Page 29 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Intramural AlI·Stars Page 4 Vol. 35, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARyLAND February 14, 1958 WUS Activities Artist Presents Editor Appoints Who Put The Damper Gold Bug Staff Slated By SeA Exhibit Here For Coming Year On The SGA "Creeper"? The campus will observe 'Vorld James F. Snodgrass, a for-mer University Service Week beginning Western Maryland College art stu- Katherine Bond, the new managing At almost any campus gathering, sooner or later the same on Sunday, February ]6. The World dent now living in New York, opened editor, is no stranger to the GOLDBUG. thread-bare comment is made, "The social life on this campus University Service, or WUS as it is a one-man showr of his..,.paintings on She has previously held the offices of stinks!" 'I'hia-Inltiates a heated discussion consisting of numerous commonly called, is an international Wednesday, February 7, in the col- reporter, copy reader, and copy and complaints about the "awful dating system", the lack of places to organization -castabltshed upon the lege gallery. The exhibit will con- feature editors. A junior English go, and especially the failure of the school to provide planned ac- principle of aiding students around tinue for three weeks. major who hails from Baltimore, tivities which' appeal to the students. • the globe in any and all ways possi- While at Western Maryland, the Kitty is. active on campus -In the In an attempt to improve this situation the Student Govern- ble. artist studied with Miss Louise Ship- choir', 'I'rl-Beta, and Sigma Sigma ment leaders organized a group, the SGA Coordinating Activities Western Maryland's part is to fi- ley of the art department. After ten Tau. "Scoop" has also served on the Committee, to plan a series of events which would appeal to the nancially aid students abroad=to share years of indecision as to ~n art FAC and may be especially remern- campus population. the opportunities for education en- career, he enrolled a~ the National - bered for, being the only girl to re- Their efforts have been met with nothing but lack of interest -jcyed in this country. One of the im- Academy School of Pine Arts where ceive a varsity letter in track. and lack of cooperation. If there is no further attempt to improve mense projects of the past year was he studied with Robert Philipp .. At Richmond, Trabucco Co-editors the sociaffunctions, the fault rests solely with the student body. the important part WUS played in t~e end of that school year he was Ellen Richmond, better known as The prime example occurred last week and centered around the Hungarian Student Relief and in glv:11 the Alve~t Hallg arten Award Winkie, will take over the position of "The Creep". Student leaders put a great deal of time and energy placing many of these students in whichenabled ,111m to work and travel co-news editor. Winkie is a junior into organizing this event. Due to hazardous weather conditions' American colleges and universities. and students not wishing to walk to Frock's, the S.G.A. offered to Mr. Paul Denise will speak in ab~~adEurope he' resided for more ~:~~Js;~~~ol:J;e ~:~o~e!~°:Ct~~was:n; move the decorations to Blanche Ward Gym; a two-minute walk chapel this Sunday evening and will than a year in Spain and then trav- member of Sigma Sigma Tau, the from the furthest point on campus. Despite this proposal only three acquaint. the student body with elled in Italy, France, Austria, Eng- Argonauts, Tri-Beta, and Pom Pom students indicated an interest in attending. World University Service. His topic land, Switzerland, and the Nether- girls. She has also served on the The S.G.A. feels that it has failed but the failure rests with will be "Observing the World Student lands visiting museums and looking FAC and was class secretary in you. What do you want'! It's time YOU, the student, come to the realization that it is. up to YOU to make the social side of the Day of Prayer." During the next at old masters. her freshman and sophomore years. week members of the WUS committee Since returning from Europe last She has been a member of the GOLD campus what YOU want it to be. Until YOU decide to stop griping and start supporting, no improvements can be made! will visit each student personally to year, Mr. Snodgrass has set up a BUG staff since her freshman year. collect contributions for the cam- studio in New York. He has par tici- Returning to the GOLDBUGstaff as • The Gold Bug Staff paign. The week will terminate with pated in the Jast two Greenwich Vil- co-news editor, is Joanne Trabucco in editor her the annual WUS Bazaar in Blanche lage outdoor art shows and took part who was co-feature An English-educa- ROTC Makes Ward Gym on Saturday evening, Feb- in several TV quiz show~: sophomore year. ruary 22. This is a carnival type of tion major, Joanne is from Bladens- Changes In \CLUB NEWS I of the or- affair in which a majority have booths. Girls Accept burg, Maryland where she worked as ganizations on campus news editor on her high school paper. Battalion The Studcnt Christian Association Entertainment will be provided as A member of Sigma Sigma Tau has scheduled a roller skating party well as fun and prizes. Sorority Bids eorority, she has also been on the ' ., The military department of West- to be held at Big Pipe Creek, near The proceeds of the committee's FAC, the literary board of' Contrast ern Maryland College has announced Taneytown, on Saturday, February visitations, the bazaar, and the Sorority b{ds for second semester and was also make-up editor of the several changes in the Cadet Battal- 15. Bus transportation will be pro- Christmas Vesper program will go were accepted Wednesday night, Feb- magazine. She is a member of the ion, Effective February 11, 1958, the vided along with admission to the this year toward the chosen project of ruary 5. Blanche Ward house council, the Car- Battalion staff consisted of the fol- skating rink for a total price of eev- aiding WUS to supply scholarships Pledging Delta Sigma Kappa were croll Club, and the FTA. lowing: Battalion Commander, Cadet enty-five cents. Those students' driv- ~or African medical students in an Rebecca Reynolds and Ruth Richards. Schaefer Continues Post Lt. 001. John Hort ; Executive Officer, ing cars will be admitted for the same area where medical technology and Seven new members joined Iota Patricia Schaefer, the news-feature Cadet Maj. Jack Anderson; S-I, Cadet price. Tickets may be purchased educacicn are of dire impfll,tance. At Gamma Chi: Jessie Bazzeghin, Karol editor of the '}UD·.,E_>lf!: h:!s'held this Capt. Ocedoa wetncr , S-3, Cadet from any member of the SCA Cabi- least one more day is planned this Kalloway, Judith Long, Marion Man- job for the past year. A junior Capt. Peter Urquhart; and S-4, Cadet net. The bus will leave from in front year to assist the WUS cause. ning, Mary Joanne Smitb, Toni Stein- English major, Pat comes from West- Capt. Roger Schelm. of Baker Chapel at 6:45 P.M. acher, and Nancy Thorn. ern High School in Baltimore, 'M~ry- Lt. Col. Dayton Bennett, PMS & T, SGA Phil Alpha. Mu took in the follow- Two date changes have been made Twelve Students ing gir-ls : Joyce Cook, Jane Todd, and land, where she was editor of the stated that the promotions and trans- in the ecljege calendar, as it appears literary rers were made in order to give more' A member of the, magazine. Added To Roster Carol Westerfield. \ FTA, SCA, glee club, Pcm Pom girls cadets opportunities to become fa- on the Student Government blotter. by Sweetheart 'Sigma Sigma Tau received as new The sponsored Ball, and the Argonauts, miliar with more phases of leadership Pat also belongs members Barbara Bell, Carolyn Car- Delta Pi Alpha, which was originally Beginning their college life "on the to Sigma Sigma Tpu Sorority. in the Cadet Battalion. This type of hill", nine freshm~n entered W.M.C. ter, Margaret Keeler, and Patricia The feature page will be under the experience will be beneficial to the set for February 22, is now scheduled this semester along with three upper- Kurdle. direction of Joyce Cook, an English- cadets while serving on active duty for March 1. The other change is classmen, who arc retur-ning- to com- education major- from Glen Burnie, in the Army. the rescheduling of the Military Ball plete their education. SENIORS GRADUATE Maryland. She has held various staff Other orders, effective on the same from March 15, to the new date, Those entering freshmen are A ud- positions on the GOLDBUG and is a date, appointed additional cadets to March 28. rey Arent, Joanne Louise Lamb, Son- Five seniors were graduated member of the FTA and Phi Alpha new ranks. New Cadet ~ptains are: French Club dra Nystrom, Robert Browning, Ray- from Western i\Jaryland College Mu. 1st Lt. Brooks Euler, Jr.; 1st Lt. Wil· Plans have recently been completed mond Seitler, Daniel Shankle; Ed- this month. They were Alcatha Spicer Assisted By Pugh liam Spaar; 2nd Lt. James Hayes; by the French Club to sponsor an- ward Shepherd, Jan Siehler, and Rob- Carlson, English; Donald Beck. The sports page will be edited by 2nd Lt. Wray Mowbray, Jr.; and 2nd other French child. La Petite Anne, ert Vaughn. erman, psychology; Joseph Glor- Allen Spicer who is a history-pre~ Lt. Richard Plasket. as the members of the club have Reentering as a sophomore is Rob- ioso, history of art; Ira Steck- flight major from Westminster, Mary- Appointed Cadet 1st Lieutenants' named the little girl, is three and one_ ert Borden, and as seniors are Mr~ man, philosophy; and Robert land. Among his activities are the were: 2nd "'Lt. Charles Cock; 2nd Lt. half years old and lives in the prov- Mary Tomlinson Bauer and Quentin McQuay, economics. Argonauts, Gamma Beta Chi, officer Clarence Fossett, Jr.; 2nd Lt. Dickin- ince of Bre'tagne. For a third year son Gardiner; Day. of the Canterbury Club, and the FAC. "Son: 2nd Lt. William Holbruner, Jr.; the club will continue to sponsor Le 2nd Lt. John Gunder- year old boy Petit Claude, a fourteen He is the statistician for the athletic Ontario Players Portray department Press and _local papem. the don Hurlbrink, Jr.: 2nd Lt. Donald from the Vosges. Both the Save the adoptions and has worked for 2nd Lt. Gor- 2nd Lt. Wayne Holter; were arranged through Associated and made possi- Pugh, who assisting lJotz; 2nd Lt, Lynn is 2nd Lt. Mayer; Tragedy, ((OedipusRex" Allen on the sports page, hail;;; from 2nd Lt. William Slade, II; and 2nd Children Federation Benson, a former Charles ble through the interest and financial Gene Michaels: 2nd Lt. Scott Phillips; Baltimore, Maryland. ~ A sophomore aid of Miss Ruth history major, his college activities Lt. Josef Wilke, house director of McDaniel Hall now living in France. "Oedipus Rex", a tragedy by the The horrors 'Of\slaying his father Greek dramatist Sophocles, ,viII be and becoming the husband of his :~~e i~~i~~edC~~~ie~~~oCh:~~t~;Ro~ Sg~.a~!n:l~d H~::;te;~~t~g~~eG~~~~ Another activity of the French Club shown on film and in color Friday, mother remained undiscovered_ for the GOLDBUGlast semesler. Summers. is the "French Table." Each Friday February 21 at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall. years until by a series of coincidences, Virginia Pott, an English-education In addition, five cadets received pro- night students with more than two It is being sponsored by the Classics the double crime of Oedipus ca~e to major from Summit, Now Jersey, will motion to Cadet Master Sergeant; years of French are invited to eat to- Club, whose pl'esident is Lynn Mayer. light. become the GOLD BUG copy-editor. four to Cadet Sergeant First Class; gether at a table where only French The film, produred by Tyrone Guthrie Dr. William R. Ridington, professor She is a member of Sigma Sigma Tau, nine to Cadet Sergeant; twenty-f()Ur is spoken. and acted by the Stratford, Ontal'io of Classirs and advisor to the Classics the choir, Westminster Fellowship, to Cadet Corporal; and forty-five to Tri·Beta Shakespearean Festival Players,~ uses Club, points out that this play may the FTA and served on the :!fAC. Cadet Private First Class. Last Thursday Tri-Beta sponsored the English version of the play by leave the audience ,with the mistaken She has previously held the position "Don't Go Near the Water" at the W. B. Yeats. idea that the Greeks believed man to of reporter and circulation editor. FRAT FLASH Carroll Theater. The money made Briefly, "Oedipus Rex" is the storY' be the helpless victim of fate. "The One Senior Returns . from this movie was added to the Mil- of King Laius of Thebes who was Greeks were not fatalists, but fought Mary Hotchkiss, a scnior from Hy- Fraternity bids for the second se- ton Hendrickson Scholarship Fund. warned by an oracle that there was against destiny." attsville, Maryland is the exchange mester wel'e mailed out February 13 The next meeting of Tri·Beta is danger to his throne and life if his After seeing the film Thornton editor, having also served as reporter, and were accepted· by noontime today. Monday, February 17. Dr. William new-born son should reach maturity. Wilder said, "A distinguished produc- typist, and copy-editor. Mary is a Alpha Gamma Tau pledged John R. Amberson, head of the Physiology Therefore llC planned to have the in- ti'On and a revelation of the new pos- biology.majol' and claims membership Brunk. ~ department at the University of fant killed, but the shepherd who was sibilities in the motion picture. This in the Canterbury Club, Tri-Beta and Maryland School of Medicine, will instructed to do so arranged instead is not only a distinguished produc- Phi Alpha Mu. Those joining Delta Pi Alpha were: speak on "New Concepts Concerning to have the child adopted and allowed tion in itself, but it brings us nearer The position of typing editor will Catalino Garcia, Charles Kimball, Muscle Structure and Function." to grow to manhood. than any perfprmance I .have ever be bold by Ann Kinney, a junior from Louis Price, William Rinehart, Nol'- Slides will also be shown. 'When Oedipus learned of the seen to a realization of what Greek Washington, D, C. A religion-philos- ris Titgle, and Allen Wortz. Next week the club will begin its oracle's prophecy, he left what he theater was." ophy major, Ann has been active in Gamma Beta Chi took in Robert program of blood typing. thought to be his hUme and during his The film is being shown as a sel'vice the SOA. She served on the FAC Borden~ Larry ~ Langfeldt, Walter Argonauts travels _unkno\vingly slew his real ~ the c~nrpus community. An admis- and is a member of Sigma Sigma Tau Manss, Charles Pugh, and Birge The Argonauts will hold a tea in father, King Lains, along the road. sion price of fifty cents per s_tudenL sorority. Hel' typing experience Reichard. ~ McDaniel Lounge on Wednesday, He then rid the infested city· of has been set, which is special for this comes from three summers of govel'n- February 19, beginning at 4:00 P,M. Thebes of the monstel' known as the college release, since prices for the mentwork. Ernest Colwell, Hidcmi Ito, and R!'!presentatives of the faculty, junior Sphinx and in gratitude for deliver- Baltimore showing of the film were Powell Anderson, bettel' known as Jim Worden accepted bids from Pi and senior members, 'and those sopho- ance, the Thebans made Oedipus their higher. Following the performance Bob, takes over the job of circulation Alpha Alpha. mores and freshmen qualifying with king, giving h"m their queen, Jocasta the Argonauts will serve coffee in Mc- editor, A sophomore economics ma· These are results of 10:30 A.M., a 2.1 index are invited. Refresh- in marriage. Daniel Lounge. CQnt. on Pf 3, col. 1 February 14, 1958. ments and music will be provided.
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