Page 21 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Christmas Alumni Customs Came "Page 3 Page 4 Vol. 34, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND December 6, 1957 Events Usher ){oltbaYl1 French Club In Christmas All the howle was ruleep, "Ho! not" he kept on, Plans Program Christmas activities on the hill be- And the fire burning ww, As if bursti'llg with cheer. On Monday evening, December 16, gan Tuesday night with the Girls' When, frtnn far up the ehimney, I "Go(}d children, gay children, at 8 P.M. the members of the French Glee Club's presentation of the can- Came down a "HoI hoI" Glad children, see here! Club, sponsored by Miss Margaret tata "ChUde Jesus," directed by Pro- And a little, round man, I have brought you fine dolls, Snader, will present their annual fessor deLong. With a terrible seratehing, And gay tntmpets, cvnd 1-i7!gS, French Carol Service in McDaniel A traditional December event takes Dropped into the room Noah's wrks, (mil bright skates, Lounge. place tonight at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. With a wink that was eatehing. And a. host of go01 things! Mlle. Margaret Whitfield will con- Mr. Oliver Spangler and Mr. Philip Yes, down he came, bumping, I have brought a whole sackful, duct the chorus in the presentation'of Royer will give a joint piano and vio- And thumping, and jumping, A pack/ttl, a hackfuL! the program based on the birth of lin recital. The program includes And picking kimBelf up without Come hither, co'me hither, Christ, "La Naiesance de Christ." Handel's Sonata No.5 in A Major, sign of a bruisel hither amd: choose! Included in the evening's entertain- By Mrs. C. S. Stone Beethoven's Sonata No.4 in A Minor, ment are vocal solos, group singing, and Sonata No. 1 in D M'ajor by and instrumental arrangements. Msne-zucce. Mlle. Patricia Garcia will sing the A new tradition last year, the tree seasonal "Canfique de Noel," while lighting service will take place again other ;oloists will include MIles. Pa- this year on Sunday, December 8. Be- tricia Welk, Joan Hesson, Ruth An- sides choir carols, there will be gen- derson, Beverly Cox, and Margaret eral carol singing. Dr. Ensor will Van Dyke. deliver the message at the ceremony, In addition to the women, several taking the place of the regular Sun- \ men will hold solo spots in the pro- day night chapel. A reception will follow in McDaniel Lounge at which gram. Among these soloists will be refreshments will be served and carols M. James McMahan, M. Robert John- will be sung. son, and M. Vaughn Smith. The Christmas banquet on the 18th Aside from solo numbers, there will of December will be follow~d by an be a quartet and a double quartet. interdenominational communion in both preparing special arrangements Baker Chapel. Dr. Ensor will serve, for the occasion. assisted by Dr. Crain. Reading from a French Bible, Mlle. A fraternity party at Frock's will Shirley Barnes will, present the begin later in the eveting. The night Christmas story. This year M. Roy- will be climaxed by dorm Christmas er and Mlle. Whitfield will play the parties. Most of the parties will be prelude, while Mlle. Winifred Walsh highlighted by-entertainment and re- wil l accompany. freshments. From the Music Department will At 4 :30 A.M. on the morning of De- corne selections played on the flute, cember 19, seniors will begin their the trumpet, and stringed Instru- caroling of various faculty members. menta, Before they leave, the juniors will Miss Snader, along with the French serve them refreshments in the kitch- students, extends an invitation to en of McDaniel Hall. When they re- everyone to come to their choral pro- turn, £hcy will be served an early gram. breakfast in the dining hall. Trumpeters Present Famous Historian TraditionalBanquet Fabric Designer Frat Slates To Speak Here The December 9 assembly will be Ba~~:e:~;~:~o~:;~I;I~~:tT~uh~~::e~: Opens Exhibit A "Sleigh Ride" highlighted by Ralph E. Turner, in- will be held Wednesday evening, De- ternationally known lecturer. His cember 18 at 6 p.m. in the dining hall. Miss Pauline Dutterer, a Baltimore topic, "The Twentieth Century: A The 'I'rumpetera, an honor society of fabric designer, former teacher at the Alpha Gamma Tau will present the Century of Crisis," will cover the senior women, includes Judy Corby, Maryland Institute, and owner of the annual Christmas dance on Saturday, meaning of the twentieth century, Caryl Jeanne Ensor, Norma Ful- Myron/ Paul Originals,' opened an December 14, 1957, in Gill Gymnasi- whether a cultural decay or a cul- ghum, Florence Mehl, and Winnie exhibit here on December 4, 1957, um, from 9:00 to 12 midnight: Dec- tural emergence. Walsh. Miss Dutterer's exhibit includes lace orations will follow>!the theme of the Dr. Turner has been a professor of Under the guidance of their ad- designing in weaving and printing of dance--"The Christmas Sleigh Ride." visor, Dr. Isanogle, the Trumpeters place m:ts, glassware, gifts, wearing The fraternity has engaged Brayden history at Yale University since 1944. editor of Besides this, he is currently will decorate the main dining hall apparel, drapery, and upholstery fab- Ridenour and his Orchestra to supply the International Commission for a and the two halls downstairs. There rtcs. from Students Prepare the music. Colored lights, holly History of the Scientific and Cultural will be an evening of entertainment Miss Dutterer was graduated wreaths, snow, decorated trees, and a Development of Mankind. Recently Textiles and Crafts Musical Recital in addition to a special menu. the Maryland Institute of Art and slelgh .wi'll transform the gymnasium he was in Paris for a meeting of the The program will consist of the has since taught into a massive ice skating pond. Commission of the UNESCO History. traditional carol singing led by Pro- at the same institution. She has ex- The five student conductors of Gordon Weiner has been appointed fessor deLong, and a solo by Patty htbited in numerous national compe- Western Maryland's 25th conducting general chairman of the dance. His In Dr. Turner's opinion, the root of Garcia. Something different will be titions. class, will direct the Little Symphony dance committees consist of the fol- the confusion may be derived from the appearance of the Men's Quartet The ideas for designs are mostly Orchestra in the traditional musical lowing chairmen: decorations, Tom the fact that, "AU major demoraliza- and songs sung by the waiters and her own, though she paa purchased program on Monday, January 13, at Davies; refreshments, Michael Fried- tion of our time and all the vital, po- waitresses. Dr. Ensor will deliver a sketches from other artists and from 11:30 in Alumni Hall. This concert man; tickets and programs, Albert litical, moral, religious, aesthetic, and Christmas message .. Santa Claus will former students to add versatility to is presented under- the supervision of Dawkins and Gordon Hurlbrink; pub- other issues arise from the fact that be on hand to add to the festivities. the line. ' Prof. Philip Royer. licity, Allen Fellows; personnel, Roy the lear-ning' men have secured from "The Star Spangled Banner" with Kennedy; and clean-up, Raymond the past is inadequate to solve the Annual, Vespers Feature assembly participation hymns, will open the Wright. problem of our time." to his rec- Dr. Turner, conducjed program. Three in addition As usual, the price of the tickets ognition as a lecturer, is an author of by Mary "Sara- Frances Earhart; The fra- Nativity Play A nd Songs bande and Gavotte," Corelli, and "Air will be $2.50 per couple. Advance pur- three books: The Great CultUl'al Tra.- plan and committee ternity to put ditions, Haydn, from The America Aria and in Civilizmiun, Menuetto," tickets on sale tonight. Marriage Mozart, Biography. "Larghetto" of from Figaro, Symphony No.2, and chase of tickets saves confusion at James Silk Buckingham,: A Social The Christmas Vesper Service will present "The Heart 0' Mary" by the door. be neld on Sunday afternoon, Decem- George M. P. Baird. This is a mys- Opus 36, Beethoven, conducted by In the afternoon at 3 :00 Dr. Turn- at an ber 15, 1957, at 4:30 P.M. in Alumni tery play with a religious spirit. The Mary Lou Fowler are included in the er will be the guest of Tri-Beta Lounge. in McDaniel informal tea Hall. This program is one of the old- He will speak at 4:00 on "Medicine-s- est traditions at Western Maryland ::!:n~h~' s~r~;:'ur:~e n:l:;:~!: :!~~~prC;:::;:'~et Wh'itfield will direct the in Factor History." This College. The Dramatic Art Depart- main. The play is set in)he place of ~~c::::a;; t~~n~~::~,~at~~~mOf ~~; A will be open to anyone interested. talk ment and the Music Department com- the nativity in Bethlehem, Judah, for- Frmchutz, Wever, Finale from Car- bine for this event. It is held in the ty-two days after. the birth of Christ. naval, Opus 9, Schumann, and An- afternoon, betwt:en the morning and ?he cast conSISts of: Mary, Pa- dantino" from Symphony No.4, Frosh Elect Officers evening church serviees for the con- trl~la ~ooper; Josep~, Clare.nce K~~- ~ Satie, "Gavotta" from ClruBieal Sym- venience of 1;he commlll.lity. lor, Elizabeth, Claudla P~yne; ~hrl- phony, Prokofieff, and three Hungar- The freshman class met in Alumni The College Choir under the direc- am, Jane. Roeder; ChryseiS, Dorothy ian Songs from The Children, Bartok, Hall on November 26 at 6:30 P.M. for tion of Professor Alfred deLong will the purpose of electing four class offi- present the following music: Behold i~~;!~; pI:o:~~'be ~~;::t~ are -conducted by William Biehl. ' cers and the two to a Star From Jacob Shining, Mendels- ed by Miss Esther Smith. Siaging the Student Government. sohn-Bartholdy; Thou the Highe8t, will be under the supervision of Mar- Bill Ashcroft was chosen as presi- ancient Syrian carol; 0, Nightingale, lin Roser and Jack Anderson. 'James TRIAL RUN dent of the class and Sue Holloway Awake, Swiss folk song; The Citizemi Lightner will direct the lighting. This issue was published in was voted vice-president. Diannc of ChA-wes, French carol; Christmas This program will take the place of entirety by the Junior members Bell and Albert Norman Ward re- &wws of Sweden, Swedish carol; of the staff. Albert Dawkins ~eived the offices of secretary and Come Now, Ye Shepherds, Carol of ~::. r~~~a;n:suna:: ~~~:!;:a~;~ s::~ acted as editor_in_chief and treasurer respectively. The class Tyrol; and the Hallelujah Chorus diaHy invited to attend. For this Katherine Bond as managing l.-r. G. Hurlbrink, Ti Dames, an.d B. also elected Rhea Ireland and Wayne from Handel's Mesriak. event, the students will be allowed to editor. Weiner medimw over wmce deoora- ~~:~:~t t.!::n~:::sentatives to the The Dramatic Art Department will sit wherever they wish. tions.
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