Page 32 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 32
4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 14, 1958 First All-Star Team Chosen Gallaudet,Rutgers Fall Prey To Terrors From Intramural Competition As Sarbanes, Spaar Pace Colleqe'Plau The GOLDBUG has initiated a bas- jumpcab center In the contest sched- ketball All-Star Game between the uled at the end of the current basket- Playing a continuous schedule, the Intramural All.Star,s and the Junior ball season.' Other members of the Western Maryland basketba11 team Varsity team. Balloting was done starting line-up arc Bob Cole and has registered two triumphs in five last week in which the team coaches George Becker, Preachers; Clark games in the past two weeks. were asked to select an All-Opponents ~~~~~~er~~chelors; and q_ene Miol- The Terrors have lookea. greatly Team. Improved playing a higher calibre Leroy Jones of the Wesley 'I'heo- Reserves on this eleven man squad game in this second half of the sea- logical Seminary was the choice for are, Jim Hayes, Preachers; Hank son. Despite the efforts of. Sloan the most valuable player and will Andricn, Freshmen; Don Dewey and Stewart, who gave indications of his Pete Urquhart, Bachelors; Joel Bai- form which has won him honors pre- Late Notice! ley, Gamma Betes, and Malcolm viously, the Terrors were humiliated Brown, New Virginians. of Franklin and Mar- at the hands Honorable mention is awarded Jim shall, Wednesday, in Lancaster, Basketball was introduced as a Lewis of tho Bachelors and Wray sport in December, 1891, at Spring. ~fowbray of the Gamma Betes. Pennsylvania, 90-58. _ Never being headed, F and M was field College, Springfield, Massachu- James Boyer, athletic trainer, will setts, by James Naismith, an In- coach the All-Star Intramural Cag- easily led to victory by forward Gar- structor at that institution. The ers. This tcam is unable to have any bacik who contributed ten baskets game is now played by more than formal practice prior to the exhibi- good for a total of twenty-one points. eighteen million persons throughout tion. __ Hot on his heels was guard Swetnam the world and more than 150 million The 411·Stars are expected to have dunking nine field goals and a total Sullivan converts two points in ?'ecent gUinte. spectators watch the sport. a formidable opponent in the Junior of nineteen points. in this defeat were Bright spots Now a memorial is being con- Varsity. This team, coached by Dick 30 deficit, coming from some sixteen structed in honor of D~-. Naismith. It Pugh, has won all but two games and Stewart's seventeen tallies with nine points in the rear by the end of the from the foul line; and E. C. Chand- will be called the "Naismith Memorial one of these losses was to the Navy 'ler's ten points. half. Wrestlers Tripped Hall Of Fame For Basketball." The Plebes. The night before, Tuesday, the Second half play found E. C. funds for this building are being' eel- Coach Pugh's big guns include Terrors went to defeat at the hands Chandler scoring well on his set shot In M-D Competition lected "in numerous ways. Western Dave Sullivan, Mike Bird, Don Hale, \of Catholic U., 86-69. However the and Tony Sa rbanes extremely ac- Catholic University nnd Baltimore Maryland College will present an ex- Kenny Gill, Bill Moore, and. Irwin score of the game belies the courage curate from the floor. Holter and \ hibibion "Old Timer's" basketball Stewart. and stamina the varsity cagers dis- Chandler shared Wl\IC scoring hon- University both dropped the Green matches. \game which will depict the game as The GOLDBUGis co-sponsor-ing the played in th.e~· loss. .' ors with fifteen points each, followed Terrors in recent wrestling dropped a the Terrors Last Saturday first played in 1891. Uniforms, rules project with Delta Pi Alpha Frater- Many times during this contest, the by Sarbanes who netted fourteen match to Catholic University by a and manner of play will be authentic. nity. There will be a nominal dona- Terrors threatened While containing points. Lynagh and Hartnett led C. SCOl:eof 18·16. On Wednesday of This exhibition will take place at tion of 25c which will go toward the Catholic University. A brilliant ;ar- U. play with twenty-two and eighteen this week, Baltimore University, the half-time of the Western Maryland- Fis~hbach Scholarship Fund. rage of points led by reserve John points respectively. leader of the Mason-Dixon Confer- Gallaudet varsity basketball game on Persons who have assisted with the Holter edged the Terrors into a 39· Special mention should be made of ence, dropped the Terrors by a score February 19, 1958, at Westminster, preparation for this event, other than Bill Spaar's sixteen rebounds during of 27·5. Md. The varsity tilt will begin at sports staff, j\l Spicer and Charlie the contest to keep him high in na- BU Match 8:00 P.M. Thd exhibition will be for Pugh, are Harry Lambert, Dick Plus- Riflemen To Make tional rebounding circles. the. benefit of the Hall of Fame for ket, and all league coaches, especially In: the Terrors triumph over Rut- Alan Katz won the first match of Basketball. head coach, Dick Clower. ' West Virginia Trip I gers last Saturday, Tony Sarbanes the day against Baltimore University was WMC's big gun. Sarbanes, play- by a forfeit. Aiter that the Terrors Western Maryland College's rifle ing one of the finest games of his were unable to gain the winning team will travel tomorrow to Potomac career, dunked twelve baskets and column. The most exciting match of Another State College at Keyser, West Vir. two foul shots to contribute twenty- the day was between in the 157 lb. Euler Brooks ginia, to open the second half of their Frommalt six points towards and the 89-73 victory. Fred SIDELlNE intercollegiate this week the team shot a contest netting twenty points in the class. Euler was defeated by a score season. Bill Bruce aided Serbanes while Earlier of 10·6. Lou Price received his first double Vaughn Bill With AI Spicer practice match with the 302nd Signal newcomer with thirteen tallies. hit. Kirkin defeat of the year when he was de- Battalion in Frederick, Md., defeat. figures Others by Gene Marshall. ciaioned ing- them 1386 to 1357. This victory and Bretscheider-n topped Rutgers who lost by decision were Charley should prove to be a morale booster play with twenty-one and eighteen Cock and Coach Ken Mohlhenz-ich. Basketball has again hit the sports spotlight. With the team looking for the riflemen, as the 302nd has in tallies; respectively. __ sluggish during most of the first semester, most sports fans'simply gave up the past several years ranked high in At the beginning of the month, the I CU Contest on our own team and traveled elsewhere to see games when possible. Now it Maryland Army circles. seems as if the tables are turned. The team between semesters knocked off The team has improved steadily Green Terrors went to defeat at Em. In the Catholic University match and Bill Kunkle both Brooks Euler Gallaudet and a week later came on to defeat Rutgers of So~th Jersey. and is beginning to show the results mitsburg, Maryland, to Mt. St. pinned their opponent. Euler pinned Mary's, 88·56, while having previous. Sports Personality of the Week of the persistent coaching of M/Sgt. be ly knocked off Gallaudet. Spaar Bill wteceh in 6.30 and Kunkle made Sarbanes, Proving Coyner. to Crawford In both contests, Pig&tt in 1 minute quick work of fat With this issue of the GOLD BUG the Sports department initiates a new valuable assets are such outstanding and Bruce topped Western Maryland and 6 seconds. Lou Price defcated feature. Each issue the p~e ~ill spotlight the sports personality of the week freshmen as Bob Gosnell, hig~ man play. Jim Gonti~ by a score of 2·1. deemed so by his performance in the athletic event. !with a 283 in the practice mateh Jast This issue stalwart 6·foot 6·ineh Bill Bruce has captured the limelight. Friday, and Phil Stansfield, who con_ -Vatsity basketeer, Bill is a freshman who hails from the neighboring town, tributed a 274 to place III the top five. Sykesville. Prior. to entering Western Maryland he served in the United States Army. "' He is at present carrying a major in economics. Bill manages to use his 180 lbs. to an advantage as he ably rebounds from his center position. Bill has Rasinsky's Pharmacy been selected because of his performan"ees in both the Mount Saint Mary's game and the 'Rutgers contest. "Reliable Prescr!ptions" Hats off to a real competitor-Bill Bruce. Drugs and El':..eryday Needs Spaar Ranks Thirteenth -gO W. Main St. Captain of the basketball squad, Bill Spaar, ranks thirteenth among small college basketball players in rebounding, according to figures recently released Westminster, Md. by the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau. Spaar, at the time these figures were released, had rebounded .182 times in TIlden 8-7100 11 games for an average of 16.5 rebounds per game. Too, Western Maryland, as this report states, ranks fourth in the most personal fouls committed column. The Terrors have committed an average of 23.3 fouls per game. If the dining hali food makes Can You Name This Column? Come to Benny's, stag or drag· you gag Your GOLDBUG Sports Staff wishes' 21, at 4 o'clock. Deposit your· blank to announce th~ sponsoring of a con- in the proper box located in the book test. For the past several years the store. The winning suggestion ·will column "Another Sideline" has ap· be published in the GOLDBUG issue peared regularly on the sports page. of February 28. 'k/~,Md. ;e~:;~~~ma~~t~a~e~:.r~l~~\~~ ~~:: ~----------, to change this column's name. Name _ TIlden 8-7830 For this change, we are soliciting your aid. We should like the student Class .._ Our New Addition "00".··'••• '.<0' .. '0,..0<."•••. 00... '••'" .. '"'''''''.00 .....0...... body to suggest the name to be used College address '_ ..__ ~_ for the column. The qualifications The Colonial Dining I,toom are simple. You must be a WMC stu· My suggestion is ____;__._ Absent- minded Professor dent. All that is needed now is for you to fill in the detachable blank that appears at the end of this arti- Remember- de. The'·winning applicant will r~ Contest Closes February 21. TOM MILLER Not so absent-minded when you get ccive two passes to the movie spon. ~ CAMPUS AGENT right down to it. He remembered the sored by the GoLO BUGat the Carroll Deposit this blank in Book for the most important item-the Coke! Yes, Theatre in March. Store ~ox. Coca-Cola. Do have another, professor! CD people will forgive you almost anything Contest closes on Friday, February Modem G. I. Laundry if you just remember to bring along and Cleaners their favorite sparkling drink-ice-cold Compliments of Heagy's Sport Shop J. R. EVERHART 16 W. :Main 223 E. Green St. SIGN OF GOOD TASTE TIlden 8-6670 COLLEGE BARBER TIlden ~.5515 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning At the Forks A CompJete Sports Line Work 7uaranteed Bpliled under authority of The Coo;o·Colo Compony by WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC.
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