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The GoJd Bug, Feb. 14. 1958 Students Respond To Controversy-.. ,. February 12, 1958 alone. The case in point is the I am writing this in hopes that ~;n~~ld~!~nd:n6c~b::~'Wo!e~t,~F!b~"rr:,a1j~~~g ac;,~I~;~itU!~1h~on~'f.Ti-:ruor'l~IYse";\ To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: tember, December, January, and May. Entered a" a s""ond clan malter at th" Post Creep. This function was planned there is still one small spark left in Ottice, Wetltminou.r, Maryland. under Act ot March S, 1879. Sometime during the night of Feb- with the students entirely in mind. you to pick yourselves up off your ruary 11, 1958, a group of stupid, The price was kept to a bare mini- lazy beds. Don't complain to me, I MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS "non-thinking individuals did' a great mum, a quarter. Food and drinks have been just as guilty at one time I can but at Subscription Price $2.00 Per Annum injustice to the country which ehel- were to be supplied free. and Games, or another _- My question least is, "Can ters them. It sems like such a small entertainment dancing, this. prizes \ realize incidental thing to cut a flag pole were planned. Frock's was decorated you realize?" The S.G,A. is at your ALBERT T. DAWKINS,JR., Editor-in-Chiof rope, but it isn't when that pole flies --and I might add this was no small service, now give us a studenty body ROBERT FOTHERGILL, Bwriness Mannger the flag of the United States of feat. The only thing that was asked>. to serve. Judy Corby Amencar Managinll" Edito~ __ Katherine Bond Advertising Maoager _ Ronald Harman of the student was to be there. News Editora Ellen Richmond Copy Editor Virginia p{)tt Some people may believe an act True enough, the student had February 8, 1958 Joanne Trabucco Exchange ~ __ Mary Hotchkiso , such as cutting the flag pole rope is Feature Editor Joyce Cook Typing Editor Ann Kinney "neat" or "colorful," but they belong nothing to do with the weather. This To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: News-Feature Editor _ Patricia Schader Circulati{)n Powell R. Anderson was also not under control of the Too often I have heard students Sports Edit{)r Allen Spicer Photography Henrietta C. E,som to the immature clafjS of, individuals. planning committee. However, the complaining about the poor social life The person or persons that did the weather did not mean that the event deed of cutting the rope do not realize had to' be cancelled. The students here at WMC. To this complaint I A Valid Grading System? [ust how lucky they' are to live in a could have walked - a not unheard have just one thing MAKE SCRbOL to say, Y0U, THE STUDENT, such as ours. country of .feat when the object is sledding a Here we. have the God given right mile distant - or they could hove SPIRIT. Last Friday saw the-most With the closing- of the semester and the anticipation (or dread) of re- to live the lives of free men. We ridden with other students whose disheartening response to one of have here on our very own campus cars were equipped with chains or many attempts made to solve the- ~:i:~;t~:~~l:tet~ g::o~:s :~dt~:ek~vO;:ie~f~so:h!~a::s:l;::!~s o~!:!n~~, ~e:~~~~ many individuals that carry scars of snow tires. This seemed to require problem of "nothing to do on week- and how valid they are. - wars gone by that they fought in,try- too much effort from a group too ends." When individuals spend long All activities in any learning process are' directed toward one primary ing to protect a rectangular piece of apathetic to even raise their hands hours not to make money but to pro- goal-what modern educators call "growth", or "adaptation", or insight. Close, cloth with thirteen stripes and forty- when the SGA offered to bring the vide a pleasant party for the students ly related to and part of this insight are certain skills, abilities, interests, atti- eight stars. function to Blanche Ward Gym, a to have only three support it, it's time tudes, and appreciations. These are the objectives of college courses. Ali ac- There are countless graves that place easily accessible to the most something was done. IT IS JUST tivities in the curriculum are directed at achieving these objectives. contain the bodies of men who gave decrepit student. SUCH POOR RESPONSES THAT To fulfill these goals, various iri, up their very lives that we may live. CAUSE HESITATION ON THE' strumentnl activities are used by stu- of ascertaining true use of outside I. just can't understand the thinking All this seems to go to show that PART OF CLUBS .. , dents: daily preparation, studying fN' reading for non-credit) are not at all behind an act such as was committed while Western Maryland students like Why don't you support these func- tests, preparing papers, and collateral valid in a determination of true Tuesday night. If something like to complain that there is nothing to tions? Students always come up-with reading (for credit or non-credit). All learning measured in terms of attain- this happened in Russia they would do on weekends, all they are doing is this excuse, "There just isn't time." th.;se pursuits are an integral part of ment .of educational ends. They are expclling a lot of hot air. ~ They I ask, why don't you have time to sup- take ten students a day and line them want nothing to do. If they did have attaining the educational goal (i.e., ~::: ~~:si~:~s d~~i~~en~;::;;yla;~C~u~~ against a wall and shoot them until port your school functions when you insight, "growth"); yet modern psy- something, they might have to expend can attend the local show and waste chologists tell us that performance of fill the arbiftary criteria of the teach, either the person confessed or every- a little energy supporting it. And three hours paying twice as much. these activities is not a guarantee of ers, which mayor may not be truly one was annihilated. _ this is just too much bother! "The academics are too hard," the That's why we are so lucky to live attainment of this goal. measuring the. students' successful at- in a country such as ours and now The SGA should realize that it is students claim, but" they have time to Grades, if they were a true measure tainment of the ends of true learning. wasting its time trying to provide en- go to the local frat rooms and watch of achievement, would tell how far a The editor presents this. discussion someone has insulted it by taking tertainment for this campus. They television ... \ student had approached toward ac, not to serve as a reason for the aboli, away a symbol of its greatness. are happier with nothing to do. There is the claim of not knowing- complishment of these ends. Yet there tion of mabks (although there are John Hart Then they have something to gr-lpe any t hi n g about social affairs. are few, if any, tests available which many arguments in favor of working about. Florence Mehl SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE are objective, valid, and reliable, and toward such a procedure), nor as a January 23, 1958 TO IMPROVE ADVERTISEMENT. which are suitable to the needs of criticism of the existing system of To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: February 7, 1958 Let's look at the possibility of var-y- college courses. The true test (if a marking (although it is felt that this In .the issue of January 17, 1958 of To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: ing campus activities. Why not have college education is to be practical) is system merits open criticism). The the GOLDBUGon page two there was This paper has often been born- record dances in the girls' gym or in the change in conduct or in thought of editor has merely attempted to state an article titled "Do You Savvy What barded with complaints concerning the rec hall? Why not let our talent; the student as he attacks his own for the henefit of any who may profit You Said?" which in general was lack of spirit, non-conformity and ed music groups sing a,t an assembly? life's problems after studying in col- (parents, please note), his analysis of very good. However, there was one general disrespect by the students, On the first ·Tuesday of every month, lege. " the validity of marks and a defense of statement that I would like to chal- and all of us sit back, read, laugh the music department presents stu- Yet employer-a, the admi nistj-at.ion, the many conscientious students who lenge. That statement was" ... or and go on in our happy cycles. True, parents, and students themselves, have rejected the criteria of marks, maybe a slaughter in Gill Gym." SOmedo complain, but merely to their dent or faculty recitals in Levine Hall ... want some measure, some means of and are pursuing their studies with Actually I do not think that the friehds or to anyone they can get to Why can't our choir or bands and determining the relative standing of their eye on the true end of learning. author of this article meant any real listen. As a student, I am guilty of musical groups perform outside the the students in the class or of a stu- harm by the stal'efuent but the truth many of these actions, for often I am school? What better way of spread, d.ent in general. They desire not the Paper Policy And of the matter is that unforbunately like you and think it's too much ing the name of WMC and getting subjective opinion of teachers but an too many students on the Hill feel trouble to do anything. free advertisement as well as creating objective measure. TheConsequences that way. However, this situation came to a The college professor, finding him- • It is with pleasure-and some trep; "School spirit" as such has been a head and popped Friday evening over goals toward which to work and pride in one's own accomplishments? self at a loss to measure the attain- idation-that we take pen in hand to topic of c~nversation on this campus the "Creep." Now, as an officer and To the faculty I say, "Won't you ment of the true ends of his course, compose our first editorial. It is a for as long as I can remember (all of student I feel there is need to reply please give us a chance to do untried resorts to more practicable methods pleasure to contemplate a year of four years). The general feeling is to you, the mass of spineless creatures and seeks to determine how well the stimulating social cont.aets and profit- "Why should I go and watch the team , who prefer to have others do your things that haven't been tried be- student has done the jobs which are able expcrtences. But even the stout- lose?" Has anyone ever stopped to work. fore?" instrumental in achievemcnt of the de- est of hearts might skip a beat at the think why the team is losing? True, Why, may I ask, do you select To the students I say, "It's your sired insight. Consequently, he gives prospect. of such a challenge as. the the team did drop three of their first officcrs? I suspect because you want job to show us who are willing to tests on facts, on subject matter, on editorship of a college newspaper, four games - but by what scores? to find someone- to do your dirty work sponsor events that you want and textbook material presented in differ. which entails so m'any responsibilities. 74-72; 71-68; and 79-78. After that and then chuckle in your beards after that you'll support our efforts." ent ways to measure how well the IHany ped'llie do not realize the in. everYthing seemed to break loose. we supposedly win. Will you help us To both I say, "ISN'T IT WORTH student has been performing the re- fluence that a paper such as the GOLD' A LITTLE OF YOUR TIME AND quired tasks, yet seldom ascertaining BUG may exert. Although it is im- Why? on committees? Hardly ever. You EFFORT TO GIVE EACH OTHER whether he has mastered the real port.ant to please and interest the stu- What it seems to boil down to is have too much WORK to do. Then A BRE"?" "stuff" of the course. I dent body, it must be remembered that that the members of the squad have if nothing goes right, who do you D(lnald V. D'Angelo Some professors adopt a technique sllbscriptions do not stop here. fn ad. feelings also. Even after losing those blame? I heard people say last Fri- day, "THEY We are called it offl" of shielding their test questions be_ dition to many alumni and parents, first three games by such close scores always ready to accuse anyone, other If Those Who Hate they stilI had spirit and the desire to neath vague and ambiguous phraseol- the GOLD BUG is received by many win. But after the Christmas recess than ourselves, aren't we? Everyone ogy to 'compel students to reason at colleges and universities throughout If those who hate, great length to determine what their the country,and abroad, several big the student body took it upon them- is afraid to take the first step, to Who sneer, question is really asking, thinking newspapcrs, and such organizations as selves not to watch the team play stand out in ....a crowd. I admit that Who crit"icize - that through such reasoning the stu- the Methodist Board\ of Education. anymore" ... because they are going you may have to suffer the conse- Their fellowmtrl~, dent will demonstrate his insight in Every half year the paper is examined to lose anyway." With that kind of quences, just as I will have to with The world, the course. Other teachers ask pure by the -t\ssociated Collegiate Press and student body backing them, any team this letter, but at least we can say Life, factual material, either short or long given a rating in comparison with would be ber.t before they ever went we tried. For your information, you ShO'Uld turn their eyes answer questions, believing that if the other papers of its size. We must . on the floor. The thespians of the called it off. Maybe I am wrong in Half-way arO'Uwi instruments are learned, the goal will think in a broadcr sense than the nar- campus would put on a pretty poor totally putting the blame on you. We Ta foCU8 on neceSSaTily follow. Other professors row confines of our campus would play before an empty house and the just weren't organizing the type of Their hearts, use still other techniques of preparing allow. Through the GOLD BUG we- same applies to any sport. entertainment which interests you; no They might disl:over substitute means of evaluating mas~ show off our college. Support your team, even wnen they one-Can enjoy themselves unless they What they most delfpise tery of the ends. Yet we must not overlook the fact lose, and sports in general will tend have the old :fashioned beer Within themselves. Another difficulty arises here in the thOlt,after all, the GOLD BUG is pub. to turn towards the brighter side at party. BEVERLYBOSWORTH validity of grades. College professors lished' primarily for the students of '-------C-m-C-L-IN-C-T-HE--H-IL-L------' are usually specialists in their fields, Westem Maryland College. We want !OO:~h'o~or:l\;~d Im:r:el 8!:!r:i~; having a pyofound love for their sqb- everyone, student and teacher alike, practical work will make for good re- ject for its own sake. This profes_ to feel free to contribute material or sults. sional use of subject matter includes to criticize constructively at any time. Richard L. Plasket Saturday witnFssed a new epoch in Gill Gym, one which we hope ...wiU con- a detailed knowledge of the funda- It will be the policy of the paper to Sports Publicity Director tinue in the :future. To those who were not present we send our condolences. mental matter (usually detailed facts) present information about approach. Orchids are sent to the basketball team, the trampoline act, and to the Honor as well as. of "the insights derived ing events and to avoid "stale" news February 7, 1958 Guard and band whose performance was most effective, Your efforts were from this data. The professor finds it wherever possible. We will try to To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: really appreciated! difficult to divorce himself from his maintain the maximum amount of ac- School spirit was a topic that has Rebuttal fro~ "Dr. Faustus" in connection with the clock in the Grille. academic training; and, not having a curacy and consistency. We do not oftc.n concerned me, ~~d I .commented "I thank Santa's fans for their interest, but the clock already has two exten- more suitable. substitute within close wish to be partial to anyone group on 1t frequently whlle edltor of the sion cords and must stay over the door where it can't be knocked down." reach, he falls back on the use of mere on the Hill; neither do we wish to op- GOLDBUG. I had always felt that The library has a suggestion box on the second fioor. Instead of complain_ factual material for his testing. pose any group. Rather, we will try spirit was there, donnant in the stu- ing to others why not use it? It's really not there to collect dust. The desirability to be objective and to maintain a fa'r distributlfn of dent body and aU that was needed was During exam week the male fashion fad of thick, hairy beards made its unprejudiced is also of great impor- space for t.he activities of fvery or- a little organization to arouse it. annual appearance on campus. Another 'new look' that made its appearance tance to the professor in the use of ganization. - Western Maryland students, I felt, is the chemise, alias the sack, factual material for testing. Finally, we would like to 3Ifknowl- would support anything that was A lass trapped behind the stairs in the library discovered there are boys Thus we see that·semester grades, edge our debt to the former staff, es. worth while, or more realistically per- who will help a lady in distress-gallantry is not really dead-just sleeping. derived so largely from tests, aided by pecially to the editor-in-chicf, Miss haps, anything that would benefit Any courageous crusaders present? 'Vhat about a new evaluation of the papers (which do measure an, end Florence A. l\fehl. Her competence them directly. marking system? "Ninety percent of the final grade in my course is the earned product-a skill or ability), discussion and her, calmness even under the direst Tonight I was forcibly shown that grade and ten percent is personal opinion. By the way, what's your name 1" (measurement of which is necessarily st.ress have been a constant source of I was wrong. The student spirit on We may have been inspired and warmed by -the message presented in subjective), and collateral reading inspiration to het fellow-workers. 'Ve this campus is npt dormant; it is Alumni Hall, but we were left quite cold by the freezing temperature. (very important but of little use as a feel that we could not find anywhere We would like to apply to the athletic department for knee pads and any measure because of the impossibility worthier footsteps in which to follow. dead. The stud~t body will not other protective equipment that they aren't using. It's evident from the animal even support thin \ that b(mejit them crush at meals that someone has forgotten the method of reser ..ed tables.
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