Page 28 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 28
The Gold Bug, Jan. 17, 1958 Wrestlers Take Elizabethtown Varsity Cagers Ken Mohlhenrich's wrestling team In 89-63 Defeat defeated Elizabethtown by a score of The Greyhounds from Loyola over- 21-13. Captain Brooks Euler and came brief spurts by the Green Ter- freshman Lou Price lead the squad in ror five as they defeated Western total matches, with three wins against Maryland College, 89-63 in last no losses. \Ves Pang, Charles 'Cock, night's home game. and Coach Mohlhenrich gained two twenty in the first wins against one loss. half Scoring play, Gene points Nieberlein led of The Terrors, prior to their win over Elizabethtown, had fallen to defeat at the Loyola attack, finishing the game the hands of Towson State and Amer- ~ith twelve field goals and ten out of fifteen foul shots, good for thirty- ican University. four points. Lenny McGuire backed American U. Match up the stellar play of Nieberlein, At American Unlverstty earlier in chipping in with sixteen points. the season, Captain Euler gained a Playing nip and tuck, freshman pin over Jack Jones in 5:50. Wes Chandler jumped WM into an early Pang, Lou Price, and Charley Cock 5-4 lead. This initial lead was short- all won by decision over their oppon, lived as Loyola center, McGuire, shot ents. Perhaps the reason that the the Greyh_9unds into a 6-5 lead. Tcrrors' lost was that they were un- Exchanging goals, mid-way in the able to field a man in the 147 pound first half, Tony. Sarbanes bolted the class. This match cost the Terrors Terrors from b~hind with four quick five points. The final score was points. 20-16. Aiter grabbing this WMC 14, American U. 16. lead, Loyola had little trouble main, /' The Towson match saw the Terrors taining it. lose by the close SCOreof 18-12. The Western Maryland surged at vari- Terrors were unable to gain a pin in ous spots in the half, never muster, this match but Price, Gene Nicholson, ing enough strength to deter the Euler, and Mohlhenrich each gained LOYQlaforces for any length of time. decisions. Ga1Jtain Sl'ooks Eulc1' gaining his {i1"st win of the in a. ma.tch against Towson State Teachers College. Half time found Loyola well in front, Terrors Pin Opponents \ (See dispatek on colu1nn one.) 44-27. Charlie Cock, each gained pins in the Revolution -------- _ of In the beginning of the second half and . Wes Pang, Ken Mohlhehrich, led Terrors, the play, by Bill win against Elizabethtown. Brooks Spaar, showed signs of "life. Sarbanes, Euler and Lou Price both came NCAA Changes Fifty Year Old Footbal1 Rules Spaur, and Chandler combined tal- through with impressive decisions. ents to score seventeen points while The Terrors looked very good and holding Loyola to seven. showed much improvement since the - Reaction . This surge narrowed the Grey_ opening match. The first football scoring change in . 0/ hound lead to seven points, 51-44. The Loyola match scheduled for to- over fifty years was adopted by the kick and the short punt formation to thrown. Prior to this time, the in- However, this WM spirit evidently morrow has been cancelled. Loyola rules committee of the National Col- return to the game. eligible reeeivers had to wait until the was transferred to Loyola as they has dropped hW wrestling program legiate Athletic Association in a meet- Chairman Comments ball was caught. Mr. Waldorf com- barraged the basket with points. Bill of the Fritz Crisler, the chairman because of a lack of parbicipatdon. i~g last week. committee and athletic director of the mented that he believed there would Spaar and Tony Sarbenes, scoring points The conversion I ule has been University of Michigan said that this be an increase in the number of fourteen Maryland respectively, topped play. Western WMC Soccermen changed so as to give two points for is "one of the most striking changes forward passes thrown, particularly a screen screen passes, rather than Coach Waldorf Join Amateur Play a conversion scored on a run or a that has ever occurred in football. It added that this new rule is similar to Basketball Quint pass into the flat. one point is scored on a kick. pa~; will add drama to what has been the In an interview Coach Bob Waldorf dullest, most stupid play in the game. the high school rules. Two Western Maryland College commented that this new rule may do It if a progressiv~ step ~vhich will Hits Bad Streak soccer players, George V'arga and three things: 1) It may disturb tradi- make football more interesting- for the Substitution Change Gene Michaels, have signed agree- tion; that is, it may upset the people spectators." The substitution rule was changed An aggressive, well-~oordinated ments to play amateur soccer. It is because they are used to the old rule; Another of the important changes so as to permit every player to re- American University five dumped the to be noted that these students are 2) it will probably cut down on tie says that an ineligible receiver_that enter a game once during each quar- Western Maryland Terrors in a game '--'mtc""\',ng pay for their servicein games, and 3) there is a slight posst, is a guard, tackle, or center--ean now tel'. The Terral" mentor believes this at Gill Gym} Tuesday, January 14, this Semi-Pro Amateur Soc c e I' bility that ;his may cause the drop mbve down field as soon as the ball is rule will help the 'small colleges and 111-63. This marke~ the third succes , League. This is in accordance with he also believed that more substitutes sive defeat for the Terrors in their an NCAA rule on eligibility to play will be used next year. last three home games. (This article excludes colJcge soccer. Intramural Rivalry Is Keen; Other rule changes in~lude 1) a 15 contest.) last night's Loyo]a.WMC George Varga yard penalty against the defense for from Hungary, New Virginians Top Loop Play George Varga, an advanced stand, interfering with an opponent's of- Last Saturday, the Terrors dropped ing freshman student fensive signals, 2) each team will be their contest to Mt. St. Mary's, 122_74. loss was Sloan Bright spot in that will field the inside right spot for the Fred Dilkes' New Virginian team allowed four free time-outs instead of Stewart who dunked thirty-on'e points. Baltimore Kickers. The Kickers are has taken an early lead in the Intra- day. This was perhaps the most ex- . five, and 3) the ball will be placed on Washington College had handed West- essentially a German athletic club. mural Bask~tball League. The New citing game of the year. the three yard line for the conver- ern Maryland their initial loss of the In order t? be Signed, George was in- Virginians are undefeated in four The next issue of the GOLD BUG sion instead of the customarily two week the day before, 106-83. terviewed and demonstrated his abil- league games; included in their wins yard line. ity by using to his advantage his are both the Preachers and the Bach- ~~~~a~:~~1 aBS:~~~;~~IO~::~.A~;:~~ Maryland's coach Tommy Mont said Led by sophomore Bill Jones, who well-coordinatbd footwork. This past elors. At the present time the Bach- editor AJ Spicer will poll the various "the rule should open up the gnme, scored twenty-two points in the first season Varga was named to the first elors are in second place, with the coaches in the league in order to especially if a tfiam has a fast run- half and twenty-six for the evening, team of the Mason-Dixon All-Confer_ Prcachers and Gamma Bets a game determine the 'All-Star team. ner who is able to kick extra points. American U. converted every WM ence Squad. behind. It is-- hoped that the All-Stars will The defense won't be able to concen_ miscue into an advantage. be Ilble to play 'a game with the The Terrors lagged behind on the Gene Michaels In a game on Monday evening the trate on simply trying to block the fast break, had the ball stolen on nu- Gene Michaels, lending his talents New Virginians dcfeated the Pl'each- junior varsity later in the season. kick. The rule also should eliminate merous occasions, and were guilty of for his last year, was a first string ers by a score of 58-52. Carroll Giese Director Leroy Kennedy hopes that some tie games." traveling, as they managed a total of Western Maryland player. He has led the scoring parade with twenty~ there will be more spectators at. ~he Definitely these reactions by Mary- twenty-seven points in the first half signed a contract with Reisterstown, five points. Other high scorers were second semester games. land's Mont and NCAA Committee of play. Half time score read 64-27, The standings: an unlimited team. Last season, Malcolm Brown with nineteen points Chairman Crisler indicate the urgent American University. New Vit'ginians Gene was top scorer on the Terror and Preacher Bob Cole with twenty_ Bachelqrs _....__ .. _..__ ._. .. ~.._ 4 5 0 need for football rule revision. Pos- Five minutes deep into the second sqlJad as he netted 13 points. At one. Jack Fringer, who was injured sibly these changes will lead to even half, American U. coach pulled out present, Gene is starting for Reisters- in the game, scored thirteen points be- Preachers. . .._ ..... 4 more revolutionary, but acceptable, his starting five, finishing the 'game town in the inside left spot. fore leaving. Gamma Bets _.... _.. 4 .2 2' c!hanges in the realm of football. with his bench. At that point the 2 Huggers The Reisterstown group has ac- The second pla"Ce Bachelors ~ked Seminary .. ...__._ .. . 1 5 However, before attempting fur_ scoreboard registered an 81-31 score. cepted an invitation to play in the out a win from the Preachers by a ther revamping, it will be necessary Warren Schwartz was high man for Black and Whites ..__ .__. Washington Cup Match. As yet the score of 53-50 in a game last Satur- Freshmen __.. .__.. .. ... 1 0 to note the effect theSe changes will the Terrors as he hit his set shots Washington opponent has not been have on the game in 1958. with accuracy good for eighteen named. Both teams, the Kickers and points. On the heels of Schwartz was Reistersk,wn, play a twelve game freshman E. C. Chandler, who cap- schedule, finishing in the middle of VALENTINES THE COLONIAL LAUNDROMAT tured sixteen points for the evening. February. Coach ciower played the majority All-American Dennis .Harmon for- For every age to perfectly JEWELRY CO. 5 Locust Street of the second half with his freshman merly play~d for Reisterstown. , express your sentiments Opposite Parking Lot hopefuls. Missing after the half was Shop for yours at "Quality ~nd Service DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Sloan. Stewart, number two scorer in t?e Mason-Dixon Conference last year. Compliments of P. G. COFFMAN CO. Since 1922" FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 J. R. EVERHART The Stationery Store 32 West ~fain Street Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon "- COLLEGE BARBER TIlden 8·8677 E. Main Sf. Westminster, Md.' China • Crystal - Silver Come to Benny'S, to make a start At the· Forks FREE DELIVERY SERVICE With the one in your heart. TO COL~EGE TOM ~llLLER CAMPUS AGENT Baugher's Restaurant It Pays To Loole Well for the 'Modem G. I. Laundry JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Vilit The and Cleaners FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Avenue Barb"r Shop 223 E. Green St. TIlden 8-7830 TUiten 8·6670 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick rdilkshakes Where ...The Students Go All Laundry and Dry Cleaning OPEN EVERY DAY Our New Addition Work Guaranteed 8'5 Pennsylvania Avenue The Colonial Dining Room
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