Page 22 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 6. 1957 li1 r:I J;l iii !!i1 !!i1 li1 !!i1 fiI !!i1 !!i1 !!i1 Myrtle Reveals adVICE ... by Myrtle Mirzendorf Have We Lost The Meaning? Campus Wishes Dear Myrtle, Dear Myrtle, Am just dropping There's a young lady who sits next you a short line Christmas is another one of several significant holy days that man has to me in Crim. class every Monday, t-o tell you of my past activities. turned into a commercial festival. The light and the hope that should come To Santa Claus Wednesday, and Friday, third period I was recently awarded the Pur-ple into life with the observance of this day are for many not present" or con'sidered - very attractive mind you, but with Eye for being such a straight shooter. desirable. Dear Santa Claus, a.. way of her own. ' Since then I have been forced to It is true that at Christmas men are more apt to be kindly disposed to We have been good boys and girls She leads me on, day after- day, travel around the campus incogni,to. each other than at any other time, and that families want to be together, and this year (at least, most of the time). week after week, by writing subtle My problem is, if I continue this that we are less reluctant to aid the needy. But in spite of those manifesta.. Anyhow, next year we promise to do little hints "Onmy notebook and in the straight shooting in basketball, I am tiona of good will, the true meaning of Christmas is disguised behind tbe tinsel much better. Since we realize that margins of my new $6.25 text. These afraid someone will step on my foot, and trimmings that now go with the day. you are literally buried in letters from little tidblte bolster my ego something and I will have to go wimping For many, Christmas has become "Xmas." Not that this is only an easier children all over, we are relaying our fierce and cause me to sing out at cuse typographical error) around. {ex- way to write it, which it is, but mainly that the X equals an unknown quantity requests in one letter via our good least six times during the hour, "I'm Until then, I shall go mai-yly on my which speaks the mind of many people. That the day has come to be considered available." in this light is what causes the great commercial "come-on" of the stores. friend, Myrtle. Please try to send us Her being a neat kid and all, how . . Scar the things Many thanx. we want. That is wby we feast and possibly carouse rather than worship and praise the The senior class wants easy Grad- do I get her to express her pent-up Dear Scar, occasion. For the Xmas prevails rather than the Christmas. uate Record exams because they don't emotions on common everyday writin' So sorry to hear of your "accident:" May the real blessing of the real Christmas-Christ-be yours for a Mer- paper? The retatl : value of my illost people feet in ry Christmas. - seem to find the time to start review- brand new (this year), store-bought moul-IIs, bRt put your ih.eir friend seems theil' to They also want leads ing for them. fiI li1 !!i1 on prospective employers for the fu- text book has dropped considerably have lost sight of his target. YOR ture and a little good luck. because of all these marginal com- need Elvis a.s your seeD!g eye dog. A Star Still Shines For Christmas, 1957 For the junior class, a little pa- ments. A. Crook Yon 1JU1.y be relieved to hear that tience from the teachers around AC/cdp yOl~ ltren't the only straight shooter Nineteen hundred and fifty-seven years ago, to a sad and wearied world, Qronnd. As a, -nuitter of [act, this is came a voice 0): hope: "For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which Follies' time would be welcomed. Dear Orook, q,lmost a. g/wst Clt1l![TlIS now. As f01' shall be to all people. . And suddenly there was 'With the angel a multitude There just won't be much study time Your secretQry's initials are in- gettin.g stepped on in bltsketbltll, jWJt of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 'Glory 1:0 G,od in the~ highest, then. Also, ill your prettiest gift triguing. Crime doe/m't pay, per- bcat thenL to it, unobtrusively, of and on earth, peace, good will to men.''' wrappings, send them some dates for ?taps? Houieoer, in this caee it might. eow·se._The taller they are, the big- Throughout the span of all these years, men have dreamed and awakened, the Junior-Senior Prom. Just swap booke at the end 0(" the ger theil' feet, an.d the luirder they ~ hoped and ?espaired, fought ansi die4_for the ideals hefein expressed, peace The sophomore class asks for some semester, and you sell here. Or per- and good Will to men. February pledges so they call be on hape fill her pen with fade-away ink. [ali; "m all [or a liUle color, ex- black cluding blue. and It is extremely difficult for us Americans, who have been reared with a tEe other side of initiation. They Or yOl~ could give her a note pad" in- lIJyrtle love for God and respect for our fellow men, who ask only to be allowed to also want easier second semester scribed "Notes to my purtner in live in peace with good will toward men, to understand why time aftcr time we schedules. . crime" for Chrietmae. have been called upon to fight and die. And yet it is in the frIlgel's message Freshmen have been inquir-ing Watch YOU?' step though. Does the How To Save Money "which shall be to all people" that we find the answer. Not-Just fpl" peace and about- the new book out on Social Con- . book clas!1ify stealing /warts liberty for the United States, but for all nations whose liberties are threatened. duct at \V.M.C. Send a few copies For Holidau Season Another Christmas has just about arrived, 1957. Another year we sing because some of them look awfully carols, give' gifts, and enjoy holiday feasting-and another year the world is confused and are afraid to face the Dear Myrtle, 1. Join the Christmas Club at your filled with the thre§its of war; another, the links of our family chains are truth of the situation. A few old I need your advice. I live with a local bank. scattered over the face of the entire world. We are, you may say, no nearer exams might be helpful, too, because guardian who does not even treat me 2. Buy,fJ. piggy bank and hide the our goal than we were nineteen hundred and fifty-seven years ago. In some they have never had college exams be- like a human being. I am never al- key from yourself. ways, yes; in others, no. In the proven atrocities of our enemies, we have the fore. lowed to date. I have attempted 3. Get a part time job babysitting, same barbaric tendencies that have-existed among men since the beginning of "The practice teachers want pa- clandestine affairs, but my absences shoveling snow, licking stamps, etc. time. But in the United Nations, we have men, leaders, whcther they be weak tience, a smile, a few kind words, and are noted, and I am always more or strong, whether or rrot they make mistakes, who are trying to find ways to December 19. carefully watched when I get back 4. Join the No Haircuts 'Til Christ- solve world problems. Males on campus are looking for a home. mas Club. ~, God give us men-strong men who will be able to see accurately, think solution to the telephone situation. Should I run away for good. know-". 5. Cut out socializing on a serious, clearly, and act courageously! God give us nations that will put grecd and Either install five minute timers on ing that I 'could never. make 'a good' money-consuming basis. personal gaill"aside for world welfare and security! God give us youth of all all dorm phones, or put in phones on living (I was born with Ilhysical de- 6. L-ose your checkbook. lands who will once again dream dreams, steadfast of heart and spirit. every floor. ficiencies), or should I give up for- 7. Drink tea _ and see. (It's We are passing through dark days, when it seems almost once again that The professors are still asking for ever the experience of love? cheaper!) the Christmas message has been lost for all time. Yet above the noise, con- the perfect student - the one who • D. G. 8. Starve. fusion, and intense loneliness of the fight against Communism, those same completes all assignments thoroughly Dear D. G., stars still shine on as of old; and to each man those stars still hold the hope of and on time. A few robots \vith me- Y our8 is the dog-gonest p1·oble1l1.I 9. Lose all your friends, and you'll the future, the hope of home and Christmas, that hope for which he is willing chanical brains might fill the bill! I ever did see. (Sorry, we conldiri.'t re- have no one to· send cards to or buy to give his life if need be. produce your pa.w print.) illy advice presents for. think the faculty also needs a slight 10. Study. raise in salary, eno~gh at least so the to you i8 found in, those immortal men can buy a few new ties. \Ve li'TWs, "T1 Takes All Holidays. The wrestling squad wants some CmCLING THE HILL Before each big holiday, the National Safety Council prophesies the num- liniment, boosters, and short non- ber of casualties expected during the celebration. Memorial Day, Fourth of grabbable haircuts. TraditionaJiy speaking fraternity serenades are getting quite lovely July, ana Labor Day take a heavy toll due to the exodus of city folk to the Send along severnl sets of ear plugs and sentimentql-perhaps they .will continue on appropriate occasions because beaches. However, Christmas and New Year's carry their'own hazards. Icy, for the Deans and the administrative they really are effective .. the last pep rally was exceptionally clever-the snowy streets, everybody rushing from party to party, holiday spirits-both staff so they don't have to listen to presentation of corsages was_'t thoughtful gesture ... holiday activities on emotional and liquid-mixed in unwise quantity, bring pain, sorrow, and de- the same complaints. Dean David the Hill promise to be inspiring and lots of fun if well-supported ... tests com- struction. needs a new bell system that can't ing up? - experience-proven tlleory warns that students should study between What can we do? Much! It is most difficult, for young people particularly, fall apart even on assembly days. Thanksgiving and Christmas-these marks are quite important (this is not to "take it easy." \Ve liye in an"Rge of speed and accomplishment. But if we The Grille needs a new clock and a paid advertisement!) ... "Hark the herald angels shout: Thirteen days 'til pause each time we enter the driver's -seat of an automobile and realize that some new pennants. If you have no we get out!" and only four more ",shoP~ing ~ays . ' the gaunt spectre of death climbs in and sits beside us, it may help deter some pennants, send some elves to take the of our carelessness. . others down. Epologue to the Hopkinsbury Tales . get well wishes to Tom and Joe There are some people who find ways of assuring themselves that they The GOLDBUGand Contrast staffs for injuries sustained-this also includes all of those who were hurt in games will not forget to be careful. A small button, "Safety first, last, and always," would like some light bulbs to install earlier in the ·season. nice turnout of \V.M.C. fans at tIle games-wish pinned just over the windshield is an effective method. Everybody cannot llave "over th'e steps leading to the third someone had had a camera to catch the motley assortment of costumes worn or maybe doesn't want such a reminder. If not, they should at least develop a floor of Old Main. to brave the elements ... next year, let's please consult the weatherman before personal code for safe driving, enabling us to drastically reduce this yeal"s How about a ping pong ball dis- scheduling any athletic events--didn't dampen the spirit any, however-or casualties. - , penseI' for the Rec Hall? It could should I say dilute the "spirits?" Such a code should include: I promise myself that I shall: 1) allow my_ be used on the idea of a bubble gum self sufficient time to reach my destination, including time for possible traffic machine, only charge ten cents, in- In the new Rec Hail, perhaps one whole wall should be all doors. The delay,;;; 2) drive at a speed which is sale for my car and th.e locality in which stead of a penny. traffic jam is getting worse and worse. Maybe we should post No Loitering I am driving-even if this is below the maximum speed allowed; 3) not drink The coaches of the full sports could signs and collect fines from the. offenders. There is so much more room inside if I am driving and not drive if I have been drinking; 4) obey all traffic sig_ use a good night's sleep after such a if only you:d dare venture in tha; far ... nals, whether or not any other vehicles are in sight; 5) try to be as under_ hectic season7" standing and courteous to road-hogs and stupid drivers as 1 would be to any The Aloha staff would like you and Thin,k/this over. "Even though you did the right thing, did you do it in '" ~ other mentally deficient people I may meet; and 6) f_eep my car in the most Mrs. Claus to send in your subscrip- the right way?" It might make a good New Year's resolution. perfect mechanical condition possible. tion f~r the 1958 edition. \ .. If you would make and keep such a code, you will undoubtedly save life; The R.O.T.C. department wants Winter is here according to all available evJdence. Even the football and, as the safety experts often say, it may be your own! several pairs of shoes clearly labeled players have no more excuses for bumming cigarettes. They can buy their Reprint for left and right feet. own now that' the season is over. (P.S. Let's study, boys, because we'd like to o====';""'================e; You know the song, ~'All I Want have you around again next,year.) For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth." Well, Dave says that just . A new Olympic team is searching for members from the campus. Partici_ one will do. pants in the sport may be recognized by their new sweatshirts. If enough Last but by no means least, the funds are available, they will tou..r the}ocal", establishments. S.C.A. would like you to help engen- der the true spirit of Christmas in all \Vhat do you think of speakers who feel they must begin every lecture, of us. Help us to replace that un- address, or sermon with a few polite jokes? It seems almost as if they feel MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS known quantity in Xmas with Christ they must talk down on our level, rather than elevate our minds to theirs. I'd like to be given more credit for ~y ed~catio: than that. Subscription Price $2.00 Per Allnum so that we may all be thankf!!.l for th~nc;,m;:'~:,r~ti;:n~a~~, wish you a Have you seen the freshman biology lab kit with "Remember the Honor FLORENCE A. Jl.iEHL, Editor-in--Cl!ef very happy holiday. Thank you for System" printed 011 the lid? He ~eallY",has ;aith ill human nature. RAYMOND WRIGHT,B'U8ine88 Manager keeping the spirit of Christmas so The library has some good books for the studious. One student even found Manallinll Edito~ _~ Nancy V. Willis COpy Edit.o~ Mary Hotchkiss ~;~!:e~tt'o~~_==-~~li~~neS~k~~'~~:r;;p'l:;o~-=- _ ___Henriett.nC.~s';,~ ~i~;~~ia~n:o~~:n~i:i~j s:~e~~~n~ttil~ ...a wise old owl perusing the weal!h of }iter~tur~ upstairs. News-Feature Editor ~ __ Joyce Cook Exehange .__ ., _._Mary "Hotchkiss which to have trust. See you All boys with big feet, please advertise. We may want to borrow your New. Ed!to ... _ ___!'1f::'~t SD:!k~~~~id~~~:i~~:g"'M;nalre':=--=-'Rob~itrg-~';,ithe~\~ Christmas ..Eve! En"" Richmond socks to hang up on the mantle this Christmas Eve. You can even charge in- Best wishes, terest! If you are lucky, there might be something left way down in the toe Myrt.le when they are returned.
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