Page 31 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug. Feb. 14. 1958 3 Committee Reports Repercussions -Of Snutnik In, The U.S. Dr. Riding/on Will OnScholarship Fund Y- Direct Workshop by Dr. R. D. S~mmtl1"!1 Jars spread over four years, seems far cent on science, Complex modern so- The G. Lee Fischbach, J_r. Merrier- too small. We won World War II be- ciety cannot exist on science alone. A Summer Latin Workshop di. ial Scholarship Fund Committee an- The Russians did us a great favor cause we expanded military prepare- Whatever your field of special inter- rected by Dr. William R. Ridington nounces that it has at present $4,- when they put the_Sputniks into or- Hons on a prodigious scale. There is will be held on our, own college earn- 301.80. The goal is $6,000, and the bit. They alerted us to widespread nothing breath-taking about the pres- est, it is a necessary part of our war pus from July 7th to July 25th. This committee plans in the future a dorm> realization that our public school ent proposals for educational im- effort. It is your duty to work at it workshop, the first of its kind in the as hard as you can. Go to the library, collection and other money-making system is too "soft" to guarantee sur- provement. But I do not claim expert read books in your own field and reo territory of the Atlantic states, is projects. A partial scholarship from vival in the world of the future, ten knowledge of the cost. Perhaps the iated fields, books beyond those reo being held in cooperation with the this fund has been granted to a fresh- or twenty years hence, Immediate re- billion dollars will be enough to spark quired in your courses. Make your- Classical Association of the Atlantic man this year. form is urgent. \' an educational renaissance. _ Our self an expert. ~.tates" including ~ew York, New The Manhattan Project, which de- prime need is not for expenditure of I sincerely believe that the e~d of Jersey, Pennsylvama, Delaware, the Discussions Seen veloped the atom~~ bomb, showed what great sums of money, but for a new our freedom is inevitable effort, begin. all District of Columbia, and Maryland. unless large-scale by can be accomphshed In a recent survey of Maryland sec- attitude of us make a maximum in the schools, from the most coordinated To Climax RE Week and engineers. efforts of many scientists elementary And grades on through high ning right now. onda'ry schools trends Dr. in the. teach- by Ridington, WorM War II ended, many important colleges, too, school. then the This week the campus has had we relaxed.our drive and settled back can rtse to higher levels of scholar- ing of secondary school Latin were again the opportunity to lean for- to our normal peacetime pace. The ship, . Puzzle Varsity seen. The shortage of qualified Latin ward, instead of sitting back, and to Russians did not. They concentjated Just what changes should be made? teachers can be expected to become If you are a Western Maryland atud- think. on training and development of future ent from a typical high school, you Formed By Fans more severe year by year. Yet in re- Monday aft ern 0 0 n IIIcDaniel scientists. Their schools give heavy cent years there has; been a definite Lounge was tht scene of what may be emphasis to mathematics and science, found a great difference when you Attention, athletic department! A increase of interest in Latin among one of the most beneficial meetings of and are highly competitive (0 insure entered college. Freshmen here, most new varsity squad has been organized students. Indeed the number of stu- the year. A break was made in the that every young person gets the of them for the first time in their for those not especially inclined to be dents studying Latin in secondary theme of Religion in Life Week to maximum technical education com. lives, are required to study. The muscular, agile or adept at such skills schools in Maryland is, according to ....consider religion on this campus. menecraee with his ability. The greatest deficiency in our public as football, soccer, basketball, pool, this survey, approximately 11,250. Present were the week's guests, Dr. launching of the Sputniks shows that schools is that the pupils have not or folk dancing. Furthermore, it's This exceeds the number enrolled in Albert P. Shirkey and Miss Lola L. this educational plan is beginning to been-accustomed to hard work in their co-educational.' This new trend is French, Spanish, and German. Long, and in addition a Jewish rabbi produce results. Further demcnstra- studies. In a system where immature. crossword puzzling. The Summer Workshop is de- and a Roman Catholic priest, as well tions will be more impressive and boys and girls can elect their own signed primarily for secondary school as a dozen faculty members. The stud- ~more frightening as increasing num, courses, enrollments diminish to the The crossword puzzle crew has ac- teachers to discuss various methods ents who were present - some fifty bers of Soviet, scientists reach pro. vanishing point if a teacher demands quired more fans than any other of presenting the language and to in- who out of interest or pure cur-ioaity ductive maturity. that degree of precision and rigor sport since bridge hi t the campus. crease the teachers' own information. This new game is for the person with attended--carried back to the dorms Our public schools now stress which is necessary for the best in- patience, a pencil with an eraser (or Also,! recent materials in the audio·l ideas which will continue to be talked, training for citizenship, and are do- .,truction. visual area will be displayed for exl over for many weeks to come. big this very well. Our goal has been •StrLct emphasis ot· mathematics the ability to bum one), the front sec- cminntlon and evaluation. All this Change Considered to develop future civic' leaders, and from the very beginning of a child's tion of the Morning Sun, and a knack will ~e done with th~ assistance of Under consideration primarily was to install in every yOuth an under- schooling is necessary if we' are to for knowing useless bits or worthless experienced teachers as: Dr. Harry must information. He also possess the effectiveness of the religious pro. standing of democracy. I agree com- prdduce first-class scientists. Beyond L. Levy, author, editor, and Professor gram of Western Maryland College. pletely with this ideal. But in this the three R's, just what other subject fingers flexible enough to. print, erase, of Classics, Hunter Collegec Dr. J. .Can we begin to say we are reaching process, a factor has entered which is matter is taught in pre-college ye;'rs and scratch his head. Hilton Turner, Professor of Classical a reasonable proportion of the stud- incompatible with the development of is of secondary importance. The vital Those who indulge in crossword Languages and Chairman of the De- ent body even by influence? If we many scientists. It is the concept that need is for the pupil to develop the puzzling have at least one of several partment of Languages, Westminster intellectual 1) This motives. is an are not, why not? How can we change - the pu.pil should never~feel that school-" habit of sustained mental effort. The Cilllege; Miss Marjorie E. King, Latin our structure to meet the students work 1Sa chore: Every shbject must exact sciences are wel.l-euited for such game, and it makes a favorable im- teacher at Springfield Township High and their needs? And what are the be made so interesting that the pupil training, but so also are history, pression upon those professors daring School, Montgomery County, Pennsyl- needs of the students? learns without consciousness of men- foreign languages, literature, gram- to wander through the Grille. 2) It vania; and Mrs. William R. Riding- The student body will hear more tal effort. In our plan to educate mar, and many other studies. It offers a ggod opportunity to speak to ton, special instructor in Greek and about proposed structural changes in everyone,.it has beyome. clear that would be a grave error to concentrate attractive people when stumped on Roman History, Western Maryland the religious program when recom- many pupils find math difficult, The on science to the detriment of other the five-letter word for thirteen down. College. mendations h!4ve been formulated If result is twofold: (1) public school su.bjects which are essential to 'the 3) It satisfies that unconquerable Besides classes and discussions the out of 675 students, only 100 partici: math .h~.sbe.en made more elementary development of a well-rounded indio urge to doodle. You can't resist fill· students will take two afternoon field pate with any sense of regularity in by.ehmmatlOn of the more difficult vidual. (Incidentally, why are §uch ing in the blanks when the lines are trips to Baltimore museums. These the SeA program and few, if any tOPICS, and (2) fewer pupils take important languages as Russian and already drawn. 4) Thcy can't find a will be to Walters Art Gallery and more, feel the influence of the pro- math cour~es. Science i~ in nl~ch the Chinese so rarely taught, even in col· fourth for bridge. 5) They can't find the Archaeological Museum of Johns gram, effectiveness is lacking and ap. same pr~dlcament. It IS poss1ble to lege? Could it be because they are a deck of cards for·bridge. Hopkins University. parently structure has something to make SC1ence entrancingly interest- difficult?) One distinct advantage of cross- Those who hold a Bachelor's degree do with it. ing. But if the student is to progress It is obvious that my remarks are word puzzling is the augmentation it will receive three hours graduate beyond the science-fiction level, there directed primarily at preparation of can make in the participant's vocab- crcdit (Education) for the successful for- college. Many pupils do students Staff Appointments is a hard core of mathematics or of not have such ability, and are per. ulary. a With practice may and concentra· his completion of the program. The en· tion, puzzler impress exact reasoning to be mastered. Many able students in high school avoid sci_ haps best served by present curricula. friends with knowing that an AAL is rollment will be limited to insure cont. from p. 1 col. 3 small class groups. Registration is jar from Washington, D. C., he is ence because it is said to be difficult. But they, too, would benefit from an Indian mulberry, OOM is a South now open to graduate students and a active in Alpha Gamma Tau and is The net result is that our nation is more rigorous instruction. I believe African uncle, or that a coconut fibre few interested undergraduates. Ap· on the tennis team. . ~ not training nearly enough scientists that mind, like muscle, develops with is a COIRo The list of new words is plication can be made to Dr. William Did you realize that inexhaustible. Ronald Harman, the new advertis- to compete in the world of the future. use. R. Ridington. ing editor is also a sophomore a~d is As the communists rise to higher and Finally what can you, a student at INONU was President Bayar's prede· from Baltimore, Maryland. He is a higher levels of technological develop. Western Maryland, do to help your- cessor, or that the coin for a Ryot is juries, time limits, or teamwork .• No , math major and a member of Alpha ment,' we shall be left behind. Their self and democracy? You may be the PICE? squad has a fu· cdach, uniforms OJ," opponents are This new varsity Gamma Tau and the FAC. multitudes of scientists and engineers victim of a too easy school program, necessary, and o~ly the, minimum of will go to all parts of the world to aid but you are in a very favorable situa. ture. It is unaffected by weather, in- equipment must be available. So backward peoples and win them to tion to do something about it. We are PATRONIZE communism. We shall lose the war in a war of scientific progress. If the let's win, Western Maryland! OUR without the necessity of military de. Russians are making any blunder, it is THE COLONIAL ADVERTISERS. feat. . in neglect of other culture in their ac- "Vhat can we do to improve our JEWELRY CO. It Pays To LOOk Well prospects? The federal government LAUNDROMAT , is taking steps to encourage the teach- SWEETHEART DANCE "Quality and Service The For Your 5 Locust Street ing of math and science, to help more CORSAGE Since 1922" to go to college, and science students Opposite Parking Lot to provide more teachers. The pro- Order From Avenue Barber Shop DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 posed appropriath:m, one billion dol- '0UTTERER 'S 32 West l'IIain Street FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 China· Crystal. Silver Where The S~dents Go Closed Wed. -12:00 Noon Ralpb;s Crown Service 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue TIlden 8·9350 TIlden 8·8677 Penna. & Hersh Aves. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Westminster, Md. SEE TO COLLEGE Phone TI 8·8352 , Dave Harper (Campus Rep.) - NOW OPEN You've tried the rest Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi· Now try the best. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. 2 and 4 p. m. Suhday Matinees: 'HELEN'S RESTAURANT Delicious Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Sunday Matinees: 9 p.m. 4 p.m. 2 and Evenings EACH·DAY 60c SPECIALS , Foods continuous from 6:45 p. m. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on PLATTERS and SANDWICHES OF ALL KINl?S Saturday and Holidays SUBS and MILK SHAKES AT Fri., Sat. (Double Feature) Feb. 14·15 Fri., Sat. Feb. 14.15 "DON'T GO NEAR Just off Campus on Penna. Ave. Griffin's "WELLS FARGO" Glenn Ford THE WATER" Anne Francis and- - (Formerly Spaghetti House) "FOREST RANGERS" Technicolor-CinemaScope Fri., Sat. Feb. 21-22 Sun., Mon., Tues. Feb. 16-17-18 (Double Feature,) "LEGEND OF THE LOST" "THE VIRGINIAN" John Wayne Sophia Loren Laundry Westminster Baugher's Restaurant and "TWO YE~RS -and - Technicolor.Cir;emaScope BEFORE THE l'tIAS'C" D"y Cleaning Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 19-20·21·22 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS JOHN ST.. Sun., Mon., Tues. ARA" "SAYONARA" Feb. 23-24.25 "SA YON Westminster, Md. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK PHONE T18·8740 Marlon Brando Patricia Owens Marlon Brando Patricia Owens Technicolor·CinemaScope Technicolor-CinemaScope DON HAAS Homemade Ice Cream \ and Thick Milkshakes Feb. 28-March 1 Will See Fri., Sat. (Double Feature) Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Feb. 23·24·25-26 OPEN EVERY DAY That Your "NAKED IN THE SUN" "THE ENEMY BELOW" Clothes Are Clean - and- Robert Mitchum Curt Jurgens "SABU AND THE MAGIC RING" "' Technicolor·CinemaScope ,
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