Page 25 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Campus Plague Page 3 Vol. 34, No. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND January 17, 1958 Judiciary Board seA Sponsors "Greeks" Elect- Mehl Appoints Dawkins Is Believed A Step Religious Week Officers For To Self Government As Editor or Gold Buq "I feel that the Judiciary Board is a is T~~O~!~:i:n: C'~;~li~i~nAS~~ciaiii~: SpringSemester step towards- greater student govern- ment and responsibility." This' state- Week," February ninth through the Elections were held by the Greek _, ment was made by Wray Mowbray, eleventh. This annual program was letter organizations on campus for president of the Student Gove~ment, formerly called Religious Emphasis their second semester officers. The . in answer to questions addressed to Week. It is felt that the new name new officers, which will go into effect him about the newly formed organiza- Better explains the purpose. in February, are as follows: tion. ,.. The adult leaders will be Dr. Al- Delta Sigma Kappa The committee which was approved bert P. Shirkey and Miss Lola L. by the Student Government Associa- Long. Dr. Shirkey is pastor of the The major offices of Delta Sigma tion at its first meeting of the new Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church Kappa are occupied by, Mary Barbara year, was further organized at the in Washington, D. C. Miss Long is Chapman, President; Betty Reid, Vice meeting la:>t Monday. • the Director of Christian Education President; Glenda Luttrell, Secretary; The purpose of the committee as at the Arlington Methodist Church. - Billie Mae Gill, Treasurer; Barbara stated, will be to try cases of an aca- Activities will commence Sunday, Patterson, Chaplain; Pat Smyth, Sgt., demic nature referred to it by either February ninth with the Chapel serv- at-Arms. Iota Gamma Chi . the Men's Council or the women's ice at which Dr. Shirkey will speak. Iota Gamma Chi's officers are: Bar- Council, to handle situations refused A Fireside will follow in McDaniel bara Lawrence, President; Rheba Pal, by these councils, and to deal with Lounge. The theme which will pre- mer, Vice President; Mary Hendren, specific problems of an academic na- vail throughout activities will be' ture, such as cheating. »; "Who Do You Think You Are?" Secretary; Eft!len Denham, Treasurer; Two faculty members, the two deans Monday and Tuesday a guided medi- Ann Chaplain, Chaplain; and Gail of students, and four members of the tation will follow breakfast from 7:30 Armstrong, Intersorortty Representa- student body will compose this to 8:00. Coffee chats are also tive. Board. The student members who planned for both mornings between Phi Alpha Mu -were selected at Monday's meeting thc hours of 9:30 and 11:00. Monday New officers of Phi Alpha Mu are: are Lori Jones and Jack Fossett from afternoon visiting speakers, including Lori Jones, President; Flo Mehl, Vice the senior class, and Beverly Bosworth a Rabbi and Priegt, W.M.C. professors, President; Jean Lambertson, Secre- and Manfred J oeres from the junior and students will participate in a dis- tary; Louise Clark, Sgt.-at-Arms; class. cussion on the vitality of re.ligious,or_ Margaret Whitfield, Chaplain, and ganizations on campus. Marie Quintana, Alumni Secretary. College Choir To A V,esper Service led by Dr. Shir- Sigma Sigma Tau selected the fol- Sigma Sigma Tau Perform At Lyric key is planned for Monday night in lowing officers: Peggy Conover, Prest. and Monday Sunday Baker .Chapel. With Symphony nights bull the sessions will begin at dent; Jane Roeder, Vice President; "Cheer up, Skip, the wor8t is yet to COllw."-~d Wilma Robertson, Secretary; Barbara 10:00 in Tuesday dormitories. afternoon Miss Long will speak -in Boggs, Treasurer; Catherine Sewell, Albert Dawkins has been appointed Ann At the Lyric at 8:30 Saturday Sgt.-at-Arms; and Karen Helbig, Alumni ICLUB NEWS I editor-In-chief of the GOLDBuc by re- Ruth Wi Iso n, night, the Baltimore Symphony with McDaniel Lounge. Chaplain, tiring editor Florence Mehl. This ap- interest The program- of religious the Western Maryland College Choir will culminate Tuesday night with a Secretary. pointment becomes effective with the will feature the music of Richard closing service in Bakel' Cllapel. Alpha Gamma Tau S.G.A. first issue of second semester, Febru- Rodgers and Oscar Hammer-stein 11 The Bachelors' new officers include: At the turn. of the semester, the ary 14. for its sixth Pop Concert .. Ray Wright, President; Gordon wein., Student Government is presently de- Skip is a biology major from Herbert Grossman will conduct, er, Vice Presid~nt;' Gordon Hurlbrink, ciding upon activities for second se- Easton, Maryland. He is a member and the soloists include Bonnie Mur., Attention All Creeps Secretary; Harold Ta~!1or, 'I'reasurer;" m~ste~, but few plans are definite at of Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, and ray, soprano; Partricia Marand, mez- There will be a meeting of all Ray M e L aug h lin, Sgt.-at-Arms; this time. . . . has served as corresponding secretary zo-soprano; Glade Peterson, tenor, creeps at Frock's Farm on Pn., George Trotter, Chaplain, and Ronald The Judiciary Committee has. been of this organization for two years. and Norman Atkins, baritone. day, February 7, 1958. (under Harmon, Corresponding Secretary. ...... proposed and approved and WIll be He has been a member of Beta Beta The program will include the the auspices of tbe Student Gov- Delta Pi Alpha composed of four faculty members Beta for three years, a member of music from The King a.ndl, Carousel, ernment Association)-Time is The Preachers elected' Tho mas lind four student members. the Oollege Players, and is currently Cinderella, South Pacific, Oklahoma. anywhere from 7:30 to 10:30 Beckett, President; Anthoi1y Sarbanes, Recently the, Women's Co u n c i 1 serving on the SGA Co-ordinating Songs by the College Choir will be p.m. Creepers 'may come alone Vice President; Nicholas Spinnato, passed a plan for soror-ity open-h?use, Activities Committee. It's a Gram.d Night [or Singillg, I or with another creep. "The Secretary; Jim Hayes, Treasurer; which will be in effect from dinner- Active in extra-curr-icular activi- Whistle a Happy Tunc, June is Creep" is designed especially for Brooks Euler, Sgt.-at-Arms; Bruce time until supper on_ Sunday after- ties, Skip is a member of the College Bustin' Out All Over, You'll Never you. Come as you are. Remem- Miller, Chaplain, and Manfred Joeres, noons. Players and was seen in the 'I'hanks- Late in March there will be an as- Walk Alone, There Is Nothing Like t bel' - the "CREEP" - only. 25c Corresponding Secretary. sembly to present nominees for·S.G.A. giving play, 't:rhe Remarkable Mr. Gamma Beta Chi A Dame, Many a New Day, and per. Pennypacker". He served on the Olelahoma. Heading the Gamma Bets will be: officers to the student body. Later business staff of Contrast last year. Jack Anderson, President; Bill Slade, that same week elections will be held In his sophomore year, he was a mem- Former'Student To Return Vice President; May, Scott Phillips, Wayne for president and vice-president. ber of the. Freshman Advisory Coun. Seere- Treasurer; tary; Jim S.C.A. cil and has been a member of the Lee Dave Harpel', Holter, Sgt.-at-Arms; Firsf on the agenda for the Student and Bob Christian, As Assistant Professor Chaplain, Secretary. Corre- Christian Association in the next se- Fishbach Memorial Scholarship Com- mittee since that time. mester will be Reverend Leatherman, sponding year, Skip has Since his freshman Pi Alpha Alpha who will speak on the topic, "Chris- Mr. William Tribby, a 1956 gradu_ three year~. He pledged Gamma Offices of Pi Alpha Alpha will be tian Friendship and Love,". at the reg- been a mE\lIlberof the GOLDBUG staff. He has served and has as reporter ..ate of Westerrf Maryland College, will Beta Chi fraternity in his sophomore occupied by: Erich Willen, President; ular meeting on February 5. At the the distinction of being the only be retUrning next year as a member year and sen'ed as its interfraternity Ralph Meyer, Vice President; Luther end of the week on Saturday, Febru- make-up editor in the GOLDBUG his- of the faculty. He will obtain his represelltalive in his junior year and Martin, Secretary; Sam Cook, Treas- ary the 8th, a roller skating part~ tort. More recently, Skip has been Master's degree in Dramatic Art at its secreta;y in his ;;enior year. He urer; Pete Bateman, Sgt.-at-Arms; is planned. been co-front page editor with Ellen the State University of Iowa this was a member of the Argonauts his Don Lowe, Chaplain, and Douglas Highlighting February will be Re- Ri'climond. summer. He is also doing work to-, junior and senior years. Smith, Corresponding Secretary. ligion in Life Week, the ninth through wards a Ph.D. Calendar Slates the eleventh. Dr. Albert P. Shirkey Skip attended Easton High School Mr. Tribby will be an assistant to and Miss Lola L. Long will lead these where he was editor-in-chief of the Miss Esther Smith in the Dramatic NationalSymphony three days of cIeligious interest. Eastonlan, the school newspaper. He Art Department. He will teach a Beginning on February 19, at 6:30 served as assistant editor in his new course, the history of world The National Sympholly Orchestra, a.m., the Lenten Communion services junior year, and was a representative will be held each Wednesday morning theatre, which will study the Ih'ing which will be heard in Alumni Hall until Easter. to the annual Columbia Scholastic stage from primitive time to the pre3- on Friday, February 14, was foundf!d _ A final date in February is for the Press Association in New York City. ent. He will also teach a ha.'ic in ]931 and is now under the leader- \Vorld University Service Bazaar in Robert Fothergill will succeed Ray speech course which is required for ship of Director Howard Mitchell. Blanche Ward Gym on the 22n'd. Wright as Business Manager consist- th' pre-engineering course. Design- Dr. Mitchell has been permanent The group is planning an Easter ent with GOLDBUG policy. Bob is an ing sets and acting aof t.he technical conductor for eight years. This year motion picture for March 5, and also Economics major from Frederick. supervisor of stage work will b,a part lle was honored by five important na- preparing for a future date an Easter He is a member of Alpha Gumma Tau 0.1;his work. He will teach two ~ec- tional awards, three of them citing play in which many S.C.A. members fl'8ternity, tions of English. specifically his "distinguished services will participate. While at Western Maryland. Bill to American music." , On April 23, Reverend Gayraud was co-author of th~ 1955 Junior Under Mitchell's leadership the Or- Wilmore will speak on the topic, , Greek Drama Follies,,"Scalping the T.P." He also chestra has grown in every field. "Christian Witness in Campus lind A Greek drama "Oedip·us Rex" wrote a one-act play, "\Vl".ite The season has been lengthened from 8:Qmmunity Life," while at another by Sophocles will be shown here Screens," which was staged by the twenty-four to thirty-two weeks. In time in April elections for next year's on February 21, at 8:00 P.M. College Players as tl'ie International the 1956-57 season, the National officers wHl be held. The film, produced by Tyrone Theatre Month contribution in March Symphony. made 184 public appear- F.T.A. Guthrie, is acted by Shakespear_ 1956, as one of the Junior Plays. As ances before an estimated audience of The next meeting of the F.T.A., ean Festival Players and is in a member of the College Players dur- 348,709 persons. .. which will be on February 17, will be Ea'stman color. Tickets will be ing his junior year he played the lead The February program will begin a panel by stude~t teachers, who will sold for $.50 on the night of the in 'The Lord's Will" by Paul Green. William TJ';bby to join dramatic G1·t at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. The music discuss the problems they encoun- performance in Alumni Hall. He will also be remembered for his d€purtmcllt. will include Overbure to "Oberon" by tered during their apprenticeship as Mr. Thornton Wilder said of performance in "Kind _Lady" and Bill was one of Western Maryland Weber, Sy·mpMny in D (A F'e8tical well as the experiences gained. the film'" ... This is not only a "Grass Harp." College!s represcntatives in Who's Piece in one lIwvement), by Vincin. At the March meeting on the 3rd, distinguished production in it- .During his senior year. he was the H'ho Among Students in American Capriccio ESpag7Wl by Rillisky-Korsa- a comparison of teaching jobs in dif- editor of the 1956 Aloha. He was the Colleges and U~iv(Jr8itie8. He also kov, and Beethoven's S'IImpMny No.7 ferent states will allow the members :~ll!, bp~~:!::antc: u~ n~:::r ~~:~ Feature Editor of the GOLDBUG dur- received the Bates Prize for Best All in A Major, Opus 93. to become familiar with salary, ten- seen to a realization of what ing his sophomore and junior years. Around College Man which is given':it Advance ticl{ets Bre available in ure, leaves, and retirement programs Greek theater was." Bill served as the class hi~torian for graduation each year. McDaniel Hall office. in. various areas. :
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