Page 20 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 20
4 The Gold Bug, Nov. 22, 1957 HOPKINS FINAL TE,RROR FOE OF YEAR Seekin-g win number two, the West- ended this present series with Lafa- The Western Maryland soccer On Friday the 15th the 'I'error -ern Maryland football team, fresh yette by losing 40-13. Terrors start- squad lost the chance of finishing the booters made it three in a row, by from an .impresslve effort against , ed off with a roar gaining an early year even up in the win and lost col- pulling out a 4-3 victory over Ameri- Lafayette, travels to the Homewood 7-0 lead. The scoring play came umn, by virtue of their loss to Wash- can University. Field in Balti-O;ore, Maryland, to en- when quarterback Warren Schwartz ington College 4-1, Wednesday, in gage the-:fooos Hopkins 'University. The first quarter .waa scoreless with pitched a 33 yard pass to end Dick Chestertown, Maryland. . neither team able to exert a concen- This will be the closing game of the Hclbrunei- who scampered into, the With the game but three minutes season for the teams in Mason-Dixon end zone. Holbruner split tho up- .old, George Varga booted one in, trated offense. However, the Terrors Competition. Kickoff Is. slated for 2 rights and things appeared promis- putting western Maryland in the lead broke the ice in the second quarter p.m. Michaels ing. for the only time in the game. Bob with Gene lead of 1-0. scoring for a Hopkins, coached by Wilson Fews- half-time This early touchdown drive started Bragg, the high scorer of the after- Roger William scored early in the ter, in his first year at the Bh;ejay on the Terror 31 and took but 5 plays noon with three goals, tied up the helm, has posted a mediocre 2-2-2 rec- f9.r the Green and Gold to hit the ~nd 3rd quarter when a loose ball bounced ord thus far. Their most recent con- zone. A feature play of the dr-ive game with a tally in 21 minutes of off a defender into the goal. Jeff test was last Saturday, where winless it 2-1 f9r A.U. shortly was a twenty-five yard jaunt around the first quarter. Bernard ~ade \ Michaels scored again Dickinson came from behind to score afterward. Washington right end by halfback Fred Dilkes. when Arnie Stenn Coilege went ahead with an assist from George Varga to in the last 30 seconds of play, to gain made one in G% ' a 13-13 tie. After this, Lafayctte rushed back minutes of the second quarter, fol .. tie the score. On the other hand, when Hopkins for a pair of scores with fullback lowed by Bragg's second goal in In the fourth quarter Michaels put . was host to Swarthmore College, George Mickles plunging over from minutes of the saine quarter. The 9 the Terrors ahead 3-2 with a long whom they defeated, 40-20, their the 2, and halfback George Sleendeer hosts then coasted to their eventual' shot from center. With about five forward wall led by Dick ,Auffarth, took off on a 54 yard run for the sec- ~ictory until Bragg tallied his final minutes to go, Garrick Rabechevsky Frank Frenda, and Larry Littman, ond tally. The score at the end of tied for A.U. But, Michaels held that team to a mere three yards it .up the 1st quarter was Lafayette 13, point in 12 minutes of the last quar- Mentor Philip Uhrig scored again with two minutes to go well into the second quarter of play. Western Maryland 7. ter. Slnee Frederick Stoever was out, to win for the Terrors. In games which both W.M. and The Terrors came back in the 2nd having been injured in the American Soccer Squad Wins; The Terrors were fighting to win ,/ Hopkins have found like-opponents, quarter to tie the contest when full- U. game, Bob Passerello did a more for goalie Fred Stoever, who had to they have lost to Franklin and MR.r- back Gerry Miller climaxed a 96 yard than adequate job of covering the Tops Deleware, 2-1 leave the game with 4 minutes 50 sec~ shall, and Hampden-Sydney, while march with a 15 yard touchdown .run Western Maryland goal, making fif- onds to go, and Lloyd Musselman, gaining a tie with Randolph-Macon. late in the quarter. The entire drive teen saves. \ With the combined work The Terrors, having lost to G-Burg playing goal for more than a minute Western Maryland's record is thus took nine plays and the feature pl&.yI of two goalies, the Ball was kept out in a game played in the rain, were for the first time since the F & MfaI', 1-5-1. of the series was a 55 yard sprint by of the Washington College goal eleven forced to wear last year's striped game. However, the major problem that fullback Miller. Thus the teams went 'times. jerseys to play the Alumni on Home- They exhibited the same spirit and the Terrors have had~o face is depth to the locker room with the score DiMaggio started the game, but coming. With the jerseys apparent- ability to bounce back which they had and this will not be a major factor deadlocked at 13-13. being a man of more than one talent, ly taking effect, the Terrors edged out shown against Delaware, not allowing with this particular game, since Hop- Second half scoring was done by Dick he had to leave for a cross country the alumni with George Varga scor- A.U. to maintain the advantage in .a kins does not appeal' to have much westmaes on runs of 5, 3, and 26 meet. He was replaced by' Stow, ing two goals and Gene Michaels one. hotly Contested game. bench stre~gth. yards and by George Gleendeer on a who made six of the saves. In , Bill Machen and Henry Taitt scored run from 24 yards out. this game Bob Cole's streak of assists for the Alumni. Terrors Lead Statistically, Gerry Miller gained was stopped at eight_games since the On Wednesday the 13th, the Ter- Varsity Stops Drexel, 25-0 100 yards in 17 tries although he was lone WM goal was made unassisted. rors, still wearing the striped jerseys, injured most of the second half. The Terror boaters close out the of Dela- For First Season Victory Warren Schwartz completed five of season tomorrow morni~g against journeyed to the University seven passes for a total of 73 yards. Hopkins. ware. The Ter.rors played with spir- it and led at half time of an evenly Quarterback Warren Schwartz led a perfect pass to Dick Holbr-unei- who matched game 1-0. The goal was the Western Maryland Terrors to raced into the end zone. headed in by George Varga off a high their first victory of the year against A little later frosh Fred Dilkes Another cross from Bob Cole. the score with Drexel Tech before a crowd of more scampered 72 yards for a TD but the game officials ruled that the Terrors' than 2,500 persons. Schwartz scored Delaware tied SIDELINE (eight minutes the gone Terrors bounced once himself a~d was responsible for backfield was in motion and the score in the fourth throwing two scoring passes. was nullified. But quarter. Holter Scampers Schw'artz Tallies With' AI Spicer back with Gene Michaels scoring on The Terrors took the lead early The final tally came when Schwartz a cross from Varga less than minutes passed 39 yards to John Holter who aiter the Delaware goal. - when quarterback Schwartz raced scampered into the end zone. Last weekend the Western Mar'yland varsity eleven traveled to Easton, Stoever Stars around right end for a 38 yard tally which climaxed a 52 yard drive. Hol- Pennsylvania, to play Lafayette. Those who have followed the team through'- The highlights of this game were bruner split the uprights and the out the season feel that this was the squad's best performance of the cam- the playing of goalie Fred Stoever Green and Gold led 7-0. Coach Pugh Selects paign. The end of the first half found Western Maryland and Lafayette in a who made about 18 saves including Drexel Punts 13-13 tie. Your sports editor, from his seat in the press box, overheard many the bull out driving stop of a penalty Early in the second quarter Drexel "Lineman Of Week" of the reporters commenting, "I didn't expect this". However, Lafayette kick, and the faj:t that the team kept punted to the Western Maryland 1. Western Maryland College's Ath- proved to be the victor because of their exceptional reserve depth. The Terrors bouncing back when Delaware at- Western Maryland began, a drive displayed shades of a champion team which would have made the school proud tempted to take the advantage. letic Department is now awarding ultimately ended in a of their eifQtts. On the basis of this effort, the Terrors are expected to. register The team has been improving- with from here that climaxing play was an "The Lineman of the Week" title to the best lineman The As- of the week. score. victory number two against Hopkins tomorrow, avenging the J.V. loss of last the added experience of every game. off-tackle charge by Gerry Miller sistant Coach Dick- Pugh, after look- week. In this game the line played excep- from 37 yards out. Holbruner's try ing at tho game films selects the win- tionally well. Team Congratulations! • for the extra point was good but was ncr. then nullified after a holding penalty players The are on marked Athletic Director Bob Waldorf received the following letter from Mr. C. and a bad pass from center which certain point system which includes: a T. Fleenor, manager of the Hotel Weyanoke in Farmville, Virginia, where the Westminster Laundry caused him to run. one point for assisting on a tackle, team stayed when they played Hampden-Sydney. Mr. Fleenor said, "We en- and The third Terror score was set up two points for making a tackle, three joyed having your football team. with us very much on October, 18th and we Dry Cleaning when tackle John Coolahan recovered want to commend you on the mce group of boys; we have never served a JOHN ST. a fumble on Drexel's ,42. On first points for throwing the passer for a loss, four points for recovering an op- quieter or more courteous bunch pf boys in all of our experience." Westminster, Md. down Schwartz faded back and threw ponent's fumble, intercepting his pass, Orchids and Onions PHONE TI 8-8740 or recover-ing an opponent's blocked punt, and ten points for blocking a A new feature of this column, Orchids and Onions, will find a permanent DORSEY HAWKINS TOM MILLER punt or an extra point. place here in the future weeks. wm See CAl\IPUS AGENT The winner in the Drexel game was This edition of the GOLDBUGawards orchids to Phil Uhrig and the soccer That Your for the Bill Kunkle with 29 points, and Pred team on a decisive win over American University; to the entire football team Clothes Are Clean Burgee won at Lafayette with a total and staff on a sterling effort against Lafayette topped with the encouraging Modern G. I. Laundry of 41 points. win over Drexel; and to the student-body for their send-off of the team as they departed for Lafayette. and Cleaners Onions go this week to the American University soccer team for their , Compliments of unsportsm-anlike conduct in the game last l!'riday. Flowers For All Occasions 223 E. Green St. TIlden 8·6610 J. R. EVERHART She's your special girl! Here aM There She deserves the·best when it All Laundry and Dry Cleaning COLLEGE BARBER The defeat at the hands of Notre Dame should end the "boredom" of the comes to flowers. Work Guaranteed At the Forks Oklahoma fans. A psychiatrist presented his "boredom" theory over the 47th consecutive Oklahoma win. Such boredom! Our Colts are now in a 3-way tie for first place by virtue of their win over' DUTTERER 'S Heagy's Sport Shop the Bears, 29-14. • 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 16 W. Main "Save UI) your pennies and For the Girls TIlden 8-9350 Tilden 8-5515 come to BENNY'S" The WAA is having a fall party November 25 at 7:00 p.m. in Blanche A Complete Sports Line Ward Gym. AU girls are welcome. - Basketball Sch~dule -- 1st Semester Bennlf'd. December 3-Alumni ... . ._..__ . .__ ._._._.__ 'Home 8:00 Baugher's Restaurant Kdckn g:~::~:~~:~;;!~a~~i~::~~--====~~=-~~-=:=-~-==1::; ~~~~ JUST OFF THE CAMPUS 'k/~,Md. December lO----Johns Hopkins _.... . . .__ .._. __ ._ ... Home 8:30 December 12-Gettysburg _. .. .. _. .__ Home 8:30 FOR A MEAL OR SNACK TIlden 8-7830 December 16--Towson __ ._._._._.~ __.__ . . . "__ . Away 8:30 January 10-Washington College ._.._.. .~ . .. Home 8:30 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes January 11-Mt. St. Marys -._._..__ .__ .. .__ . .__ Home 8:30 Our New Addition January 14-American University _._. __ ._. "0:_ •• _ •••• Home 8:30 OPEN EVERY DAY The Colonial Dining Room January 16-Loyola .__. ..__ . . Home 8:30 I January lS--Susquehanna . .. .~ ._ Away 8:00
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