Page 16 - TheGoldBug1957-58
P. 16
The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1957 Terror Squad Plays Host To Drexel Eleven Varsity-Alumni Soccer Game F&MPins40-6Loss Both Teams Hungry For Win To Aid Foreign Student Fund On Green And Gold In Thirty-Fifth Homecoming This year's Homecoming will see time for this game. Therefore, the m!~a~~:~ng a~~o i~~~:h:~l~~ndD!:~~ the fourth annual soccer game played 'I'omorrcw is Homecoming and the Westchester, Lebanon Valley, and our between the Varsity and the Alumni. ~:~m t~!:sul~h~:r::~~~o~vi~~eb:f p~e~ od went on to humble Western Mary~ football team is to meet the "Drag- only common opponent, Pennsylvania , This game will set a precedent, being pared to give the Alumni a hard time land College 40-6 at Williamson gr-id- ons" of Drexel Institute of Technolo- Mihtary College. Western Maryland the first benefit game, with all pro- as it has in past years. iron in Lancaster, Penusylvanie. gy. The "Blue and Gold" from Phila- lost to P.M.C. by a score 'Of 41-28 ceeds going to the Foreign Student If rained out the game will be .Hitting paydirt first Gerry Mi~ler delphia, Pennsylvania are winless in while Drexel lost to them 26-6. Fund. The Alumni, having lost all six games. In fact, the Drexel, team Eddie Allen, who is a graduate of the former games played on Home- ~~~e=t ~~og~llo\Ving Saturday after- '~~::x~: p~un5:edy:{:ou:~r~: .c~~:ee~ has scored only two touchdowns the the Unlversfty of Pennsylvania, is in coming Day, may set a precedent by from the one. However, Franklin and entire season. They were defeated by his eighth year as Drexel mentor. winning the game this year, as they Marshall bounced back several plays New Haven State, Juniata, Ursinus, Allen is assisted by backfield coaches appear to be fielding a very strong Western Maryland later'when Wayne Dussinger plunged Frank Russo and Art Del Campo, and team. over from the one yard line to knot end coach Ron Kleppjngar-, All three When they take the field there will In Rifle Vidory the score at 6-6. Twenty-Four To Vie coaches were on last be three All-Americana, Dick Linton, In the second half the Diplomats For Cage Positions of the assistant team which defeated Drexel year's Class of '54; Denny Harmon and Sam Despite the illness which sidelined were unable to be stopped by the des- Reed, Class of '56 booting the ball Wayne Holter and Carlton White, perate Terror squad as they seeming- Basketball practice recently started ~:n 2~~~:~~:~~!:r;i!:::;:sn~l~:~:.the for them. From former years' Varsi- who are two of the teams top shoot- The Drexel backfield is made up of _ able ty teams, there will be Charles Lutt- ers, the Western Maryland rifle team under the "Dick" tutelage of He Coach quarterback . Thomas O'Connor, a Richard Clower. an- rell, Dell Kohl, Stan Entwisle, Fr~nk deieated the Frederick National nounced that fifteen candidates have Robey, Brant Vitek, and Jack Tur- Guard team 1357 to 1354 on October reported for drills and he expects at sophomore from Conshohocken, Penn- ney. The championship team of '55 25th. Karl Silex, for the second time least nine more after the football sylvania, and 'John O'Neill, a first will be represented by Henry ...,Taitt, in a row, was high scorer with a 279 year man from Philadelphia; the Ray Davis, Alan Hagenbuch, Bob out of a possible 300 points. The team ,~ season. fullback is Henry Gritz, a sophomore Crush, and Bill Clem. Others who will will again fhe against the Frederick Those that have already reported from Philadelphia. be out there fighting for the gradu- squad tonight on the Frederick range. 1 are: Sloan Stewart, who placed sec- Junior letterman Bill Alter and ond in Mason-Dixon scoring last year, ates' cause will be Dick Clower, It should be kept in mind that these senior Tony Sarbanes, sophomore sophomore Howard Bates comprise Class of '50; John Clayton, Class of matches are only practice since inter. John Long and freshmen E. C. Chan- the Dragons' "pass grabbers" from '53; Nick Gwynn, Class of '54; and colleg-iate competition does not begin dler, Irvin Stewart, Bill 'Bruce, Jim their end positions, while senior let- Walter Campbell, Class of '53. These until November 16. The W.M.C~ team terman Arthur Barnes -and eopho- will make up the team or most of it, will fire against Villanova in their Deremer, Dave' Sullivan, Mike Bird, more Frank Garofolo handle the appearing to be the strongest team first league outing. Wayne Conrad, Don Hale, Bill Moore, tackle spots. Playing guard tomorrow Jon Myers, Walker Manss, and Ger- to oppose the Varsity since the clas- Frederick W. M. C. ald Padgett. will be senior letterman Harry Sch- sic started, four years ago. Heffner 273 Silex 279 The persons expected to report midt and junior letterman Don Whit. The Varsity, posting an unimpres- Crum 272 Nickoles\ 276_ after football season are: seniors Bill ney, while the center slot will be sive 1-5 win and loss record to date, Strine 270 McCauley 275 Spaar, ~ho was last year's center: manned by senior letterman John has had some rough breaks this sea- May 270 Sindy 264 Tom Riggin, last year's captain; Dick Eidenberg. Maryland is expected to Western sea with almost half the first string Walsh 269 Gosnell 263 Holbruner, ~also a starter in last be at full strength for tomorrow's out with either the flu or injuries. year's Clower eleven; junior Warren But most of the men will be back in 1354 1357 Schwartz, -sophomore Jack Fringer game. End Jim Lewis was forced Terror Coach Waldorf to the sidelines for a. portion of the and freshmen Ken Gill, Carroll Giese, season with a bad leg injury received Iy overwhelmed the visiting Green Malcolm Brown, and John Holter. in the P.M.C. contest, The other Another and. Gold. Dick Pugh will. coach this year's regular end, Dick Holbruner, 'has Substitute halfback John Betrone junior varsity team. Pugh will begin been nursing a bad ankle but is ex- SIDELINE led the F&M second half attack eros- his duties after the football season pected to be able to play, and tackle a has concluded, sing the WM goal line three times. Coolahan with is suffering John His first score came on a twelve yard This year's schedule includes three leg injury, but should be ready for With AI Spicer scamper around right end. Betrone's new teams; they are Hampden- tomorrow's contest. , ether scores were"running playa fr-om dolph-Macon has been dropped from In tomorrow's game the Terrors are Sydney, Dickinson and Towson. Ran- the five and two yard lines respec- a slight favorite to gain victory num- Homecoming is here again and the Green and Gold is facing a winless tively. F and M's 'Other two tallies 'the schedule. ber one. Drexel team. The Terrors have a very good chance of gaining victory number were from George "Darrah and Fred The managers for this year's bas- one. As a matter 'Of fact, the Dragons from Philadalphia have only scored Hesse both drives from the two yard ketball team are Bob Harris, Harris IV Defeated 14·0; Joe two touchdowns the entire season. The GOLDBUG is very confident that the line. Bender-, and John Coolahan. Terrors will win!! the Diplomats rushed :;!~~:;~:;!~~o~fah:~c'~ll s~:~: Rain Stops Booters Head Coach Waldorf has reaffirmed that we have a young inexperienced Statistically, team and that he needs time to produce a. winner. He asks all the students to ~:~il~3 ~:rd~r~~:P~~~g ~l:r:a~:w~~ :~~. scene following the football sea~' Last weekend' the junior varsity stay behind the team and give them some much needed support/He has been football squad coached by DiCk Pugh pleased with the support thus far and hopes that you the students will turn and Bob Myers was defeated by Bain~ out in full force tomorrow. ~;:~re~o~~w:~k1~5a/:r~:r~~~~!~~ Wi~:at~he~~0:T;rd:~~l~sa~~ ~:eisle~~:~ bad day, completing tw'll passes in this year's team will show improve- bridge 14-0. The J.V.'s next opponent - Middies Climb in Nation's Press· eight attempts good for ,23 yards, ment over last year's quintet. is Johns Hopkins on Thursday, No. vember 14. the five Diplomats while completed The Naval Academy has really been coming along in recent weeks. Last of nine passes for 129~yards. Each Tl;te soccer team was scheduled to week's upset 'win over Notre Dame was very encouraging to the many NaVf team intercepted two of the opposi- play Washington College last Satur- fans. The Ba.ltimAYr6 Sun in rating the nation's teams places Navy fourth tion's passes. The Terrors lost three THE COLONIAL day but rain forced the game to be ang__Army fifth. It really looks like the Military Classic will be a good game fumbles while our men could only postponed until Tuesday, November at the end of this month. pounce on two F and M loose balls. JEWELRY CO. 19. Today the soccer team gets back Western Maryland led in punting into playas they travel to Pennsyl. Here and There witn a 29.8 yard' average per punt. "Quality and Service vania to battle Gettysburg College. The Baltimore Colts have hit a real slump after winning the first three Since. 1922" games. The Colts remain in a second place tic behind th~ San Francisco Compliments of Forty-Niners at the present time. Hampden~Sydney appears to have the 32 West Main Street It Pays To Look. Well Mason·Dixon crown all wrapped up. They will unseat defending champs Johns J. R. EVERHART Hopkins. At the present time Catholic U. is favored to win the conference COLLEGE BARBER China • Crystal • Silver Visit The soccer crown. They boast a very strong attack made up of many foreign At the For~ players. Avenue Barber Shop Where The Students Go Guys are Sharp, Gals are Neat Benny's is the place to eat 8' Pennsylvania Avenue TOM MILLER CAMPUS AGENT for the around the dance floor-greeting 'kJ~,Md. Modern G. I. Laundry old friends, making new ones, TIlden 8·7830 and Cleaners Part of the fun of camp\!s parties." 223 E. Green. St. Our New Addition is the pause to enjoy a Coke. Tilden 8-6670 It's delicious ... refreshing, to6. The Colonial Dining Room All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work Guaranteed Campus capers Baugher's Restaurant , call lor JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Coke FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Th'ick MiIkshakes aOTTlED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA_COLA COMPANY 8V OPEN EVERY DAY WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. "Cct ... "trr.girf....J..w-t. C 19521 THE" COG\..CotA COI.IPANi
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