Page 26 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 26
The Gold Bug, .Jan. 17, 1958 Do Yo~ Savvy CmCLING THE HitL What YouSaid? Looking back . The Christmas activities on campus were quite effective and artistical!y accomplished-the banquet, Vesper Service, parties, caroling Perhaps you have noticed that col- and all the rest ... Also a grim reminder-remember the test you didn't have lege students not only mutilate the time to study for? . They can be Looking ahead ... Exams are fast upon us once more ... MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS good King's English, bnt distort it to relaxing if you have studied all semester ... Your new year really begins S:obscriptionPrice $2.00 Per Annum the extent that for any normal per- after the short, but well-deserved, semester break What happened to the opposite son the meaning is directly trom the original emission. Western reading day this year ~ .. Good luck, everybody Bon Voyage to all those to the GOLDBUG who won't (or jiiln't) be with us next semester-(subscriptions FLORENCE A. MEHL, Editor-in.-Chief Maryland students are no exception. are available to keep you posted ~onth: one~ left here) . RAYMONDWRIGHT,Bu.siness Manager After reading this, you may not be ablt to trust anything your best friend says to you, but we feel it is our duty What happened to the campus presentation of the Baltimore Symphony- ~~g;~!~;~:-=~~~~~t:~ii~~~~;~~~~=--Mar to enlighten those in the depths of Choir concert this yea~? It's a shame that an appealing program such as News Edi"'n -______!1b~~R?'~~J~i,...~id~~!n~~:g-Manager_. ignorance 'and bring about grounds Rodgers and Hammerstein can't be more readily available to this community. Let's hope that next year we can bring back one of the better cultural expert- for a common understanding. enc~s so that all the students, fac.ulty, :nd t~vnsfolk might enjoy ..good music. You have heard of the student who, after taking a hard test, bemoans, "1 Another pet peeve is in evidence at this time of year-teachers who lag that He only got an onc." The Last One Wheels Turn Circles; flunked there is the girl who "didn't behind their semester schedule and try to cram six weeks' work into two. You ..... this soul. time, eighty-nine poor can't really blame the flu because this seems to happen every year. Then \ ---"Thirty" Let Us Forge Ahead study for the test." She really means Before the Christmas holiday, a meeting was held for all those interested - Sputniks I and II had mnny reper- that she stayed up forty-three hours in restoring lacrosse to the spring sports agenda. The turnout was quite prom- Every organization, a collcge news- cussions, the most significant to us straight ~ramming for it. ising and not at all surprising, Many good athletes from the Middle Atlantic paper decidedly not excluded, has its being the overwhelming emphasis on When the girl down the hall tells area especially, are genuine lacrosse enthusiasts and will not consider a college you, "My, you look nice," she wants trials and tribulations. The very na- the United States' educational system. to know whom you borrowed it from which does not include this sport in its progra'ih. Lacrosse is a good training ... ture of its activity with its evet-pres , It IS sobering, indeed to realize that sport for football since many of the objectives of the game arc similar. It~ ent deadlines, its non-paid reporters, the United States is behind in using or if she may borrow it next Sunday. would seem that getting lacrosse back nt woetem Maryland would be quite its working hours sandwiched in be- its most valuable resource-human in- If she tells you how nice your hair advantageous. Let's hear from you to find out what you think. tweeb academic and extra-curricular telligence and creativity. looks, it can be only to let you know pressures, makes fpr constant head- It is even more shocking to read she knows May Court nominations are The Little Symphony.Orchestra needs help-student help! It's almost aches. It is not uncommon to fre- and hear that what the United States coming up in the near future. shocking to think that there is no talent in more of the student body. Over quently wonder if it is worth all the needs more than financial aid, more If one of our collegiate males asks two-thirds of this organization is comprised of faculty, staff, and townspeople. trouble. It is not uncommon to look than additional teachers, more than you what you are doing that night, Certainly more of you could devote' a little of your time and talent to this forward to the termination of duties new school buildings, is a new atti- ,don't get all shook. He dt.esn't want worthwhile organization. ' a date with you, he wants P.S. We enjoyed hearing the concert. you to with feelings mixed, in a large meas- tude towards its students. make a poster for him. As a matter ure, with relief. We on this campus are guilty of the And then the end comes. The time same attitude. The intellectual is to of fact, if he says "Hi, __ ," you The sidewalk snow crew has really been on its toes during previous flash comes to every editor when he sits be scorned as a "book-worm," a can practically assume that he's run- storms. Those of us who lack a good sense of balance and/or n pair of cleated down at the typewriter to pound out "creep." He is to be made fun of. ning for office. The girl who says, shoes reallyappreciate the fast ~nd e~ectiv",e service. "There aren't any worthwhile men on not "just another editorial" but his Is it any wonder that today's college Two men were noticed the other day tearing down a piece of Old Main by "last editorial." The feeling of re- student places athletics and extr-a- campus," means she hasn't got a date. hand, bit by bit. It may save money, but it's going to be a lengthy process! lief is absent now, having been super- curricular activities ahead of scholar- The guy who says, "There aren't any Speaking of Old Main coming down, the falling ceiling in the Grille looks seded by one of sadness. Sadness ship? Acceptance by the group is worthwhile girls on campus," means mighty ominous when yolf. are sitting under it. It might never last until we that the time has gone so quickly, such a part of campus mores that it he's afraid to find out. get our new Student Union .Building. that all the fresh ideas that were has become a governing factor of stu- The prude who says, "I don't care I going to revolutionize the paper some: dent behavior. Who wants to excel for frat parties," is a dead giveaway. We wish to thank Santa Claus for the new clock in the Grille. Next year how gave way to a resolutton to main- academically when such success is met She never gets ask~d. Then there is tain the high standard set by the not with approval by classmates, but the one who shouts, "Who is going to ::;i l \~~~r!O~t::ne~:e::~:~ cord so they can move it back to the center of the retiring editor. Sadness to look back rather with contempt and' derision? the Sweetheart Ball?" . She is just at the year in perspective and realize A basic question of values is clear- advert~si;g the fact that she finally When attempting to study in the library the other night, people found the that what you felt at every stage are ly defined here. We surely need foot- gO~fa at k h" tti ' banging door rather disturbing. Several nights previous to that, the door feelings like every editor before you ball heroes and beauty queens. The has felt and every editor after you main function of a college, however, for o~;e:k~~~t" nO;e::~:r~:~nga~~ ~~~u~~ni~~~s:::r~~l~ ~~;~t~:~e~~·~u~~!~i~~:~~~ ~he::raai;:wo~'1it;~~:i~~~eavor- will feel. A ;..adness to "know that you is still to educate. The student doughnuts in the Grille. Did some- • '" .. are just part of a cycle, not untinged should be its mo~t important product. one say that it's going to be a big Apropos the' forthcoming examination period, this choice remark was not- with regret at the realization that the Until we realize this fact and treat 'weekend at W.M.C_! There'll be Il ed: "A lot of my professors concentrate so much on my bad spelling that they GOLDBUGwill be written, printed and the "intellectuals" with the respect Record Hop in Blanche Ward or may- don't realize how brilliant I am.'~ Per~aps ~e isn't alone in this observation. distributed according to schedule even they deserve, Russia will continue to be a slaughter in Gill Gym. Someone - though you are no longer there. "out-Sputnik" us. A "brain" may be said we have "terrific school spirit." When musing over the probability of any benefits in taking exams, you One would like to claim revolution- an "oddball" and not a "wheeL" Two people plus the cheerleaders might find it conforting to remember these lines from Tea}umse of the ary new achievements during his Wheels, however, often have the tend- yelled "Rah." Here's one you can Avgust Moon: "Pain makes man think, thinking makes man wise, wisdom reign as editor .• :It is always gratify- ency to go in circles. It's"""'time we figure out for yourself. "The ratio at makes life endurable." ing to be unique. These we can not tried a straight line ... W.M.C. is 1:1." claim; no increase in pages, no in-. You see, you can't even trust your crease in columns, no colorcd pic- best friend, can you? Next time you academic' accomplishments, because I than hB can writl.!. tI,lreS, no startling new discoveries- A Future In Your Hands tell her those sweet little romantic know nothing about the subject. I Some } at first for wits, th6"n only- the dubious distinction of re- A major aim of any college should ideas that come flying through your. do know, however, that both his as- poets passcd, verting 10 non-glossy J)Uper and re- be to encourage the creative expres- mind, she'll know that you want her sistants have had a wealth of practi- Turned critics next, and proved -moving the office phone. 'Only the sion of its students. The. modern to type your term paper. cal experience, :lIld are quite con- plain fool8 at last." policy of plaCing student interest first world is one that places a high pre- scientious. TIle great majority of the Criticism and objective thinking and for-emost, consistent with our pol- mium on ideas, original and well- waiters and waitresses are also sin- have their place, but your sole aim in icy of supporting the ideals of our exprf:lssed. LETTERS cerely interested in seeing that you' ~life should not be to tear (lown. If campus. A campus literary magazine is all have an enjoyable meal with enough you spent the time doi11U that you do- Farewells are apt to be sentimen- express medium for the realizing of , To The food to eat, but they are handicapped nate to criticizing, life on campus tal' and long, since it is hard to say these ideals. It is a chance for stu- by a lack of student cooperation. would be vastly improved. Koodbye. Suffice it to say that my dents to formulate opinions, express EDITOR Boycotting the dining hall wouldn't Sincerely, association with the GOLD Hue;: has them creatively. It is essential to be half as effective as some sound sug- Joyce Cook been a long and pleasant one. any fun~ioning campus. gestions from the student body to the. To th'e Editor of the GOLDBUG: The staff has always been agreeable, Western Maryland has not always To the Edito~ of the GOLDBUG: S.G,A. ln the past several years there has and willing to work hours "above been fortunate enough to-have a liter- I would like to reply to Miss Fos- Allen R. Gilmore been a small minority of students and beyond the call of duty." There ary magazine. Last spring, Contn!st sett's letter published in the Novem- To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: here who seem to think that the wish is little left to say or do. Another made its initial appearance and was ber 22 issue of the GOLDBUG. My r~ Everyone is entitled to his own to blow off steam is an excuse for cycle is nearing an end. Another apparently well-accepted by the stu- ply is that of both a student and opinion and the exprcssion of such. vandalism. Last year it was the cut- "thirty" joins the others. dent body. waiter in the dining hall. On the Hill these opinions are many ting of the Christmas tree on the the The administration has given finan- It was my understanding this President's lawn; Our'Sincere Thanks cial SU]lport in line wit~ i~s present increase in costs to students that was and varied. My complaint is not in that this small minority year it seems had to put the man- but rather their expression order in For Invaluable Aid budget t'O support the buadlllg maga_ necessary quo rather than to maintain a ner in which they are expressed. on a performance of moving the to improve status zine. The main burden, however, falls chairs out of l'IfacLea lounge and tak- PaSsing through the Grille or wan- The regular appearance of the to the student body. anything. I'm sure that everyone is dering through the dorm, these opin_ ing an easily damagable eight-hun- GOLD BUG on a two-week basis is will survive or die accord- aware of inflation and rising costs o~ ions and criticisms (mostly the lat- dred dollar picture of Daniel MacLea due in no small measure to t.he staff ing to the present subscription cam- everything today. ter) are verbalized loudly and forci- down from the lounge wall. In addi- and employees of the TI"'tES, INC. paign. From an enrollment of ap- As far as our dining..-hall food is bly. However, after this period, they tion to the above, there has cons12.nt- Especial t.hanks go to Mr. John Mc. proximately seven hundred, only 275 concerned, I can see no deterioration. stagnate. ly been drinking and more than a few Cormick and Mr. Edgar Royer. students have purchased the maga- True, it IS basically the same menu How many of you give up an hour occasional cases of drunkenness oW' The first has been of invaluable zine. The reasons may be many, and we have had for several years; but of your valuable time on Monday campus. help in meeting deadlines, rearrang_ may be largely due to an ineffective _lack of variety certainly cannot be nights to attend an S.G.A. meeting? In the past, despite punishment of ing financial arrangements, and gen. subscription campaign. The fact labeled deterioration. Many times the Not many-you are too busy. Here tIle offenders and a short-lived effort erally seeing that the GOLD BUG has still remains. More, many more, is- lack of second helpings is the stu- your suggestions and criticisms would at the time, to catch further offenders, maintained a consistently high stand_ sues must be sold t'O meet the cost dent's fault, rather than the absence be more than welcome. the administration and the student ard. Mr. Royer-who has set up the of publication. of quantity in the kitchen. How many of you bestow any of government organization have failed GOLD BUG in lead for countless edi_ Contrast went on sale last Wednes_ Some students take so long to help your time or talents on the GOLDBUG? to put a stop to such ·occurrences. tors, stretched headlines, rearranged day in the dorms. You have been ap- th~mselves to vegetables that it be- Here again it is only a few that make What is the trouble! Why do these pages at the last minute-with only the proached or will be approached to comes impossible for the waiter to get the effort. Every organization on the things continue to happen? Possibly mild retort, "That'll cost you a quar_ buy an i,,<;sue.When you do, remem_ set:ond helpings, while other tables Hill faces this same problem. ",the people inclined to do these things ter"-is a personification of patience. ber you are doing more than buying have students that move more quickly It is always a few and many times do not realize the disgust their fellow ~i~. paper could not come out wi!._hout a magazine; you are making an in- and even get three helpings. the SAME few who, with an already students feel toward them and their vestment in the future. You are The number of tables set up is overcrowded schedule, carry most of' actions. P()ssibly they think that the Included also are the linotype oper- guaranteeing that Western. Maryland again, in many cases, the fault of the the responsibility. They ask for your decent majority of students think ators who struggle with our copy- students will have a vehide of ex- students. \Vhen a count is taken 'for help and suggestions, and they con- their actions are "colorfuL" If this especially Mrs. Britton; "Ralph" who pression for the ideas that may form a weekend meal, or nt any other time, stantly seek YOUR support. What is so, I feel that we must make them runs the prcss even if it is a Quarter the blueprints for tomorrow. some people can't even manage to do you give in return? Nc.thing! see otherwise, unless we wish to con- to fin; and the many othcrs who do raise a hand. l\-Iany of these same not our biased devotion to the people can't even raise a hand in or- least It is ironic that those who do the tinue to hear the distasteful phrase by the general public, "Col- seem always muttered criticize the to paper, but nevert.htcless are rcspon- CREEPS! der to get a cup of coffee or tea, and most. The following is a passage lege students-what else can you ex- sible for its appearance semi_monthly. yet they will complain of poor serv- from Alexander Fope's Essay On pectl" To them all, we say a most hearty Remember Feb. 7 ice. Criticism: Sincerely, and ....ell-deserved, "Thank you." I. cannot answer for the dietieian's "There who judge still WO?'se Ralph L. Meyer
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