Page 24 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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4 -The Gold Bug, Dec. 6, 1957 Varsity Five -Dumps Returning Cagers, 95-53 ~~~==~=~=~~~;::::;:.~~=Stewart, Chandler Top Scorers; ~~~;;:=:;:::=;::~~;:;i~:WrestlmgTeam Game Gives'Hope Of Good Year II "":;,i#" --' To Open Season Tho western t: With an equal amount of veteran fiv"l easily produced Ma"land Va"I'y ttve play by Sarbanes and Long, a of the JV squad, found the graduate com- a winning ....."J,..;_--""--~~__ .,=!;__ ....I"-__ .a'4~::~~!S~l~:;~~::~~e:~! o;e~~/e~:~ ~i::!~:/~sS~~~; ~~:;a~~a~d d!!;i· Te~:~~:~~:l;~~~~; l::~;fr::t~~!ilY Mchleneich is confronted with a re- the Alumni..93-53. Coach Clower us- a repeat of the first, as the Terrors building- program. Progress in his ing what might be termed a "free- scored 50 points while the Alumni program will be furthered by the platoon" system and d. man-to-man managed 25. Former cage letterman scheduled, exhibition match with the defense, gives promise of a winning Ed Ryder, who netted 12 points for Baltimore Y.M.C.A. next Wednesday 'season for the Terrors. the losing cause, led the Alumni's sec- in Baltimore. Forming the 'nucleus A quick tap from center, captured ond half attack. With the play be- of the squad are veterans Brooks by Bill Spaar who passed to Sloan coming ragged toward the end by vir- Euler, Fred Stoever, and Charles ,Stewart, who then drove in for a two- tue of a tired veteran five, the gun Cock. point lay up, started the barrage of sounded with the scoreboard showing Coach Mohlenrich is yet undecided points that the Varsity put through WMC 95 _ Alumni 53. as to the exact starting lineup for the nets in this home opener. How- Bright spots in the varsity victory that mutch., However, tentatively he ever, in the early minutes of the first were John Long who fcored 12 points, will start frosh Lou Price in the 123 half, the Alumni. sparked by Walter Bill Bruce, playing an excellent de- pound class providing he is able to Hart took a 16-15 advantage. But fensive game, netting 8, coupled with train to that weight. Freshmen Gene that was the only lead the returning fellow freshman Chandler's 16. The Nicholson and Malcolm Brown are Terrors were able to muster. improved play of senior Tony Sar- now slated to wrestle in the 130 and After that Chandler, setting from banes, who scored 10 points and last To-p 1'OW, lelt'to right:Sgt. Co-1ftW1',co-ach,j Otto-,' Masenheimer; Silex; Mitch- 137 pound classes respectively. the side preceded by Long's foul year's top scorer, Sloan Stewart, who ell; Clark; lViUiams; Buc1..'; Wa1-d; Reichard; Cain, Mgr. Bottom: ro-w, Junior Ray McLaughlin, a newcom- - shooting, gave the Varsity a lead they dunked 22 points, must not be over- lelt to right: Gmmell,' McCauley; Po-o-re; Swtl8field; Holter; Brawley; Nick- 01e8; White; Sindy. er to the team, is expected to receive never relinquished. Continued effec- looked. the nod in the race for the 147 pound Western Maryland Rifle Team class. Brooks Euler, a senior veter- _ Another will retain warfare, an' of grappling High In Maryland Army Circles his 157 pound berth, while the return- Fred Stoever will again ing letterman fiJI the 167 pound place. Senior let- SIDELINE Finding Western. Maryland CoUege a school with a varied sports currie- terman Charlie' Cock will most prob- -;dum, it is the ptI.'1jXJse'01 this artkle to iecoure a sport in whkh m!Vjor em- ably move to the 177 pound class. phasis has not been placed. The GOLD BUG spotlights, .beccase 01 the nature Mentor Mohlenrich, a student at the With Al Spicer olitsa.etivity, the rille team. college, will vie in the unlimited class. By Robert Otto Competition in the first match is With the victory of Russia's paid "amateur" athletes over the United expected to be very strong since the Rule Changes , States in rifl.e shooting during the 1956 Olympics, many Americans began to Baltimore Y.M.C.A. team supports wonder what had happe~ed to this traditional American activity. A tre- mostly former collegiate and Y.M.C.A. The Rules Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Association has mendous emphasis has been placed 'Onrifle shooting and this is reflected, to a champs. The Baltimore team is com- 'drafted the following major rules changes for the 1957-58 season: certain extent, here at W.M.C. posed, of such headliners as 123 1. A technical foul is to be imposed on a team if one or more players Unfortunately, a rifle match is not a spectator sport, and the [argon of pounder Phil Neary, former Mason- wear an illegal number. its participants is not as familiar to most of us as that of the football 'Or base- Dixon champ from Baltimore Uni- 2, On a double foul, there are no free throws; ball is tossed at center. ball player. versity, Bill Mock, a 137 pound na- 3. With rectangular backboards, the ball is dead if it passes over top of The Year in Retrospect tional Y.M.C.A. champ and Vince the backboard. Western Maryland can be. proud, however, in having what is probably the Kelly, former Mason-Dixon and 4. The rule prohibiting a throw-in from any point in the free throw lane best intercollegiate army team in Mar.yland. Last year, after firing against South Atlantic champ in the 177 extended is deleted. such opponents as Villanova, Morgan State, Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins, .Loy- pound class. 5.- It is illegal for a player of either team to touch the ball or basket ola, and Virginia Military Institute, our team posted a record of nine wins' Following this ,match, the team when the ball is on or in either basket, or when it is on the cylinder above the and three defeats - making it one of our most winning teams. It should also opens its home card against Towson basket or try for field goal, free throw or rebound. "Ducking" is legal if player gets control of ball legally. be n~~:e~u~~~! :~rp:;: ;::r~t~:~ :h~a~n::eap::~lle~:;~~o~~~t:~, :,!C~ap_ ~:!~b~;a~~e:~ 3~~blefneG~l~G~~ay, 6. 'When a team trails, or on defense with the score tied, that team is _ tain, has been high man for the last two years and may well repeat this per- required to attempt to score or to try to get the ball. The responsibility. for in their WAA Council Elects formance again. Returning to the squad this year are Carlton White and actionless play is definitely on the team behind in the score. After a warnmg, Ken Nickoles, both of whom were elected the most valuable freshman the referee shall call a technical foul for delaying. first year. Add to this list, the returning lettermen, such as Dick Brawley, Two Freshmeu Girls 7. Mter a team has committed six personal fouls in either half of a Ron Sindy, and Karl~SiIex, as well as Bob Gosnell and Phil Stansfield, who 40 minute game, each common foul thereafter carries a bonus award. In over- are among the most promising fr<;shmen, and we have a team with a bright Ardella Campbell, W.A.A. presi- times all fouls are regarded as part of the second hall. future. Sergeant Coyner is now the team coach, replacing Captain Howard, dent, annoullced that Diane Bell and 8: In regard to personal contacts, officials should remember that there while Larry Cain (manager) will handle administrative matters. Barbara Dohler have been selected as are instances of personal contact that can be and should be ignored. freshmen representatives to the 9. The exception in Rule 9, section 9, applies only to jump ball in the Present Competition Results In rifle competition, the squad has a one and one record, dropping the ...W.A.A. 'She also announced the hon_ center circle. . , first match to Villanova by ten points but defeating Gettysburg by more than orary hockey team: forwards Ardella Campbell, Anne Clemmitt, Caryl En- Orchids To All ninety points. Tonight the riflemen fire against Morgan State, whom they defeated by 39 points -in their match of a year ago. sor, Norma Etzler, Ann Gorman, Mer- Orchids this week go to the soccer team for spirited play against the Almost any afternoon, you can hear the members of the team practicing nette Houck, and Joan Robinson; half- Blue Jays, and especially to Bruce Lee and John Karrer, ~ext ~e~r's ~occer on their range below Gill Gym. Using .22 caliber rifles furnished by the back Billie .Mae Gill, Jean Lucka- co-captains. We also sena orchids to the Navy team for their deClslve Vlctory government, practice is emphasized in order to produce a team that is not just baugh, Betty Reid, and Be~ Schott; over Army and to the Baltimore Colts for their going-away win over the Los good but superior. "In this number one military sport,".states the team coac~, fullbacks Sue Davidson and Carol Angeles Rams, 31-14. Locally, orchids to Alpha 'Gamma Tau as they wrested "there are no good matches unless Western Maryland wms." Petterson; goalkeeper, Joan Wood. tbe intramural football crown from the Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity. Achievement awards were present- Wrestling Schedtde --- 1957-1958 ed Joan Woe>d,the first sopohomore Anne girl to earn 400 points, Juniors December ll-Baltimore Y.M.C.A _._ ~ __._._ Away 8:30 Clemmitt, Carol Petterson, Betty Heagy's Sport Shop Ralph's Crown Service December 13----Towson __ ... .._. .__.~ __ Home !l:00 Reid, and Anne Voshell were awarded 16 W. Main Penna. & Hersh Aves. Decembel' 17-American U. _._ ... ._ ._ _._._ .._.__... Away 8:00 large M's. Gold stars were presented TIlden 8.5515 Westminater, Md. January 10--Elizabethtown ~ __ .._ __ . ._.:. __._ Home 3:00 to Barbara Boggsi Ardella Campbell, A Complete Sports Line January 18---Loyola __ .__ ._.~_. __ _._._:... .__ Home 2:30 Jean Luckabaugh and Betty Reid. Phone TI 8-8352 February 6--Shippensburg .._ .._.. .. ._ ...__ .__._~_. Home 8:00 February 8---Catholic U. _~ __ ~ ._. .._ .. . Away 2:00 February 12-University of Baltimore __ ._... ..__.__ .. Home 3:00 ...-February 15-Dickinson _._. . ....._ __ ..._._...__ ...__ ..._. Home 2:30 February 19--Drexel _. __ . .._._. __.__._._.=__..__._ ...__ .__. Away 8:00 February 22-Gallaudet __.. ....__ ..._.____':'.. ..._. ._ .. Away 3:30 Compliments of ALPHA GAMMA TAU - There's fun-filled confu.sion Presents J. R. EVERHART when the campus empties COLLEGE BARBER ';SLEIGH RIDE" At the Forks into cars, trams and planes as Christmas holidays December 14, 1957 begin. Heading for good $2.50 Santa's got a list headed times? Pause for a Coke 9 :00 to 12 Midnight by Benny and go refreshed. That's beeause his rood's So good ,he deserves plenty TOM MILLER BeIUUf'4 CAMPUS AGENT KdcJum for the Modem G. I. Laundry 'kJ~,MJ. and Cjeaners TIlden 8-7830 223 E. Green St. TIlden 8·6670 Our New Addition JOTTL£D UNDER AUTHORITY Of lM! coc.+.-cOLA COM~ANY .•V All Laundry and Dry Cleaning The Colonial Dining Room Work Guaranteed WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLING CO. INC. - @ T~$2, THE COCA-eOLA COMPANY'
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