Page 19 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 22, 1957 3 Giving Thanks Who's Who High On The Hiil Current Drama And col. 5) On Turkey Day In his sophomore year he joined Delta Ensor And Fossett Contribute Art Highlighted (cont. frwn p.1, Pi Alpha Fraternity and is sergeant On wednesday, November 27th, the November and December promise this year. traffic will jam the campus road as at arms of the fraternity of the Carroll Spirited Leadership To ALOHA much entertainment in the fields of He is also president students embark en masse to their drama, lectures, art, and the theater. homes. Thankgiving is a family ;::!·~tdl:~~:~ifre, ~~i~~' Bill hails By Natalie Warfield By Raymond J. Wright In Baltimore at Ford's Theater car- holiday. It is the'first of three close-" rently is playing "A Shadow of My ly linked "holy days" when friend- Winifred Walsh Caryl Jeanne Ensor is a star ath- Clarence Louis Fossett, Jr., is the Enemy", a new play by Sol Stein, ships and families are closest. Usu- lete, a conscientious student, a leader confused intellectual who is seen or- starring. Ed Begley end Gene Ray- ally accompanied by grey skies, the President of Sigma Sigma Tau, of her class, but above all she is "a biting between Daniel McLea Hall, mond. Coming next to Ford's on No- horizon exhibits a splendid, warm ar- Winnie Walsh is an English-French wonderful person and an ideal room- Science Hall, Drs. Price and Giunta's vember 25th and 26th are the Dancers ray of red, yellow, and rust. The major, who comes from Westminster. mate. Living with "C.J." for two econ classes and Blanche Ward Hall. of Balj, a company of forty-five from weather man annually predicts rain She has belonged to the French Club years has been not only fun but a Needless to say, he is always busy or Bali, Indonesia. From December 2nd or snow but is contradicted at feast all four years, serving in the capacity true inspiration. Although she is on at least pretends to be. to 9th, Tennessee Williams' play, until the hometown football team has of secretary last year and president the go sixteen hour-s a day, there is "Foss" has been active ever since "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" will star played its classical game .": Such a this year. She joined the Argonauts always time for her friendly smile, he arrived at .westem Maryland. He Victor Jory at Ford's. This Pulitzer last year and is currently vice-presi- "Hi, roomie!" and understanding in has served on the F.A.C., held the Prize Play will include the author's !~:~t:O~II;db:v~~~c!~~!~t~~ ~~: dent of this organization. Winnie time of need. positions of advertising manager and original third act version. big dinner at home. Whether six or was .chosen Associate Editor of the business manager of the GOLD BUG, sixteen gather around to eat, all re- Aloha at the beginning of this year, and served as chaplain and corroe "South Pacific" flect both the warm light of the and was also tapped as a Trumpeter. sponding secretary of Alpha Gamma A musical favorite on the New In her sophomore and senior years, candles and the warmth of being to- Tau Fraternity, of which he is a York stage--"South Pacific" will be gether. The great bowls of steaming she served on the FAC. Other things member in good standing. At the presented by the Valley Players at vegetables and tender, brown turkey which have claimed Winie's time have present time he is business manager the Mergenthaler Auditorium on Fri- only make the day more perfect. Af- been choir, glee club, and sports. of tho ALOHA,alternate platoon lead- day and Saturday, November 22-23rd. ter dinner there may be a cozy fire- Margaret Whitfield er of the 1st platoon of "C" company, At the Lyric on Saturday, Novem- and has recently been given the priv- ber 23rd at 8:30 p.m. Virginia;nth~Ueg~h~:!~e's:!?n~• Student Christian Association vice- ilege of representing the Mid-Atlantic Reinecke, a piano eoloiat, will play short. Closing one's eyes after such president, Margaret Whitfield has be- Region at the annual convention of "Around the World With Music." a day can only be "accompanied by a longed to this organization since her the National Association of Manu- The program will include "Pomp and prayer of thanksgiving. Nowhere freshman year. Her numerous other facturers in New York City. Circumstance" by Elgar, "Two Sla- else- on earth do people have such religious 'activities include the choir In his spare time he studies and as vonic Dances" by Dvorak, "Song of reason to give thanks. Nationally and the Methodist Student Movement. a result has obtained academic Hon- India" by Rimsky-Korsakov and oth- and internationally on this day' people Margaret became eligible for the Ar- orable Mention for the past two ers. give thanks to God and wake up to gonauts last year, and has also be- years. He was outstanding as treua- Of interest to students of history commonplace blessings. longed to the French Club. She is a -urer of the French Club during his will be the December 10th drama at member of Phi Alpha Mu Sorority. sophomore year. the Lyric. "The Rivalry", developed A.. music major, she has given much You may ask, "Where does he get by Norman Corwin, will re-enact the time to this phase of campus activi- th, time to do all these things 1" The nearly 100 year old debktea between ties, participating in the Glee Club, explanation is very simple--he sleeps Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Doug- the Orchestra, and the Concert Band. Caryl Ensor most of the afternoon and then spends las. Starring in the cast will be Ray- mond Massey as Lincoln and Martin Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Caryl Jeanne's initiative, determi- Gabel as Douglas. Portraying Mrs. Sunday Mafinees : 2 and 4 p.m. nation, and ambition are not the only Douglas will be Agnes Moorehead. Evenings 9 p.rn. THE COLONIAL Currently at the Baltimore Museum Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on qualities which have placed her "High of Art is the History of Bookbinding. Saturday and Holidays JEWELRY CO. on the Hill." Her honest desire to work and be of service has proved her _Washington Presents .. F'ri., Sat. Nov. 22-23 "Quality and Service worthy of the positions she holds. "FORTY GUNS" The ALOHA is "C.J.'s" major pro- In Washington "A Shadow of My Barbara Stanwyck Barry Sullivan Since 1922" duction this year. As editor she de- Enemy" will also be presented begin- ning November 25th for a _two-week CinemaScope votes many hours each week to this 32 West l\fain Street publication. run. It is the story of a recanting Sun., Mon., Tues.· Nov. 24-25-26 A lively "Sigma Skunk" for three Communist who accuses a gove,Dl- "THREE FACES OF EVE" China - Crystal - Silver years, Caryl Jeanne is now vice-pres- ment aide of earlier subversive activi- Joanne \Voodward David Wayne ident. She is also well qualified for ty. CinemaScope the office of president of Tri Beta as "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" is to be ~he is a biology !TIajor. \ presented at the Shubert Theater on Wed., Thurs. Nov. 27-28 November 25th for one week. "ZERO HOUR" Caryl Jeanne was tapped as a The world premier of "Two for the Dana Andrews Linda Darnell trumpeter for her senior year and has ~ Seesaw" starring Henry Fonda will VjstaVision long been a member of the Argonauts. play from December 5th to 21st, also College Orchestra, Porn-Porn G~rls, at this Washington Theater. Fri., Sat. Nov. 29-30 intramural sports and W.A.A. also Jack Fossett A musical highlight will be fea- "STOPOVER TOKYO" Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- 'contribute to her busy days. \ tured on Saturday, November 23rd at Robert Wagner Joan Collins day shows continuous from 2 p. m, As one of the friendliest and most the rest of, the day worrying about the National Guard Armory-"Jazz Clnemagcope • Sunday Matinees: 2 and" p. m. industrious students at WMC "I sa- how he is going to get his work fin- for Moderns" with George Shearing, Color by Technicolor Evening 9 p. m. }Veekday ehcwa lute you, Caryl Jeanne Ensor, as ished. Somehow he manages to ac- contmuous from 6:45 p. m. Gerry Mulligan, Chico Hamilton, and 'High on the Hill'." complish his duties and thus the day Miles Davies. Sun., Mon., Tues. Dec. 1-2-3 ends only to bring another day of "TIN STAR" Thru Wednesday, Nov. 27 sleeping, worrying and some occa- Henry Fonda Anthony Perkins ''THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" sional work. -LAUNDROMAT Vista Vision All-Star Cast Rasinsky's Pharmacy -We feel any article about Jack Wednesday Dec. 4 Fri., Sat. Nov. 29-3'0 would be incomplete witMnt at least 5 Locust Street S011W mention of Jack's classic "How's "THE SILENT WORLD" (Double Feature) "Reliable Prescriptions" it going gal/g?"-Ed Opposite Parking Lot Frederic Dumas Albeit Falco "SHORT CUT TO HELL" DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Technicolor -and- Drugs and Evtryday Needs FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 "THE DEVIL'S HAIRPIN" 30 W. Main St. I'hurs., Fri., Sat. Dec. 5-6-7 Ralph's Crown Service Closed Wed. 12 :00 Noon "OPERATION l\IADBALL" Sun., Mon., Tues. Dec. 1_2_3 "Westminster, Md. Penna. & Hersh Aves. TIlden 8_8677 Kathryn Gran't Mickey Rooney "GOD IS MY PARTNER" Westminster, Md. Technicolor Walter Brennan Marian Ross TIlden 8-7100 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE > Phone TI 8-8352 TO COLLEGE It P.y. To Look Well DELICIOUS FOODS AND Th'i' CANDY FOR GIFTS Avenue Barber Shop Gift Wrapped Campus capers To Mail Where The Students Go call for Coke I . Parties click when~the 85 PenD5ylvania Avenue Griffin's mood is right. With enough Col(e on hand PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Order Now For Prompt DeJivery you can set the scene Also Many Box Assortments at for a gay session ••• P. G. COFFMAN CO. anylime. Times Bldg. Westminster, Md. ATTENTION PRE-MED SENIOR The world's largest exelusive manufacturer of microscopes offers qualified student a splendid opportunity to function as Campus Represent- ative. Apply - REICHERT INSTRUMENTS 50THfD\UNDH "UTHO~!TY Of THE COCA.COL .... COMPANY BY 82 Beaver Street, New York 5, N. Y. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTILING CO.• INC_ "Coke" i,a ,egistered trade_mark. © 1953, THE COCA·COlA COMPANY
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