Page 27 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Jan. 17,1958 Ways To Spend What You Haven't Got High On The HnI • Hell Week Again Musically new "Charmaine." Enthusiasm Plus Energy Equals by Pat Schaefer and }Qy Cook Rodgers and Harnrnerstein Concert-i- Dramatically Exams are around thi corner; January 18th at 8:30 P.M. Lyric' Interlock by Ira Levin - January No holiday will they be, Theatre in Baltimore; with the Bal- 20th at 8:30 P.M. (begins); Na- Success Of Mehl And Wright But perhaps you need to reor- timore Symphony Orchestra con- tional Theatre in W-ashington; ganize ducted by Herbert Grossman, a starring Celc;te Holm. by Jack Fossae With a bit of philosophy. guest conductor, and the Western Jmw and the Paycoek by Sean Raymond John wngbt, familiar as Exams are considered one of the Maryland College Choir. O'Casey; also Pictures in the Hall- Whitey here at Western Maryla'nd, is. necessary evils at WMC. There are Marian Anderson-Sunday, January way-a dramatized reading of a soft-spoken worker. As a matter many who would gladly join a s~b- 19th at 8:30; Constitution Hall in O'Casey',> autobiography: The of fact, some time back many people versive group to remove this threat! Washington. Arena Stage in Washington. on first meeting' him wondered if he Since exams 100m so prominently in Bach Aria Group-Tuesday, January Winesbu)'g, Ohio-by Sherwood An- ever spoke. But that did not seem to our future we decided to pass on some 21st' at 8:30 P.M.; Peabody Con- derson and dramatized by Christo- J10ld him back because as a freshman friendly tips that we received. servatory College of Music. -Final pher Seigel. January 28th at 8':30 he was elected class treasurer. The George Thomas ... "Study in a Candlelight Concert. (begins); Ford's Thea~er in Balti- next year he joined Alpha Gamma horizontal position with a book over Mantovani and His New Music Or- Tau and immediately jumped into the head using the osmozian method to a chestra of forty-five-January 31st Also fraternity activities, such as the intr-a, background of soft music and food. at 8:30 P.M.; Lyric Theatre in Bal- The Ice Capades-January 30th to mural sports pro~ram, and later acted Get plenty of rest and relaxation at timore. Also on February 1st in February 11th; (double matinees in the capacity of party chairman. the movies. An hour in the club- Constitution Hall in Washington. Saturday and Sunday) Uline Fittingly enough, he has recently room after dinner, and frequent trips This concert will include the 300 Arena on 1328 G Strect N.W. in been elected president of the Bache- to Baugher's for food and nourish- year old "Oreensteeves" and the Washington. 101'13. ment help to achieve this state." Whitey has not been a fraternity '-.. Barbara Dehler ... "Shoot every- of everything Conformity=A Campus Plague man to the exclusion he was business body on the hall and kill the competi- Then tion. and end yourself shoot else for as a junior manager of the Junior Follies as well it all." by Marti Williams as acting in them. At the same time Joan Robinson ... "Last year (1st by /IIi/lie Ma.cktlbin he worked on the GOLDBUGas edver- semester) Marge Miller, Clem, and I "Today's undergraduate is almost a caricature of conformism." These tising manager. This year he is hibernated in the lower regions of words accurately state one of the most pressing problems found on the Ameri- Flo or "Flu," as she is affectionate- serving as the newspaper's penny- B.\V. Clem took one room, Marge the can college campus of today. The conformist is dictated by the expectancies ly known to her fellow conspirators pinching (an adjective affectionately other, and I took the girls' gym. We and preferences of others. His contemporaries are the sole determiners/of his of the 'gilded insect (alias GOLDBOG) actions, beliefs, and values. This person, being entirely group directed, finds club', has been "High On Th, Hill" supplied by Flo Mehl when' he had played ping-pong during our psych- to cut costs) but happineae and success only through the medium of social approval. Every as- all during her foul' years at W.M.C. the phone removed manager. breaks. We also tried this method in efficient business the spring." pect of his conduct is carefully contemplated - who will say what when I do She is the gal who gets the job Upon returning Ric ... from ROTC sum- this? Many potentially creative individuals on our campus are lost in the done. This is most clearly illustrated mer camp Whitey was appointed S-4 to study." "Next semester I'm going maze of social pressure. by the manner in which the GOLI)BUG Conformity is not the product of is the student who came to college to is published. Our Junior Follies on the Battalion Staff, a position of Jim Worden . "Get cdld facts by campus environment, however; rather learn? He may be present, but often were taking their final form 'long be- some enjoyment since he outranks the sitting with feet in a bucket of ice it is the result of our complete aocialj- his quest for knowledge is suppressed fore previous classes had formulated author of this article. 1st Lt. Wright water;.." with a minor in major zation process. because of fear of ostracism. their ideas. S.G.A. projects were is a history As do most education stu- Helen Twining ... "Be sure to get education. "You must adjust .. " this is the The fault, I feel, does not lie entire- born and nurtured by Flo's desire to dents, he looks upon education classes plenty of rest. Remember, it's much motto inscribed on the walls of every ly with the students. The administra- complete a job that would make con- easier to guess when you're &)vake." nursery _ uniqueness, individuality, tion also has a hand iii stamping out ditions on campus a little better. If and practice teaching with cmotions To this we can only add "Good difference - these are viewed with individualism and non-conformity. there's a committee meeting, academic mixed; anywhere from the refreshing Luck." horror, and a regiment of specialists Through a system of talks and warn- or social, ;;u'll find Flo in the middle. (liquid) State Teachers Convention are available today to 'cure' the child ings, incidents of college spirit and There is only one- place Flo isn't to the most enlightening Ohio Jour- You've tried the rest who cannot or will not conform. youthful exhuberance exhibited on the and that is in her rOODl. If you can nal. In line with this, I fe~l it fitting Now try the best. ,,"You must adjust ... " this is the le- part of the students are quelled quick- catch herr, she'll be very glad to listen to mention our subject's favorite quo- gend imprinted on every schoolbook, ly, accompanied by an attitude of "to whatever you have to say," help tation, " don't do today what you can AT the invisible message on every black- shock. Are these outbursts of student sophomores with econ., juniors with put off till tomorrow or indefinitely board-s-our schools have become vast enthusiasm and defiance really situa- decorations, and everyone with writ- if possible." Those of us who kn~v Delicious factories for the manuf acturjn- of 1'0- tions of such great magnitude? The ing poems. Being chosen as a and work with Whitey feel that his bots-our children are no longer given result is an apathetic and spiritless Trumpeter seemed only natural and self-portrait as the "picture of pro- Foods the tools of thought, but are sent to be student body with rigid acceptance fitting for a girl who's always given crastination" is not an accurate eval- 'socialized' - which in current seman- and submission on the part of .the so much of herself. , uation since he has corrtinnally proven tics -means to be regimented and made students. But there's another side to this to get the job done with admirable .Griffin's to conform." tot~: Conformity leads to degradation and Eastern Shore miss that her friends proficiency. ii\n't of the individual person- fr~~~~~m~::a::e l:t~7;t~::ir:o debasement annihilates initiative and will never forget. has Aftel' all-it flowing "I have the worst lack, why does it everyone that a river ality. It liked and accepted by the upper-class- self-improvement and results in medi- across his front lawn, possesses always have to be me?" "\Vhen go- men. Fraternities and sororities ex- oCI;ity. thirty stubs offlipstick, cllanges hail' ing out, be sure and· allow plenty 'of Cupid's special way of saying emplify the typical conformist. In color (to red) in senior year, and time for the eye make-up." Boys, be- "J Love You" is with a corsage joining such an organization, the in- "Non-conformity is the basic pre- adopts abandoned dogs (Elvis)- ware if you hear this statement- made especially for your Valen- dividual identifies himself with a condition of creativeness, as it is the proving that anyone is welcome at "When I take off my glasses, J mhn tine. She'll know you cared ;;:~~ 'a~~~o:::~;~c~~s ~~ses~e:o~.!:~i~::~~::~t~~n g:!w::Oadnd t~i~~;n:ssa~~ Mehl's Tourist Mansion. flashes include business." cnQugh to select something for A few memorable !~ehi:t~~~~~, i:: her short stories on physical attrac- Because of all she is, Flo is not only her alone. ~~~~a~i~~:o~:!,v:~~:: ;i:ne~I~~'e ~%s~~er::so:o;o;~~ ::~t~·~~ "High On The Hill" but high in the tion, her collection of shuifleboard hearts of all her friends. DUTTERER 'S certain individuals in the group. The ~;ddiv;~~a~~: ~:~ei~~eiSo~n~~~ePae~~o~~~ discs, and that escapade. with the most serious aspect of the problem tural to man. A -continuance of this cook, pancakes and bacon. She is 114 Pennsylvania Ave. ;;;::io:: t ~:t n~:~::?~~ll ti:e a~e~~an~; submissive, accepting mediocrity will a Makosky fan of the first class, con- ftasinsky's Pharmacy T[ Iden 8-935~ stantly proclaiming, "It's not what ~~:~v;::~:i~:r a;hdea~;~~t:~c~;:u;roa~~ ~~::!~r:c~UI;n~n ;~:iv~~~:1 d;::!~o: you are, but what you're going to be that counts." Other mumbled com- "Reliable Prescriptions" ;:~::~.i~l'l;~SR~~~:~r;~I~:~~g O~~:i:hner:; :~~ii;:n,i~e~Qs:~~~e:n ~~r t::a~:~ri;~~ Iments heard a~'e "Me and Meta"- Drugs and Everyday Needs ;;~~~:~ Ta~~\:~~ ~nt::n~u,~~~~ndd~~i~~~:~~It~:n~::~~:n~li~~ :~ep~~~!~t02~~ 30 W. Main St. ates from the established pattern is our individual liberty. Th continue Ralph's Crown Service pointed out, talked about, and evt'ntb- ~~:nJe:!~r~:~ha:tJr:::~~ ~:i~~no~;~ Penna. & Hersh Aves. Westminster, Md, Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Westminster, Md. Sunday Matillfes: 2 and 4 p.m. allir~~~~::~~:df:; kd:!:Vel:d~:a:~ indi- a few hundred pages in a dust~ his- TIlden 8· 7100 Evenings 9 p.m. \ vidual possesses may be lost when he tr: }~~k on the shelf of the 'Peo- Phone Tl 8-8352 Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Saturday and Holidays 'goes along with the gang' in con- - pes 1 r'''''=Y'~ -==========:'''-========~__1 demning a course or activity. This is _ particularly pertinent in connection Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. with cultural opportunities such as Jan. 17_18_19_20_21_22 assemblies and concerts. The typical Campus "PAL JOEY" student fulfills his obligation of at- Frank Sinatra Rita Hayworth tending class - but this is only part I Kim Novak of his obligation. He fails t.he other capers Technicolor part by exhibiting an attitude of in- tellectual-passivity. Is the tea<;her al- Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jan. 23-24-25 ways right? Students often lack the call 'Of "LES GIRLS" initiative to stand on their o,wn feet Gene Kelly Kay Kendall and question the material presented, Mitzi Gaynor and remain despondent in class. 'Yhere Coke PLACE" ''PEYTON Heagy's Sport Shop Coming: Starting Feb. 6 16 'V. Main TIlden 8-5515 A Complete Spotts Line Westluinster !-aundry Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. and Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Dry Cleaning for the big Glee Club Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows JOHN ST. tour is ahead. Work and worry call continuous from 6:45 p. m. ' Westminster, Md. PHONE TI 8·8740 for a pause-so, relax ... Fri., Sat. Jan. 17-18 "THE LONG HAUL" DON HAAS refresh with icc-cold Coke. Victor Mature , Diana Dors Will See BOTTlED Of UNDER AUTHORITY That Your WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA THE COCA-CO~A COMPANY tY Fri., Sat. Jan. 24-25 CO.. INC. BOTTLING - "Coke"is a registered trade·mark © 1953. THECOCA·COlA COMPANY All Star Cast Clothes Are Clean "RODAN"
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