Page 17 - TheGoldBug1957-58
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Librll"'Y '.-:estern Marylar:d ":estrli""lster, Idd. Conduct Give Rules Thanks Page 2 Page 3 Vol. 35, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND November 22, 1957 , \ Twelve Seniors Chosen For'''Who's Who" National Collegiate Honors Publication A loha Editor Announces Yearbook Appointments Recognizes Twelve Campus Leaders Who's WhQ in Ame1'ican Colleges She was on the Freshman Advisory Cadet Major John Hor t has proven The new AlQM staff for the year land. Jean is an economics major and Universimcs has selected twelve Council in her sophomore year, and his capability as Battalion Command- 1957-'58 has been appointed by Caryl and is very active in all the girls' senior students to represent Western also belonged to the French Club. er of the ROTC. John as a physical Jeanne Ensor, editor of the yearbook. sports on campus. Boys' Sports Edi- Maryland College in its annual pubfi- For the past two years she has be4 education major from Alva, Dkla- Serving as Associate Editors are tor is Dick Plaskett from Riverside, cation. Six boys and six girls were longed to the Future Teachers of homa. He has been a four year par- Winnie Walsh and Mike Friedman. New Jersey. Dick, a political science chosen. They are Jack Horton An4 America and is currently vtce-presi- ticipant in track, and this year is cap- Winnie, who hails from 'Westminster, major, is in charge of all the sports derson, Judith Amelia Corby, Caryl dent of this group. Other interests tain of the track team. He played is a French major sud president of publicity for the college. Jeanne Ensor, Norma Jean Fulghum, have been Pom Poms and her sorer- football in his freshman year and is Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority. Mike, A person with a big job is Gail David James Harper, John Henry ity, Phi Alpha Mu. Judy was tapped now on the team again. A member from Brooklyn, New York, is pre- Mercey, Art Editor. Gail, an art rna- Hort, Florence Amelia Mehl, Calvin as a Trumpeter last year. of Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity, John is med, and vice-president of 'I'ri-Beta. jor, is from Washington, D. C., and Wray Mowbray, Jr., Anthony Spyros Caryl Jeanne Ensor now serving as chaplain. He has Photography Editor is Florie Wi114 hopes to work as a' commercial artist Sarbarnee, William John Spaar, wtn- Caryl Ensor is Editor-in-chief of been a member of the French Club is. Florie, a Phi Alph, is from Penns after graduation. ifred Roberta Walsh, and Margaret the Aloha and vice-president, of her since his sophomore year, and as a Grove, New Jersey, and is majoring. Tom Beckett, fronu Baltimore, Denny Whitfield. sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau. Caryl sophomore was also on the Freshman in home economics. On her staff are Maryland, is Assistant Business Man- The twelve were selected chiefly on was vice-president of her class in her Advisory Council. Peggy Conover and Lynn Mayer. agel'. Tom will be in charge of most the basis of leadership and service to freshman and sophomore years, and Florence Mehl Peggy, a member of Sigma Sigma of the finances for the yearbook. the school, character, and promise for as a sophomore also served on the Flo Mehl has served on the Gold Tau, is from Absecon, New Jersey. In charge of subscription sales in the future. Scholarship must be -Presbman Advisory Council. An aC4 Bug throughout her entire college She is majoring in biology and plans the girls' dorms is Sue Davidson, a average but is not one of the main tlve participant in intramural sports, career in a great variety of positions. a career as a laboratory technician home economics major from Toms considerations, as the nominating she has represented her class on the She now holds the job of Editor-in- upon graduation. Lynn, a Gamma River, New Jersey. Sue, who is vice- committee feels that achievement in' \Voman's Athletic Council for the Chief of the paper. For the past Bet, is native ~ Westminster, and is president of Phi Alpha Mu, reports this field is rewarded in other ways. a history of art major. that sajea are going well in the A biographical sketch pf each stu- ~~~s f;~~/~!~:. cl:i:edo::~r:f ~:~ ~;oh;;a~~a::~ :=~~::~;~c:;P~;!d::~ Girls' Sports Editor is Jean Lueka- dorms. George Trotter, from Silver dent will appear in the national pub- time, as has Beta Beta Beta, which author and c0 4 director of the Junior baugh, a Sigma from Towson, MarY4 Run, Maryland, in the boys' dorms. lication. In addition to this they will she now leads in the capacity of Follies. She was social chairman and is handling the sale · SGA representative As a junior, Caryl Jeanne president. for her sorority, have access to the organizaion's place- of subscriptions d G Flo has been an aC 4 It was hinted by the staff that the Awar s iven ~~:'n::II'::a~;:;::::';::;~;,Y;:;: ment bureau, and may wear the gold represented her class on the Horne- Phi Alpha Mu. in intramural sports coming Court. tive participant key of the society. She has belonged to Her schcles- for the past four years. Council for the past the Intersorority Jack Anderson By R. O. T. C.- A,ut'l"dd",gn .• D comes from Silver Spring, Maryland. two years, and is now an Argonaut tic record was recognized by an invi- Jack Anderson, a sociology major, A biology major, tation Argonauts last and a Trumpeter. the to join College Players of the member On Tuesday, November 12, a re- umnl ance A since his sophomore year, Ja~k has Caryl's home town is Westminster. and year. She was a member of the SCA ~:d :ng~~s~ O!a~~:, fi;~o ~:i~pef~:~ Norm:~:::;h~~ni::~g~~n;lish :;:~~s~or ;~: Follows Game shown outstanding ability in the field ;~;;o::So~e~r::e::i::a T of dramatics. He has been the stage sociology major who comes from Riverton, Maryland. Re3erve Officers' Association ribbons The fraternity and sorority alumni manager for the college dramatic ~::!!~:~I~~r~a::l;! Wray M::~:a~o:~roay has repre4 for academic achievement in military of Western Maryland College are group for the pasi;:~wuyears. In his s~ence and tactics for the school year planning a dance following the HOP4 freshman year, he belonged to the- is currently president of her sorority, :;:::n:i~:~:isa:i~nths~n~!U~~:tf~~~: 1956457 were awarded to the follow4 kins4WMC football game tomorrow Methodist Student Movement and the ing cadets: Roger L. Schelm, Donald evening. It is the first time this 'Vesleyans, as well as the choir and :::r ~!P~cD~~;et~0r:c~:~~~i41~re~~ man year, now holds the office of II. Lotz, John H. Hart, James R. group has planned an affair of this Student Christian Association of a sophomore and senior, she was a ~:~Si:~s:t b~!n t:~ t~:g~!~~:iO~un~i~ Hayes, Richard L. Plasket. 1 kind. which he is still a member. He.also member of the Freshman Advisory for the past four years. Wray joined The Western Maryland College The dance is being called "The served on the Freshman Advisory ribbon for academic achievement in Fifth Quarter" and will feature the Council in his sophomore and senior ~o~:~i1jun~:re y~~;,e~n:hi: ::;o;e:~~ Gamma Beta Chi as a sophomore, and military science and tacts for the Harmonicas. The informal dance years. At present, Jack is treasurer tary of that organizatiol1. Some of ~::e;;;:t:~:~:d d~~n~~~t~;~~~ho~I~~~ school year 1956457 was awarded to will begin at 8:30 at the Glyndon of Gamma Beta Chi which he joined the following cadets: Samuel L. Cook, Women's Club on Butler Road in in his sophomore year. He is also ~:~m~~m~~h:~d a~t~'1~iess::V~a:e:;~ ~n;~n:!~:n~llai!:~a~:Csh 0~1~~; t~;~ Manfred K. Joeres, Clarence A. Kay4 Glyndon, Maryland. The committee Battalion Executive Officer of the lor, Harold J. Taylor, George H. is charging three dollars per couple R.O.T.C. ~:;:~e~r ~~~!~::hS!~C~ee~e~ns~:!~~ over'his college years. Wray served Thomas, Eugene R. Arbaugh, Larry which includes admission, refresh· Jlldith Corby sorority representative. As a senior, ~~ t~:p~:~~:a~~~v:~~y a~:~~ci!hii: R. Cain, David H. Clark, Jay W. ments and set4ups. J ndy Corby, vice4president of the she is a Trumpeter. . year. He has been on th"e tennis Francis, Ralph O. Forthman, James John Edwards, an alumnus o:f Student GovernlTJ..entAssociapon has David Harper team since his freshman year and R. Gibson, Lloyd K. Musselman, Rod4 Alpha Gamma Tau, is dance chair4 represented her class in this organi- Dave Harper, a transfer student was also a member of the Rifle Team. erick N. Ryon, John K. Weagly, Carl4 man and in charge of tickets. Tickets zation for the past three years. An from Lehigh University, hails from Wray comes from Cambridge, Mary4 ton E. White. have been sent to each sorority and art education major, Judy Ilails from Trenton, New Jersey: A philosophY4 land, and is a history education ma4 _ On, Novemb;r 14, a re-' fraternity on campus in order that Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As vice- view was held in Gill gym due to in4 present members might have a chance president of the .SGA, the woman's ~=~i;~ona;~:~or~r~~~!~~~tOf::~o ~::~ jar. Anthony Sarbanes clement weather. The following ca4 to buy them before tomorrow night. Council presidency is also her job. Dave has been a member of the Stu· Tony Sarbanes served as c04chair4 dets.were awarded a letter of achieve4 Juoy has participated in intramural dent Christian Association since his man of the Freshman Advisory Coun4 ment upon completion of three years Argonauts Install sports throughout her t;0llege career. arrival on campus, and serves as cil this year. He represents the sen4 of exemplary services in the R.O.T.C. president this year. He has sung in ior class currently on the SGA and is Cadet Corps of W.M.C. who were Associate Members Girls Glee Club the college choir for the past three also on the Interfraternity Council. physically disqualified for further years also. His other religious activ· Tony is a four year participant in R.O.T.C. training: Nicholas C. Spin4 The Argonauts inducted twenty· Presents Cantata ities have included Wesleyans, the basketball. He is a member of Delta nato, Harry M. Lambert. nine members at their inst.8.llation Methodist Student Movement, avd the Pi Alpha Fraternity. In his junior The Distinguished Military stu4 ceremony, in McDaniel Lounge last On Tuesday evening, December 3 at Sunday Fellowship. Dave is a mem4 year, he served his fraternity as dents also received their awards at Monday night. Members of the faC4 8 o'clock the sixty members of the bel' of Gamma Beta Chi and Alpha treasurer, and is now vice-president. this time. _ \ ulty, senior members and sophomore~ Girls' Glee Club will present a pro- Kappa Alpha. His scholastic ability He was also a member of the French The award for best company M the with a 2.1 average were invited to at· gram of Christmas music for the has been recognized by the Argonau'ts Club in his fr~shman year, and is now year 195641957went to Company "C". tend the ceremony. An address was Association of University Women at which he joined last year. He also a member of the Battalion Staff in The outstanding cadets from each given by Dr. Ervin Szilagyi, the new their regular Christmas meeting in served on the Freshman Advisory ROTC. Tony is a history major unit for the month of Oc~ober are: < art professor, following the actual in4 McDaniel Lounge. Council this year. from Salisbury, Maryland. Joseph F. Bender, Co. "B", Larry R. stal1ation. The cantata entitled "Childe Jesus" John Hort William Spaar Cain, Co. "C", Ronald L. S'indey, Hon4 The officers this year are: Ray by Joseph Clokey is the simple, yet A Distinguished Military Student, Bill Spaar has distinguished him4 or Guard, Tom L. Albertson, Band, Stevens, president; Winnie Walsh, joyous story of the Christ Child's self in the field of sports here at William Moore, Co. "A". vice4president; Norma Fulghum, see- coming. Woven into the program We~tern Maryland. He is a :four and Sigmas Win The award to the outstanding basic retary; and Don Lotz, treasurer. Dr. will be old traditional hymns, plus cadet in R.O.T.C. Battalion for the Ridington and Dr. Isanogle are the French, Danish, Swedish, Latin year participant on the football team and the basketball team, and is c04 deLong, who will direct Scholastic Cup month of October was awarded to ca4 sponsors of the club. Tyrolean carols. captain of the football team thts year. det Pfc. Joseph F. Bender. The new associate memberS are Professor (cant. p. 3"col. 2) and juniors who have a 2.1 the twentY4five minute program, said average. They &Ie: Suzanne ,Blair, that the arrangements are "simple, The Intersorority Scholastic Cup Vocational Guidance Margaret J. Conover, Beverly-D. Gar4 but very beautiful." Although the .was presented to Sigma Sigma Tau MELODY HOP Sorority on November 14, for having cia, Ruth A. Glenn, Jean D. Grenzer, entire cantata was originally written Students interested in taking Richard L. Apperson, Stanley F. for mixed voices, the girls ~n be us 4 the top cumulative index for the advantage of the Vocational Howell, Roy W. Kennedy, James E. ing music arranged for an all-female school year 195641957. The Sigmas The second "Melody Hop" of Guidance Service offered by the Lightner, Robert L. Otto, C. Allen group. led the other sororities with an aver· the current school year will be college may discuss the service Spicer. . Soprano solos for the evening will age of 1.95. They were followed by held tomorrow evening in with Dr. Ridington in Room 206, Also Shirley L. Barnes, Beverly J. be sung by Pat Garcia, while Willa Iota Gamma Chi, Delta Sigma Kappa Blanche Ward Gym, beginning Lewis Hall. The services are Bosworth, Patricia- A. Cooper, Chris4 Benson will handle the alto selections and Phi Alpha Mu, in that order. at 8:00 p.m. As usual, a 25c fee available throughout the year, tine J. Davis, Joanne L. Filbey, Mar· and also act as narrator. T~ only The presentation was made by will be charged to cover expen4 ,but are sometimes more useful jorie Lockwood, Barbara J. Patterson, accompaniment for the glee club will Dean Howery to Winnie Walsh, the ses. Refreshments will be served. prior to entering on the program E. Kay Payne, Carol L. Petterson, be the piano played by Karen lIelbig. Sigma president. In order to keep The Music Department is spon4 of a new semester. Students Betty A. Reid, Marsha D. Reifsnyder, For the spring, Professor deLong the cup a sorority must win it for soring'this series of parties for wishing help during the first se4 Ellen E. Richmond, Carolyn A. Rit4 is planning a variety program which three successive years. The tr::di· the benefit of the student body and using the profits for a schol 4 mester should see Dr. Ridington chie, Patricia A. SchaElfer, Marianne will include operatic selections along tional party honoring the winner was as early in December as possible. Shears, Sara A. Thompson, Helen S. with numbers from Gilbert and SUUi4 given by the other sororities in the arship fund. Twining, and E. Eileen Ditman. Sigma clubroom.
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