar stores, railway terminals and supermarkets delight. organized." OUR CUSTOMERS as well as in bcokatores. \. Alfred deLong Also for those in the market there's Last but not least we come to a note Today, there are more than 100,000 outlets where the American citizen Professor of Music even a Matrimonial Agent on campus ~rtistically displayed . and college student can pick up a good book at a low price. Let's find out what 1 -that is, if you believe in signs. There is so much good in the others have to say about the world in which we live. It's your responsibility February 24, 1958 Cartoons and jokes also have their worst of us, as a scholar to learn all you can, and good books are willing to Help. Use your To the Editor of the GOLOBUG: place. On one door there is a cartoon And so much bad in the best of library as well as other available sources. \ The letters in the last issue about labeled . "Idle Acres"-Beware us the lack of interest in the social ac- women drivers, ... on another door That it ill behooves any of us To' find fault with the rest -of us. .. just we find the comment "Mom Our Past Is Uprooted "Bravo- Encore" ~~~e~i;:~~~~: :h7nnki~;nor:! b:g:~~ backed the garage but to the drive- All of this leads us to wonder if As Seniors Complain Grand opera is a subject which is ~~r:::b~:S I'~h~~~ h:::: ;~;:at:~; way." the corner we find the any of these signs reflect the attitudes behind them. and personalities Rounding ."Rooted in the past" is part of the usually rejected and frowned upon by that campus social life is dead. Those college motto referring to the wealth the average college student. But is of us who do not graduate at the end I of traditions forming a foundation for.... this your true thought about tpe sub- of four years have seen successive CmCLING THE HILL this institution. Traditions are not ject now, having attended last Mon- student generations attempt to plan All weather record books added a new chapter with the blizzard that re- only sentimental but can serve pur- day's assembly? r don't see how it social activities which could appeal to cently buried the east coast. Even Western Maryland was not without some poses. The case in point is the weekly could be! • the entire college community. We excitement! Who is this guy who called-the radio station to announce the can- stampede from chapel and assemblies. Florence Kirk Keppel, Metropolitan have seen some successes and too celfation of classes using the name, "Dean Bug"? .... It has been the custom to exit from Opera soprano, presented an illus- many disappointments such as the re- The effects of the snow exhibited themselves in various ways-phone lines these organized functions by order of tratcd talk on opera that will indeed cent cne.. dead to Blanche Ward, no chapel, no whipped cream on the jello, and the closed class rank, seniors first, then juniors, never be forgotten by most of those . This situation causes me to wonder Grille. Three cheers for the profs who couldn't or didn't -make it, and a twenty- followed by the sophomores, and final- who attended. Her subject, "Grand whether students today really want to one gun salute for those who came Monday but stayed home Tuesday, in pro- Iy the freshmen. This is one of t.he Opera: the Fusion of Cultures," was parbicipabe very often fit social activi- test to the fact that we were one of two colleges in the entire state in session. few privile-ges that upper clasernen something new for an assembly pro- ties planned for as large and diverse We really should be thankful, though, that we don't have time to make up over earn during their sojourn on campus, gram. However, she presented the a group as ours. Perhaps the SGA spring vacation! and it is understandable why they program in a vivaciou~, .interjsting, has been attempting an impossibility Brave ones dared to walk through Robinson Garden under the ominous wish to keep this one honor. and extremely humanistic manner. because we have failed to recognize icicles threatening to run you through at any minute. ~hope ~obody is a~~ng However, there is a reason behind She gave us an appreciation of opera a changed mood among students. the missing after walking back to campus. We maY}fave to walt for the spring such a plan of departure. In case of which probably some of us hever I should like to commend the com- thaw to find the body. ... fire, it is necessary that the audience would have gained had it not been for mittees which have worked hard for remain orderly and calm to enable her. disappointing results. While I can't Just a reminder of the Lenten Communion services in Baker Chapel each everybody to reach safety with ease. Mrs. Keppel is an artist in the be cedain that students should be Wednesday morning at 6:30. What better way is there to find person~l mean- At present, wit.h ihis stat.e of mass strictest sense of the word. Her blamed for their lack of interest, of ing and satisfaction than by this..sma~ red:dication o~ yourself. mania, none of us would ever live to points were made clear and demon- this I am certain: students will con- regret our stupidity at feeling hu- strated, and she was indeed not tech- tinue ,to exercise their inalienable The winter sports season is over for the boys, but the girls.' varsity teams and the various sorority squads h:ve j~st be!un their season. Let's win, gals! We are in a rut! Of all the good and beautiful hymns selected for the lIfethodist Hym?ta!, ~]j~~:f{I~ii~i~~~~~~:::;~J£~~~~f;~~~;;:;h;;;i;~U;;:~gt::;['~~g~gf!:~:;,~ why do we always sing the same fifteen or twenty of them! Some_of these are hardly appropriate for the topic of discussion. Ex- ab~U~a~:!i~~ i~::ICdh,;::'i~~d~:I;~~:k= :i:l;v~~ :~:r:::e~s ~~r:~~Cio:ae:d th~ ~:!e i:~:e i~i;~es:ot:e:r::pe~~ panding our repertoire would cert:inly :dd t~ the interest of the chapel service. senior and content himself with going any of our previous programs. All All of us, including "The. Administra- of our past lecturers have sur~ly been tion" would welcome suggestions and -The SCA has been quite prominent in campus social life recently. The out in turn, everyone will get out outstanding individuals and artists in help. Let's start by analyzing what mixer in Blanche Ward gave promise of students being able to have a good faster. Remember that you too will their fields: They've been worth- is. wanted and needed on this campus time with a minimum of planning and expense. be a senior soon, but why wait until while, hut it is felt that the one in and then back up our words by pitch- The WUS bazaar was well-handled, and the variety of booths showed good then to appreciate and follow one of organization and c~operation. The planned entertainment was the best seen on the familiar, but abused, traditions on question was superior as far as en- ing in and helping with the job. this campus in a long time. - the·BHJ,1 joyment and refinement are con- Helen G. Howery cerned. • Dean of Women ... . Could we have the opportunity of P.S. I am not one who thinks the That train-wreck frozen pie was all right, but the 'homemade kind is much better. Glad to see the traih wasn't any longer! Spoiled, aren't we? WhatDo YouTh ink? ~:~;~l:~~in~ea~~:. :~~r~:.~e u:i~~ ~:::~e:o;~rl~!:ti~:tu~:~~s ::: Hope many of yo,} enjoyed the film presentation It was of Oedipus By Jill Brown, Jeannette Price, you, the student body. You must .. totally lacking in spirit! a worthwhile cultural experience that you shouldn't have missed. Rex. I hope the and Elma Koun8 take the initiative to bring her back. finahcial receipts were profitable enough so that similar projects may be The faculty Committee on Lectures, , . Since the student body doesn't ap- headed by
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