Page 23 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec. 6, 1957 Georgian Colonial Chapel Mistletoe And Holly Reflect Season's Spirit Crowns Crest Of The Hill By Joyce C:ook Christmas is the one holiday that everyone who passed under it. In re- streets during the Christmas season The brightly colored Christmas lights of Main Street seem to lead to the is celebrated the world over. It is cent times mistletoe has come to rep- and money was thrown to them. In ~~~!~~~~:e;~~;~!~::e~~ne~~~i!~i~h~i;:~ti~~!~:r:n':::~o~eC:~;:I(~O~~~)~ re- or resent the healing power of Jesus. some countries there are regular pro- not restricted to any nationality race, nor is it limited to anyone It is very pop- cessions of carolers. highest hills, the steeple can be seen for miles around, and signifies to many ligion. Everyone is familiar with Pagan Influence ular in Italy, here shepherds go from people both God, amid college life, and progress at W.l\f.C. Yet unfinished this the religious significance of this fes- It was the custom of the Druids to house to house caroling to the ac- Christmas, it is scheduled for completion next spring=-In time for The senior tive season but there are many sym- light a .Yule log during the season to companimer.t of bagpipes. In Eng- baccalaureate service. .. bols and customs connected with burn out,the e_vilof the past year. In land' groups of caroler-s called 'waits' C~ristmas that go unnoticed. Italy the log IS known as the 'ceppo.' make ~the rounds on Christmas Eve, When we think about Christmat we In the Balkan countries the Christmas sometimes carrying instruments. The envision snow, holly, wreaths, mistle- log holds a prominent place in all the boys in Czechoslovakia dress as the toe, bells, candles, decorated trees, Christmas activities. It is also an Three Wise Men to go caroling. red stockings, and a short, fat, little outstanding feature in Bulgaria, Ser- Dhrist mas Flower man referred to as Santa Claus. bia, and Yugoslavia. The log sym- Mexico gave us the Christmas Many of the things we rocognize as a bolizes Christ as the Light of the flower, the poinsettia. Tbe flower part of Christmas have been brought World. was brought to the United States by to us by other countries. Ideas from Britain Dr. Joel R. Poinsett from whom the Santa Claus . The British Isles are responsible flower received its name. Our mythical Santa originated for the traditional mince pie. It sig- Traditions Vary from Saint Nicolas, a person who ac- nifies the gifts of the wise men and In the days of colonial possession tually lived. "St. Nick" was born in is supposed to be made of the finest the manner' in which Christmas was a city in Asia Minor. When he heard things in the East. The pie was celebrated depended on the origin of that a man was going to sell his three originally baked in an obl6ng shape the settlers. In Virginia, Georgia, daughters into slavery because-he had to represent the manger. and Maryland English customs pre- no dowery for them. St. Nick dropped From England we imported the cus- vailed. New York, New Jersey, and three bags of gold 'down the chimney.' tom of sending Christmas cards. The Delaware combined the traditions of Thus we have the tradition of Santa present day cards are an outgrowth the Swedes, Dutch, and Germans. bringing gifts. In Sweden Santa is of Christmas pieces which were elab- Christmas did not even become a legal known as Jultomte; Denmark and orate scrolls decorated with imitation holiday until the middle of the nine- Norway have a Julenlsser. Kriss engraving. teenth century. Christmas is rea!ly Baker MenulI'iat Chapel Kringle delivers gifts in Germany and Foreign Touch 'an accumulation of a great many old La Befanc belongs to Italy. In Holland" In Ecuador the children put their customs and traditions. The primary purpose of the new art and horne economics department, Sinterklass uses a boat to distribute chapel will be for Sunday evening admimnistrative offices, and the alum- his gifts. The Dutch are credited shoes und~r the bed and hang thei\: on the where bedposts stockings chapel services. It will seat 715 on ni and public relations offices. The with bringing Santa ",to the .Americas Santa can easily find them and fill the main floor, 145 in the balcony, new student union building will prob- and they claim he wore a red cape and and 60 in the choir. The steeple will ably be located beside Science Hall used reindeer. them with gifts. " The idea of the wreath was bor- rise to 947 feet above sea level - the opposite the seminary. This is the rowed from. Germany. There a college itself being on an elevation of present major phase of building Familiar Symbols wreath with a red candle is hung in 834 feet above sea level. concerning the removal of Old Main. The Christmas tree is a familiar the window on the first Sunday in The next phase will be a new library. The Steeple Only ninety-one years ago W~M.C. symbol at the Yuletide season. The Advent. A candle is added each Sun- This brick, Georgian Colonial struc- had one lone conspreuous building"'on use of evergreens was once .forbidden day until E:hristmas. Some wreaths ture has indeed been a center 'of in- the "hill." What a contrast to the because they were associated with pa- are covered with paper stars upon .terest and has had quite a sum of present array. gans. In the sixteenth century it be- which 'Bible verses are written. sidewalk superintendents. The erec- came a common practice to decorate tion of the steeple in July Was a long- Not Forgotten. trees in the Christian homes. The 'Noels' Are Universal awaited event. It was necessary to "Old" Balter Chapel will not be for- practice of decorating the tree de- Caroling originated in France bring in a special rig from Baltimore. gotten however. It will be used for veloped in Germany; the decorations where the poor sang 'noels' in the As there was a special conference of small refigious meetings, weddings, consisted of colored paper, apples and ministers on campus, the interest was and baptisms, and it will still remain foil. Tod:ty the tree has come to rep- heightened. These, as well as local a "thank offering" of William G. resent Christ as the Tree of Life. W~81111illster Laundry members of the Board of Trustees of Baker who donated the funds for its Holly and mistletoe reflect the and son His construction. been had the college, numerous alumni, and deathly ill but recovered, and in 1895 warmth and friendliness of the holi- some faculh' were all present when day spirit. Holly -vas displayed in Dry Cleaning the crowning moment arrived - all this small chapel, seating approxi- the windows of the Christians to indi- JOHN ST. saw the steeple with its 6 ft. 2 in. mately 200, was built. cate the presence of Christ in their Westminster, Md. ffore/ /;y Troin stainless steel cross set into place. The new chapel will serve other homes. Mistletoe was derived from PHONE TI 8·8740 needs than religious ones as it will the pagans; its function was to ward In Memory Of . al:!,o include an assembly room, a away evil spirits. Balder, an invul- DON HAAS meonslow !ores Baker Memorial Chapel is a me- lounge with a picture window over- nerable Scandinavian god, was struck Will See morial to four people ~.- W. G. Jo- looking the stadium and the hills be- down by a dart made of the plant. That Your seph D. and Daniel Baker, and Sarah .yond, and offices for administrative Frigga, his mother, forbid the use of Clothes Aret Cleen ... notores! Baker Thomas, their sister. The or- and club use. But as .a place for plant as a weapon and gave a ,kiss to gan will be given to the college by Sunday evening chapel it will be in- GROUP ECONOMY FARES' Roger Whiteford, Class of 1(106, and valuable. Such a contrast it will be save you a member of the Board of Trustees. to Alumni Hall, with its simple, Co- your friends q/ld 25% two or more of on round-trip The total cost will be over a half mil- lonial design, its tall clear windows. Rasinsky's Pharmacy It Pays To LOOk Well coach tick e ". (·Except for local lion dollars. its: specially planned acoustics com- trip. thct originate Qnd te'.tri- All Western Marylanders look for- plimenting the full rich voices of the Vi,it The nole between New York and Wa.hinglon ward to the time when Old Main will choir. Indeed, it will be a much more "Reliable Prescriptions" tcnccstenPe.l ond poinheostof be torn down. For then the chapel fitting environment and effect a more Drugs and Everyday Needs wiil be the center of the campus at worshipful group at every service. • Av.enue Barber Shop the crest of the hill. However, until 30 W. Main St. a student union building can be con- Where The Students Go structed the front section of Old DELICIOUS FOODS Westminster, Md. Main will remain. W.M.C. will take AND 85 Pennsylvania Avenue over the Seminary in the fall of 1958, TIlden 8-7100 and this building will then house the CANDY FOR GIFTS LAUNDROMAT Gift Wrapped For Your ToMaH 5 Locust Street THE COLONIAL CHRISTMAS DANCE COACH PARTY FARES Opposite Parking Lot Griffin's JEWELRY CO. CORSAGE sove each person in your group 28% of regular of 2S or more DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 "Quality and Service • Order From round-trip fore. FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 oUTTERER 'S Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Since 1922" 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Tilden 8-8677 32 West Main Street Tilden 8-9350 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE China - Crystal - Silver SEE TO COLLEGE Dave Harper (Campus Rep.) \ Weekday &hows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday' Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Satur~~y and Holidays Baugher's Restaurant Thurs., Fri., Sat. Dec. 5-6-7 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- "OPERATION MADBALL" day shows continuous from 2 p. m, Jack Lemmon Kathryn Grant FOR, A MEAL OR SNACK Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Ernie Kovacs WONDERFUL FUN Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes FOR EVERYONE continuous from 6:45 p. m. Sun., Mon. Dec. 8-9 "ACTION OF THE TIGER" Hove a "party" while you Van' Johnson Martine Carol OPEN EVERY DAY trovel! Enjoy fine foad ..• Fri., Sat. Dec. 6-7 Technicolor delightful refreshments ... Avoid (Double Feature) happy talk. congestion, worry ahout highway "APACHE WARRIOR" traffic and weothercondilions. hoz:ord., ~ also- Tues., Wed. Dec. 10-11 "COPPER SKY" "THE HAPPY ROAD" PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Ask you. 10CIII licket Or Irovel Gene Kelly _' __ Barbya Laage agenl NOW abaullh ... " g."al Fri., Sat. Dec. 13-14 Order Now For Prompt Delivery maneY-Iavinll pian •. (Double Feature) Thurs., Fri., Sat. Dec. 12_13_14 Also Many BoX!Assortments at EASTERN "BLACK PATCH" "U~TlL TH.EY SAIL" P. G. COFFMAN CO. -also- Jean Simmons Paul Newman Times Bidg. 'Vestminster, Md. RAILROADS "BLACK SCORPION" Joan Fontaine
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